Florida GOP House Candidate on Biden: we will absolutely bleed dry his legislative agenda, make him a lame duck

But they don't. You are ignorant.

And you don't have to balls to find out.
Maybe you Chi-com turds should have kept firing your Russian Collusion Subpoena Cannon like Xi and Putin ordered you to.



BIDEN Agenda
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We have been fighting Red Dawn since Obama was elected.

But those who are wise realize that The Left is engaging in an Insurrection of our Democracy using a Bloodless COUP.

It's a PSYOPS-Propaganda Operation!

The War is an Information War.

That is why Big Tech, Big Pharma and The O-Biden Regime Leans on Censorship so much, and why your children are being indoctrinated in to CRT.
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If you don't know, then you aren't doing appropriate research. We have a worker shortage. Do you think those not taking jobs are sitting back and starving to death? Where do you think they go their "savings" from? Where are they getting money to pay their rent/mortgage?
You tell me!

Most of them are probably still living in Mom and Dad's basement.
You tell me!

Most of them are probably still living in Mom and Dad's basement.
Many blue states are still offering pandemic unemployment which is at least $300/wk in addition to standard unemployment. If you have kids, the federal government is now paying $300/kid under 6 and $250/kid from 6-17. There is talk of yet another stimulus. Add all of this to the standard “welfare” programs that pay for housing, food and healthcare and why on earth would lower wage workers do anything but stay at home? They make more by staying at home.

This is all part of the plan. Dependency is what the Democrats are shooting for. In the meantime, our economy will collapse as the supply chain disruption, driven by the labor shortage, will worsen.
Many blue states are still offering pandemic unemployment which is at least $300/wk in addition to standard unemployment. If you have kids, the federal government is now paying $300/kid under 6 and $250/kid from 6-17. There is talk of yet another stimulus. Add all of this to the standard “welfare” programs that pay for housing, food and healthcare and why on earth would lower wage workers do anything but stay at home? They make more by staying at home.

This is all part of the plan. Dependency is what the Democrats are shooting for. In the meantime, our economy will collapse as the supply chain disruption, driven by the labor shortage, will worsen.
Name them! My state doesn't and I think your info on unemployment is outdated.

Ever try raising a kid on $300 a month? No one is going to quit their job over that tiny amount, unless they have other significant sources of income. TANF and SNAP won't cut it!

People quit their jobs simply because they are lazy and do not want to have to actually work for a living.
Name them! My state doesn't and I think your info on unemployment is outdated.

Ever try raising a kid on $300 a month? No one is going to quit their job over that tiny amount, unless they have other significant sources of income. TANF and SNAP won't cut it!

People quit their jobs simply because they are lazy and do not want to have to actually work for a living.

They aren’t raising a kid on $300/mth., however, they were somehow raising the kid prior to COVID on $300/mth less. However you slice it, a family with 1 kid under 6 gets a “free” $300 per month. If they have 3 kids, 2 under 6 and 1 8 year old they would get $850/mth (tax free for those that don’t pay fed. income tax) more than they received prior to COVID. This is for everybody with some higher income restrictions. This is whether they work or not. Keep in mind, if you are on the lower end of the wage scale and make $15/hr, you only make about $2400/mth before taxes. Also keep in mind that many of these lower earners and also get other subsidies including free or subsidized housing, food and SNAP, which was also just increased.

I agree that people are quitting their jobs because they are lazy and don’t want to work, but I can assure you that if you hold their feet to the fire they will choose to work if they can’t provide food, clothing or housing. Giving these lazy people more “free” money most certainly won’t get them off their duffs.
They aren’t raising a kid on $300/mth., however, they were somehow raising the kid prior to COVID on $300/mth less. However you slice it, a family with 1 kid under 6 gets a “free” $300 per month. If they have 3 kids, 2 under 6 and 1 8 year old they would get $850/mth (tax free for those that don’t pay fed. income tax) more than they received prior to COVID. This is for everybody with some higher income restrictions. This is whether they work or not. Keep in mind, if you are on the lower end of the wage scale and make $15/hr, you only make about $2400/mth before taxes. Also keep in mind that many of these lower earners and also get other subsidies including free or subsidized housing, food and SNAP, which was also just increased.

I agree that people are quitting their jobs because they are lazy and don’t want to work, but I can assure you that if you hold their feet to the fire they will choose to work if they can’t provide food, clothing or housing. Giving these lazy people more “free” money most certainly won’t get them off their duffs.
I thought this ended in December though?
Most states ended it in September when the fed money was cut off.
Was that not for the unemployment?

I thought he was talking about the tax credit thrown at parents for existing which would, afaik, follow the tax year and not the fiscal one.

Wow, there are so many free cash giveaways these days it is hard to even keep them all straight....
I thought this ended in December though?

It may have. I know that Biden wanted to make the child tax credit permanent in his Build Back Better fiasco. If it did end last month, then lets see how it affects the job market. My point is that providing more subsidies to people in a time when there is a labor shortage is not a well thought out strategy, unless the goal is to add more permanent dependents to the federal government.
It may have. I know that Biden wanted to make the child tax credit permanent in his Build Back Better fiasco. If it did end last month, then lets see how it affects the job market. My point is that providing more subsidies to people in a time when there is a labor shortage is not a well thought out strategy, unless the goal is to add more permanent dependents to the federal government.
I think a lot of people who are confused. The payments to parents is not a tax credit. There is another child tax credit, plus a childcare tax credit on your income taxes.
Republicans win the House and Senate in 2022 and the Oval Office in 2024 and you shitting your depends when it happens…
America and you will be doing the shitting if the lying cheating pervert trump returns and you deserve a republican congress WHEN have repubs done anything constructive for America ? A party of clowns and lying hypocrites
I think a lot of people who are confused. The payments to parents is not a tax credit. There is another child tax credit, plus a childcare tax credit on your income taxes.
There is but this one is new, it is not the same child tax credit that has been in place for years. This one was available to you if you made no income. That has never been true in the past.

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