Florida Concealed Carry permits handed out at 20,000 a month…and gun crime is going down, not up...

And of course david hemenway, the guy whose studies are biased and influenced by his connections to gun control groups pops up again…...

Majority Of Experts Disagree That More Permissive Concealed Carry Laws Reduce Crime. According to a survey of authors of articles about firearms in peer-reviewed journals conducted by the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, 62 percent of respondents rejected the notion that permissive concealed carry laws reduce crime:


New Harvard research debunks the NRA's favorite talking points

And of course hemenway, he hack is wrong again….

Correcting the record on David Hemenway's claim that academics support gun control - Crime Prevention Research Center

David Hemenway’s guest column last Sunday, “Scientists reach consensus on guns,” claimed a consensus on gun research based on a survey he conducted. But he conveniently fails to mention that another similar survey of peer-reviewed researchers was released two months ago.

That survey found the exact opposite. Gary Mauser, a professor who specializes in polling at Canada’s Simon Fraser University, conducted it for the Crime Prevention Research Center. Mauser surveyed 53 economists who published in the area over the last 15 years. Among the questions: an overwhelming number — 83 percent — noted guns are more likely to be used in self-defense than in crime. Further, 74 percent said concealed handgun laws reduce murder rates and 69 percent said guns in the home don’t cause more suicides. Also, 83 percent said gun-free zones attract criminals.

Hemenway fails to note that the people he surveyed only had to mention “firearms” in their research. They didn’t have to actually conduct empirical work on guns.

There were also problems in the recording of his responses. For instance, I was supposedly one of the researchers surveyed. Yet, my responses weren’t recorded. When I emailed Hemenway about this technical problem, my emails were ignored.

Gun control extremists have to lie…..that is the only way the can push their gun control arguments…

In the United States, as more Americans own and carry guns for self defense, the gun murder rate has gone down, not up….thus pointing out that hemenway and the other gun control activists are wrong, and gun accidental deaths have gone down, not up, again proving them wrong.

Cherry picking murders in a few years? lol

Gun Rhetoric vs. Gun Facts
We offer facts and context as a national gun-control debate intensifies.


While Lott’s work is often cited by gun rights advocates, his findings are strongly disputed by numerous academics. Most notably, in 2004 a committee of the National Research Council of the National Academies analyzed Lott’s research and took issue with his findings, concluding that “it is impossible to draw strong conclusions from the existing literature on the causal impact of these laws” (See Chapter 6).

National Research Council, 2004: The initial model specification, when extended to new data, does not show evidence that passage of right-to-carry laws reduces crime. The estimated effects are highly sensitive to seemingly minor changes in the model specification and control variables. No link between right-to-carry laws and changes in crime is apparent in the raw data, even in the initial sample; it is only once numerous covariates are included that the negative results in the early data emerge. While the trend models show a reduction in the crime growth rate following the adoption of right-to-carry laws, these trend reductions occur long after law adoption, casting serious doubt on the proposition that the trend models estimated in the literature reflect effects of the law change. Finally, some of the point estimates are imprecise. Thus, the committee concludes that with the current evidence it is not possible to determine that there is a causal link between the passage of right-to-carry laws and crime rates.

Gun Rhetoric vs. Gun Facts

Majority Of Experts Disagree That More Permissive Concealed Carry Laws Reduce Crime.

Yes…..and you forgot the study by the bill clinton's justice dept. that shows that guns are used to stop violent crime 1.5 million times a year. The study was created by anti gun researchers, using their methods and executed by them they found 1.5 million defensive uses….and please….link that image…..so we know which anti gun extremist group you got it from…..

What The Evidence Shows: Concealed Carry Laws Are Linked to Higher Violent Crime Rates. Research indicates that more permissive concealed carry laws are linked with higher rates of violent crime, not lower rates, and that many people with concealed carry permits are not “good guys with guns.”

A study released by Stanford last year took a look at the data and found clear links between allowing concealed carry without a permit and some types of violence. It was difficult to tie right-to-carry laws to violent crime, but researchers did find an estimated 8 percent increase in aggravated assault cases — and this is likely an underestimate, according to the researchers. “The totality of the evidence based on educated judgments about the best statistical models suggests that right-to-carry laws are associated with substantially higher rates of aggravated assault, rape, robbery and murder,” said the researchers, who described the analysis of such laws as a “vexing task.”

Moreover, research has demonstrated that those who obtain concealed carry permits can pose a threat to public safety — that they’re not always the “good guys” the NRA makes them out to be:
A Violence Policy Center study found that Texas concealed handgun license holders were arrested for weapon-related offenses at a rate 81% higher than the general population of Texas aged 21 and older (offenses included 279 assaults, 671 unlawfully carrying a weapon, and 172 deadly conduct/discharge of a firearm). Between January 1, 1996 and August 31, 2001, Texas concealed handgun license holders were arrested for 5,314 crimes—including murder, rape, kidnapping and theft. And a 2007 investigation by the Florida Sun-Sentinel found that the state’s permit system had granted concealed carry permits to more than 1,400 individuals who pled guilty or no contest to a felony, 216 individuals with outstanding warrants, 128 individuals with active domestic violence restraining orders, and six registered sex offenders.

New Harvard Research Debunks Gun Lobby's Favorite Talking Points

And to put the lie to the research you have posted…anyone who uses the Violence Policy Center is just lying to you….

A Violence Policy Center study found that Texas concealed handgun license holders were arrested for weapon-related offenses at a rate 81% higher than the general population of Texas aged 21 and older (offenses included 279 assaults, 671 unlawfully carrying a weapon, and 172 deadly conduct/discharge of a firearm). Between January 1, 1996 and August 31, 2001, Texas concealed handgun license holders were arrested for 5,314 crimes—including murder, rape, kidnapping and theft. And a 2007 investigation by the Florida Sun-Sentinel found that the state’s permit system had granted concealed carry permits to more than 1,400 individuals who pled guilty or no contest to a felony, 216 individuals with outstanding warrants, 128 individuals with active domestic violence restraining orders, and six registered sex offenders.

Bogus Gun-Control Numbers

Now a look at the murder and manslaughter statistics as presented by the Violence Policy Center report. These cases would surely be relevant, but they are not counted correctly. This is how the Michigan State Police report the numbers: 2007–08: Pending 5, Convicted 0 2008–09: Pending 0, Convicted 1 2009–10: Pending 1, Convicted 2 2010–11: Pending 5, Convicted 4 2011–12: Pending 3, Convicted 4 Total: Pending 14, Convicted 11 In other words, during 2007–08, five cases were pending and there were no convictions.

The Violence Policy Center makes several fundamental mistakes.

First, it can’t add simple numbers up correctly. While the VPC claims 20 pending cases and 14 convictions, the Michigan State Police report a total of 14 and 11 cases respectively.

Secondly, since it can take years for a murder case to go to trial, some of the homicides may have occurred well before 2007. In addition, the Michigan State Police report doesn’t provide information on how the murder was committed, so gun murders make up only a portion of this total.

Third, and perhaps the worst mistake, the Violence Policy Center actually adds the “pending” and “conviction” numbers together. Convictions are obviously what should be counted. After all, some of the “pending” cases do not result in a conviction, and adding them more than doubles the total number. There is even more numerical nonsense.

The Violence Policy Center then adds in twelve cases that were reported in newspapers and other media over the same years. However, those cases had already been counted in the official statistics by the Michigan State Police.

Read more at: Bogus Gun-Control Numbers | National Review Online
and the real data shows that cities in these states that have the strictest gun laws have the most gun violence....see, the problem isn't law abiding citizens carrying guns for self defense...it is criminals...who repeatedly break the law and are not kept in prison.

NYT Cherry-Picks Stats, Claims Places With Stricter Gun Control Have Fewer Gun-Related Deaths

According to the CDC, the most recent numbers show L.A. and Chicago as ranking in the top two for gun murders in the U.S. They were followed by New York, Philadelphia, Houston, Detroit, Miami, Dallas, Washington and San Francisco. Chicago and New York, in particular, are notorious for their very strict gun laws, yet they top the list in violent gun-related crime.

Baltimore, New Orleans, Detroit, St. Louis, all made Business Insider’s “50 Most Violent Cities in the World,” list which measured homicides per 100,000 residents .

But that’s only a small part of what Egan got wrong.

Scholar and gun rights advocate John Lott, who has written extensively on the issue of gun control, spoke to MRC Culture to give a rebuttal to Egan’s misinformation.

Egan states in his piece that bystander victims can be a result of guns being used by “good guys” who try to take out the bad guy. But Lott told MRC Culture says there is “not one single example” where this has happened. In fact, his research shows mass shootings are often prevented by good guys with guns and these shootings are “underreported by the media.”

Egan also claims that if more malls had guns banned from the premises, like the Mall of America does, then there would be fewer shootings. But Lott says this is not true, citing two mall shootings in gun-free-zones. “There are malls that allow concealed handgun permit holders all across the U.S. What is interesting is that the shootings in the malls keep on occurring in those mall that have posted gun-free signs,” Lott wrote in an email.

Furthermore, Egan’s claim that “waves of mass shooting continue” “every few weeks now” is hyperbolic. Data shows that mass public shootings rate has remained relatively flat in the past 40 years, according to Lott.

But Egan is a gun control “True Believer,” and no amount of facts will change that. He ends his piece by claiming that the 2nd Amendment is “a freedom that has become a tyranny in itself.”

- See more at: NYT Cherry-Picks Stats, Claims Places With Stricter Gun Control Have Fewer Gun-Related Deaths
And this looks at hemenway and kellerman and why you can't trust anti gun extremists...

Public Health Pot Shots

The CDC's reports and studies never give long-term trend data linking gun sales to murder rates, citing only carefully selected partial or short-term correlations. If murder went down in the first and second years, then back up in the third and fourth years, only the rise is mentioned. CDC publications focus on fluctuations and other unrepresentative phenomena to exaggerate the incidence of gun deaths and to conceal declines. Thus, in its Advance Data from Vital and Health Statistics (1994), the CDC melodramatically announces that gun deaths now "rival" driving fatalities, as if gun murders were increasing. But this trend simply reflects the fact that driving fatalities are declining more rapidly than murders.

While the CDC shows a selective interest in homicide trends, it tends to ignore trends in accidental gun deaths--with good reason. In the 25 years from 1968 to 1992, American gun ownership increased almost 135 percent (from 97 million to 222 million), with handgun ownership rising more than 300 percent. These huge increases coincided with a two-thirds decline in accidental gun fatalities. The CDC and the researchers it funds do not like to talk about this dramatic development, since it flies in the face of the assumption that more guns mean more deaths. They are especially reluctant to acknowledge the drop in accidental gun deaths because of the two most plausible explanations for it: the replacement of rifles and shotguns with the much safer handgun as the main weapon kept loaded for self-defense, and the NRA's impressive efforts in gun safety training.
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And of course david hemenway, the guy whose studies are biased and influenced by his connections to gun control groups pops up again…...

Majority Of Experts Disagree That More Permissive Concealed Carry Laws Reduce Crime. According to a survey of authors of articles about firearms in peer-reviewed journals conducted by the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, 62 percent of respondents rejected the notion that permissive concealed carry laws reduce crime:


New Harvard research debunks the NRA's favorite talking points

And of course hemenway, he hack is wrong again….

Correcting the record on David Hemenway's claim that academics support gun control - Crime Prevention Research Center

David Hemenway’s guest column last Sunday, “Scientists reach consensus on guns,” claimed a consensus on gun research based on a survey he conducted. But he conveniently fails to mention that another similar survey of peer-reviewed researchers was released two months ago.

That survey found the exact opposite. Gary Mauser, a professor who specializes in polling at Canada’s Simon Fraser University, conducted it for the Crime Prevention Research Center. Mauser surveyed 53 economists who published in the area over the last 15 years. Among the questions: an overwhelming number — 83 percent — noted guns are more likely to be used in self-defense than in crime. Further, 74 percent said concealed handgun laws reduce murder rates and 69 percent said guns in the home don’t cause more suicides. Also, 83 percent said gun-free zones attract criminals.

Hemenway fails to note that the people he surveyed only had to mention “firearms” in their research. They didn’t have to actually conduct empirical work on guns.

There were also problems in the recording of his responses. For instance, I was supposedly one of the researchers surveyed. Yet, my responses weren’t recorded. When I emailed Hemenway about this technical problem, my emails were ignored.

Gun control extremists have to lie…..that is the only way the can push their gun control arguments…

In the United States, as more Americans own and carry guns for self defense, the gun murder rate has gone down, not up….thus pointing out that hemenway and the other gun control activists are wrong, and gun accidental deaths have gone down, not up, again proving them wrong.

Cherry picking murders in a few years? lol

Gun Rhetoric vs. Gun Facts
We offer facts and context as a national gun-control debate intensifies.


While Lott’s work is often cited by gun rights advocates, his findings are strongly disputed by numerous academics. Most notably, in 2004 a committee of the National Research Council of the National Academies analyzed Lott’s research and took issue with his findings, concluding that “it is impossible to draw strong conclusions from the existing literature on the causal impact of these laws” (See Chapter 6).

National Research Council, 2004: The initial model specification, when extended to new data, does not show evidence that passage of right-to-carry laws reduces crime. The estimated effects are highly sensitive to seemingly minor changes in the model specification and control variables. No link between right-to-carry laws and changes in crime is apparent in the raw data, even in the initial sample; it is only once numerous covariates are included that the negative results in the early data emerge. While the trend models show a reduction in the crime growth rate following the adoption of right-to-carry laws, these trend reductions occur long after law adoption, casting serious doubt on the proposition that the trend models estimated in the literature reflect effects of the law change. Finally, some of the point estimates are imprecise. Thus, the committee concludes that with the current evidence it is not possible to determine that there is a causal link between the passage of right-to-carry laws and crime rates.

Gun Rhetoric vs. Gun Facts

Majority Of Experts Disagree That More Permissive Concealed Carry Laws Reduce Crime.

Yes…..and you forgot the study by the bill clinton's justice dept. that shows that guns are used to stop violent crime 1.5 million times a year. The study was created by anti gun researchers, using their methods and executed by them they found 1.5 million defensive uses….and please….link that image…..so we know which anti gun extremist group you got it from…..

What The Evidence Shows: Concealed Carry Laws Are Linked to Higher Violent Crime Rates. Research indicates that more permissive concealed carry laws are linked with higher rates of violent crime, not lower rates, and that many people with concealed carry permits are not “good guys with guns.”

A study released by Stanford last year took a look at the data and found clear links between allowing concealed carry without a permit and some types of violence. It was difficult to tie right-to-carry laws to violent crime, but researchers did find an estimated 8 percent increase in aggravated assault cases — and this is likely an underestimate, according to the researchers. “The totality of the evidence based on educated judgments about the best statistical models suggests that right-to-carry laws are associated with substantially higher rates of aggravated assault, rape, robbery and murder,” said the researchers, who described the analysis of such laws as a “vexing task.”

Moreover, research has demonstrated that those who obtain concealed carry permits can pose a threat to public safety — that they’re not always the “good guys” the NRA makes them out to be:
A Violence Policy Center study found that Texas concealed handgun license holders were arrested for weapon-related offenses at a rate 81% higher than the general population of Texas aged 21 and older (offenses included 279 assaults, 671 unlawfully carrying a weapon, and 172 deadly conduct/discharge of a firearm). Between January 1, 1996 and August 31, 2001, Texas concealed handgun license holders were arrested for 5,314 crimes—including murder, rape, kidnapping and theft. And a 2007 investigation by the Florida Sun-Sentinel found that the state’s permit system had granted concealed carry permits to more than 1,400 individuals who pled guilty or no contest to a felony, 216 individuals with outstanding warrants, 128 individuals with active domestic violence restraining orders, and six registered sex offenders.

New Harvard Research Debunks Gun Lobby's Favorite Talking Points

And in this silly post...what was the clue that they were lying...and made it up......

It was difficult to tie right-to-carry laws to violent crime,

Yes...that is what they said....but by God they were going to find a way to do it anyway..........

And allow me to translate this tidbit...

The totality of the evidence based on educated judgments

Translation: We don't like guns so we are going to make things up to help get new laws passed....

End Translation...
American Journal Of Public Health Study: Correlation Exists Between Gun Ownership Rates And Gun Homicide Rates. A 2013 study that covered 30 years of data "found a 'robust correlation' between estimated levels of gun ownership and actual gun homicides at the state level, even when controlling for factors typically associated with homicides"

BU Researcher Finds Correlation Between Gun Ownership and Firearm Homicide | Public Relations

Harvard Injury Control Research Center: "In Homes, Cities, States And Regions In The US, Where There Are More Guns" There Are More Gun Homicides.

Homicide | Harvard Injury Control Research Center | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

University Of Pennsylvania Firearm & Injury Center: Higher Gun Ownership Rates Linked To Higher Gun Death Rates On International Scale. Comparing high-income nations, the University of Pennsylvania Firearm & Injury Center found "The U.S. has the highest rates of both firearm homicide and private firearm ownership":

The correlation between firearm availability and rates of homicide is consistent across high income industrialized nations: where there are more firearms, there are higher rates of homicide overall. The U.S. has the highest rates of both firearm homicide and private firearm ownership. In 2001 an estimated 35% of U.S. households had a firearm


Sorry, those studies have been shown to be biased and poorly executed.

I have posted more studies on how guns save lives and lower the crime rate…you should look into those.


Majority Of Experts Disagree That More Permissive Concealed Carry Laws Reduce Crime. According to a survey of authors of articles about firearms in peer-reviewed journals conducted by the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, 62 percent of respondents rejected the notion that permissive concealed carry laws reduce crime:


New Harvard research debunks the NRA's favorite talking points

9% are on your side dummy? It's the anti's 2nds who are biased though? lol

And dipshit your biased 9% is not accurate......an accurate look at actual gun scholars, vs. hemenway who used anyone who wrote the word "firearm" on a page in their report........

New survey on the views of academic economists who research guns - Crime Prevention Research Center

The CPRC is releasing a new survey entitled: “Economists’ views on guns: Crime, suicides, and right-to-carry concealed handgun laws.” The survey of economists conducted from August 25th to September 12th 2014 found interesting results including:

Here is the intro. from a paper that asks scholars who actually study guns...

Surveying the academic literature provides one useful way of understanding the relationship between gun ownership and crime. Alternatively, one can survey researchers who have published peer-reviewed research on the topic. From August 25th to September 12th 2014, the Crime Prevention Research Center emailed a survey to 50 researchers.


For North American researchers: 88% believe that guns are more frequently “used in self-defense than they are used in the commission of crime;” 91% believe that gun-free zones are “more likely to attract criminals than they are to deter them;” 72% do not believe that “a gun in the home causes an increase in the risk of suicide;” 91% say that “concealed handgun permit holders are much more law-abiding than the typical American;” and 81% say that permitted concealed handguns lower the murder rate. Including the researchers from Australia and Sweden lowers these percentages by between 3 and 8 percentage points, but the numbers are still quite high.

The percentages here are similar to those found in literature surveys on concealed carry laws.2 As we will discuss, this survey also provides results that are consistent with surveys of the general United States adult population by Gallup and the Pew Research Center.

Hmmmmm, actual gun researchers say concealed carry lowers the murder rate...let's see...

9% of non gun researchers vs. 81% of researchers who actually study the subject....

And of course david hemenway, the guy whose studies are biased and influenced by his connections to gun control groups pops up again…...

Majority Of Experts Disagree That More Permissive Concealed Carry Laws Reduce Crime. According to a survey of authors of articles about firearms in peer-reviewed journals conducted by the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, 62 percent of respondents rejected the notion that permissive concealed carry laws reduce crime:


New Harvard research debunks the NRA's favorite talking points

And of course hemenway, he hack is wrong again….

Correcting the record on David Hemenway's claim that academics support gun control - Crime Prevention Research Center

David Hemenway’s guest column last Sunday, “Scientists reach consensus on guns,” claimed a consensus on gun research based on a survey he conducted. But he conveniently fails to mention that another similar survey of peer-reviewed researchers was released two months ago.

That survey found the exact opposite. Gary Mauser, a professor who specializes in polling at Canada’s Simon Fraser University, conducted it for the Crime Prevention Research Center. Mauser surveyed 53 economists who published in the area over the last 15 years. Among the questions: an overwhelming number — 83 percent — noted guns are more likely to be used in self-defense than in crime. Further, 74 percent said concealed handgun laws reduce murder rates and 69 percent said guns in the home don’t cause more suicides. Also, 83 percent said gun-free zones attract criminals.

Hemenway fails to note that the people he surveyed only had to mention “firearms” in their research. They didn’t have to actually conduct empirical work on guns.

There were also problems in the recording of his responses. For instance, I was supposedly one of the researchers surveyed. Yet, my responses weren’t recorded. When I emailed Hemenway about this technical problem, my emails were ignored.

Gun control extremists have to lie…..that is the only way the can push their gun control arguments…

In the United States, as more Americans own and carry guns for self defense, the gun murder rate has gone down, not up….thus pointing out that hemenway and the other gun control activists are wrong, and gun accidental deaths have gone down, not up, again proving them wrong.

Cherry picking murders in a few years? lol

Gun Rhetoric vs. Gun Facts
We offer facts and context as a national gun-control debate intensifies.


While Lott’s work is often cited by gun rights advocates, his findings are strongly disputed by numerous academics. Most notably, in 2004 a committee of the National Research Council of the National Academies analyzed Lott’s research and took issue with his findings, concluding that “it is impossible to draw strong conclusions from the existing literature on the causal impact of these laws” (See Chapter 6).

National Research Council, 2004: The initial model specification, when extended to new data, does not show evidence that passage of right-to-carry laws reduces crime. The estimated effects are highly sensitive to seemingly minor changes in the model specification and control variables. No link between right-to-carry laws and changes in crime is apparent in the raw data, even in the initial sample; it is only once numerous covariates are included that the negative results in the early data emerge. While the trend models show a reduction in the crime growth rate following the adoption of right-to-carry laws, these trend reductions occur long after law adoption, casting serious doubt on the proposition that the trend models estimated in the literature reflect effects of the law change. Finally, some of the point estimates are imprecise. Thus, the committee concludes that with the current evidence it is not possible to determine that there is a causal link between the passage of right-to-carry laws and crime rates.

Gun Rhetoric vs. Gun Facts

Majority Of Experts Disagree That More Permissive Concealed Carry Laws Reduce Crime.

Yes…..and you forgot the study by the bill clinton's justice dept. that shows that guns are used to stop violent crime 1.5 million times a year. The study was created by anti gun researchers, using their methods and executed by them they found 1.5 million defensive uses….and please….link that image…..so we know which anti gun extremist group you got it from…..

What The Evidence Shows: Concealed Carry Laws Are Linked to Higher Violent Crime Rates. Research indicates that more permissive concealed carry laws are linked with higher rates of violent crime, not lower rates, and that many people with concealed carry permits are not “good guys with guns.”

A study released by Stanford last year took a look at the data and found clear links between allowing concealed carry without a permit and some types of violence. It was difficult to tie right-to-carry laws to violent crime, but researchers did find an estimated 8 percent increase in aggravated assault cases — and this is likely an underestimate, according to the researchers. “The totality of the evidence based on educated judgments about the best statistical models suggests that right-to-carry laws are associated with substantially higher rates of aggravated assault, rape, robbery and murder,” said the researchers, who described the analysis of such laws as a “vexing task.”

Moreover, research has demonstrated that those who obtain concealed carry permits can pose a threat to public safety — that they’re not always the “good guys” the NRA makes them out to be:
A Violence Policy Center study found that Texas concealed handgun license holders were arrested for weapon-related offenses at a rate 81% higher than the general population of Texas aged 21 and older (offenses included 279 assaults, 671 unlawfully carrying a weapon, and 172 deadly conduct/discharge of a firearm). Between January 1, 1996 and August 31, 2001, Texas concealed handgun license holders were arrested for 5,314 crimes—including murder, rape, kidnapping and theft. And a 2007 investigation by the Florida Sun-Sentinel found that the state’s permit system had granted concealed carry permits to more than 1,400 individuals who pled guilty or no contest to a felony, 216 individuals with outstanding warrants, 128 individuals with active domestic violence restraining orders, and six registered sex offenders.

New Harvard Research Debunks Gun Lobby's Favorite Talking Points

What The Evidence Shows: Concealed Carry Laws Are Linked to Higher Violent Crime Rates. Research indicates that more permissive concealed carry laws are linked with higher rates of violent crime, not lower rates, and that many people with concealed carry permits are not “good guys with guns.”

Hmmm...What do actual researchers in gun self defense say.......

91% say that “concealed handgun permit holders are much more law-abiding than the typical American;”

Of course, those are peer reviewed researchers in the actual field....economists and criminologists....vs. hemenways "professionals" who don't actually study guns but simply read what he handed them and signed off on it........
And another study...

The Science is Settled: Guns Don't Cause Crime - The Truth About Guns

For example, Canada has had “strictly regulated handguns for more than a century” and required the registration of all handguns “since 1934.” Yet, although the northern-most U.S. states adjoining Canada “have a three to ten-fold higher prevalence of handgun ownership… no consistent differences were observed in violent homicide rates.”

In other words, in the absence of guns Canadians prone to violence were able to find other lethal means to use.

A 2007 study in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy made this same point based on suicide numbers in England following gun bans there. According to the study, while gun control advocates were celebrating a drop in the number of firearms used in suicides, they overlooked the fact that suicides among “English youth” actually rose as a growing number of people simply found other ways to kill themselves.

The gun is not the culprit. Rather, the person intent on assaulting or killing another person is the culprit.

And another study that shows guns do not increase murder or suicide....


International evidence and comparisons have long been offered as proof of the mantra that more guns mean more deaths and that fewer guns, therefore, mean fewer deaths.1 Unfortunately, such discussions are all too often been afflicted by misconceptions and factual error and focus on comparisons that are unrepresentative. It may be useful to begin with a few examples. There is a com‐ pound assertion that (a) guns are uniquely available in the United States compared with other modern developed nations, which is why (b) the United States has by far the highest murder rate. Though these assertions have been endlessly repeated, statement (b) is, in fact, false and statement (a) is substantially so.


While American gun ownership is quite high, Table 1 shows many other developed nations (e.g., Norway, Finland, Germany, France, Denmark) with high rates of gun ownership. These countries, however, have murder rates as low or lower than many devel‐ oped nations in which gun ownership is much rarer. For example, Luxembourg, where handguns are totally banned and ownership of any kind of gun is minimal, had a murder rate nine times higher than Germany in 2002.9


In this connection, two recent studies are pertinent. In 2004, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences released its evaluation from a review of 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications, and some original empirical research. It failed to identify any gun control that had reduced violent crime, sui‐ cide, or gun accidents.15 The same conclusion was reached in 2003 by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s review of then‐ extant studies.16

They don't exactly agree with guns causing crime do they........?

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Yes…..as the gun murder rate in the country goes down, Florida is issuing more concealed carry permits….

Florida Concealed Carry Permits Reach 1.5 Million, Adding 20,000 Each Month | Concealed Nation

Ooops! You seem to have missed this!

'Florida's top law enforcement agency is reporting an overall drop in crime in 2014, though there was a slight increase in the number of rapes and murders.'

Florida Crime Down in 2014, But Murders and Rapes on Rise

Yes....10 more murders in 2014.... You should try harder..."and as to the rapes.....more women should carry guns...women are the group with the lowest rate of concealed carry permits...so it is no wonder they are targeted by criminals....this shows that more women need to get concealed Cary permits and self defense training...since actual research shows that guns are the best way to stop rape...
Yes…..as the gun murder rate in the country goes down, Florida is issuing more concealed carry permits….

Florida Concealed Carry Permits Reach 1.5 Million, Adding 20,000 Each Month | Concealed Nation

Ooops! You seem to have missed this!

'Florida's top law enforcement agency is reporting an overall drop in crime in 2014, though there was a slight increase in the number of rapes and murders.'

Florida Crime Down in 2014, But Murders and Rapes on Rise

Yes....10 more murders in 2014.... You should try harder..."and as to the rapes.....more women should carry guns...women are the group with the lowest rate of concealed carry permits...so it is no wonder they are targeted by criminals....this shows that more women need to get concealed Cary permits and self defense training...since actual research shows that guns are the best way to stop rape...

and of course....the overall crime rate is down while they are handing out 20,000 concealed carry permits a month.....
Yes…..as the gun murder rate in the country goes down, Florida is issuing more concealed carry permits….

Florida Concealed Carry Permits Reach 1.5 Million, Adding 20,000 Each Month | Concealed Nation

Ooops! You seem to have missed this!

'Florida's top law enforcement agency is reporting an overall drop in crime in 2014, though there was a slight increase in the number of rapes and murders.'

Florida Crime Down in 2014, But Murders and Rapes on Rise

and besides the whole, 10, extra murders in the whole state of Florida......and the fact that more women in Florida need to get their carry permits.....

How much lower is overall crime.....?

The department reported the number of crimes per 100,000 residents dropped by 4.9 percent and was Florida's lowest level in 44 years.
There were 865,392 arrests made last year, down 5.1 percent from 2013.

And what was the point of this thread.....Florida just broke 1.5 million concealed carry permit holders....and the overall crime rate is down, as they hand out 20,000 new permits a month...

And there was a story about the crime rate being down in Minnesota as they reached 200,000 concealed carry permits, about 5% of their population, 19% of whom are women......
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And why is rape up in Florida....one reason...migrant women being raped...since they probably can't get gun permits...

A Florida Farm County's High Rape Rate Highlights Risks for Migrant Workers

Although it's not clear how many attacks involve farm workers because police reports generally don't include that information, the majority of Hendry's population works in the agriculture industry. A 2005 study showed 74 cents of every dollar in the county's economy could be traced to farming. The attacks described in county records run the gamut from domestic violence to nauseating assaults on children, but taken as a whole, they point to a larger truth: Sexual assault is an outsize problem in the area, especially when thousands of migrant women with little understanding of the English language or their legal rights move there every year to harvest crops.

"Sexual abuse is alive and flourishing outside of our program," says Laura Safer Espinoza, a retired New York state judge who now runs Florida's Fair Food Standards Council, which among other objectives aims to stem sexual abuse of farm workers through programs including an abuse hotline. "Some of the calls we get are heartbreaking."


In the past two years, 27 felony sexual assaults have been filed; that averages out annually to one rape case per 2,880 people in the county, a 17 percent higher rate than Miami's rate of one per 3,275 residents (based on FBI crime data) and almost 40 percent greater than the national rate.

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Yes....10 more murders in 2014.... You should try harder..."and as to the rapes.....more women should carry guns...women are the group with the lowest rate of concealed carry permits...so it is no wonder they are targeted by criminals....this shows that more women need to get concealed Cary permits and self defense training...since actual research shows that guns are the best way to stop rape...

Your contention is that crime is going down which it isn't.

If you want crime to go down;

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2015 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 500 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My plan would reduce small business costs for employees and taxes to 30%. That's a 15%-30% drop.

My plan would put BILLIONS into the economy daily.

My plan would put the $100 trillion plus currently owned by corporate America back into the economy.

My plan would end all welfare.

My plan would significantly increase social security and pension payments.

My plan would hold prices for 10 years, thus eliminating inflation.
Yes…..as the gun murder rate in the country goes down, Florida is issuing more concealed carry permits….

Florida Concealed Carry Permits Reach 1.5 Million, Adding 20,000 Each Month | Concealed Nation

Ooops! You seem to have missed this!

'Florida's top law enforcement agency is reporting an overall drop in crime in 2014, though there was a slight increase in the number of rapes and murders.'

Florida Crime Down in 2014, But Murders and Rapes on Rise

and besides the whole, 10, extra murders in the whole state of Florida......and the fact that more women in Florida need to get their carry permits.....

How much lower is overall crime.....?

The department reported the number of crimes per 100,000 residents dropped by 4.9 percent and was Florida's lowest level in 44 years.
There were 865,392 arrests made last year, down 5.1 percent from 2013.

And what was the point of this thread.....Florida just broke 1.5 million concealed carry permit holders....and the overall crime rate is down, as they hand out 20,000 new permits a month...

And there was a story about the crime rate being down in Minnesota as they reached 200,000 concealed carry permits, about 5% of their population, 19% of whom are women......

But the fact remains......all crime isn't down.
And why is rape up in Florida....one reason...migrant women being raped...since they probably can't get gun permits...

A Florida Farm County's High Rape Rate Highlights Risks for Migrant Workers

Although it's not clear how many attacks involve farm workers because police reports generally don't include that information, the majority of Hendry's population works in the agriculture industry. A 2005 study showed 74 cents of every dollar in the county's economy could be traced to farming. The attacks described in county records run the gamut from domestic violence to nauseating assaults on children, but taken as a whole, they point to a larger truth: Sexual assault is an outsize problem in the area, especially when thousands of migrant women with little understanding of the English language or their legal rights move there every year to harvest crops.

"Sexual abuse is alive and flourishing outside of our program," says Laura Safer Espinoza, a retired New York state judge who now runs Florida's Fair Food Standards Council, which among other objectives aims to stem sexual abuse of farm workers through programs including an abuse hotline. "Some of the calls we get are heartbreaking."


In the past two years, 27 felony sexual assaults have been filed; that averages out annually to one rape case per 2,880 people in the county, a 17 percent higher rate than Miami's rate of one per 3,275 residents (based on FBI crime data) and almost 40 percent greater than the national rate.

Here's one of you 'migrant women being raped.'

Sheriff: No one tried to stop Panama City Beach gang rape - CNN.com

You seem to ignorantly think that all crime will be stopped if everyone is carrying. It's much more complex than that. Sociology-economic problems are a huge reason. No jobs, low paying jobs, if you want to eat you have to steal.
American Journal Of Public Health Study: Correlation Exists Between Gun Ownership Rates And Gun Homicide Rates. A 2013 study that covered 30 years of data "found a 'robust correlation' between estimated levels of gun ownership and actual gun homicides at the state level, even when controlling for factors typically associated with homicides"

BU Researcher Finds Correlation Between Gun Ownership and Firearm Homicide | Public Relations

Harvard Injury Control Research Center: "In Homes, Cities, States And Regions In The US, Where There Are More Guns" There Are More Gun Homicides.

Homicide | Harvard Injury Control Research Center | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

University Of Pennsylvania Firearm & Injury Center: Higher Gun Ownership Rates Linked To Higher Gun Death Rates On International Scale. Comparing high-income nations, the University of Pennsylvania Firearm & Injury Center found "The U.S. has the highest rates of both firearm homicide and private firearm ownership":

The correlation between firearm availability and rates of homicide is consistent across high income industrialized nations: where there are more firearms, there are higher rates of homicide overall. The U.S. has the highest rates of both firearm homicide and private firearm ownership. In 2001 an estimated 35% of U.S. households had a firearm


Sorry, those studies have been shown to be biased and poorly executed.

I have posted more studies on how guns save lives and lower the crime rate…you should look into those.


Majority Of Experts Disagree That More Permissive Concealed Carry Laws Reduce Crime. According to a survey of authors of articles about firearms in peer-reviewed journals conducted by the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, 62 percent of respondents rejected the notion that permissive concealed carry laws reduce crime:


New Harvard research debunks the NRA's favorite talking points

9% are on your side dummy? It's the anti's 2nds who are biased though? lol

And dipshit your biased 9% is not accurate......an accurate look at actual gun scholars, vs. hemenway who used anyone who wrote the word "firearm" on a page in their report........

New survey on the views of academic economists who research guns - Crime Prevention Research Center

The CPRC is releasing a new survey entitled: “Economists’ views on guns: Crime, suicides, and right-to-carry concealed handgun laws.” The survey of economists conducted from August 25th to September 12th 2014 found interesting results including:

He got responses from 35 hand picked economists. Only economists? Hardly the right people... Hemenway got responses from 150:

Most of the scientists who were publishing relevant articles were from the fields of criminology, economics, public policy, political science and public health. Since there are typically many more authors on public health articles than on criminology articles, to have a balanced list I decided to include only the first author on the byline. Graduate students working for me identified more than 300 distinct first authors, and found more than 280 email addresses.
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