Florida Gov Signs Law Requiring Students, Faculty To Have Political Beliefs Surveyed

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suggested that the state’s public universities and colleges may face financial repercussions depending on the survey results.
The right’s unwarranted hostility toward public universities and colleges dates back decades when conservatives contrived and propagated the lie that universities and colleges were ‘liberal’ and taught ‘liberalism’ – whatever that’s supposed to be; needless to say, nothing could be further from the truth.

That universities and colleges teach facts and the truth which conflict with conservative dogma – and prove that dogma to be false and wrong – doesn’t mean universities and colleges are ‘liberal.’
It's hardly unwarranted. Our colleges an universities went from bein moderately left to being outright Maoist. Teaching facts it the last thing they teach. They are communist indoctrination centers.
There are ton of colleges and universities some of which are ultra rightwing fascist...but you know is forced to go to any of them. They can pick and choose.
Name 5

So you produced a list of 10? For one thing, they are all private. Parents who send their kids to these schools have to pay twice for their educations.

For another thing, how many universities are leftwing, 10,000?
You were talking about “our colleges and universities”...clearly they are not all leftist. What I think you don’t understand is within a university, some schools tend to be more liberal, some conservative in whom they attract. Business and Agriculture attracts more conservative leanings people.
They are 98% leftist. The fact is undeniable. You are gaslighting by trying to convince anyone otherwise. The schools that tend to be more conservative are the ones that don't have anything to do with politics, like Engineering and Business. Even in those schools, the students are required to get a large dose of leftwing brainwashing by being forced to take humanities and social sciences that are far, far left.
The state of Florida does not get to choose who attends the universities in Florida. That's the decision of the universities.
The universities are the state of Florida, you fucking moron. They are run by the state.
I don’t think you understand how it works.
The totality of what bripat doesn't understand is immense indeed. Unfortunately, it's not getting any smaller over time.
True, I don't understand everything that isn't true, like everything you believe.
I'm 74, and I was never taught anything in school about racism or the Native American holocaust. Republicans want to continue to sweep it all under the rug. Just a big whitewash of American history - and present reality.
Oh, so you're part of the original generation that fucked up our country, now your posts make sense, sort of. The world will be a better place once the 60's generation is gone, at least the part that was supposedly against authoritarianism. Turns out you've just always been Bolsheviks using 'liberalism' to forward your agenda. They're trying hard to perpetuate their propaganda into following generations, but it's going to fail, just as everything else they've done.
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suggested that the state’s public universities and colleges may face financial repercussions depending on the survey results.
The right’s unwarranted hostility toward public universities and colleges dates back decades when conservatives contrived and propagated the lie that universities and colleges were ‘liberal’ and taught ‘liberalism’ – whatever that’s supposed to be; needless to say, nothing could be further from the truth.

That universities and colleges teach facts and the truth which conflict with conservative dogma – and prove that dogma to be false and wrong – doesn’t mean universities and colleges are ‘liberal.’
It's hardly unwarranted. Our colleges an universities went from bein moderately left to being outright Maoist. Teaching facts it the last thing they teach. They are communist indoctrination centers.
There are ton of colleges and universities some of which are ultra rightwing fascist...but you know is forced to go to any of them. They can pick and choose.
Name 5

So you produced a list of 10? For one thing, they are all private. Parents who send their kids to these schools have to pay twice for their educations.

For another thing, how many universities are leftwing, 10,000?
You were talking about “our colleges and universities”...clearly they are not all leftist. What I think you don’t understand is within a university, some schools tend to be more liberal, some conservative in whom they attract. Business and Agriculture attracts more conservative leanings people.
They are 98% leftist. The fact is undeniable. You are gaslighting by trying to convince anyone otherwise. The schools that tend to be more conservative are the ones that don't have anything to do with politics, like Engineering and Business. Even in those schools, the students are required to get a large dose of leftwing brainwashing by being forced to take humanities and social sciences that are far, far left.
Sounds like you oppose the free exchange of ideas.
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suggested that the state’s public universities and colleges may face financial repercussions depending on the survey results.
The right’s unwarranted hostility toward public universities and colleges dates back decades when conservatives contrived and propagated the lie that universities and colleges were ‘liberal’ and taught ‘liberalism’ – whatever that’s supposed to be; needless to say, nothing could be further from the truth.

That universities and colleges teach facts and the truth which conflict with conservative dogma – and prove that dogma to be false and wrong – doesn’t mean universities and colleges are ‘liberal.’
It's hardly unwarranted. Our colleges an universities went from bein moderately left to being outright Maoist. Teaching facts it the last thing they teach. They are communist indoctrination centers.
There are ton of colleges and universities some of which are ultra rightwing fascist...but you know is forced to go to any of them. They can pick and choose.
Name 5

So you produced a list of 10? For one thing, they are all private. Parents who send their kids to these schools have to pay twice for their educations.

For another thing, how many universities are leftwing, 10,000?
You were talking about “our colleges and universities”...clearly they are not all leftist. What I think you don’t understand is within a university, some schools tend to be more liberal, some conservative in whom they attract. Business and Agriculture attracts more conservative leanings people.
They are 98% leftist. The fact is undeniable. You are gaslighting by trying to convince anyone otherwise. The schools that tend to be more conservative are the ones that don't have anything to do with politics, like Engineering and Business. Even in those schools, the students are required to get a large dose of leftwing brainwashing by being forced to take humanities and social sciences that are far, far left.
Sounds like you oppose the free exchange of ideas.
Government schools have nothing to do with the free exchange of ideas. They are brainwashing centers.

Who are you trying to fool?
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suggested that the state’s public universities and colleges may face financial repercussions depending on the survey results.
The right’s unwarranted hostility toward public universities and colleges dates back decades when conservatives contrived and propagated the lie that universities and colleges were ‘liberal’ and taught ‘liberalism’ – whatever that’s supposed to be; needless to say, nothing could be further from the truth.

That universities and colleges teach facts and the truth which conflict with conservative dogma – and prove that dogma to be false and wrong – doesn’t mean universities and colleges are ‘liberal.’
It's hardly unwarranted. Our colleges an universities went from bein moderately left to being outright Maoist. Teaching facts it the last thing they teach. They are communist indoctrination centers.
There are ton of colleges and universities some of which are ultra rightwing fascist...but you know is forced to go to any of them. They can pick and choose.
Name 5

So you produced a list of 10? For one thing, they are all private. Parents who send their kids to these schools have to pay twice for their educations.

For another thing, how many universities are leftwing, 10,000?
You were talking about “our colleges and universities”...clearly they are not all leftist. What I think you don’t understand is within a university, some schools tend to be more liberal, some conservative in whom they attract. Business and Agriculture attracts more conservative leanings people.
They are 98% leftist. The fact is undeniable. You are gaslighting by trying to convince anyone otherwise. The schools that tend to be more conservative are the ones that don't have anything to do with politics, like Engineering and Business. Even in those schools, the students are required to get a large dose of leftwing brainwashing by being forced to take humanities and social sciences that are far, far left.
Sounds like you oppose the free exchange of ideas.
No, that would be YOUR side. You know, the ones who protest, cry, and bitch whenever a conservative is allowed to speak. Then they show up and start violence in order to get the speech shut down. Poor snowflakes.
DeSantis is pushing toward fascism.


, political ideology and mass movement that dominated many parts of central, southern, and eastern Europe between 1919 and 1945 and that also had adherents in western Europe, the United States, South Africa, Japan, Latin America, and the Middle East.

Although fascist parties and movements differed significantly from one another, they had many characteristics in common, including extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and the desire to create a Volksgemeinschaft (German: “people’s community”), in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation.

DeSantis is pushing toward fascism.


, political ideology and mass movement that dominated many parts of central, southern, and eastern Europe between 1919 and 1945 and that also had adherents in western Europe, the United States, South Africa, Japan, Latin America, and the Middle East.

Although fascist parties and movements differed significantly from one another, they had many characteristics in common, including extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and the desire to create a Volksgemeinschaft (German: “people’s community”), in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation.

Thanks for the definition of the modern American liberal democrat (but I repeat myself).
Did you actually READ that article? The headline is clickbait lies. Only a fool would believe these surveys have anything to do with "registering" political views. You people get worked up over the most obviously stupid shit, over and over. Your media masters haven't told you that where this fomented outrage leads, is a place where none of you will want to be, any more than the rest of us. People can only be lied about for so long before they lash out.
The purpose is to remove free thought from the education environment and replace it with "conservative" dogma.
Make no mistake.
These "surveys" will not be anonymous and those thinking improper thoughts will be "removed." Not for academic reasons but because their thoughts will be considered "dangerous."

Remember when the GOP accused what they called "leftists" of Orwellian plans?
Here's yet another example of the GOP implementing stuff right from the book.
conducting a survey is Orwellian?
Forced Survey?
So government can force their lessons to be taught.

Man you guys are so deep into Fascism you can't even recognize the smell.
huh? nothing said it was forced.

the govt sends out surgery’s all the time and the state also sets standards for education all the time...what planet have you been living on?

maybe you should go back to govt 101 and learn what fascism is
There's a threat of withholding funding.
That's not voluntary.
I know what fascism is and I know you're a supporter,
ROFL! Where did you get the idea that government programs are entitled to funding?
Called a BUDGET.

I know, words can be so confusing.
Did you actually READ that article? The headline is clickbait lies. Only a fool would believe these surveys have anything to do with "registering" political views. You people get worked up over the most obviously stupid shit, over and over. Your media masters haven't told you that where this fomented outrage leads, is a place where none of you will want to be, any more than the rest of us. People can only be lied about for so long before they lash out.
The purpose is to remove free thought from the education environment and replace it with "conservative" dogma.
Make no mistake.
These "surveys" will not be anonymous and those thinking improper thoughts will be "removed." Not for academic reasons but because their thoughts will be considered "dangerous."

Remember when the GOP accused what they called "leftists" of Orwellian plans?
Here's yet another example of the GOP implementing stuff right from the book.
conducting a survey is Orwellian?
Forced Survey?
So government can force their lessons to be taught.

Man you guys are so deep into Fascism you can't even recognize the smell.
huh? nothing said it was forced.

the govt sends out surgery’s all the time and the state also sets standards for education all the time...what planet have you been living on?

maybe you should go back to govt 101 and learn what fascism is
There's a threat of withholding funding.
That's not voluntary.
I know what fascism is and I know you're a supporter,
ROFL! Where did you get the idea that government programs are entitled to funding?
right!? the govt threatens to withhold funding all the time

how do you think the federal govt was able to get states to raise the drinking age to 21
the "point" was made that the "surveys" we "voluntary."
The presence of a threat of any sort ELIMINATES any concept of "VOLUNTARY."

Ma, words really confuse you guys don't they?
What does forcing people to reveal their political ideologies so they can be monitored by the government for "undesirable" behavior like term papers and debate classes have to do with diversity?

Man. Is there any actual Conservative ideal that you tiny minded morons still follow?
Actually it is the schools who are being monitored, to make sure they are not discriminating against certain political beliefs.
So you're saying you want the government to force colleges and universities to indoctrinate students in the favored ideology?
That's what you want, turd.
Sorry my Small Minded "conservative" fascist,
You won't find me sending out "surveys" demanding staff and students prove their loyalty.
That would DuhDumbAss.
No, you and the other government employees just have the government hire all the brainwashed leftwing progs into their staff.
I hire QUALIFIED people.
Never ask a political question.

Perhaps we should look back on the hiring during the rule of Cap'n Cheeto for reference?
Florida fascism!
Florida funds these universities, they have a right to determine who attends them.
Not really. State universities only get a portion of their funding from state moneys. Sometimes it is a very small portion.
Any portion coming from government is enough for government to regulate. How many professors in state colleges are free to openly read a Bible and pray in their classrooms?

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