Florida Gov Signs Law Requiring Students, Faculty To Have Political Beliefs Surveyed

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suggested that the state’s public universities and colleges may face financial repercussions depending on the survey results.
The right’s unwarranted hostility toward public universities and colleges dates back decades when conservatives contrived and propagated the lie that universities and colleges were ‘liberal’ and taught ‘liberalism’ – whatever that’s supposed to be; needless to say, nothing could be further from the truth.

That universities and colleges teach facts and the truth which conflict with conservative dogma – and prove that dogma to be false and wrong – doesn’t mean universities and colleges are ‘liberal.’
It is the government creating laws to promote ideological indoctrination.
It’s authoritarian conservatives using the law to compel conformity and punish dissent.
A survey makes you think this?
They don't understand it's a survey.

They are believing the Fake News story that the state is going to force students to register their political beliefs.

Yes they are just that dumb.

Why the survey? It's a "required" survey. It's a "law". Did Hitler also do surveys?
The survey is to get information to ascertain the extent of the problem. If indoctrination in loony left wing ideology is rampant, we need to know factually, not just emotionally. We're not liberals, we prefer facts to emotions.
It is the government creating laws to promote ideological indoctrination.
It’s authoritarian conservatives using the law to compel conformity and punish dissent.
A survey makes you think this?
They don't understand it's a survey.

They are believing the Fake News story that the state is going to force students to register their political beliefs.

Yes they are just that dumb.
Their paranoia reigns supreme.
I have a feeling this will be constitutionally challenged.
A survey? That's paranoid.
Not when you consider how they intend to use it. Ideology is subjective in a way race and ethnicity, for example are not.
The idea of a government mandated ideological balance is not a good idea. You want ideological diversity? Find ways to attract those perspectives...or make your speaker programs more diverse. Incentivise it. But any time a government attempts to legislate thought (which this, since one’s political beliefs don’t necessarily have a thing to do with how one teaches chemistry or physics) bad things result.

It seriously surprises me you guys support these things given it is what you accuse liberals of all the time.
Wrong. Ideology is not subjective. Only those who are trying to put one over on the public make such claims.

The idea that parents don't have a right to mandate what their children are taught doesn't pass the laugh test.

There is leftwing ideological conformity because teachers are all brainwashed in government schools of education. So long as government controls the source of the koolaide, it will continue pumping out the same shit. The quickest way to fix this is to abolish government schools. Nothing will change until that happens.

Your "ideas" are worthless spooge.

Parents should have the right to veto the employment of any teacher at any time.
It is the government creating laws to promote ideological indoctrination.
It’s authoritarian conservatives using the law to compel conformity and punish dissent.
Leftwingers are the ones who compel conformity and punish dissent. Who is pushing all this CRT bullshit an Americans if not the left?
The authoritarian right fears diversity and dissent.
What "diversity?" It doesn't exist in government schools.

Florida State University is among those where students and faculty members will be surveyed about their ideological beliefs.

Last week, Florida’s governor signed a bill requiring the state’s public colleges and universities to survey students and faculty on their ideological beliefs. The aim, he claims, is to prevent schools from “indoctrinating” students. DeSantis has hinted that those failing to show “intellectual diversity” will face budget cuts.

You may gauge the sincerity of his commitment to that diversity by the fact that this comes two weeks after he pushed to ban the teaching of critical race theory — an academic framework originated by legal scholars over 40 years ago. Like other states where similar restrictions are becoming law, Florida seeks not to further intellectual diversity, but to prevent it.

Meaning, it aims to protect kids raised on mom and dad’s steady diet of Fox “News” and Breitbart from the shock of having any ideas they’ve thereby imbibed challenged in the outside world. Which is hypocritical on its face. After all, conservatives once — not unreasonably — chided liberals for trying to bubble-wrap students with trigger warnings and safe spaces. Now they use force of law to do the very same thing.

It should go without saying that it’s none of the state’s business what you or I think. It should be likewise obvious that this law will stifle debate and muzzle instructors and is thus antithetical to the mission of our colleges and universities.

There is no mystery why conservatives find education dangerous. A 2015 Pew Research Center study quantified that the better educated one is, the more likely one is to hold liberal beliefs. But I’d argue, contrary to what conservatives seem to feel, that’s not because of bullying professors shouting left-wing dogma. Rather, it’s because once you learn how to think, you’re less susceptible to thin reasoning and easy answers. And increasingly, that’s all conservatism’s got.

Republicans are terrified of educated, curious, open minds. You know, people who can think

How is it any business of the gov't to inquire into the political beliefs of the students or the staff of an institution of higher learning, especially under the not so veiled threat of withdrawing funding if DeSantis doesn't like the outcome

And what the hell is 'intellectual diversity' supposed to be? I ask because it's a well-known fact that better educated people are more broad-minded, as opposed to narrow-minded which is what many uneducated conservatives are.

The British would call DeSantis a wanker, but of course it's clear that he's only pandering to Trump supporters..
I have a feeling this will be constitutionally challenged.
A survey? That's paranoid.
Not when you consider how they intend to use it. Ideology is subjective in a way race and ethnicity, for example are not.
The idea of a government mandated ideological balance is not a good idea. You want ideological diversity? Find ways to attract those perspectives...or make your speaker programs more diverse. Incentivise it. But any time a government attempts to legislate thought (which this, since one’s political beliefs don’t necessarily have a thing to do with how one teaches chemistry or physics) bad things result.

It seriously surprises me you guys support these things given it is what you accuse liberals of all the time.
Wrong. Ideology is not subjective. Only those who are trying to put one over on the public make such claims.

The idea that parents don't have a right to mandate what their children are taught doesn't pass the laugh test.

There is leftwing ideological conformity because teachers are all brainwashed in government schools of education. So long as government controls the source of the koolaide, it will continue pumping out the same shit. The quickest way to fix this is to abolish government schools. Nothing will change until that happens.

Your "ideas" are worthless spooge.

Parents should have the right to veto the employment of any teacher at any time.
Ideology is entirely subjective.

You want to hire and fire teachers based soley on perceived ideological orientation. McCarthiesm 2.0.
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Florida State University is among those where students and faculty members will be surveyed about their ideological beliefs.

Last week, Florida’s governor signed a bill requiring the state’s public colleges and universities to survey students and faculty on their ideological beliefs. The aim, he claims, is to prevent schools from “indoctrinating” students. DeSantis has hinted that those failing to show “intellectual diversity” will face budget cuts.

You may gauge the sincerity of his commitment to that diversity by the fact that this comes two weeks after he pushed to ban the teaching of critical race theory — an academic framework originated by legal scholars over 40 years ago. Like other states where similar restrictions are becoming law, Florida seeks not to further intellectual diversity, but to prevent it.

Meaning, it aims to protect kids raised on mom and dad’s steady diet of Fox “News” and Breitbart from the shock of having any ideas they’ve thereby imbibed challenged in the outside world. Which is hypocritical on its face. After all, conservatives once — not unreasonably — chided liberals for trying to bubble-wrap students with trigger warnings and safe spaces. Now they use force of law to do the very same thing.

It should go without saying that it’s none of the state’s business what you or I think. It should be likewise obvious that this law will stifle debate and muzzle instructors and is thus antithetical to the mission of our colleges and universities.

There is no mystery why conservatives find education dangerous. A 2015 Pew Research Center study quantified that the better educated one is, the more likely one is to hold liberal beliefs. But I’d argue, contrary to what conservatives seem to feel, that’s not because of bullying professors shouting left-wing dogma. Rather, it’s because once you learn how to think, you’re less susceptible to thin reasoning and easy answers. And increasingly, that’s all conservatism’s got.

Republicans are terrified of educated, curious, open minds. You know, people who can think

After being nothing but projection of Democrat faults being ascribed to those on the right aisle of Congress, it is what President Trump did for all Americans that your collective TDS prevents you from seeing the positive, caring people that both Republicans and Trump supporters are. And sorry that puts us smack dab in the middle of your pointy little leftist heads.
I have a feeling this will be constitutionally challenged.
A survey? That's paranoid.
Not when you consider how they intend to use it. Ideology is subjective in a way race and ethnicity, for example are not.
The idea of a government mandated ideological balance is not a good idea. You want ideological diversity? Find ways to attract those perspectives...or make your speaker programs more diverse. Incentivise it. But any time a government attempts to legislate thought (which this, since one’s political beliefs don’t necessarily have a thing to do with how one teaches chemistry or physics) bad things result.

It seriously surprises me you guys support these things given it is what you accuse liberals of all the time.
Wrong. Ideology is not subjective. Only those who are trying to put one over on the public make such claims.

The idea that parents don't have a right to mandate what their children are taught doesn't pass the laugh test.

There is leftwing ideological conformity because teachers are all brainwashed in government schools of education. So long as government controls the source of the koolaide, it will continue pumping out the same shit. The quickest way to fix this is to abolish government schools. Nothing will change until that happens.

Your "ideas" are worthless spooge.

Parents should have the right to veto the employment of any teacher at any time.
Ideology is entirely subjective.
No, it's not. If you support socialism, then you are a leftist, period.
You want to hire and fire teachers based soley on perceived ideological orientation. McCarthiesm 2.0.

Parents should have the right to hire and fire teachers based on an criteria they like. You want the government to have the autority to veto a parent's wishes. That's what makes you a totalitarian.
How is it any business of the gov't to inquire into the political beliefs of the students or the staff of an institution of higher learning, especially under the not so veiled threat of withdrawing funding if DeSantis doesn't like the outcome
Parents have the right to know what their kids are being taught. The idea that schools should be free of parental oversight doesn't pass the laugh test. Withdrawing funds is exactly what parents do in the case of private schools. That's why private schools work and government schools don't.

And what the hell is 'intellectual diversity' supposed to be? I ask because it's a well-known fact that better educated people are more broad-minded, as opposed to narrow-minded which is what many uneducated conservatives are.

The British would call DeSantis a wanker, but of course it's clear that he's only pandering to Trump supporters..

If there's one thing most parents don't want, it's a steady drumbeat of left wing horseshit. Only morons believe schools shold be free to teach kids whatever they want without any parental control whatsover. That's a Stalinist idea.
How is it any business of the gov't to inquire into the political beliefs of the students or the staff of an institution of higher learning, especially under the not so veiled threat of withdrawing funding if DeSantis doesn't like the outcome
Parents have the right to know what their kids are being taught. The idea that schools should be free of parental oversight doesn't pass the laugh test. Withdrawing funds is exactly what parents do in the case of private schools. That's why private schools work and government schools don't.

And what the hell is 'intellectual diversity' supposed to be? I ask because it's a well-known fact that better educated people are more broad-minded, as opposed to narrow-minded which is what many uneducated conservatives are.

The British would call DeSantis a wanker, but of course it's clear that he's only pandering to Trump supporters..

If there's one thing most parents don't want, it's a steady drumbeat of left wing horseshit. Only morons believe schools shold be free to teach kids whatever they want without any parental control whatsover. That's a Stalinist idea.
When students are minors (like during K-12), parents are free to become involved with the PTA and attend Parent Teacher meetings. When students are adults in college, parents are free to ask their kids about their subjects.

However, schools DO have standards. One of those standards is the pursuit of truth, including scientific truth, which conservatives seem to have a problem with when it contradicts what conservatives would prefer to believe. Regardless, it's not the government's business to intervene or interfere. That's the kind of thing that the Soviet Union used to do.
How is it any business of the gov't to inquire into the political beliefs of the students or the staff of an institution of higher learning, especially under the not so veiled threat of withdrawing funding if DeSantis doesn't like the outcome
Parents have the right to know what their kids are being taught. The idea that schools should be free of parental oversight doesn't pass the laugh test. Withdrawing funds is exactly what parents do in the case of private schools. That's why private schools work and government schools don't.

And what the hell is 'intellectual diversity' supposed to be? I ask because it's a well-known fact that better educated people are more broad-minded, as opposed to narrow-minded which is what many uneducated conservatives are.

The British would call DeSantis a wanker, but of course it's clear that he's only pandering to Trump supporters..

If there's one thing most parents don't want, it's a steady drumbeat of left wing horseshit. Only morons believe schools shold be free to teach kids whatever they want without any parental control whatsover. That's a Stalinist idea.
When students are minors (like during K-12), parents are free to become involved with the PTA and attend Parent Teacher meetings. When students are adults in college, parents are free to ask their kids about their subjects.

Schools are free to ignore what parents want, and they usually do if it conflicts with what teachers and school administrators want. Parents aren't free to stop their taxes going to public universities that engage in Marxist brainwashing. That's why the government should have nothing to do with education. It always corrupts everything to serve its own purposes.

However, schools DO have standards. One of those standards is the pursuit of truth, including scientific truth, which conservatives seem to have a problem with when it contradicts what conservatives would prefer to believe. Regardless, it's not the government's business to intervene or interfere. That's the kind of thing that the Soviet Union used to do.
You must be joking. Government schools are pumping our children full of lies and horseshit. How can the government not "intervene" when it runs the schools? Are you seriously trying to maintain that parents don't have to right to control what their kids are taught and how their tax dollars are used?

It's impossible to describe with mere words how utterly fucking stupid and fascist your take on schooling is.
I have a feeling this will be constitutionally challenged.
A survey? That's paranoid.
Not when you consider how they intend to use it. Ideology is subjective in a way race and ethnicity, for example are not.
The idea of a government mandated ideological balance is not a good idea. You want ideological diversity? Find ways to attract those perspectives...or make your speaker programs more diverse. Incentivise it. But any time a government attempts to legislate thought (which this, since one’s political beliefs don’t necessarily have a thing to do with how one teaches chemistry or physics) bad things result.

It seriously surprises me you guys support these things given it is what you accuse liberals of all the time.
Wrong. Ideology is not subjective. Only those who are trying to put one over on the public make such claims.

The idea that parents don't have a right to mandate what their children are taught doesn't pass the laugh test.

There is leftwing ideological conformity because teachers are all brainwashed in government schools of education. So long as government controls the source of the koolaide, it will continue pumping out the same shit. The quickest way to fix this is to abolish government schools. Nothing will change until that happens.

Your "ideas" are worthless spooge.

Parents should have the right to veto the employment of any teacher at any time.
Ideology is entirely subjective.
No, it's not. If you support socialism, then you are a leftist, period.
You want to hire and fire teachers based soley on perceived ideological orientation. McCarthiesm 2.0.

Parents should have the right to hire and fire teachers based on an criteria they like. You want the government to have the autority to veto a parent's wishes. That's what makes you a totalitarian.
The problem is you rightists don‘t seem to know what socialism actually is given the way you slap that label on everything that moves. It makes rather arbitrary and subjective. What if the person believes in a string safety net but a capitalist economic system?

If parents were the only ones paying for education, you would have a point. But they aren’t. We ALL pay into therefore we all have say. If parents want to the only ones they can send their kids to a private school.

And look totalitarian while you are at it....I don’t think you know what that means either.
My political viewpoints are no business of the governments. That is what McCarthyism was, we don’t need that again.

Funny how the right wants to legislate thought now.
My political viewpoints are no business of the governments. That is what McCarthyism was, we don’t need that again.

Funny how the right wants to legislate thought now.
Interesting to me is that a survey to get information is "legislating thought". It would seem to me that knowing if we have a problem is important.
How is it any business of the gov't to inquire into the political beliefs of the students or the staff of an institution of higher learning, especially under the not so veiled threat of withdrawing funding if DeSantis doesn't like the outcome
Parents have the right to know what their kids are being taught. The idea that schools should be free of parental oversight doesn't pass the laugh test. Withdrawing funds is exactly what parents do in the case of private schools. That's why private schools work and government schools don't.

And what the hell is 'intellectual diversity' supposed to be? I ask because it's a well-known fact that better educated people are more broad-minded, as opposed to narrow-minded which is what many uneducated conservatives are.

The British would call DeSantis a wanker, but of course it's clear that he's only pandering to Trump supporters..

If there's one thing most parents don't want, it's a steady drumbeat of left wing horseshit. Only morons believe schools shold be free to teach kids whatever they want without any parental control whatsover. That's a Stalinist idea.
When students are minors (like during K-12), parents are free to become involved with the PTA and attend Parent Teacher meetings. When students are adults in college, parents are free to ask their kids about their subjects.

However, schools DO have standards. One of those standards is the pursuit of truth, including scientific truth, which conservatives seem to have a problem with when it contradicts what conservatives would prefer to believe. Regardless, it's not the government's business to intervene or interfere. That's the kind of thing that the Soviet Union used to do.
Your focus is far too narrow. You know full well that liberals absolutely delight in ignoring scientific truth when it contradicts what liberals would prefer to believe. How else do they arrive at the conclusion that a developing human baby is not a human or that a man can call himself a woman and be free to share a locker room with 10 year old girls?
My political viewpoints are no business of the governments. That is what McCarthyism was, we don’t need that again.

Funny how the right wants to legislate thought now.
Interesting to me is that a survey to get information is "legislating thought". It would seem to me that knowing if we have a problem is important.
Collecting information people’s ideological beliefs for the purpose of funding, firing, hiring. What could possibly go wrong?

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