Flordia Man Murders Door To Door Salesman For Stepping On His Property

This guy sounds like a first class card carrying teabagger.

"A man in Cape Coral, Florida on Wednesday was arrested for shooting and killing an unarmed door-to-door salesman on his property.

Kenneth Bailey Roop, 52, has been charged with second-degree murder for killing 30-year-old Nicholas Rainey.

A co-worker who witnessed the shooting said Rainey had knocked on Roop’s door, but received no answer. While Rainey was walking down the drive-way, Roop pulled up in his pickup truck and asked why Rainey was at his house. Rainey explained that he was selling steak and seafood. The witness said Roop then pulled out a black handgun and shot Rainey. As Rainey lay on the ground, Roop fired another bullet into the back of his head.

Roop later told police that he shot Rainey in the head “for effect” and that he had three no trespassing signs on his property. Roop said he feared for his life.

“I’m not going to give him the chance to do something to me,” he told police. “I was in fear."

I bet he's going to claim "stand your ground"

Florida man kills door-to-door salesman: I

There is no way in hell he can justify this, no trespassing signs or not.
This guy sounds like a first class card carrying teabagger.

"A man in Cape Coral, Florida on Wednesday was arrested for shooting and killing an unarmed door-to-door salesman on his property.

Kenneth Bailey Roop, 52, has been charged with second-degree murder for killing 30-year-old Nicholas Rainey.

A co-worker who witnessed the shooting said Rainey had knocked on Roop’s door, but received no answer. While Rainey was walking down the drive-way, Roop pulled up in his pickup truck and asked why Rainey was at his house. Rainey explained that he was selling steak and seafood. The witness said Roop then pulled out a black handgun and shot Rainey. As Rainey lay on the ground, Roop fired another bullet into the back of his head.

Roop later told police that he shot Rainey in the head “for effect” and that he had three no trespassing signs on his property. Roop said he feared for his life.

“I’m not going to give him the chance to do something to me,” he told police. “I was in fear."

I bet he's going to claim "stand your ground"

Florida man kills door-to-door salesman: I

No trespassing means no trespassing.

moron got himself killed trying to make a buck.
And the plot thickens,..

"Seven years ago, Roop pulled a weapon and threatened a power company meter reader who had walked onto his property in Wildwood, south of Ocala, according to former prosecutor Ray Sotomayor.

Sotomayor led the state's case against Roop in 2005, when he was charged with improper exhibition of a weapon.

Sotomayor said the uniformed meter reader approached his home to perform her job when she was confronted by Roop, who was aiming his gun directly at her. He said she was terrified.

"I have no doubt he pointed it directly at her heart," he said. "This guy had a screw loose."

He said Roop's outlook was similar to "militia-minded, anti-government" types and that he was obsessed with the idea of guarding his home. Sotomayor recalled Roop saying: "I have a right to protect my property and my land. Nobody need come on there."

"I knew this guy was a time bomb, I really did," Sotomayor said. "It's unfortunate we didn't get him convicted."

Roop was found not guilty by a jury. It is the only charge on Roop's record, according to his attorney, Marquin Rinard."

The stench of rotten tea is permeating,..

Cape Coral shooting suspect, Kenneth Roop, once pulled gun on meter reader, former prosecutor says | wtsp.com

Really? Based on what? The personal opinion of some prosecutor we don't know? Was Roop ever IN a militia, or did he just SEEM like Sotomayor's personal vision of what militia members are like? Does Sotomayor know any militia members?

The guy was obviously looney tunes, and this dipshit prosecutor let him walk with a slap on the wrist. Explain to me why he didn't petition the court to have this nut sent for a psychiatric evaluation after pointing his gun at a meter reader.

What I smell is bullshit and ass-covering.
Isn't my right to be safe from a "neighborhood crazy" at least as great as his to bear arms?

No such right to be safe from a "neighborhood crazy".

If you are lawful, you can protect yourself against the "neighborhood crazy".

I have to respectfully disagree. You DO have a right to be protected from someone that law enforcement and the legal system apparently KNEW was dangerously crazy, but did nothing about.

The fault here, if it lies with anyone other than the apparent paranoid schizophrenic who pulled the trigger, doesn't lie with "lax gun laws" or "stand your ground laws". It lies with the people who were charged with protecting and serving the public and dropped the frigging ball.
So despite the fact that no political affiliation, if any, was mentioned for this man, you're going to try to smear conservatives with this murder by an insane man.

Do you really think so little of your integrity that you would start this nonsense?

Since when did these drooling hordes give a shit about anything other than their hack agenda. Mocking the murder of a man out trying to make a living for political point scoring - I find that incredibly sick. It is not the behavior of a normal, rational, sane human being.

Making a point about an incredibly dangerous law is not hack agenda,

An "incredibly dangerous law" that has fuck-all to do with the story being discussed?

I get it. You leftist twits are pouncing on this story as your way of trying to attack and knock down "stand your ground" laws, exactly the way you pounce on spree killings to try to outlaw guns.

It must suck to spend your life feeding off of other people's suffering and misery. Sure am glad I'm not a leftist.
So despite the fact that no political affiliation, if any, was mentioned for this man, you're going to try to smear conservatives with this murder by an insane man.

Do you really think so little of your integrity that you would start this nonsense?

Since when did these drooling hordes give a shit about anything other than their hack agenda. Mocking the murder of a man out trying to make a living for political point scoring - I find that incredibly sick. It is not the behavior of a normal, rational, sane human being.

Making a point about an incredibly dangerous law is not hack agenda,

The law is not 'incredibly dangerous', some people are incredibly dangerous... and fucking nuts. So, if I think you're a whackjob, that means the Democrats are 'incredibly dangerous'? No. This is leftist 'thinking' at its finest... someone does something stupid, so let's get all hysterical and rant about gun laws. It makes y'all look silly, in my opinion.
It's an indication of why the 2nd amendment shouldn't be considered absolute. I want to know where all the guns are, not for the government's sake, but mine. Isn't my right to be safe from a "neighborhood crazy" at least as great as his to bear arms?

We also have the right to privacy.

And you have the right to stay off his property, out of his privacy and arm yourself as protection, if you so choose.

I woulda stayed away from a house with 3 no trespassing signs.
Really? In which country does it "work" for only cops and criminals to have guns?


British gun crime 'fuelled by Ireland' | Mail Online

Guns in Ireland: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law

Seems the country you pulled out of your ass was not the best choice.

Try pulling out Cuba, maybe that wild ass guess will be right

I have to say, when NoNukes said 'Ireland', I laughed out loud. Clearly, he knows jack shit about Ireland.

British gun crime 'fuelled by Ireland' | Mail Online

Guns in Ireland: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law

Seems the country you pulled out of your ass was not the best choice.

Try pulling out Cuba, maybe that wild ass guess will be right

I have to say, when NoNukes said 'Ireland', I laughed out loud. Clearly, he knows jack shit about Ireland.

I didn't want to break out the history book about "The Troubles" on him. it's big, heavy and has lots of "words" in it.
I live in Ireland. The only gun crimes are criminals on criminals. It is so difficult to get a gun permit that the Olympic Shooting team cannot get permits. As far as 'The Troubles', you had better learn geography before you call someone stupid.
I live in Ireland. The only gun crimes are criminals on criminals. It is so difficult to get a gun permit that the Olympic Shooting team cannot get permits. As far as 'The Troubles', you had better learn geography before you call someone stupid.

He was trespassing, where 3 signs warned him not to.

He got killed, and there's a good chance the man gets off for defending his property.
I live in Ireland. The only gun crimes are criminals on criminals. It is so difficult to get a gun permit that the Olympic Shooting team cannot get permits. As far as 'The Troubles', you had better learn geography before you call someone stupid.

He was trespassing, where 3 signs warned him not to.

He got killed, and there's a good chance the man gets off for defending his property.

What does this have to do with Ireland?
I live in Ireland. The only gun crimes are criminals on criminals. It is so difficult to get a gun permit that the Olympic Shooting team cannot get permits. As far as 'The Troubles', you had better learn geography before you call someone stupid.

He was trespassing, where 3 signs warned him not to.

He got killed, and there's a good chance the man gets off for defending his property.

What does this have to do with Ireland?

You're the one that brought Ireland into a thread it had no biz being in.

suffer the consequences of your own failed ideas.
He was trespassing, where 3 signs warned him not to.

He got killed, and there's a good chance the man gets off for defending his property.

What does this have to do with Ireland?

You're the one that brought Ireland into a thread it had no biz being in.

suffer the consequences of your own failed ideas.

You had no problem discussing Ireland until you discovered that you were wrong. You posted something about Florida in reply to what I said about Ireland. You really do need a geography lesson.
What does this have to do with Ireland?

You're the one that brought Ireland into a thread it had no biz being in.

suffer the consequences of your own failed ideas.

You had no problem discussing Ireland until you discovered that you were wrong. You posted something about Florida in reply to what I said about Ireland. You really do need a geography lesson.

There is no point in comparing Ireland's gun laws to the US. If you're Irish (and frankly, I doubt it), then you know that.

Personally, I think what this guy did was indefensible. A 'No Trespassing' sign does not give one the right to shoot anyone who walks up to your front door. However, since I only have the media's 'facts', I'll wait until the trial to decide guilt or innocent. I'm weird like that, I like to have all the information before I condemn.
What does this have to do with Ireland?

You're the one that brought Ireland into a thread it had no biz being in.

suffer the consequences of your own failed ideas.

You had no problem discussing Ireland until you discovered that you were wrong. You posted something about Florida in reply to what I said about Ireland. You really do need a geography lesson.

So you're splitting the hair of Ireland and Northern Ireland.


Try again,

Actually, don't. You don't understand our rights and never will.

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