Florida allows teens to buy an AR 15 , no gun license needed.

Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?

For right wingers, the NRA and their funders, the gun manufacturers, EVERY teenager should have an AR-15........maybe those weapons help with the acne problems?

Look at the bright side, as soon as you hit your Teens you can get one too.
Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?

The United States also allows teens to serve in the military and kill people.

Teens can also fuck, get married, get abortions, vote and drive a car. They can go swimming in a pool, go fishing and fly an airplane.

They can go to church, operate a computer or put on a roof.

If we want teens to stop killing people we wouldn't allow them to get abortions, would we?

Zygotes aren’t people .

You have a right to alcohol . Still have to wait until 21.
Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?
I guess every state is scrambling with legislation right now... I've been calling and receiving calls from a number of our legislators here in VT. As it stands right now a 16 yo can purchase a handgun w/o any guardian consent. No age minimum to purchase a long gun (AR-15) included. We have never had any "significant" issues thus far in the state, with hardly any gun related homicide / violence (per capita comparison of course)...

It's the way the kids are brought up.

Pistol age has been 21 in FL for a good many years now.

I suppose now the rifle age will be too. Sad, because I could buy a rifle when I was 18.

I partly agree. The gun nut culture has created a disrespect for guns in those states . Like owning a gun is frivolous, and not a serious responsibility.

Well that's funny. That's the impression I get every time I watch some idiotic movie cranked out by the gun-hating liberal Hollywood movie industry. They seem to relish gun violence and the irresponsible use of firearms. Yet at the same time, the actors, actresses, producers, and scriptwriters preach to us that we shouldn't have the right to own them.

Is that two-faced or what?

Liar . Wanting gun control doesn’t equal BAN ALL GUNS !

How come righties aren’t so obsessed with voting rights like you are wh gun rights ?

We already have gun control. We have laws, and we have penalties for breaking those laws.
I guess every state is scrambling with legislation right now... I've been calling and receiving calls from a number of our legislators here in VT. As it stands right now a 16 yo can purchase a handgun w/o any guardian consent. No age minimum to purchase a long gun (AR-15) included. We have never had any "significant" issues thus far in the state, with hardly any gun related homicide / violence (per capita comparison of course)...

It's the way the kids are brought up.

Pistol age has been 21 in FL for a good many years now.

I suppose now the rifle age will be too. Sad, because I could buy a rifle when I was 18.

I partly agree. The gun nut culture has created a disrespect for guns in those states . Like owning a gun is frivolous, and not a serious responsibility.

Well that's funny. That's the impression I get every time I watch some idiotic movie cranked out by the gun-hating liberal Hollywood movie industry. They seem to relish gun violence and the irresponsible use of firearms. Yet at the same time, the actors, actresses, producers, and scriptwriters preach to us that we shouldn't have the right to own them.

Is that two-faced or what?

Liar . Wanting gun control doesn’t equal BAN ALL GUNS !

How come righties aren’t so obsessed with voting rights like you are wh gun rights ?

We already have gun control. We have laws, and we have penalties for breaking those laws.

In some states .

Better gun control would’ve stopped Cruz from killing 17.
Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?

Well...they could have used Florida Law to stop him, if they had desired.

Just last week a youngster in Boynton Beach, FL wrote he was going to
shoot up a school. Palm Beach County Deputies (County directly above
Broward) arrested him and confiscated his weapon.

At the same time, another youngster in Clay County (East Of Jacksonville)
made a similar threat and he was also arrested with his weapon seized.

Broward County schools had the highest arrest rate in the nation 5 or 6
years ago. They changed to assist the little scholars. They stopped
arresting them and started talking to them. Now we have 17 dead people.
What's their next plan going to be?

Let’s go with this . Cops show up and say “did you post this “ . He says “not me “ or “it was just a joke”.

Nothing would happen. Even if he was arrested , no way he gets convicted . So he still can get past a background check (which is fed law not fla law).

Oh, most of his nutty behavior was when he was a minor . That won’t show either .

On paper he’s fine enough to pass a background check . Even if everyone in town knows he’s a timebomb.

Other states laws would’ve stopped him.

Both the teens that were arrested last week were 14.

Florida Law stopped those two teens. It could have stopped Cruz, if someone would have done their job. The FBI, were given all the info
they needed and did NOTHING. The Broward County Sheriff's Dept
had become a part-time resident of his home with as many trips they made

Both organizations are pieces of shit. They had this kid and could have stopped him and did nothing.
It's the way the kids are brought up.

Pistol age has been 21 in FL for a good many years now.

I suppose now the rifle age will be too. Sad, because I could buy a rifle when I was 18.

I partly agree. The gun nut culture has created a disrespect for guns in those states . Like owning a gun is frivolous, and not a serious responsibility.

Well that's funny. That's the impression I get every time I watch some idiotic movie cranked out by the gun-hating liberal Hollywood movie industry. They seem to relish gun violence and the irresponsible use of firearms. Yet at the same time, the actors, actresses, producers, and scriptwriters preach to us that we shouldn't have the right to own them.

Is that two-faced or what?

Liar . Wanting gun control doesn’t equal BAN ALL GUNS !

How come righties aren’t so obsessed with voting rights like you are wh gun rights ?

We already have gun control. We have laws, and we have penalties for breaking those laws.

In some states .

Better gun control would’ve stopped Cruz from killing 17.

No, government doing their job as they're supposed to would have.
Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?

Why would you need a license to own a gun, I've had guns for more than 50 years and never had a license to own one. Only commie assed states require than kind of shit. How about we require you to get a license to vote.

It's the way the kids are brought up.

Pistol age has been 21 in FL for a good many years now.

I suppose now the rifle age will be too. Sad, because I could buy a rifle when I was 18.

I partly agree. The gun nut culture has created a disrespect for guns in those states . Like owning a gun is frivolous, and not a serious responsibility.

Well that's funny. That's the impression I get every time I watch some idiotic movie cranked out by the gun-hating liberal Hollywood movie industry. They seem to relish gun violence and the irresponsible use of firearms. Yet at the same time, the actors, actresses, producers, and scriptwriters preach to us that we shouldn't have the right to own them.

Is that two-faced or what?

Liar . Wanting gun control doesn’t equal BAN ALL GUNS !

How come righties aren’t so obsessed with voting rights like you are wh gun rights ?

We already have gun control. We have laws, and we have penalties for breaking those laws.

In some states .

Better gun control would’ve stopped Cruz from killing 17.

How do you know that? 17 people can be killed a week in CHicago, and they have the strictest gun laws.
What kind of laws should Florida barley have?

Does barley even grow in Florida? I have to admit, never seen a barley crop here.
Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?

Why would you need a license to own a gun, I've had guns for more than 50 years and never had a license to own one. Only commie assed states require than kind of shit. How about we require you to get a license to vote.


To make sure you can safely handle it and to
Make sure you ain’t a danger .

Just like a drivers license .
I partly agree. The gun nut culture has created a disrespect for guns in those states . Like owning a gun is frivolous, and not a serious responsibility.

Well that's funny. That's the impression I get every time I watch some idiotic movie cranked out by the gun-hating liberal Hollywood movie industry. They seem to relish gun violence and the irresponsible use of firearms. Yet at the same time, the actors, actresses, producers, and scriptwriters preach to us that we shouldn't have the right to own them.

Is that two-faced or what?

Liar . Wanting gun control doesn’t equal BAN ALL GUNS !

How come righties aren’t so obsessed with voting rights like you are wh gun rights ?

We already have gun control. We have laws, and we have penalties for breaking those laws.

In some states .

Better gun control would’ve stopped Cruz from killing 17.

How do you know that? 17 people can be killed a week in CHicago, and they have the strictest gun laws.

Because those guns came from do nothing gun count states like Florida.
Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?
I guess every state is scrambling with legislation right now... I've been calling and receiving calls from a number of our legislators here in VT. As it stands right now a 16 yo can purchase a handgun w/o any guardian consent. No age minimum to purchase a long gun (AR-15) included. We have never had any "significant" issues thus far in the state, with hardly any gun related homicide / violence (per capita comparison of course)...

It's the way the kids are brought up.

Pistol age has been 21 in FL for a good many years now.

I suppose now the rifle age will be too. Sad, because I could buy a rifle when I was 18.

I bought a shotgun and shells from Western Auto at 11 and no one gave it a second thought.


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