Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis To Sign Bill Banning Social Media ‘Deplatforming’

Some of these people will never understand that, it's like debating with a spoon.

Or as a consequence of their dishonesty, conservatives still propagate the lie that private social media are ‘violating’ free speech, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
Pushing agendas that the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany pushed is using free speech for their movement. People who say the most benign things are being destroyed and shamed. U be following evil.
The freedom is not the freedom of Facebook to do what they want. The freedom is for the people they invite in to share their experiences and opinions without censorship deletions.
Facebook owns the site
They make the rules

If you can’t follow the rules, you get banned
Just like USMB
they are applying their rules equally,, remove the protections from 230 and all will be fine,,
I agree. 230 is just one of those "convenience" laws that's intended to avoid a bunch of needless lawsuits. Without it, courts would end up setting the same precedent. And, most importantly, if we repealed the law, statists could no longer use it as an excuse to bully internet companies.

no one is using it to bully anyone,
Of course they are. That's the topic of the thread.
and theres nothing convenient about it,, its a protection for a site owner so that they cant be sued for outside commenters,, nothing else,,
It's a convenience to the courts, so they have clear guidance. But it's unnecessary. Ultimately, courts would end up setting the same precedent that the law dictates, because it makes sense.

I just glanced through the OP and the article,, and I dont see 230 mentioned at all,,
The freedom is not the freedom of Facebook to do what they want. The freedom is for the people they invite in to share their experiences and opinions without censorship deletions.
Facebook owns the site
They make the rules

If you can’t follow the rules, you get banned
Just like USMB
they are applying their rules equally,, remove the protections from 230 and all will be fine,,
I agree. 230 is just one of those "convenience" laws that's intended to avoid a bunch of needless lawsuits. Without it, courts would end up setting the same precedent. And, most importantly, if we repealed the law, statists could no longer use it as an excuse to bully internet companies.

no one is using it to bully anyone,
Of course they are. That's the topic of the thread.
and theres nothing convenient about it,, its a protection for a site owner so that they cant be sued for outside commenters,, nothing else,,
It's a convenience to the courts, so they have clear guidance. But it's unnecessary. Ultimately, courts would end up setting the same precedent that the law dictates, because it makes sense.

I just glanced through the OP and the article,, and I dont see 230 mentioned at all,,
Fair enough. But it's thrown out there as justification in every one of these threads.
The freedom is for the people they invite in to share their experiences and opinions without censorship deletions.
If you invite someone in, that does not remove your right to ask them to leave when you so choose.

no one is invited in,, its an open forum for any that wish to come,,,
Only if they agree to abide by the Terms of Service.

they do and still get kicked off while others are dong the same things,,

and the political divide is obvious,,
Some of these people will never understand that, it's like debating with a spoon.

Or as a consequence of their dishonesty, conservatives still propagate the lie that private social media are ‘violating’ free speech, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
Pushing agendas that the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany pushed is using free speech for their movement. People who say the most benign things are being destroyed and shamed. U be following evil.
So your idea of free speech is you get to say whatever dumb, racist, misogynist, etc thing you want but others aren't allowed to shame you for saying it?
The freedom is not the freedom of Facebook to do what they want. The freedom is for the people they invite in to share their experiences and opinions without censorship deletions.
Facebook owns the site
They make the rules

If you can’t follow the rules, you get banned
Just like USMB
they are applying their rules equally,, remove the protections from 230 and all will be fine,,
I agree. 230 is just one of those "convenience" laws that's intended to avoid a bunch of needless lawsuits. Without it, courts would end up setting the same precedent. And, most importantly, if we repealed the law, statists could no longer use it as an excuse to bully internet companies.

no one is using it to bully anyone,
Of course they are. That's the topic of the thread.
and theres nothing convenient about it,, its a protection for a site owner so that they cant be sued for outside commenters,, nothing else,,
It's a convenience to the courts, so they have clear guidance. But it's unnecessary. Ultimately, courts would end up setting the same precedent that the law dictates, because it makes sense.

I just glanced through the OP and the article,, and I dont see 230 mentioned at all,,
Fair enough. But it's thrown out there as justification in every one of these threads.
I've never seen that,,

the only time it comes up is the platform is free to control the speech but if they do they shouldnt have the protections of a platform and should be treated as a publisher if thats what they are doing,,
The freedom is for the people they invite in to share their experiences and opinions without censorship deletions.
If you invite someone in, that does not remove your right to ask them to leave when you so choose.

no one is invited in,, its an open forum for any that wish to come,,,
Only if they agree to abide by the Terms of Service.

they do and still get kicked off while others are dong the same things,,

and the political divide is obvious,,
You saying it without ANY examples is not proof of Jack or Shit.
Some of these people will never understand that, it's like debating with a spoon.

Or as a consequence of their dishonesty, conservatives still propagate the lie that private social media are ‘violating’ free speech, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
Pushing agendas that the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany pushed is using free speech for their movement. People who say the most benign things are being destroyed and shamed. U be following evil.
So your idea of free speech is you get to say whatever dumb, racist, misogynist, etc thing you want but others aren't allowed to shame you for saying it?
they can shame you all they want,, the problem is they are being banned,,
The freedom is for the people they invite in to share their experiences and opinions without censorship deletions.
If you invite someone in, that does not remove your right to ask them to leave when you so choose.

no one is invited in,, its an open forum for any that wish to come,,,
Only if they agree to abide by the Terms of Service.

they do and still get kicked off while others are dong the same things,,

and the political divide is obvious,,
You saying it without ANY examples is not proof of Jack or Shit.
if you arent aware of them by now you shouldnt be in this discussion,,,
Being a libertarian means that I don't spend every waking moment worried that someone somewhere is doing something I don't agree with. Do what you want, just don't hurt other people and don't force your views on them. Otherwise, mind your own business. We'd all be happier.

Ron DeSantis is a classic libertarian my friends, and he'll make a great president in 2024

It sounds like the meaning of the word "libertarian" had changed radically in the last few years. At least for some of you.
There was a time when "libertarian" didn't involve supporting the Gestapo and authoritarian dictatorship, as you support.
So many Trump cult First Amendment haters here. They really do all think that the government has the right to force anyone to say whatever TheParty wants them to say.

Stalin would be so proud of the Trump cultists here.

They're "libertarians"! Didn't you get the memo?
Hey, are we going to live by campaign finance laws or not?

Most of them are statist nonsense. Certainly not "libertarian".

FB wants to act like a publisher with the protections of a provider. Fuck that shit.

Just fucking repeal 230 and stop using it as an excuse for heavy handed government mandates.

You are an expert at being a Statist, Herr Black.
republicans strike again. Now they are taking first amendment rights from social media.

They are regulating the internet. And violating the first amendment to do it. They are also violating section 230 of the communications decency act.

What happened to their screaming that business owners have the right to decide who they serve or do business with? That was a lie too.

They are showing that their hate for regulations was all a lie. They love regulating business just not in a responsible way.

Their beliefs are of convenience not real beliefs.

I'm thinking youre a little confused how the 1st A works,,,
Nope. You are.
and yet you failed to explain why I'm wrong,,

the 1st is meant for the people not companies,,
your right wing supreme court ruled Corporations, are people....
Being a libertarian means that I don't spend every waking moment worried that someone somewhere is doing something I don't agree with. Do what you want, just don't hurt other people and don't force your views on them. Otherwise, mind your own business. We'd all be happier.

Ron DeSantis is a classic libertarian my friends, and he'll make a great president in 2024

It sounds like the meaning of the word "libertarian" had changed radically in the last few years. At least for some of you.
There was a time when "libertarian" didn't involve supporting the Gestapo and authoritarian dictatorship, as you support.
republicans strike again. Now they are taking first amendment rights from social media.

They are regulating the internet. And violating the first amendment to do it. They are also violating section 230 of the communications decency act.

What happened to their screaming that business owners have the right to decide who they serve or do business with? That was a lie too.

They are showing that their hate for regulations was all a lie. They love regulating business just not in a responsible way.

Their beliefs are of convenience not real beliefs.

I'm thinking youre a little confused how the 1st A works,,,
Nope. You are.
and yet you failed to explain why I'm wrong,,

the 1st is meant for the people not companies,,
your right wing supreme court ruled Corporations, are people....
that was a bad call on their part,, and you need to learn what right and left is in this country cause thats not rightwing
The idea that you are private and can do anything you want has been debunked already
Freedom hasn't been "debunked" just yet.
The idea that you can invite everyone in but selectively decide what concepts you will allow is illegal
Link? I realize there are many idiotic "public accommodations" laws, but I don't think the cover social media yet.

What would you know of freedom? Other than how to crush it..

As for a link Herr Black, that's easy.

This is your new version; Nazis Only Lunch Counters.

Nothing you fascists do is new - nothing.

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