Florida Gov Signs Law Requiring Students, Faculty To Have Political Beliefs Surveyed

My political viewpoints are no business of the governments. That is what McCarthyism was, we don’t need that again.

Funny how the right wants to legislate thought now.
Interesting to me is that a survey to get information is "legislating thought". It would seem to me that knowing if we have a problem is important.
Collecting information people’s ideological beliefs for the purpose of funding, firing, hiring. What could possibly go wrong?
Ordinarily, I would agree that government has no business trying to set opinions, but we know it would not hesitate for a moment to enforce ideological balance if conservative thought overwhelmingly dominated college campuses, so it's fun to watch the reactions. Heck, maybe some students will be better able to handle seeing the name "Donald Trump" written on the sidewalk. Or, just possibly, they'll be better able to defend their opinions beyond, "Muh feelz, you racist, shut up!". And heck, some of them may actually weigh conservative ideas and decide to adopt them. I think that's what's driving most of the fear.
My political viewpoints are no business of the governments. That is what McCarthyism was, we don’t need that again.

Funny how the right wants to legislate thought now.
Interesting to me is that a survey to get information is "legislating thought". It would seem to me that knowing if we have a problem is important.
Collecting information people’s ideological beliefs for the purpose of funding, firing, hiring. What could possibly go wrong?
Ordinarily, I would agree that government has no business trying to set opinions, but we know it would not hesitate for a moment to enforce ideological balance if conservative thought overwhelmingly dominated college campuses, so it's fun to watch the reactions. Heck, maybe some students will be better able to handle seeing the name "Donald Trump" written on the sidewalk. Or, just possibly, they'll be better able to defend their opinions beyond, "Muh feelz, you racist, shut up!". And heck, some of them may actually weigh conservative ideas and decide to adopt them. I think that's what's driving most of the fear.

You know...I am not so sure. Seems the leftists are more likely use cultural pressure and media while the rightists are the ones frantically legislating, whether it is attempts to restrict voting or enforce some kind of “ideological balance”.

That is pretty dangerous.
How is it any business of the gov't to inquire into the political beliefs of the students or the staff of an institution of higher learning, especially under the not so veiled threat of withdrawing funding if DeSantis doesn't like the outcome
Lots of kids want to attend universities in sunny Florida. The state of Florida has the right to be choosy when deciding who gets to attend universities in Florida.
Have "beliefs surveyed"? Sounds like a slippery slope to me! In fact - it sounds racist to me! What do you think?
I think it's past due. Regardless of what these prog rags try to insinuate, no one is forcing ANY identified individual to make a statement of belief that can be used against them in any way. He wants to see if there are huge disparities between the tenured propagandists and the students that realize if they disagree or speak out against the one-sided political bull shit the Left engages in on campuses, they'd be failed or expelled. That's all it is and it's a danger to those political shills masquerading as educators. Roaches always run from the light.
Obviously a great post the fact it has our resident trolls of usmb hating on it. :biggrin: :yes_text12: Great post,you nailed it.
We need smarter students - not dumber students!
A student is only as good as his/her teachers.

They're a product of their environment.

We need teachers who can be trusted to educate and nurture the students not brainwash them.

There's a perfectly valid reason why polling and voting data when it comes to social subjects and politics have kids as left-leaning and social justice warriors then a lot of them turn more conservative or at the very least centrist when they get older - and that's because their life in the real world actually starts and they learn more away from quack teachers.
Indeed so very true.that’s long over due.
IOW. . . Desantis wants to ensure a diversity of thoughts and beliefs in students and faculty in our higher institutions of learning so we don't become prone to intellectual or political dogma, like totalitarian societies do.

. . . ensuring diversity?

NOPE, can't have diversity of thought and opinion. . . ONLY skin color.


You are making far too much sense for somebody here to comprehend obviously finding an informative well thought out post funny. :cuckoo:
The state of Florida does not get to choose who attends the universities in Florida. That's the decision of the universities.
Should they ignore AA policies then?
In times past, the wealthy and the politically connected could buy a slot for their children in a university, even when their children had marginal intellectual ability, thereby weeding out the gifted children of poor families as well as minorities. That's how states like the Soviet Union ended up with so many poorly qualified Communist Party members mismanaging the gov't and their economy to the point of ruination.

America has built a far more successful economy and society based on meritocracy. The US also has a compelling interest in assuring that no segment of society is relegated to permanent underclass status by being summarily declined the opportunity to succeed and excel.

The problem with conservatives is that they think they have, or they should have (as if it's owed to them), something akin to the divine right of Kings. That means that conservatives seem to think that anything that interferes with their position as the preferred group with an elevated status in society is somehow inherently unfair. It's not. That view just so happened to be one of the driving forces behind Trumpism as poor rural white voters thought that they were being supplanted by immigrants and minorities when the reality is that they were getting left behind by wealthy big business interests who replaced their rural small shops and businesses with Walmart stores and sucked the profits out of their communities even as their small farms were gobbled up by agribusiness. However, while it's virtually impossible to fight corporate America, especially when Republicans are doing everything they can to make it easier for big business to succeed, it's fairly easy to blame immigrants and minorities.

If things continue in this way, rural conservatives whites are destined to continue to lose ground because they're fighting the wrong war with the wrong enemy. This problem is made even worse by the concept of divide and conquer as big business and Republicans have pitted two sides against each other who should be natural allies in their effort to collectively get a bigger piece of the economic pie that's increasing taken in larger amounts by the wealthiest 1%.

And do you know how they succeed in their efforts to divide and conquer? They concentrate on exacerbating divisions with wedge issues in the culture wars.

Wash, rinse, repeat!
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I have a feeling this will be constitutionally challenged.
A survey? That's paranoid.
Not when you consider how they intend to use it. Ideology is subjective in a way race and ethnicity, for example are not.
The idea of a government mandated ideological balance is not a good idea. You want ideological diversity? Find ways to attract those perspectives...or make your speaker programs more diverse. Incentivise it. But any time a government attempts to legislate thought (which this, since one’s political beliefs don’t necessarily have a thing to do with how one teaches chemistry or physics) bad things result.

It seriously surprises me you guys support these things given it is what you accuse liberals of all the time.
Wrong. Ideology is not subjective. Only those who are trying to put one over on the public make such claims.

The idea that parents don't have a right to mandate what their children are taught doesn't pass the laugh test.

There is leftwing ideological conformity because teachers are all brainwashed in government schools of education. So long as government controls the source of the koolaide, it will continue pumping out the same shit. The quickest way to fix this is to abolish government schools. Nothing will change until that happens.

Your "ideas" are worthless spooge.

Parents should have the right to veto the employment of any teacher at any time.
Ideology is entirely subjective.
No, it's not. If you support socialism, then you are a leftist, period.
You want to hire and fire teachers based soley on perceived ideological orientation. McCarthiesm 2.0.

Parents should have the right to hire and fire teachers based on an criteria they like. You want the government to have the autority to veto a parent's wishes. That's what makes you a totalitarian.
The problem is you rightists don‘t seem to know what socialism actually is given the way you slap that label on everything that moves. It makes rather arbitrary and subjective. What if the person believes in a string safety net but a capitalist economic system?

If parents were the only ones paying for education, you would have a point. But they aren’t. We ALL pay into therefore we all have say. If parents want to the only ones they can send their kids to a private school.

And look totalitarian while you are at it....I don’t think you know what that means either.
We've had our fill of that bullshit. We know precisely what socialism is. Lying weasels just refuse to admit that you are pushing socialism. Propaganda doesn't work when your audience knows you are lying.

You don't believe in capitalism if you believe in a "string safety net," whatever the fuck that is.
In times past, the wealthy and the politically connected could buy a slot for their children in a university, even when their children had marginal intellectual ability, thereby weeding out the gifted children of poor families as well as minorities. That's how states like the Soviet Union ended up with so many poorly qualified Communist Party members mismanaging the gov't and their economy to the point of ruination.

America has built a far more successful economy and society based on meritocracy. The US also has a compelling interest in assuring that no segment of society is relegated to permanent underclass status by being summarily declined the opportunity to succeed and excel.

The problem with conservatives is that they think they have, or they should have (as if it's owed to them), something akin to the divine right of Kings. That means that anything that interferes with their position as the preferred and elevated status in society is somehow inherently unfair. It's not. That view was one of the driving forces behind Trumpism as poor rural white voters thought that they were being supplanted by immigrants and minorities when the reality is that they were getting left behind by wealthy big business interests who replaced their rural small shops and businesses with Walmart stores and sucked the profits out of their communities even as their small farms were gobbled up by agribusiness. However, while it's virtually impossible to fight corporate America, especially when Republicans are doing everything they can to make it easier for big business to succeed, it's fairly easy to blame immigrants and minorities.

If things continue in this way, rural conservatives whites are destined to continue to lose ground because they're fighting the wrong war with the wrong enemy. This problem is made even worse by the concept of divide and conquer as big business and Republicans have pitted two sides against each other who should be natural allies in their effort to collectively get a bigger piece os the economic pie that's increasing taken in larger amounts by the wealthiest 1%
My question still remains.
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suggested that the state’s public universities and colleges may face financial repercussions depending on the survey results.
The right’s unwarranted hostility toward public universities and colleges dates back decades when conservatives contrived and propagated the lie that universities and colleges were ‘liberal’ and taught ‘liberalism’ – whatever that’s supposed to be; needless to say, nothing could be further from the truth.

That universities and colleges teach facts and the truth which conflict with conservative dogma – and prove that dogma to be false and wrong – doesn’t mean universities and colleges are ‘liberal.’
It's hardly unwarranted. Our colleges an universities went from bein moderately left to being outright Maoist. Teaching facts it the last thing they teach. They are communist indoctrination centers.
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suggested that the state’s public universities and colleges may face financial repercussions depending on the survey results.
The right’s unwarranted hostility toward public universities and colleges dates back decades when conservatives contrived and propagated the lie that universities and colleges were ‘liberal’ and taught ‘liberalism’ – whatever that’s supposed to be; needless to say, nothing could be further from the truth.

That universities and colleges teach facts and the truth which conflict with conservative dogma – and prove that dogma to be false and wrong – doesn’t mean universities and colleges are ‘liberal.’
It's hardly unwarranted. Our colleges an universities went from bein moderately left to being outright Maoist. Teaching facts it the last thing they teach. They are communist indoctrination centers.
There are ton of colleges and universities some of which are ultra rightwing fascist...but you know is forced to go to any of them. They can pick and choose.
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suggested that the state’s public universities and colleges may face financial repercussions depending on the survey results.
The right’s unwarranted hostility toward public universities and colleges dates back decades when conservatives contrived and propagated the lie that universities and colleges were ‘liberal’ and taught ‘liberalism’ – whatever that’s supposed to be; needless to say, nothing could be further from the truth.

That universities and colleges teach facts and the truth which conflict with conservative dogma – and prove that dogma to be false and wrong – doesn’t mean universities and colleges are ‘liberal.’
It's hardly unwarranted. Our colleges an universities went from bein moderately left to being outright Maoist. Teaching facts it the last thing they teach. They are communist indoctrination centers.
There are ton of colleges and universities some of which are ultra rightwing fascist...but you know is forced to go to any of them. They can pick and choose.
There are none that are "ultra rightwing fascist." For one thing, the term is an oxymoron. There are only a handful that are even slightly right of center.The overwhelming majority are communist indoctrination centers.

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