Florida Concealed Carry permits handed out at 20,000 a month…and gun crime is going down, not up...

And why is rape up in Florida....one reason...migrant women being raped...since they probably can't get gun permits...

A Florida Farm County's High Rape Rate Highlights Risks for Migrant Workers

Although it's not clear how many attacks involve farm workers because police reports generally don't include that information, the majority of Hendry's population works in the agriculture industry. A 2005 study showed 74 cents of every dollar in the county's economy could be traced to farming. The attacks described in county records run the gamut from domestic violence to nauseating assaults on children, but taken as a whole, they point to a larger truth: Sexual assault is an outsize problem in the area, especially when thousands of migrant women with little understanding of the English language or their legal rights move there every year to harvest crops.

"Sexual abuse is alive and flourishing outside of our program," says Laura Safer Espinoza, a retired New York state judge who now runs Florida's Fair Food Standards Council, which among other objectives aims to stem sexual abuse of farm workers through programs including an abuse hotline. "Some of the calls we get are heartbreaking."


In the past two years, 27 felony sexual assaults have been filed; that averages out annually to one rape case per 2,880 people in the county, a 17 percent higher rate than Miami's rate of one per 3,275 residents (based on FBI crime data) and almost 40 percent greater than the national rate.

Here's one of you 'migrant women being raped.'

Sheriff: No one tried to stop Panama City Beach gang rape - CNN.com

You seem to ignorantly think that all crime will be stopped if everyone is carrying. It's much more complex than that. Sociology-economic problems are a huge reason. No jobs, low paying jobs, if you want to eat you have to steal.

Concealed carry does help to lower the crime rate. Does it solve all crime, no….police are good for most of that. However, women can stop rape most effectively with a gun, no other method is as effective, and a knife comes in a distant second………..

And at it's most basic…a gun stops the crime for that victim…and may possibly save other victims if the criminal is captured and held for police or shot and injured or killed.

And I have never said that all crime will be stopped…..there are too many people who won't carry guns for self defense…….
American Journal Of Public Health Study: Correlation Exists Between Gun Ownership Rates And Gun Homicide Rates. A 2013 study that covered 30 years of data "found a 'robust correlation' between estimated levels of gun ownership and actual gun homicides at the state level, even when controlling for factors typically associated with homicides"

BU Researcher Finds Correlation Between Gun Ownership and Firearm Homicide | Public Relations

Harvard Injury Control Research Center: "In Homes, Cities, States And Regions In The US, Where There Are More Guns" There Are More Gun Homicides.

Homicide | Harvard Injury Control Research Center | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

University Of Pennsylvania Firearm & Injury Center: Higher Gun Ownership Rates Linked To Higher Gun Death Rates On International Scale. Comparing high-income nations, the University of Pennsylvania Firearm & Injury Center found "The U.S. has the highest rates of both firearm homicide and private firearm ownership":

The correlation between firearm availability and rates of homicide is consistent across high income industrialized nations: where there are more firearms, there are higher rates of homicide overall. The U.S. has the highest rates of both firearm homicide and private firearm ownership. In 2001 an estimated 35% of U.S. households had a firearm


Sorry, those studies have been shown to be biased and poorly executed.

I have posted more studies on how guns save lives and lower the crime rate…you should look into those.


Majority Of Experts Disagree That More Permissive Concealed Carry Laws Reduce Crime. According to a survey of authors of articles about firearms in peer-reviewed journals conducted by the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, 62 percent of respondents rejected the notion that permissive concealed carry laws reduce crime:


New Harvard research debunks the NRA's favorite talking points

9% are on your side dummy? It's the anti's 2nds who are biased though? lol

And dipshit your biased 9% is not accurate......an accurate look at actual gun scholars, vs. hemenway who used anyone who wrote the word "firearm" on a page in their report........

New survey on the views of academic economists who research guns - Crime Prevention Research Center

The CPRC is releasing a new survey entitled: “Economists’ views on guns: Crime, suicides, and right-to-carry concealed handgun laws.” The survey of economists conducted from August 25th to September 12th 2014 found interesting results including:

He got responses from 35 hand picked economists. Only economists? Hardly the right people... Hemenway got responses from 150:

Most of the scientists who were publishing relevant articles were from the fields of criminology, economics, public policy, political science and public health. Since there are typically many more authors on public health articles than on criminology articles, to have a balanced list I decided to include only the first author on the byline. Graduate students working for me identified more than 300 distinct first authors, and found more than 280 email addresses.

Hemenway is a proven hack…..as noted in post after post. As pointed out by Lott….simply mentioning firearms in a paper does not make you a researcher in the field….and the health care researchers are notorious for having anti gun biases and shoddy work on gun related issues.
American Journal Of Public Health Study: Correlation Exists Between Gun Ownership Rates And Gun Homicide Rates. A 2013 study that covered 30 years of data "found a 'robust correlation' between estimated levels of gun ownership and actual gun homicides at the state level, even when controlling for factors typically associated with homicides"

BU Researcher Finds Correlation Between Gun Ownership and Firearm Homicide | Public Relations

Harvard Injury Control Research Center: "In Homes, Cities, States And Regions In The US, Where There Are More Guns" There Are More Gun Homicides.

Homicide | Harvard Injury Control Research Center | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

University Of Pennsylvania Firearm & Injury Center: Higher Gun Ownership Rates Linked To Higher Gun Death Rates On International Scale. Comparing high-income nations, the University of Pennsylvania Firearm & Injury Center found "The U.S. has the highest rates of both firearm homicide and private firearm ownership":

The correlation between firearm availability and rates of homicide is consistent across high income industrialized nations: where there are more firearms, there are higher rates of homicide overall. The U.S. has the highest rates of both firearm homicide and private firearm ownership. In 2001 an estimated 35% of U.S. households had a firearm


Sorry, those studies have been shown to be biased and poorly executed.

I have posted more studies on how guns save lives and lower the crime rate…you should look into those.


Majority Of Experts Disagree That More Permissive Concealed Carry Laws Reduce Crime. According to a survey of authors of articles about firearms in peer-reviewed journals conducted by the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, 62 percent of respondents rejected the notion that permissive concealed carry laws reduce crime:


New Harvard research debunks the NRA's favorite talking points

9% are on your side dummy? It's the anti's 2nds who are biased though? lol

And dipshit your biased 9% is not accurate......an accurate look at actual gun scholars, vs. hemenway who used anyone who wrote the word "firearm" on a page in their report........

New survey on the views of academic economists who research guns - Crime Prevention Research Center

The CPRC is releasing a new survey entitled: “Economists’ views on guns: Crime, suicides, and right-to-carry concealed handgun laws.” The survey of economists conducted from August 25th to September 12th 2014 found interesting results including:

He got responses from 35 hand picked economists. Only economists? Hardly the right people... Hemenway got responses from 150:

Most of the scientists who were publishing relevant articles were from the fields of criminology, economics, public policy, political science and public health. Since there are typically many more authors on public health articles than on criminology articles, to have a balanced list I decided to include only the first author on the byline. Graduate students working for me identified more than 300 distinct first authors, and found more than 280 email addresses.

Hemenway is a proven hack…..as noted in post after post. As pointed out by Lott….simply mentioning firearms in a paper does not make you a researcher in the field….and the health care researchers are notorious for having anti gun biases and shoddy work on gun related issues.

Lott is a proven hack who makes up surveys. His survey was feeble at best and imaginary at worst. While everyone considers lott a hack, only the very pro gun seem to say that of hemenway.
And why is rape up in Florida....one reason...migrant women being raped...since they probably can't get gun permits...

A Florida Farm County's High Rape Rate Highlights Risks for Migrant Workers

Although it's not clear how many attacks involve farm workers because police reports generally don't include that information, the majority of Hendry's population works in the agriculture industry. A 2005 study showed 74 cents of every dollar in the county's economy could be traced to farming. The attacks described in county records run the gamut from domestic violence to nauseating assaults on children, but taken as a whole, they point to a larger truth: Sexual assault is an outsize problem in the area, especially when thousands of migrant women with little understanding of the English language or their legal rights move there every year to harvest crops.

"Sexual abuse is alive and flourishing outside of our program," says Laura Safer Espinoza, a retired New York state judge who now runs Florida's Fair Food Standards Council, which among other objectives aims to stem sexual abuse of farm workers through programs including an abuse hotline. "Some of the calls we get are heartbreaking."


In the past two years, 27 felony sexual assaults have been filed; that averages out annually to one rape case per 2,880 people in the county, a 17 percent higher rate than Miami's rate of one per 3,275 residents (based on FBI crime data) and almost 40 percent greater than the national rate.

Here's one of you 'migrant women being raped.'

Sheriff: No one tried to stop Panama City Beach gang rape - CNN.com

You seem to ignorantly think that all crime will be stopped if everyone is carrying. It's much more complex than that. Sociology-economic problems are a huge reason. No jobs, low paying jobs, if you want to eat you have to steal.

Concealed carry does help to lower the crime rate. Does it solve all crime, no….police are good for most of that. However, women can stop rape most effectively with a gun, no other method is as effective, and a knife comes in a distant second………..

And at it's most basic…a gun stops the crime for that victim…and may possibly save other victims if the criminal is captured and held for police or shot and injured or killed.

And I have never said that all crime will be stopped…..there are too many people who won't carry guns for self defense…….

If it helped violent crime would not have gone up in wi and chicago when they got it.
Sorry, those studies have been shown to be biased and poorly executed.

I have posted more studies on how guns save lives and lower the crime rate…you should look into those.


Majority Of Experts Disagree That More Permissive Concealed Carry Laws Reduce Crime. According to a survey of authors of articles about firearms in peer-reviewed journals conducted by the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, 62 percent of respondents rejected the notion that permissive concealed carry laws reduce crime:


New Harvard research debunks the NRA's favorite talking points

9% are on your side dummy? It's the anti's 2nds who are biased though? lol

And dipshit your biased 9% is not accurate......an accurate look at actual gun scholars, vs. hemenway who used anyone who wrote the word "firearm" on a page in their report........

New survey on the views of academic economists who research guns - Crime Prevention Research Center

The CPRC is releasing a new survey entitled: “Economists’ views on guns: Crime, suicides, and right-to-carry concealed handgun laws.” The survey of economists conducted from August 25th to September 12th 2014 found interesting results including:

He got responses from 35 hand picked economists. Only economists? Hardly the right people... Hemenway got responses from 150:

Most of the scientists who were publishing relevant articles were from the fields of criminology, economics, public policy, political science and public health. Since there are typically many more authors on public health articles than on criminology articles, to have a balanced list I decided to include only the first author on the byline. Graduate students working for me identified more than 300 distinct first authors, and found more than 280 email addresses.

Hemenway is a proven hack…..as noted in post after post. As pointed out by Lott….simply mentioning firearms in a paper does not make you a researcher in the field….and the health care researchers are notorious for having anti gun biases and shoddy work on gun related issues.

Lott is a proven hack who makes up surveys. His survey was feeble at best and imaginary at worst.

Your saying so does not make it so…..Lott is the preeminent researcher into gun self defense issues which is why you guys need to take him out…when you aren't lying about him you lie about Dr. Gary Kleck…..both of whom were anti gun, Lott was more neutral but anti gun leaning, and Dr. Kleck, an honest to goodness ACLU liberal, was anti gun……and then they actually did research on the topic….and found out how often and how effective guns are at keeping normal, peace loving people safe from violent criminal attack.
And why is rape up in Florida....one reason...migrant women being raped...since they probably can't get gun permits...

A Florida Farm County's High Rape Rate Highlights Risks for Migrant Workers

Although it's not clear how many attacks involve farm workers because police reports generally don't include that information, the majority of Hendry's population works in the agriculture industry. A 2005 study showed 74 cents of every dollar in the county's economy could be traced to farming. The attacks described in county records run the gamut from domestic violence to nauseating assaults on children, but taken as a whole, they point to a larger truth: Sexual assault is an outsize problem in the area, especially when thousands of migrant women with little understanding of the English language or their legal rights move there every year to harvest crops.

"Sexual abuse is alive and flourishing outside of our program," says Laura Safer Espinoza, a retired New York state judge who now runs Florida's Fair Food Standards Council, which among other objectives aims to stem sexual abuse of farm workers through programs including an abuse hotline. "Some of the calls we get are heartbreaking."


In the past two years, 27 felony sexual assaults have been filed; that averages out annually to one rape case per 2,880 people in the county, a 17 percent higher rate than Miami's rate of one per 3,275 residents (based on FBI crime data) and almost 40 percent greater than the national rate.

Here's one of you 'migrant women being raped.'

Sheriff: No one tried to stop Panama City Beach gang rape - CNN.com

You seem to ignorantly think that all crime will be stopped if everyone is carrying. It's much more complex than that. Sociology-economic problems are a huge reason. No jobs, low paying jobs, if you want to eat you have to steal.

Concealed carry does help to lower the crime rate. Does it solve all crime, no….police are good for most of that. However, women can stop rape most effectively with a gun, no other method is as effective, and a knife comes in a distant second………..

And at it's most basic…a gun stops the crime for that victim…and may possibly save other victims if the criminal is captured and held for police or shot and injured or killed.

And I have never said that all crime will be stopped…..there are too many people who won't carry guns for self defense…….

If it helped violent crime would not have gone up in wi and chicago when they got it.

Yes…and you lie. Chicago just passed it and is fighting the implementation of concealed carry….and on top of that, they are down 2,000 police officers, 1000 from a lack of hiring and another 1000 due to sick leave and vacations…..and on top of that, chicago gangs get the people they support elected aldermen in their wards who then vote down police resources and keep their members out of jail…..

So allowing normal, law abiding citizens to carry guns is not why people are getting murdered in chicago…you know that….and you have to lie to hide that.

Majority Of Experts Disagree That More Permissive Concealed Carry Laws Reduce Crime. According to a survey of authors of articles about firearms in peer-reviewed journals conducted by the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, 62 percent of respondents rejected the notion that permissive concealed carry laws reduce crime:


New Harvard research debunks the NRA's favorite talking points

9% are on your side dummy? It's the anti's 2nds who are biased though? lol

And dipshit your biased 9% is not accurate......an accurate look at actual gun scholars, vs. hemenway who used anyone who wrote the word "firearm" on a page in their report........

New survey on the views of academic economists who research guns - Crime Prevention Research Center

The CPRC is releasing a new survey entitled: “Economists’ views on guns: Crime, suicides, and right-to-carry concealed handgun laws.” The survey of economists conducted from August 25th to September 12th 2014 found interesting results including:

He got responses from 35 hand picked economists. Only economists? Hardly the right people... Hemenway got responses from 150:

Most of the scientists who were publishing relevant articles were from the fields of criminology, economics, public policy, political science and public health. Since there are typically many more authors on public health articles than on criminology articles, to have a balanced list I decided to include only the first author on the byline. Graduate students working for me identified more than 300 distinct first authors, and found more than 280 email addresses.

Hemenway is a proven hack…..as noted in post after post. As pointed out by Lott….simply mentioning firearms in a paper does not make you a researcher in the field….and the health care researchers are notorious for having anti gun biases and shoddy work on gun related issues.

Lott is a proven hack who makes up surveys. His survey was feeble at best and imaginary at worst.

Your saying so does not make it so…..Lott is the preeminent researcher into gun self defense issues which is why you guys need to take him out…when you aren't lying about him you lie about Dr. Gary Kleck…..both of whom were anti gun, Lott was more neutral but anti gun leaning, and Dr. Kleck, an honest to goodness ACLU liberal, was anti gun……and then they actually did research on the topic….and found out how often and how effective guns are at keeping normal, peace loving people safe from violent criminal attack.

Yes I'm sure lott was real liberal when he was making up gun surveys to try and prove more guns equals less crime.
Wisconsin, Milwaukee is the crime center and they too are short on police and fighting concealed carry laws…..and they just passed the law 3 years ago and so haven't reached the 5% threshold that begins reducing crime….people actually have to be carrying guns to drive off criminals…and that takes a while to get the numbers up.

But Minnesota and Florida……crime is down in those states and Minnesota just crossed that threshold and Florida is now handing out permits at 20,000 a month and crime is at a 44 year low….
And why is rape up in Florida....one reason...migrant women being raped...since they probably can't get gun permits...

A Florida Farm County's High Rape Rate Highlights Risks for Migrant Workers

Although it's not clear how many attacks involve farm workers because police reports generally don't include that information, the majority of Hendry's population works in the agriculture industry. A 2005 study showed 74 cents of every dollar in the county's economy could be traced to farming. The attacks described in county records run the gamut from domestic violence to nauseating assaults on children, but taken as a whole, they point to a larger truth: Sexual assault is an outsize problem in the area, especially when thousands of migrant women with little understanding of the English language or their legal rights move there every year to harvest crops.

"Sexual abuse is alive and flourishing outside of our program," says Laura Safer Espinoza, a retired New York state judge who now runs Florida's Fair Food Standards Council, which among other objectives aims to stem sexual abuse of farm workers through programs including an abuse hotline. "Some of the calls we get are heartbreaking."


In the past two years, 27 felony sexual assaults have been filed; that averages out annually to one rape case per 2,880 people in the county, a 17 percent higher rate than Miami's rate of one per 3,275 residents (based on FBI crime data) and almost 40 percent greater than the national rate.

Here's one of you 'migrant women being raped.'

Sheriff: No one tried to stop Panama City Beach gang rape - CNN.com

You seem to ignorantly think that all crime will be stopped if everyone is carrying. It's much more complex than that. Sociology-economic problems are a huge reason. No jobs, low paying jobs, if you want to eat you have to steal.

Concealed carry does help to lower the crime rate. Does it solve all crime, no….police are good for most of that. However, women can stop rape most effectively with a gun, no other method is as effective, and a knife comes in a distant second………..

And at it's most basic…a gun stops the crime for that victim…and may possibly save other victims if the criminal is captured and held for police or shot and injured or killed.

And I have never said that all crime will be stopped…..there are too many people who won't carry guns for self defense…….

If it helped violent crime would not have gone up in wi and chicago when they got it.

Yes…and you lie. Chicago just passed it and is fighting the implementation of concealed carry….and on top of that, they are down 2,000 police officers, 1000 from a lack of hiring and another 1000 due to sick leave and vacations…..and on top of that, chicago gangs get the people they support elected aldermen in their wards who then vote down police resources and keep their members out of jail…..

So allowing normal, law abiding citizens to carry guns is not why people are getting murdered in chicago…you know that….and you have to lie to hide that.

I have clearly said it does not effect crime rates. So you are lying again I have not claimed it is the cause.
And dipshit your biased 9% is not accurate......an accurate look at actual gun scholars, vs. hemenway who used anyone who wrote the word "firearm" on a page in their report........

New survey on the views of academic economists who research guns - Crime Prevention Research Center

The CPRC is releasing a new survey entitled: “Economists’ views on guns: Crime, suicides, and right-to-carry concealed handgun laws.” The survey of economists conducted from August 25th to September 12th 2014 found interesting results including:

He got responses from 35 hand picked economists. Only economists? Hardly the right people... Hemenway got responses from 150:

Most of the scientists who were publishing relevant articles were from the fields of criminology, economics, public policy, political science and public health. Since there are typically many more authors on public health articles than on criminology articles, to have a balanced list I decided to include only the first author on the byline. Graduate students working for me identified more than 300 distinct first authors, and found more than 280 email addresses.

Hemenway is a proven hack…..as noted in post after post. As pointed out by Lott….simply mentioning firearms in a paper does not make you a researcher in the field….and the health care researchers are notorious for having anti gun biases and shoddy work on gun related issues.

Lott is a proven hack who makes up surveys. His survey was feeble at best and imaginary at worst.

Your saying so does not make it so…..Lott is the preeminent researcher into gun self defense issues which is why you guys need to take him out…when you aren't lying about him you lie about Dr. Gary Kleck…..both of whom were anti gun, Lott was more neutral but anti gun leaning, and Dr. Kleck, an honest to goodness ACLU liberal, was anti gun……and then they actually did research on the topic….and found out how often and how effective guns are at keeping normal, peace loving people safe from violent criminal attack.

Yes I'm sure lott was real liberal when he was making up gun surveys to try and prove more guns equals less crime.

Sorry…..you need to actually research the topic….I was around here when Lott released his first research into guns. He was an actual professor of economics at the University of Chicago….he noticed that each side in the gun debate cherry picked different locations to push their points on gun control. So, as someone who was neutral but believed gun control would be a good idea, he decided to actually do research that wasn't biased.

How did he do that….he took crime data from every county in the United States and followed the implementation of concealed carry laws…..and that is when he discovered that they lowered the crime rate…..and damaged his career by publishing the research.
Wisconsin, Milwaukee is the crime center and they too are short on police and fighting concealed carry laws…..and they just passed the law 3 years ago and so haven't reached the 5% threshold that begins reducing crime….people actually have to be carrying guns to drive off criminals…and that takes a while to get the numbers up.

But Minnesota and Florida……crime is down in those states and Minnesota just crossed that threshold and Florida is now handing out permits at 20,000 a month and crime is at a 44 year low….

5%? Where is that from? More of disgraced Lott?

Crime shouldn't go up after it is passed.
And why is rape up in Florida....one reason...migrant women being raped...since they probably can't get gun permits...

A Florida Farm County's High Rape Rate Highlights Risks for Migrant Workers

Although it's not clear how many attacks involve farm workers because police reports generally don't include that information, the majority of Hendry's population works in the agriculture industry. A 2005 study showed 74 cents of every dollar in the county's economy could be traced to farming. The attacks described in county records run the gamut from domestic violence to nauseating assaults on children, but taken as a whole, they point to a larger truth: Sexual assault is an outsize problem in the area, especially when thousands of migrant women with little understanding of the English language or their legal rights move there every year to harvest crops.

"Sexual abuse is alive and flourishing outside of our program," says Laura Safer Espinoza, a retired New York state judge who now runs Florida's Fair Food Standards Council, which among other objectives aims to stem sexual abuse of farm workers through programs including an abuse hotline. "Some of the calls we get are heartbreaking."


In the past two years, 27 felony sexual assaults have been filed; that averages out annually to one rape case per 2,880 people in the county, a 17 percent higher rate than Miami's rate of one per 3,275 residents (based on FBI crime data) and almost 40 percent greater than the national rate.

Here's one of you 'migrant women being raped.'

Sheriff: No one tried to stop Panama City Beach gang rape - CNN.com

You seem to ignorantly think that all crime will be stopped if everyone is carrying. It's much more complex than that. Sociology-economic problems are a huge reason. No jobs, low paying jobs, if you want to eat you have to steal.

Concealed carry does help to lower the crime rate. Does it solve all crime, no….police are good for most of that. However, women can stop rape most effectively with a gun, no other method is as effective, and a knife comes in a distant second………..

And at it's most basic…a gun stops the crime for that victim…and may possibly save other victims if the criminal is captured and held for police or shot and injured or killed.

And I have never said that all crime will be stopped…..there are too many people who won't carry guns for self defense…….

If it helped violent crime would not have gone up in wi and chicago when they got it.

Yes…and you lie. Chicago just passed it and is fighting the implementation of concealed carry….and on top of that, they are down 2,000 police officers, 1000 from a lack of hiring and another 1000 due to sick leave and vacations…..and on top of that, chicago gangs get the people they support elected aldermen in their wards who then vote down police resources and keep their members out of jail…..

So allowing normal, law abiding citizens to carry guns is not why people are getting murdered in chicago…you know that….and you have to lie to hide that.

I have clearly said it does not effect crime rates. So you are lying again I have not claimed it is the cause.

Yes you have….you state in almost every post where you mention chicago and Wisconsin that there rates have gone up after the law was passed……every time…liar.
He got responses from 35 hand picked economists. Only economists? Hardly the right people... Hemenway got responses from 150:

Most of the scientists who were publishing relevant articles were from the fields of criminology, economics, public policy, political science and public health. Since there are typically many more authors on public health articles than on criminology articles, to have a balanced list I decided to include only the first author on the byline. Graduate students working for me identified more than 300 distinct first authors, and found more than 280 email addresses.

Hemenway is a proven hack…..as noted in post after post. As pointed out by Lott….simply mentioning firearms in a paper does not make you a researcher in the field….and the health care researchers are notorious for having anti gun biases and shoddy work on gun related issues.

Lott is a proven hack who makes up surveys. His survey was feeble at best and imaginary at worst.

Your saying so does not make it so…..Lott is the preeminent researcher into gun self defense issues which is why you guys need to take him out…when you aren't lying about him you lie about Dr. Gary Kleck…..both of whom were anti gun, Lott was more neutral but anti gun leaning, and Dr. Kleck, an honest to goodness ACLU liberal, was anti gun……and then they actually did research on the topic….and found out how often and how effective guns are at keeping normal, peace loving people safe from violent criminal attack.

Yes I'm sure lott was real liberal when he was making up gun surveys to try and prove more guns equals less crime.

Sorry…..you need to actually research the topic….I was around here when Lott released his first research into guns. He was an actual professor of economics at the University of Chicago….he noticed that each side in the gun debate cherry picked different locations to push their points on gun control. So, as someone who was neutral but believed gun control would be a good idea, he decided to actually do research that wasn't biased.

How did he do that….he took crime data from every county in the United States and followed the implementation of concealed carry laws…..and that is when he discovered that they lowered the crime rate…..and damaged his career by publishing the research.

Why is an economist studying it at all? I'd like to see his finances.
Wisconsin, Milwaukee is the crime center and they too are short on police and fighting concealed carry laws…..and they just passed the law 3 years ago and so haven't reached the 5% threshold that begins reducing crime….people actually have to be carrying guns to drive off criminals…and that takes a while to get the numbers up.

But Minnesota and Florida……crime is down in those states and Minnesota just crossed that threshold and Florida is now handing out permits at 20,000 a month and crime is at a 44 year low….

5%? Where is that from? More of disgraced Lott?

Crime shouldn't go up after it is passed.

Yes….and they just wave a magic wand and all the people suddenly have guns on their hips…..Minnnesota just passed the threshold…it takes time…...
Here's one of you 'migrant women being raped.'

Sheriff: No one tried to stop Panama City Beach gang rape - CNN.com

You seem to ignorantly think that all crime will be stopped if everyone is carrying. It's much more complex than that. Sociology-economic problems are a huge reason. No jobs, low paying jobs, if you want to eat you have to steal.

Concealed carry does help to lower the crime rate. Does it solve all crime, no….police are good for most of that. However, women can stop rape most effectively with a gun, no other method is as effective, and a knife comes in a distant second………..

And at it's most basic…a gun stops the crime for that victim…and may possibly save other victims if the criminal is captured and held for police or shot and injured or killed.

And I have never said that all crime will be stopped…..there are too many people who won't carry guns for self defense…….

If it helped violent crime would not have gone up in wi and chicago when they got it.

Yes…and you lie. Chicago just passed it and is fighting the implementation of concealed carry….and on top of that, they are down 2,000 police officers, 1000 from a lack of hiring and another 1000 due to sick leave and vacations…..and on top of that, chicago gangs get the people they support elected aldermen in their wards who then vote down police resources and keep their members out of jail…..

So allowing normal, law abiding citizens to carry guns is not why people are getting murdered in chicago…you know that….and you have to lie to hide that.

I have clearly said it does not effect crime rates. So you are lying again I have not claimed it is the cause.

Yes you have….you state in almost every post where you mention chicago and Wisconsin that there rates have gone up after the law was passed……every time…liar.

I'm not saying it is the cause, just that it is clear evidence carry doesn't lower crime. You are the liar.
Hemenway is a proven hack…..as noted in post after post. As pointed out by Lott….simply mentioning firearms in a paper does not make you a researcher in the field….and the health care researchers are notorious for having anti gun biases and shoddy work on gun related issues.

Lott is a proven hack who makes up surveys. His survey was feeble at best and imaginary at worst.

Your saying so does not make it so…..Lott is the preeminent researcher into gun self defense issues which is why you guys need to take him out…when you aren't lying about him you lie about Dr. Gary Kleck…..both of whom were anti gun, Lott was more neutral but anti gun leaning, and Dr. Kleck, an honest to goodness ACLU liberal, was anti gun……and then they actually did research on the topic….and found out how often and how effective guns are at keeping normal, peace loving people safe from violent criminal attack.

Yes I'm sure lott was real liberal when he was making up gun surveys to try and prove more guns equals less crime.

Sorry…..you need to actually research the topic….I was around here when Lott released his first research into guns. He was an actual professor of economics at the University of Chicago….he noticed that each side in the gun debate cherry picked different locations to push their points on gun control. So, as someone who was neutral but believed gun control would be a good idea, he decided to actually do research that wasn't biased.

How did he do that….he took crime data from every county in the United States and followed the implementation of concealed carry laws…..and that is when he discovered that they lowered the crime rate…..and damaged his career by publishing the research.

Why is an economist studying it at all? I'd like to see his finances.

You might want to take that up with the economists who wrote "Freakonomics," They seem to research all sorts of topics…….
Wisconsin, Milwaukee is the crime center and they too are short on police and fighting concealed carry laws…..and they just passed the law 3 years ago and so haven't reached the 5% threshold that begins reducing crime….people actually have to be carrying guns to drive off criminals…and that takes a while to get the numbers up.

But Minnesota and Florida……crime is down in those states and Minnesota just crossed that threshold and Florida is now handing out permits at 20,000 a month and crime is at a 44 year low….

5%? Where is that from? More of disgraced Lott?

Crime shouldn't go up after it is passed.

Yes….and they just wave a magic wand and all the people suddenly have guns on their hips…..Minnnesota just passed the threshold…it takes time…...

So it is disgraced Lott then? Let's see the study.
Concealed carry does help to lower the crime rate. Does it solve all crime, no….police are good for most of that. However, women can stop rape most effectively with a gun, no other method is as effective, and a knife comes in a distant second………..

And at it's most basic…a gun stops the crime for that victim…and may possibly save other victims if the criminal is captured and held for police or shot and injured or killed.

And I have never said that all crime will be stopped…..there are too many people who won't carry guns for self defense…….

If it helped violent crime would not have gone up in wi and chicago when they got it.

Yes…and you lie. Chicago just passed it and is fighting the implementation of concealed carry….and on top of that, they are down 2,000 police officers, 1000 from a lack of hiring and another 1000 due to sick leave and vacations…..and on top of that, chicago gangs get the people they support elected aldermen in their wards who then vote down police resources and keep their members out of jail…..

So allowing normal, law abiding citizens to carry guns is not why people are getting murdered in chicago…you know that….and you have to lie to hide that.

I have clearly said it does not effect crime rates. So you are lying again I have not claimed it is the cause.

Yes you have….you state in almost every post where you mention chicago and Wisconsin that there rates have gone up after the law was passed……every time…liar.

I'm not saying it is the cause, just that it is clear evidence carry doesn't lower crime. You are the liar.

Hmmm…fuck you…..states with concealed carry have lower crime rates…..the research shows this….
Lott is a proven hack who makes up surveys. His survey was feeble at best and imaginary at worst.

Your saying so does not make it so…..Lott is the preeminent researcher into gun self defense issues which is why you guys need to take him out…when you aren't lying about him you lie about Dr. Gary Kleck…..both of whom were anti gun, Lott was more neutral but anti gun leaning, and Dr. Kleck, an honest to goodness ACLU liberal, was anti gun……and then they actually did research on the topic….and found out how often and how effective guns are at keeping normal, peace loving people safe from violent criminal attack.

Yes I'm sure lott was real liberal when he was making up gun surveys to try and prove more guns equals less crime.

Sorry…..you need to actually research the topic….I was around here when Lott released his first research into guns. He was an actual professor of economics at the University of Chicago….he noticed that each side in the gun debate cherry picked different locations to push their points on gun control. So, as someone who was neutral but believed gun control would be a good idea, he decided to actually do research that wasn't biased.

How did he do that….he took crime data from every county in the United States and followed the implementation of concealed carry laws…..and that is when he discovered that they lowered the crime rate…..and damaged his career by publishing the research.

Why is an economist studying it at all? I'd like to see his finances.

You might want to take that up with the economists who wrote "Freakonomics," They seem to research all sorts of topics…….

Economics doesn't study gun crime. This guy is a joke.
Wisconsin, Milwaukee is the crime center and they too are short on police and fighting concealed carry laws…..and they just passed the law 3 years ago and so haven't reached the 5% threshold that begins reducing crime….people actually have to be carrying guns to drive off criminals…and that takes a while to get the numbers up.

But Minnesota and Florida……crime is down in those states and Minnesota just crossed that threshold and Florida is now handing out permits at 20,000 a month and crime is at a 44 year low….

5%? Where is that from? More of disgraced Lott?

Crime shouldn't go up after it is passed.

Yes….and they just wave a magic wand and all the people suddenly have guns on their hips…..Minnnesota just passed the threshold…it takes time…...

So it is disgraced Lott then? Let's see the study.

Lott has never been disgraced…smeared by anti gun extremists who realize his work and Dr. Gary Kleck's work shows the reality of private ownership of guns, so they have to be destroyed…they are now going after the researchers who contribute to Lott's website…attacking their jobs…the left are vile….

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