Florida cancels pride parade!

Wonderful news! Parents are winning. MAGA is winning!

Yup. Wish I can say the same about you. But then, you are a trumptard. 🤷‍♂️
Fer teh lulz:

Should parents allow their children to drink alcohol or smoke?

Be careful on screaming parents rights
Be careful in using the government to tell all parents what they can or cannot do....before the government comes for you and yours.
The problem is the fruitcakes can't stop exposing, acting sexual, etc etc

If you think it's okay for children then go ahead, I don't and I won't.. and I'll not have this garbage forced down children's throats

It's past tiresome and anyone paying attention knows it's an agenda
Sounds like the cheerleaders at college and professional games. When will the government punish parents for taking their children to those games?
They used to claim all they wanted was ti be left alone. So we did that. Then they got mad they weren’t getting any attention and demanded to be allowed to do their sick shit in public and in front of children. And they wonder why people are upset.
Talking about cheerleaders? or fundies?
The pictures are enough, kids shouldn't be around that. If you loons would just keep your clothes on around them. It wouldn't be that bad.
Pictures can be of anything....how many Pride Parades have you actually been to?
Poor crybaby sicko. You don’t get to shove sexual bullshit in front of kids. GOOD. Assholes like you are the ones trying to take parents rights away. So get lost and stay there, far away from kids.
Maybe the government should punish parents who talk like you do in front of children.................to protect them and all.
I have never been to a gay pride parade or event, so I googled “what does a gay pride parade look like” and selected images. Nothing in it looked out of bounds. Some vibrant costumes, lots of rainbows, but otherwise nothing to hide your child’s eyes from. I imagine, given the broad wording I used, that is a pretty good representation of a typical event.
I've been to several....even politicians, first responders, military, businesses, and churches march in these parades.
Pictures can be of anything....how many Pride Parades have you actually been to?
After the pictures I've seen, no way I'd go near one. You loons are a bunch of perverts and no child should be forced to witness them.

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