Florida Democrat leader Nikki Fried says “I’m not a doctor” when asked whether transgender women (males) can give birth or have an abortion.

Ignoring biology means your cutting and pasting makes no sense,
You didn't even addresses all the biological ambiguities that were brought up in my post and link because you can't. People like you and Lisa want to pretend chromosomes or genitalia are definitive but they're not. When we look at the intersexed like Caster Semenya, who was assigned female at birth because of genitalia and then later discovered she had XY chromosomes and internal testes, you either have to acknowledge XY chromosomes can mean male or female, concede males (if you're going by chromosomes) can have vaginas, or that females (if you're going by external genitalia can have XY chromosomes and testes, or that there are more than two genders.
That doesn’t work because of the transgender stuff: hence, the chromosome level.
That's because the "transgender stuff" is just all BULLSHIT excuses for MENTAL INSTABILITY in these warped individuals.
Check your crotch is all that should "work".
You didn't even addresses all the biological ambiguities that were brought up in my post and link because you can't. People like you and Lisa want to pretend chromosomes or genitalia are definitive but they're not. When we look at the intersexed like Caster Semenya, who was assigned female at birth because of genitalia and then later discovered she had XY chromosomes and internal testes, you either have to acknowledge XY chromosomes can mean male or female, concede males (if you're going by chromosomes) can have vaginas, or that females (if you're going by external genitalia can have XY chromosomes and testes, or that there are more than two genders.

I'm not going to spend time addressing your tedious cutting and pasting. None of the authors in those specious cut and paste articles are available to defend them and you have no ability to make distinctions between biological males and females.

You can rattle on about ''intersex'' as you like but denying biological realities won't make those realities disappear. In the anti-science world of the science illiterate left, realities about objective, meaningful, immutable physical realities of male and female are subordinate to ''feelings''.

As'plain us how ''feelings'' alone causes men, pretending to be women, to dominate in women's sports? ''Feelings'' mean nothing in the realm of biological differences separating male and female.

As'plain us why men such as Will Thomas, and there are others - men pretending to be women, are ''women'' only in superficial appearance?

Have you missed the fact that men pretending to be women in women's sports are not fully mutilated, hormone devastated men but freakish losers who make no pretense of being biological females?
I'm not going to spend time addressing your tedious cutting and pasting. None of the authors in those specious cut and paste articles are available to defend them and you have no ability to make distinctions between biological males and females.

You can rattle on about ''intersex'' as you like but denying biological realities won't make those realities disappear. In the anti-science world of the science illiterate left, realities about objective, meaningful, immutable physical realities of male and female are subordinate to ''feelings''.

As'plain us how ''feelings'' alone causes men, pretending to be women, to dominate in women's sports? ''Feelings'' mean nothing in the realm of biological differences separating male and female.

As'plain us why men such as Will Thomas, and there are others - men pretending to be women, are ''women'' only in superficial appearance?

Have you missed the fact that men pretending to be women in women's sports are not fully mutilated, hormone devastated men but freakish losers who make no pretense of being biological females?
You're all emotional rhetoric and no science. Your small brains short circuit when you come across someone with genitalia that doesn't match their chromosomes. :lmao:
''Intersex stuff''

How about a long, tedious cut and paste from an authoritative source such as a supermarket tabloid outlining ''stuff''?
Why? You're too stupid to understand any of of it. Also my last link was from Forbes. How triggered are you? :lmao:
You're all emotional rhetoric and no science. Your small brains short circuit when you come across someone with genitalia that doesn't match their chromosomes. :lmao:

I see you're angry and emotive but your claims to ''intersex stuff'' is a long from any meaningful scientific description.

Speaking of genitalia and chromosomes, does a biological female dosed with testosterone and who has undergone a double mastectomy and construction of something alleged to be a penis suddenly become a biological male?
The only mental instability I see is among transphobic people.

The Transgendered are just living their lives.
No, they want to FORCE us, who are "just living our lives", to conform to THEIR DELUSIONS.....OR ELSE!!!!!
GTFOH!!!! :eusa_hand:
I see you're angry and emotive but your claims to ''intersex stuff'' is a long from any meaningful scientific description.
I was using Lisa's word. Did Lisa trigger you, Snowflake? :dunno:
Speaking of genitalia and chromosomes, does a biological female dosed with testosterone and who has undergone a double mastectomy and construction of something alleged to be a penis suddenly become a biological male?
No. That's your own stupid misunderstanding of the debate. Congratulations on displaying it. :lmao:
No, they want to FORCE us, who are "just living our lives", to conform to THEIR DELUSIONS.....OR ELSE!!!!!
GTFOH!!!! :eusa_hand:

How are they doing that, exactly? I mean, besides asking you not to be an asshole.

news flash, big corporations are already using pronouns and will probably fire you if you deadname a trans-coworker.
How are they doing that, exactly? I mean, besides asking you not to be an asshole.

news flash, big corporations are already using pronouns and will probably fire you if you deadname a trans-coworker.
You just answered your own retarded question, dumb ass!!!!
That's because the "transgender stuff" is just all BULLSHIT excuses for MENTAL INSTABILITY in these warped individuals.
Check your crotch is all that should "work".
But some of these people have their penis cut off and a fake vagina fashioned. So they would claim they are now women. It needs to be chromosomal, or else we will keep having bio men outswimming the girls.
Cuz the Left loves science.

Datz what dey sez.

Reality says otherwise.

Another example of Democrats trying to outstupid one another. You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows." Bob Dylan.
Democrats suddenly get stupid when they have to tell the truth. Science my ass.
Amen. This lady is just trying to get her name in print by outstupiding other monkey see - monkey do Democrats. Reality says dick = male, pussy = female. Like Bob Dylan said, "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows".

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