Florida GOP........"We didn't mean for the current illegals to leave".

I have said for years that the illegals do work no one else wants to do. Or are capable of doing.

In Florida it is not just the farmers who will be in trouble if all the illegals leave. The underground utility construction industry would be unable to continue without hispanic labor. Americans will not work digging holes or trenches with a shovel from 7am until 6pm in the heat. Sand is not hard to dig. But it is heavy, especially when wet.

I guess we don't apologize to the farmers and other industries that reply on hard working laborers?

We need to make the Work Visa programs easier to use.

When I worked in Florida on a big Verizon fiber optic project, we had a lot of hispanic crews working for our subcontractors. The ones I talked to about it were paying them between $500 and $750 a week, plus providing lodgings and food. That is between $26k and $39k a year, plus covering lodings and food.

Try hiring Americans to do that labor now. The company I worked for got tired of the hassles, so we put an ad in the paper for laborers for the fiber project.

We gave out over 100 applications. When they found out it was digging with a shovel, half of them took the application and left. We got less than 50 back. We hired 35 guys over a period of months. 9 of them worked a whole week. At the end, we had 3 American workers who stuck with it.

Try hiring an American and telling them that they will be digging holes and trenches with a shovel. You won't find them.

That is absolutely true. But the police and INS will hassle any Hispanic they see working manual labor.

Yes, some pay them little and the working conditions are dangerous. But not always. The workers on the Verizon project (contractors and subcontractors) were paid decently and the job sites were up to OSHA standards.

The loss of the trade schools and Vocational training is huge.

I worked as a laborer for a construction company in my teens. And as a land surveyor in my 20s.

But Americans don't want to do that work now.
“America can’t operate without these 21st century brown slaves, we must always have people willing to do shit work for shit money….but but but…I swear I hate poverty and income inequality.”
Hahaha…some things never change folks.

WinterBorn , remember when negroes did all the work your brown parasites do now? You know, before you replaced them?
LOL, they only wanted to tell new illegals to not come, they didn't expect those already there to leave? LOL

I don't understand........was there an expectation that the law would never be enforced?

How do those there stay if the law is enforced?

A Florida GOP lawmaker said the anti-immigration law he backed was supposed to tell new immigrants to "stay out."

now migrant families are fleeing the state, and it's a "big problem" for farmers and tourism, Rep. Rick Roth said.

Videos shared on Twitter showed Roth and other GOP lawmakers urging people to convince migrants to stay.

Florida GOP lawmaker says the anti-immigration law he backed is causing a 'major problem' as migrant families are leaving the state
And this guy thinks people will vote for him? I won't.
Problem is that GOP has continued to restrict work visas...

GOP policy actually keeps Mexicans from going home as getting back into US is too expensive and dangerous. A lot of Mexicans wouldn't mind coming to US for the season and go home afterwards... GOP complain they are taking the money home...
Again, I’m all for making visas more flexible and will hold GOP accountable if they are part of the problem. At the same time, Democrats pushing open borders and being lax on immigration and enforcement is a bigger problem.
“America can’t operate without these 21st century brown slaves, we must always have people willing to do shit work for shit money….but but but…I swear I hate poverty and income inequality.”
Hahaha…some things never change folks.

WinterBorn , remember when negroes did all the work your brown parasites do now? You know, before you replaced them?
As I have said for decades… make them legal and subject to minimum wage requirements and taxes. Then enforce immigration laws ON EMPLOYERS.

That levels the playing field .

Know what? That work will STILL not attract many native born Americans. It’s HARD work
Well this is what you said

Any city that thinks they will not be getting illegals, consideting the millions Biden is bringing in, is delusional.

I live in a relatively small town and just in the last 2 months we now have languages and accents to include southern, yankee, Latino / South American, Asian, Indian, and Middle Eastern.

Special note to all the 'Sanctuary Cities' upset they are actually getting illegals coming in:" So you are equating people of different cultures as illegals...

No, lying / projecting DUMBASS - I AM EQUATING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS - the people Sanctuary cities are whinong and bitching about - AS ILLEGALS!

It is pretty heavily implied.


Go troll someone else, dumbass.
No, they both have pillaged and sacked this country.

But only one party has made the pillaging and sacking a part of their platform.

Every Republican presidential administration ends with an economic collapse, brought about by further tax cuts, and increases to the national debt.

The end result has been that at the end of every Republican administration, the rich get much much richer and working Americans to get screwed again.

I’ve come to believe that these economic classes are a feature not a bug of republican economic policies. That and falsely accusing Democrats of being on the take.

And still you keep voting for Republicans! Why? Why do you keep letting the Republican Party do this to you over and over and over again?
“America can’t operate without these 21st century brown slaves, we must always have people willing to do shit work for shit money….but but but…I swear I hate poverty and income inequality.”
Hahaha…some things never change folks.

WinterBorn , remember when negroes did all the work your brown parasites do now? You know, before you replaced them?
Good news! You can go to Florida and get a job!
No, lying / projecting DUMBASS - I AM EQUATING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS - the people Sanctuary cities are whinong and bitching about - AS ILLEGALS!


Go troll someone else, dumbass.

All you are consistently doing is calling any Spanish speaking immigrant as an “illegal”, which is utterly and completely FALSE. But since all you’ve done, since you first started posting here is lying through your teeth, that’s hardly surprising.

If an immigrant has been processed by government workers at the Southern Border, and been granted an asylum hearing, they are by not “illegals”.

What I question are the motives of someone who is here night and day, trying to undermine the government of the United States of America.

Who consistently supports a criminal insurrectionist, and the whole corrupt party bent on destroying your country.
But only one party has made the pillaging and sacking a part of their platform.

Every Republican presidential administration ends with an economic collapse, brought about by further tax cuts, and increases to the national debt.

The end result has been that at the end of every Republican administration, the rich get much much richer and working Americans to get screwed again.

I’ve come to believe that these economic classes are a feature not a bug of republican economic policies. That and falsely accusing Democrats of being on the take.

And still you keep voting for Republicans! Why? Why do you keep letting the Republican Party do this to you over and over and over again?

No, they both have sacked it. Assigning degrees of blame to either of these worthless parties is a fools game.
“America can’t operate without these 21st century brown slaves, we must always have people willing to do shit work for shit money….but but but…I swear I hate poverty and income inequality.”
Hahaha…some things never change folks.

WinterBorn , remember when negroes did all the work your brown parasites do now? You know, before you replaced them?

I was going to say "Remember when you responded to what I actually said?". But I can't remember that either.

What I said, several times, is that the company I worked for could not find Americans interested in working hard manual labor.

I also pointed out that it was not the "shitty money" that was the issue. Our subcontractors paid their workers decently.
The OP is specifically taking left wing stance.

The right is just being hypocritical on its face. Fuck them.

Taking a left wing stance? By quoting the Republican Politicians who are facing backlash at home where they hope to be re-elected? They sort of Left Wing Stance?
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid.
But these GOP legislators are apologizing.
I have no idea what the milquetoast GOP does or doesn't do these days. There's only a small handful that still hold to the old values of the GOP. It's mostly run by RINOs (wanna be Demwits).
Kidnapping is cool, eh?
Just the latest disinformation that has been dispensed for their minions to consume. If that is "kidnapping" then the US has "kidnapped" about 10 million illegals by sending through the Church and NGO underground railroad all over the country.
Just the latest disinformation that has been dispensed for their minions to consume. If that is "kidnapping" then the US has "kidnapped" about 10 million illegals by sending through the Church and NGO underground railroad all over the country.
Kidnapping is cool, eh?
“America can’t operate without these 21st century brown slaves, we must always have people willing to do shit work for shit money….but but but…I swear I hate poverty and income inequality.”
Hahaha…some things never change folks.

WinterBorn , remember when negroes did all the work your brown parasites do now? You know, before you replaced them?

The problem is, you aren’t dealing in reality. In reality, simple answers, never are simple, and they never work.

The reality is that the problem is interlinked and intertwined with a number of other things, and in plucking at one string, you affect the entire tapestry.

This is one string. Get rid of the Illegals. In reality, that is dangerous to several other things. First, let’s say that an Illegal witnesses a cop being killed. Nobody else saw the murder, but the Illegal is now concerned over his status, and he flees refusing to tell the authorities who committed the murder. Crimes go unsolved, a murderer gets away. Because self interest demands that the witness not cooperate.

But let’s ignore that, and move along to business. The reality is that any increase in cost causes an inflationary spike. We hear how inflation is all Biden’s fault, constantly. However, Inflation has a lot of causes, and increasing cost is always one of the factors involved.

Let’s pretend that the Farmer can get workers if he pays more to have people come and pick his fruit. Oranges let’s say. The Farmer pays triple what he was paying, and now he has to pass those costs along. He has no choice, he’s not going to just go bankrupt trying to get his crop to market is he? No one is suicidal. No one is willing to just fall on their sword that way.

The cost to the company who buys the oranges goes up, and they have to pass that cost along too. Eventually, your Orange Juice cost more than a bottle of Soda. To afford this increase, people demand more money from their employer, and the cycle begins again. They quit and go work elsewhere for more money, and the former employer has to pay more to get another employee.

The costs of everything rises. And it is not the fault of one man, it is the fault of many people all trying to survive.

Don’t like Oranges, don’t care if the cost goes up? Fine. Your house is damaged in a storm. You call the Insurance Company and a Roofing Repair Company. The Insurance Company consults the big book of prices they’ll pay. They announce a price for the repairs that they will pay. They aren’t going to pay whatever you want, they’ll pay what is called “Usual and Customary.” The problem is that the Usual and Customary price doesn’t cover the costs to the Roofing company, and they have two choices. They can screw you over by using substandard materials. Or they can walk away from the deal.

Every facet is affected by the choices we make. Just deport the illegals. Make the companies pay. Ok, but the person who always pays, the person who has always paid in history, is the consumer. The person buying the orange Juice or just oranges. They are the ones who pay.

Rampant out of control inflation has pretty much always resulted in massive societal change. IT makes the extremist ends of the political spectrums look like a good choice. Fascist Dictatorships. Socialist Nonsense. And in the end, nobody is better off when those groups are in charge.

The economy is a tapestry, and you can’t just pluck one thread and declare it needs to be done. You’ll destroy the entire cloth that is the economy, and I’m sure, blame everyone.

Your plan needs to address the entire piece of cloth, and it never does.
Yahoo news found a tweet from single republican state representative in Florida and turns it into a federal case. Ho hum.

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