Florida cancels pride parade!

Nah, I was thinking about this guy...

View attachment 778563

Or, how about Larry "Wide Stance" Craig? Remember him?
View attachment 778564

But, yeah keep it up. For every gay Democrat, I will put up 2 hypocritical/abortion Republican. Deal? Go
Ah yes....and remember Ted Haggard?
Should parents allow their children to drink alcohol or smoke?

Be careful on screaming parents rights

Where do you draw the line? You support some parent’s rights when it suits, but not others. The examples you give cause measurable damage to the child, with other things, it is harder to qualify.

The problems with this type of law is in the vague, broad language, which means it doesn’t just target the obviously lewd and obscene things, but anything that could be construed as such. That plus the penalties are enough to completely shut down free expression.

In an event open to children:
Should a person expose him/herself? No.
Should they shove their sexual anatomy even clothed in children’s faces? No.
Should exagerrated fake phallus’ be shown in an open to all event? No.

But beyond the obvious…can a man even walk around dressed as a sexy woman? Can a gay pride parade or drag show be family friendly? Maybe that is where the parents have a say regarding their own kids.

There is also

a bit of an inconsistent standard to insist this is ok for public viewing…

but this is not…

Where do you draw the line? You support some parent’s rights when it suits, but not others. The examples you give cause measurable damage to the child, with other things, it is harder to qualify.

The problems with this type of law is in the vague, broad language, which means it doesn’t just target the obviously lewd and obscene things, but anything that could be construed as such. That plus the penalties are enough to completely shut down free expression.

In an event open to children:
Should a person expose him/herself? No.
Should they shove their sexual anatomy even clothed in children’s faces? No.
Should exagerrated fake phallus’ be shown in an open to all event? No.

But beyond the obvious…can a man even walk around dressed as a sexy woman? Can a gay pride parade or drag show be family friendly? Maybe that is where the parents have a say regarding their own kids.

There is also

a bit of an inconsistent standard to insist this is ok for public viewing…
View attachment 778645

but this is not…

View attachment 778646

The problem is the fruitcakes can't stop exposing, acting sexual, etc etc

If you think it's okay for children then go ahead, I don't and I won't.. and I'll not have this garbage forced down children's throats

It's past tiresome and anyone paying attention knows it's an agenda
The problem is the fruitcakes can't stop exposing, acting sexual, etc etc

I don’t agree. There are many examples where it is appropriately toned down. For the most part it is performance art.

If you think it's okay for children then go ahead, I don't and I won't.. and I'll not have this garbage forced down children's throats

I think when it is toned down enough a public show, it should be parents decision regarding their own children. It is no different than movies…PG, G, R…etc. It is the parent’s decision.

It's past tiresome and anyone paying attention knows it's an agenda
Well…that’s a good way of avoiding discussion. “It’s an agenda”.
It's more moral standards but go ahead and keep harping Biblical
Who decides and how exactly should moral standards be determined and imposed on freedom? Where do you draw the line?

What I see on our college campus in the summer is clearly at one end, while at the other is the Taliban imposing complete body covering on women (because men can’t be expected to control their lust)…in the name of “morality”.

But these new laws focus only on drag, something that’s been around forever.
If homosexuals want to demonstrate their pride over the sexual practices, they should do it behind closed doors. Most of the general public doesn't care to hear about your adventures.

IOW, homos need to BE DISCRETE, and keep it to themselves. This information is something which should be shared on a "need to know" basis, and most just don't need to know what you are taking in the caboose.
They used to claim all they wanted was ti be left alone. So we did that. Then they got mad they weren’t getting any attention and demanded to be allowed to do their sick shit in public and in front of children. And they wonder why people are upset.
I have never been to a gay pride parade or event, so I googled “what does a gay pride parade look like” and selected images. Nothing in it looked out of bounds. Some vibrant costumes, lots of rainbows, but otherwise nothing to hide your child’s eyes from. I imagine, given the broad wording I used, that is a pretty good representation of a typical event.

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