Flordia Man Murders Door To Door Salesman For Stepping On His Property

Apart from that being wrong..what it would do..would be to encourage robbers to carry weapons.

Crime is generally the result of poverty or mental illness
. There are other reasons, like youthful indiscretion and the like..but the majority of robberies happen because of those factors.

And encouraging more shootouts between civilians is an awfully wrong minded thing to do.

Do you have some link to provide that shows that?

A link to show what? That poor and crazy people commit crimes?


You know I remember getting into a thread with a guy..that claimed the sky isn't really blue.

If there isn't some well known facts that can't be agreed upon..there really is no point to continuing.


you stated this: "Crime is generally the result of poverty or mental illness"

as if mentally illness and poverty cause crime. Can you back it up is the question?
Here's the difference between me and you hacks. If it had been Fox that deliberately ran a false story about a gunman, I would have hammered Fox, not excused them and called it a 'mistake'. That is non-partisan, independent thinking. You don't recognize it because you aren't capable of that kind of thought process. You're just another driveling hack.

Show us one thread where you ever "hammered" fox news.

I've slammed crap reporting from both sides on numerous occasions.... and you are welcome to search the forum to find them... but I don't spoon feed morons. You should be grown up enough to feed your own intellect... assuming you have an intellect.


You are so full of shit it's not even funny. You have NEVER trashed anything from the radical right. I called you out on this already in this thread on the right wing radio host saying the CO shooter was a liberal and the democrats caused it, and of course you resulted to doing what you do best, trolling and showing off your complete hypocrisy.
So despite the fact that no political affiliation, if any, was mentioned for this man, you're going to try to smear conservatives with this murder by an insane man.

Do you really think so little of your integrity that you would start this nonsense?

Since when did these drooling hordes give a shit about anything other than their hack agenda. Mocking the murder of a man out trying to make a living for political point scoring - I find that incredibly sick. It is not the behavior of a normal, rational, sane human being.

Making a point about an incredibly dangerous law is not hack agenda,
Here's the difference between me and you hacks. If it had been Fox that deliberately ran a false story about a gunman, I would have hammered Fox, not excused them and called it a 'mistake'. That is non-partisan, independent thinking. You don't recognize it because you aren't capable of that kind of thought process. You're just another driveling hack.

Show us one thread where you ever "hammered" fox news.

I've slammed crap reporting from both sides on numerous occasions.... and you are welcome to search the forum to find them... but I don't spoon feed morons. You should be grown up enough to feed your own intellect... assuming you have an intellect.


No you haven't. We both know you haven't. That's why you aren't, rather can't, showing an example of it.

You insult my intellect that's fine. But at least I've made my own way in life and haven't had everything handed to me all while looking down at everyone else. I'd be willing to bet just about anything you haven't accomplished a single thing in your life worth a damn on your own, except for posting on this site 40+ times a day and pretending that you're perfect.

This is why every time you get called out to put up or shut up, you start the name calling and disappear. Just like you'll do know. Go ahead, prove me right.....again....
This guy sounds like a first class card carrying teabagger.

"A man in Cape Coral, Florida on Wednesday was arrested for shooting and killing an unarmed door-to-door salesman on his property.

Kenneth Bailey Roop, 52, has been charged with second-degree murder for killing 30-year-old Nicholas Rainey.

A co-worker who witnessed the shooting said Rainey had knocked on Roop’s door, but received no answer. While Rainey was walking down the drive-way, Roop pulled up in his pickup truck and asked why Rainey was at his house. Rainey explained that he was selling steak and seafood. The witness said Roop then pulled out a black handgun and shot Rainey. As Rainey lay on the ground, Roop fired another bullet into the back of his head.

Roop later told police that he shot Rainey in the head “for effect” and that he had three no trespassing signs on his property. Roop said he feared for his life.

“I’m not going to give him the chance to do something to me,” he told police. “I was in fear."

I bet he's going to claim "stand your ground"

Florida man kills door-to-door salesman: I

Yes, this guy is a nut case but your putting him in with the peaceful Tea Parties put you right up there with the person who put up the bill board comparing Obama and the CO shooter. Dispicable as usual.
It's Looking more and more like they will go with a "stand your ground" defense,..

Stand Your Ground defense may arise in killing of salesman in Cape Coral | The News-Press | news-press.com

Burglars hate the stand your ground law, that must be why you are so opposed to it.
How many homes do you break in during a night?

Really, a guy selling steaks is a burglar? You sound just as insane as the guy that killed him,..

Do you know the whole story behind the shooting?
If someone is breaking into your truck while leveling a .357 squarely at you, your heroic defense of stupid goods might (wisely) take a holiday.
Living so closely to the edge of sanity all the time, paranoid that it could be necessary to kill to protect objects and mere goods, has to be bad for the nerves and other areas.
If it is so dangerous in a region that guns are 'needed' for defense, leaving might be a better alternative.
If someone is breaking into your truck while leveling a .357 squarely at you, your heroic defense of stupid goods might (wisely) take a holiday.
Living so closely to the edge of sanity all the time, paranoid that it could be necessary to kill to protect objects and mere goods, has to be bad for the nerves and other areas.
If it is so dangerous in a region that guns are 'needed' for defense, leaving might be a better alternative.

1. If someone is breaking in my truck they will be to busy trying to steal what is in the truck to take the time to look around and see me pointing a 12 gauge at them
2. I work to hard just to allow someone to take what I have.
3. Ask the people of New Orleans during Katrina
It's an indication of why the 2nd amendment shouldn't be considered absolute.

The guy was intent on killing. You think he needed a gun for that? A crowbar would have been just as effective. Don't tell me the gun killed this man. It was a human being who was determined to take a life that killed this man, and was going to kill him no matter what.
Probably not a salesman. It was probably a punk casing the neighborhood dressed like a cat burglar.

"I'll kill anybody that steps on my property" isn't the sentiment of a sane man. Who cares how the victim was dressed? We have an eyewitness account of the encounter and the guy's over reaction. Definitely a "by reason of insanity" plea in the works, IMO.

He likely is some hard right nutcase that thought the guy was an Obama operative sent from Soro's communist/maxist/socialist army to break into his house to "take hizz gunnnnnnnzzzzzz!!

When you have to use word like 'likely', you lost your argument. Just sayin'.
How many people were offed in Chicago last night over a pair of tennis shoes?

Or is your outrage over senseless death selective?

When I lived in Tampa FL, a 14-year-old black kid gunned down an elderly couple for $20 not more than 3-4 blocks from my apartment.
It's an indication of why the 2nd amendment shouldn't be considered absolute. I want to know where all the guns are, not for the government's sake, but mine. Isn't my right to be safe from a "neighborhood crazy" at least as great as his to bear arms?

You have no such right. Just call the police and ask them. If you did, you could sue the police anytime your house was robbed or you were mugged.
"I'll kill anybody that steps on my property" isn't the sentiment of a sane man. Who cares how the victim was dressed? We have an eyewitness account of the encounter and the guy's over reaction. Definitely a "by reason of insanity" plea in the works, IMO.

He likely is some hard right nutcase that thought the guy was an Obama operative sent from Soro's communist/maxist/socialist army to break into his house to "take hizz gunnnnnnnzzzzzz!!

When you have to use word like 'likely', you lost your argument. Just sayin'.

Why haven't you answered RDD 1210's post on where you have called out fox or other radical right wing outlets on their BS?

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