Florida Democrat leader Nikki Fried says “I’m not a doctor” when asked whether transgender women (males) can give birth or have an abortion.

You just answered your own retarded question, dumb ass!!!!

You think that because your job won't let you be abusive your coworkers, you are being oppressed? Really?

Do you miss the good old days when you could slap female coworkers on the ass and call the black guy "Boy".
''Intersex stuff''

How about a long, tedious cut and paste from an authoritative source such as a supermarket tabloid outlining ''stuff''?
CG knows absolutely nothing about science. He spouts off emotion and feelings. Its a hoot to watch him though.
The only mental instability I see is among transphobic people.

The Transgendered are just living their lives.

Well, no. The belligerent, angry, tranny crowd is looking for special, entitled status from the left. The pronoun mafia is not just ''living their lives'' but seeking to impose compulsory speech on everyone else. They want men pretending to be women unrestricted access to women's / pre-teen girl's showers and dressing rooms. They want punitive, legal consequences for ''misgendering''.

As usual, it's the science illiterate, social misfits on the left who are pressing their gender confused, science loathing agenda on the female population.
CG knows absolutely nothing about science. He spouts off emotion and feelings. Its a hoot to watch him though.
What's amusing is to watch you clowns claim to be on the right side of science but never have any scientific community confirm that. From the intersexed to the transgendered the medical and scientific community is about compassionate and affirming care. Your bigotry only has a home among the religious.
What's amusing is to watch you clowns claim to be on the right side of science but never have any scientific community confirm that. From the intersexed to the transgendered the medical and scientific community is about compassionate and affirming care. Your bigotry only has a home among the religious.

Wrong, You're too emotional. I am in the scientific community and anyone with an IQ of 1 or higher knows males can not give birth. Im not going to lower myself and argue absurdity.
Why? You're too stupid to understand any of of it. Also my last link was from Forbes. How triggered are you? :lmao:
Oh, my. An opinion piece from Forbes. Golly gee whiz, I'd have thought you would have copied and pasted from an article in a recognized science journal such as Cosmopolitan Magazine for your ''intersex stuff''.
But some of these people have their penis cut off and a fake vagina fashioned. So they would claim they are now women. It needs to be chromosomal, or else we will keep having bio men outswimming the girls.

So what?

I'm always amused that people are so upset that someone might be scamming the Title IX scammers.

The only reason WHY there is a female swim team is because the government mandated it.

So I just can't get worked up if a transgender woman claims her spot.
Wrong, You're too emotional. I am in the scientific community and anyone with an IQ of 1 or higher knows males can not give birth. Im not going to lower myself and argue absurdity.
Males who are born with functioning wombs have the possibility of pregnancy.
Wrong, You're too emotional. I am in the scientific community and anyone with an IQ of 1 or higher knows males can not give birth. Im not going to lower myself and argue absurdity.
What if they do successful uterus transplants in the future, then they could?

Uterus transplants are already being done on cisgender women.
Oh, my. An opinion piece from Forbes. Golly, I'd have thought you would have copied and pasted from an article in a recognized science journal such as Cosmopolitan Magazine for your ''intersex stuff''.
I also posted a piece from a medical journal detailing the biological shift of trans brains. I see information that disagrees with your preconceived notions trigger you. How sad. :lmao:
You think that because your job won't let you be abusive your coworkers, you are being oppressed? Really?

Do you miss the good old days when you could slap female coworkers on the ass and call the black guy "Boy".
Fuck YOU and your PROJECTION!!!
That's not force you pussy, thats social pressure. Enjoy it. :funnyface:
I don't HAVE TO play along with YOUR DELUSIONS.
You can PRETEND all you want, but there's no fucking way to make the rest of us COMPLY to your DEMANDS.
So what?

I'm always amused that people are so upset that someone might be scamming the Title IX scammers.

The only reason WHY there is a female swim team is because the government mandated it.

So I just can't get worked up if a transgender woman claims her spot.

Will Thomas is not claiming his spot as a female. He is a man who was unable to compete in men's swimming sports so he exploited the willingness of leftist rubes to allow a name change to suddenly revise 60 million years of mammalian biology.
Fuck YOU and your PROJECTION!!!

No projection at all. I have a lot of coworkers, vendors, and customers I don't particularly like, but I still treat them politely.

As opposed to you, who apparently just can't stand the thought of addressing a transgender woman by her chosen pronouns.
I also posted a piece from a medical journal detailing the biological shift of trans brains. I see information that disagrees with your preconceived notions trigger you. How sad. :lmao:

Forbes is not a medical journal.

The science of biology has no preconceived notions of male and female. Those unscientific / scientifically illiterate notions are a more recent invention from the science-loathing left.

A biological man with all the biological man's parts doesn't become a female because he has ''feelings'' of being female.

You may have ''feelings'' that you're a frog. That doesn't make you amphibian.
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No projection at all. I have a lot of coworkers, vendors, and customers I don't particularly like, but I still treat them politely.

As opposed to you, who apparently just can't stand the thought of addressing a transgender woman by her chosen pronouns.
A "transgender woman" is A MAN!!!

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