Florida Gov Signs Law Requiring Students, Faculty To Have Political Beliefs Surveyed

DeSantis is becoming very autocratic and dictatorial. The DOJ needs to tune him up.
haha by signing a law passed by the Fl State House

Do you think the state should require that you survey and declare your political stance?
i have no problem with the state conducting a survey of any kind.

they conduct them all the time...in particular of their employees

i also have no problem with the state conducting a survey to see how diverse their institutions are, in particular education, to ensure different views are represented.

why does it bother you to have schools with diverse views?

Is the survey anonymous?
totally up to me if i put any identification

like this one if florida

so do tell, why are you so scared about what this study might find?
It is more concern with what they plan to do with that info don't you think? McCarthyism all over again.
the govt collects all sorts of data all the time. but let me know when the House starts calling people into hearings and collects testimony behind close doors and starts leaking bits and piece and throwing out accusations...wait we saw that djdnt we? adam shifty! snd when caught, said it was parody
I do not think they are allowed to collect ideological data on employees and use it against them.
me too. who says they are?

i do think they are allowed to ensure their schools are diverse though
Not allowed to make sure their schools are giving a true liberal arts education? That's ridiculous. Schools are supposed to teach HOW to think, to question, to investigate and come to a conclusion. In order to do that, they have to present multiple ideas and thoughts to the students. They are not supposed to be echo chambers for fashionable liberal ideas.
Or echo chambers for legislatively mandated conservative ideology.
I have a feeling this will be constitutionally challenged.
A survey? That's paranoid.
Not when you consider how they intend to use it. Ideology is subjective in a way race and ethnicity, for example are not.
The idea of a government mandated ideological balance is not a good idea. You want ideological diversity? Find ways to attract those perspectives...or make your speaker programs more diverse. Incentivise it. But any time a government attempts to legislate thought (which this, since one’s political beliefs don’t necessarily have a thing to do with how one teaches chemistry or physics) bad things result.

It seriously surprises me you guys support these things given it is what you accuse liberals of all the time.
Not allowed to make sure their schools are giving a true liberal arts education? That's ridiculous. Schools are supposed to teach HOW to think, to question, to investigate and come to a conclusion. In order to do that, they have to present multiple ideas and thoughts to the students. They are not supposed to be echo chambers for fashionable liberal ideas.
Or echo chambers for legislatively mandated conservative ideology.
Right now they are echo chambers for woke prog ideology. We all know they are cramming our children's head full of left wing mush. Who do you think your fooling? Why do you believe parents don't have a right to know that and put a stop to it?
DeSantis is becoming very autocratic and dictatorial. The DOJ needs to tune him up.
haha by signing a law passed by the Fl State House

Do you think the state should require that you survey and declare your political stance?
i have no problem with the state conducting a survey of any kind.

they conduct them all the time...in particular of their employees

i also have no problem with the state conducting a survey to see how diverse their institutions are, in particular education, to ensure different views are represented.

why does it bother you to have schools with diverse views?

Is the survey anonymous?
totally up to me if i put any identification

like this one if florida

so do tell, why are you so scared about what this study might find?
It is more concern with what they plan to do with that info don't you think? McCarthyism all over again.
the govt collects all sorts of data all the time. but let me know when the House starts calling people into hearings and collects testimony behind close doors and starts leaking bits and piece and throwing out accusations...wait we saw that djdnt we? adam shifty! snd when caught, said it was parody
I do not think they are allowed to collect ideological data on employees and use it against them.
me too. who says they are?

i do think they are allowed to ensure their schools are diverse though
Not allowed to make sure their schools are giving a true liberal arts education? That's ridiculous. Schools are supposed to teach HOW to think, to question, to investigate and come to a conclusion. In order to do that, they have to present multiple ideas and thoughts to the students. They are not supposed to be echo chambers for fashionable liberal ideas.
Or echo chambers for legislatively mandated conservative ideology.
We're so far from that now that a simple survey will never create what you fear.
I have a feeling this will be constitutionally challenged.
A survey? That's paranoid.
Not when you consider how they intend to use it. Ideology is subjective in a way race and ethnicity, for example are not.
The idea of a government mandated ideological balance is not a good idea. You want ideological diversity? Find ways to attract those perspectives...or make your speaker programs more diverse. Incentivise it. But any time a government attempts to legislate thought (which this, since one’s political beliefs don’t necessarily have a thing to do with how one teaches chemistry or physics) bad things result.

It seriously surprises me you guys support these things given it is what you accuse liberals of all the time.
Let's put this in terms that are easier to understand:

You want skin color diversity? Find ways to attract the skin colors you want, or make your training programs more diverse. See how that sounds? That's not what we hear, however, we hear that simple disparity in numbers is proof of racism that requires legislative fiat to overcome. So again, diversity of thought on campus is a good thing and finding out more precisely what people on campus are thinking is the first step in identifying a problem and fixing it. If the vast majority of professors are liberal (and most of them admit to voting democrat), then we should address the crushing ideological conformity that exists on campus today.
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Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suggested that the state’s public universities and colleges may face financial repercussions depending on the survey results.

Florida’s governor has signed legislation that will require public colleges and universities to annually survey their students and staff about their beliefs and viewpoints in order to support “intellectual diversity,” while hinting that the schools could face financial penalties depending on the survey results.

The goal of House Bill 233, which was signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Tuesday, is “to ensure” that students are presented “diverse idea and opinion, including those that they may disagree with or find uncomfortable,” according to its language.

DeSantis said the state’s institutes of higher learning have largely become “intellectually repressive environments” and that these surveys will help to change that.

This new law, which goes into effect on July 1, follows DeSantis earlier this month banning K-12 public schools from featuring specific lessons and discussions related to racism. These include educational lessons and discussions on the concept of critical race theory, which examines systemic racism in American institutions and policies, as well as on “The 1619 Project,” which is a New York Times initiative that reexamines the legacy of slavery in the United States.

also last month passed a bill that effectively bans public school teachers from talking about racism, white supremacy or current news events.

"Have political beliefs surveyed"? Sounds like a slippery slope to me! In fact - it sounds racist to me - and autocratic! We need smarter students - not dumber students! What do you think?
Very bad idea. Once again, we see Repubublicans using their legislative power to not powers to not only silence free speech but punish people for their beliefs. Wow.

This is not a private business. It is the government creating laws to promote ideological indoctrination.
Teachers who try to brainwash American children against the wishes of their parents deserve to be canned.

Our schools are already brainwashing students. The government universities are pumping out an endless supply of woke leftwing teachers. The left doesn't need any laws to ram their ideas down the throats of our children. This measure is just a weak attempt to staunch the onslaught of leftwing indoctrination. Parents need laws to protect their children from brainwashing.
So you are ok with the government mandating ideological correctness?

Remember when Trump claimed that 3-5 million illegals voted.. He used that to try any get the states to turn over your votiing records and mine.

Remember his "commission" that was later disbanded?
There is no record of how you voted in any election, nimrod.

True yet the State does know whether or not you voted and how you are registered. That's what Trump wanted. The States refused.
If states can maintain that information, then why couldn't Trump have access to it
Because of how Trump is likely to use it.
That is something you have no way of knowing.
It is the government creating laws to promote ideological indoctrination.
It’s authoritarian conservatives using the law to compel conformity and punish dissent.
A survey makes you think this?
They don't understand it's a survey.

They are believing the Fake News story that the state is going to force students to register their political beliefs.

Yes they are just that dumb.

Why the survey? It's a "required" survey. It's a "law". Did Hitler also do surveys?

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