Florida allows teens to buy an AR 15 , no gun license needed.

Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?

Why would you need a license to own a gun, I've had guns for more than 50 years and never had a license to own one. Only commie assed states require than kind of shit. How about we require you to get a license to vote.


To make sure you can safely handle it and to
Make sure you ain’t a danger .

Just like a drivers license .
makes one wonder why we have liability insurance, comprehensive etc...?
Because those guns came from do nothing gun count states like Florida.
So, instead of allowing law-abiding citizens to arm themselves and make gun violence a lot more deadly, they make the law-abiding people meat targets to the worthless criminal thugs.

That is pure brilliance. Thank God for government, right?
Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?
Why do we need a license to exercise a constitutional right?

Should we license the press/media?

Press aren’t licensed at all? Ever hear if press passes ? We also have libel laws .

All rights have some limits : regulation.
Then they aren't rights, they are privileges.
And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing .

That's because they did fail. How many times does someone need to have the authorities called on them for violent and threatening behavior before the authorities step in and do something?

Egregious failure. There's also the 97% black "State authorities" that dropped the ball, and then you can add the Fed FBI for a Trifecta of FAIL.

To anyone in FL: How many white state FEMA workers did you see?

Granted, all the ones I dealt with were cool, and definitely FL raised, but how many white? For me? Zero.

There's a segregation problem in the FL state employee dept.

FEMA are not state employees.
Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?

We in Florida know what freedom is.
How's that workin' out for you? Parkland....Pulse... The sound of freedom? You can have it.

And you can have snow. :)
And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing .

That's because they did fail. How many times does someone need to have the authorities called on them for violent and threatening behavior before the authorities step in and do something?

Egregious failure. There's also the 97% black "State authorities" that dropped the ball, and then you can add the Fed FBI for a Trifecta of FAIL.

To anyone in FL: How many white state FEMA workers did you see?

Granted, all the ones I dealt with were cool, and definitely FL raised, but how many white? For me? Zero.

There's a segregation problem in the FL state employee dept.

FEMA are not state employees.

You're right, but there's a state disaster management something as well.

By the way, are any Republicans in FEMA?

That wasn’t the question now was it . The question was “why would you need a license “.

Voting is a right . You still have to register and show ID. Should those be eliminated?
You are a master at confusing the issues.

Let me lay it out for you so you can't continue to deliberately conflate.

A right does not require permission to exercise it. Let's start with that concept.

A license is a grant of permission to do something that would otherwise be illegal.

If you are an adult citizen, you have a right to vote. ONCE. Registration and showing ID is not a license. You are not granted permission. It is simply a procedure to ensure that you only vote once, as a citizen adult, and those who do not have a right to vote do not cancel out and infringe on your right to vote.

Now, go ahead with your next deflection.
Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?
Why do we need a license to exercise a constitutional right?

Should we license the press/media?

Press aren’t licensed at all? Ever hear if press passes ? We also have libel laws .

All rights have some limits : regulation.
Then they aren't rights, they are privileges.

Then any weapon falls under the 2nd ? If it’s limitless . You could own military grade machine gun weapons ? Surface to air missle ?
Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?

We in Florida know what freedom is.
How's that workin' out for you? Parkland....Pulse... The sound of freedom? You can have it.

Working out just fine. Parkland and Pulse have nothing to do with any of it.
Florida barley has any laws at all !

I bet that will change now...

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing .

Locals 'saw something' and reported it.
The student was an identified disgruntled drop out with mental issues.
The Sheriff's office had reportedly been called about / visited this person more than 40 times.
Deputies were told to stand down / not go in after the shooter
Deputies were ordered to defend the Sheriff and be 'less than transparent' after the fact
The FBI dropped the ball and did absolutely NOTHING after being warned about him.

...and according to snowflakes like YOU none of this equates to the Parkland Sheriff's Office, their deputies, and the FBI failing to do their jobs.

Surprise, surprise...

Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?
Why do we need a license to exercise a constitutional right?

Should we license the press/media?

Press aren’t licensed at all? Ever hear if press passes ? We also have libel laws .

All rights have some limits : regulation.
Then they aren't rights, they are privileges.

Then any weapon falls under the 2nd ? If it’s limitless . You could own military grade machine gun weapons ? Surface to air missle ?

Now you're catching on! :113:
That wasn’t the question now was it . The question was “why would you need a license “.

Voting is a right . You still have to register and show ID. Should those be eliminated?
You are a master at confusing the issues.

Let me lay it out for you so you can't continue to deliberately conflate.

A right does not require permission to exercise it. Let's start with that concept.

A license is a grant of permission to do something that would otherwise be illegal.

If you are an adult citizen, you have a right to vote. ONCE. Registration and showing ID is not a license. You are not granted permission. It is simply a procedure to ensure that you only vote once, as a citizen adult, and those who do not have a right to vote do not cancel out and infringe on your right to vote.

Now, go ahead with your next deflection.

It’s a limitations to vote . If I show up wh no license to the polling place and turned away, I’ve been denied my legit vote .
And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing .

That's because they did fail. How many times does someone need to have the authorities called on them for violent and threatening behavior before the authorities step in and do something?

Egregious failure. There's also the 97% black "State authorities" that dropped the ball, and then you can add the Fed FBI for a Trifecta of FAIL.

To anyone in FL: How many white state FEMA workers did you see?

Granted, all the ones I dealt with were cool, and definitely FL raised, but how many white? For me? Zero.

There's a segregation problem in the FL state employee dept.

FEMA are not state employees.

You're right, but there's a state disaster management something as well.

By the way, are any Republicans in FEMA?


Did you get a good deal?
Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?

Well...they could have used Florida Law to stop him, if they had desired.

Just last week a youngster in Boynton Beach, FL wrote he was going to
shoot up a school. Palm Beach County Deputies (County directly above
Broward) arrested him and confiscated his weapon.

At the same time, another youngster in Clay County (East Of Jacksonville)
made a similar threat and he was also arrested with his weapon seized.

Broward County schools had the highest arrest rate in the nation 5 or 6
years ago. They changed to assist the little scholars. They stopped
arresting them and started talking to them. Now we have 17 dead people.
What's their next plan going to be?

Let’s go with this . Cops show up and say “did you post this “ . He says “not me “ or “it was just a joke”.

Nothing would happen. Even if he was arrested , no way he gets convicted . So he still can get past a background check (which is fed law not fla law).

Oh, most of his nutty behavior was when he was a minor . That won’t show either .

On paper he’s fine enough to pass a background check . Even if everyone in town knows he’s a timebomb.

Other states laws would’ve stopped him.
Broward County Likely ‘Inspiration’ for Obama School Discipline Policy to Report Fewer Arrests, Suspensions
“Broward County was the first to have the goal of lowering suspensions, lowering expulsions, lowering arrests,” explains Eden. “And, so, they decided to reduce police involvement by not bringing in cops to arrest kids for a whole range of serious offenses, and then, as you would expect, the arrests go down when you stop arresting. That was taken to be a sign of success, based on that metric alone.”
Liberal compassion ends up killing people....

Cruz was expelled .

Guess what , that doesn’t show on background checks .

That's a lie, he was transfered to another school.

Nikolas Cruz always in trouble, never expelled, report says

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing .

That's because they did fail. How many times does someone need to have the authorities called on them for violent and threatening behavior before the authorities step in and do something?

Egregious failure. There's also the 97% black "State authorities" that dropped the ball, and then you can add the Fed FBI for a Trifecta of FAIL.

To anyone in FL: How many white state FEMA workers did you see?

Granted, all the ones I dealt with were cool, and definitely FL raised, but how many white? For me? Zero.

There's a segregation problem in the FL state employee dept.

FEMA are not state employees.

You're right, but there's a state disaster management something as well.

By the way, are any Republicans in FEMA?


Did you get a good deal?

Good deal on what?
Florida barley has any laws at all !

Gun laws in Florida - Wikipedia

At first I wondered how Cruz was approved for a license. Turns out ya don’t need one ! You can get An AR , but have to wait till 21 for a handgun . With little restrictions.

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing . What legal tools does Florida supply that they can use to stop nuts and criminals from packing ?

Why would you need a license to own a gun, I've had guns for more than 50 years and never had a license to own one. Only commie assed states require than kind of shit. How about we require you to get a license to vote.


To make sure you can safely handle it and to
Make sure you ain’t a danger .

Just like a drivers license .

Right to a firearm.

No right to drive.

Learn the difference.
Florida barley has any laws at all !

I bet that will change now...

And the cons there blame the sheriff and fbi for failing .

Locals 'saw something' and reported it.
The student was an identified disgruntled drop out with mental issues.
The Sheriff's office had reportedly been called about / visited this person more than 40 times.
Deputies were told to stand down / not go in after the shooter
Deputies were ordered to defend the Sheriff and be 'less than transparent' after the fact
The FBI dropped the ball and did absolutely NOTHING after being warned about him.

...and according to snowflakes like YOU none of this equates to the Parkland Sheriff's Office, their deputies, and the FBI failing to do their jobs.

Surprise, surprise...


You forgot the visit or visits from social services.
That's because they did fail. How many times does someone need to have the authorities called on them for violent and threatening behavior before the authorities step in and do something?

Egregious failure. There's also the 97% black "State authorities" that dropped the ball, and then you can add the Fed FBI for a Trifecta of FAIL.

To anyone in FL: How many white state FEMA workers did you see?

Granted, all the ones I dealt with were cool, and definitely FL raised, but how many white? For me? Zero.

There's a segregation problem in the FL state employee dept.

FEMA are not state employees.

You're right, but there's a state disaster management something as well.

By the way, are any Republicans in FEMA?


Did you get a good deal?

Good deal on what?

Your damage.

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