Florida Gov Signs Law Requiring Students, Faculty To Have Political Beliefs Surveyed

Have "beliefs surveyed"? Sounds like a slippery slope to me! In fact - it sounds racist to me! What do you think?
Sounds to me like the first step towards the reexamination of what a union of states is supposed to be. It makes no sense for all the states to be the same.

Black people need a state of their own responsibility to help them smarten up; and so do liberals.
How on earth do you suppose anyone can smarten up a lib.?
View attachment 505165

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suggested that the state’s public universities and colleges may face financial repercussions depending on the survey results.

Florida’s governor has signed legislation that will require public colleges and universities to annually survey their students and staff about their beliefs and viewpoints in order to support “intellectual diversity,” while hinting that the schools could face financial penalties depending on the survey results.

The goal of House Bill 233, which was signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Tuesday, is “to ensure” that students are presented “diverse idea and opinion, including those that they may disagree with or find uncomfortable,” according to its language.

DeSantis said the state’s institutes of higher learning have largely become “intellectually repressive environments” and that these surveys will help to change that.

This new law, which goes into effect on July 1, follows DeSantis earlier this month banning K-12 public schools from featuring specific lessons and discussions related to racism. These include educational lessons and discussions on the concept of critical race theory, which examines systemic racism in American institutions and policies, as well as on “The 1619 Project,” which is a New York Times initiative that reexamines the legacy of slavery in the United States.

also last month passed a bill that effectively bans public school teachers from talking about racism, white supremacy or current news events.

"Have political beliefs surveyed"? Sounds like a slippery slope to me! In fact - it sounds racist to me - and autocratic! We need smarter students - not dumber students! What do you think?
I think its a good idea. In the interest of diversity 50% of liberal professors should be fired and replaced by good decent people

Its Fascist in nature. The kids should say they are independents and undecided... all of them.

I agree! But they should not be asked about their political beliefs!
Why ? democrats indoctrinate.
DeSantis is becoming very autocratic and dictatorial. The DOJ needs to tune him up.
haha by signing a law passed by the Fl State House

Do you think the state should require that you survey and declare your political stance?
i have no problem with the state conducting a survey of any kind.

they conduct them all the time...in particular of their employees

i also have no problem with the state conducting a survey to see how diverse their institutions are, in particular education, to ensure different views are represented.

why does it bother you to have schools with diverse views?

Is the survey anonymous?
totally up to me if i put any identification

like this one if florida

so do tell, why are you so scared about what this study might find?
DeSantis is becoming very autocratic and dictatorial. The DOJ needs to tune him up.
haha by signing a law passed by the Fl State House

Do you think the state should require that you survey and declare your political stance?
i have no problem with the state conducting a survey of any kind.

they conduct them all the time...in particular of their employees

i also have no problem with the state conducting a survey to see how diverse their institutions are, in particular education, to ensure different views are represented.

why does it bother you to have schools with diverse views?
This recent manifestation of rightwing authoritarianism is both reprehensible and wrong – it seeks to compel conformity and punish dissent.
please tell me more, give us some examples
I'm 74, and I was never taught anything in school about racism or the Native American holocaust. Republicans want to continue to sweep it all under the rug. Just a big whitewash of American history - and present reality.

Stop stealing the Jews' disaster-moniker.


More like Highly Developed Western Civilization and Technology meets useless primitive Neolithic hunter-gatherer tribal pseudo-culture.

Pure Darwinism... Nature de-selected you.

Better luck in your next Karmic lifetime...
That is not Darwinism. It is genocide. You do not understand Darwin and should not mention him until you do.

You also know nothing of Native American culture. And your racism is unacceptable. Such vileness is not to be tolerated, and will not be tolerated. It is akin to advocating pedophilia. You are sociopathic and do not think that you will proceed through your life without problems if you continue to spew racism.

NOT to be tolerated. You best catch a clue and quick.
And YOU don't understand Darwinism as applied to the HUMAN animal interacting amongst its own... the 30,000-foot view of the topic... the macro level, in this context.

I don't know anything about Native American "culture"? You're absolutely correct. Nolo contendre. No contest. But it's not like there's much of anything to grab on to.

You're talking about a Neolithic (late Stone-Age) hunter-gatherer-nomadic rag-tag collection of pseudo-cultures that had no outside competition for 10,000 years or more.

You're talking about primitives in a state of severely arrested development that simply weren't ready for the outside world when it finally was face-to-face with it.

There were, indeed, genocide -like aspects of the centuries -long encounter, but for the most part it was straight-up warfare, in which you suffered profound defeat.

On the macro level, you never stood a chance - it was like shooting fish in a barrel - and out of a sense of guilt earlier descendants of the winners threw you some bones.

None of this is racism... it's the pure, unvarnished truth, with the husks still on... your sensitivity to the truth has absolutely nothing to do with the accuracy of the portrayal.

And if that offends you... that's fine... great... all-the-better... great fun...
BE offended... have a field-day with being offended... embrace your offense... wallow in it... enjoy.

Being a truth-teller... accurately portraying a clash of civilizations (and I use that term loosely in connection with your side) is not 'sociopathic'... it's simply The Truth. Reality.

As to your veiled threats that The Truth will "NOT be tolerated", well...

Considering your miniscule percentage of the population, I don't think the rest of us have anything particular to worry about... vae victus... :laugh:
Last edited:
Did you actually READ that article? The headline is clickbait lies. Only a fool would believe these surveys have anything to do with "registering" political views. You people get worked up over the most obviously stupid shit, over and over. Your media masters haven't told you that where this fomented outrage leads, is a place where none of you will want to be, any more than the rest of us. People can only be lied about for so long before they lash out.
The purpose is to remove free thought from the education environment and replace it with "conservative" dogma.
Make no mistake.
These "surveys" will not be anonymous and those thinking improper thoughts will be "removed." Not for academic reasons but because their thoughts will be considered "dangerous."

Remember when the GOP accused what they called "leftists" of Orwellian plans?
Here's yet another example of the GOP implementing stuff right from the book.
conducting a survey is Orwellian?
Forced Survey?
So government can force their lessons to be taught.

Man you guys are so deep into Fascism you can't even recognize the smell.
huh? nothing said it was forced.

the govt sends out surgery’s all the time and the state also sets standards for education all the time...what planet have you been living on?

maybe you should go back to govt 101 and learn what fascism is
There's a threat of withholding funding.
That's not voluntary.
I know what fascism is and I know you're a supporter,
ROFL! Where did you get the idea that government programs are entitled to funding?
Did you actually READ that article? The headline is clickbait lies. Only a fool would believe these surveys have anything to do with "registering" political views. You people get worked up over the most obviously stupid shit, over and over. Your media masters haven't told you that where this fomented outrage leads, is a place where none of you will want to be, any more than the rest of us. People can only be lied about for so long before they lash out.
The purpose is to remove free thought from the education environment and replace it with "conservative" dogma.
Make no mistake.
These "surveys" will not be anonymous and those thinking improper thoughts will be "removed." Not for academic reasons but because their thoughts will be considered "dangerous."

Remember when the GOP accused what they called "leftists" of Orwellian plans?
Here's yet another example of the GOP implementing stuff right from the book.
conducting a survey is Orwellian?
Forced Survey?
So government can force their lessons to be taught.

Man you guys are so deep into Fascism you can't even recognize the smell.
huh? nothing said it was forced.

the govt sends out surgery’s all the time and the state also sets standards for education all the time...what planet have you been living on?

maybe you should go back to govt 101 and learn what fascism is
There's a threat of withholding funding.
That's not voluntary.
I know what fascism is and I know you're a supporter,
ROFL! Where did you get the idea that government programs are entitled to funding?
right!? the govt threatens to withhold funding all the time

how do you think the federal govt was able to get states to raise the drinking age to 21
What does forcing people to reveal their political ideologies so they can be monitored by the government for "undesirable" behavior like term papers and debate classes have to do with diversity?

Man. Is there any actual Conservative ideal that you tiny minded morons still follow?
Actually it is the schools who are being monitored, to make sure they are not discriminating against certain political beliefs.
So you're saying you want the government to force colleges and universities to indoctrinate students in the favored ideology?
That's what you want, turd.
Sorry my Small Minded "conservative" fascist,
You won't find me sending out "surveys" demanding staff and students prove their loyalty.
That would DuhDumbAss.
No, you and the other government employees just have the government hire all the brainwashed leftwing progs into their staff.
View attachment 505165

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suggested that the state’s public universities and colleges may face financial repercussions depending on the survey results.

Florida’s governor has signed legislation that will require public colleges and universities to annually survey their students and staff about their beliefs and viewpoints in order to support “intellectual diversity,” while hinting that the schools could face financial penalties depending on the survey results.

The goal of House Bill 233, which was signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Tuesday, is “to ensure” that students are presented “diverse idea and opinion, including those that they may disagree with or find uncomfortable,” according to its language.

DeSantis said the state’s institutes of higher learning have largely become “intellectually repressive environments” and that these surveys will help to change that.

This new law, which goes into effect on July 1, follows DeSantis earlier this month banning K-12 public schools from featuring specific lessons and discussions related to racism. These include educational lessons and discussions on the concept of critical race theory, which examines systemic racism in American institutions and policies, as well as on “The 1619 Project,” which is a New York Times initiative that reexamines the legacy of slavery in the United States.

also last month passed a bill that effectively bans public school teachers from talking about racism, white supremacy or current news events.

"Have political beliefs surveyed"? Sounds like a slippery slope to me! In fact - it sounds racist to me - and autocratic! We need smarter students - not dumber students! What do you think?
Very bad idea. Once again, we see Repubublicans using their legislative power to not powers to not only silence free speech but punish people for their beliefs. Wow.

This is not a private business. It is the government creating laws to promote ideological indoctrination.
DeSantis is becoming very autocratic and dictatorial. The DOJ needs to tune him up.
haha by signing a law passed by the Fl State House

Do you think the state should require that you survey and declare your political stance?
i have no problem with the state conducting a survey of any kind.

they conduct them all the time...in particular of their employees

i also have no problem with the state conducting a survey to see how diverse their institutions are, in particular education, to ensure different views are represented.

why does it bother you to have schools with diverse views?

Is the survey anonymous?
totally up to me if i put any identification

like this one if florida

so do tell, why are you so scared about what this study might find?
It is more concern with what they plan to do with that info don't you think? McCarthyism all over again.
Have "beliefs surveyed"? Sounds like a slippery slope to me! In fact - it sounds racist to me! What do you think?
Sounds to me like the first step towards the reexamination of what a union of states is supposed to be. It makes no sense for all the states to be the same.

Black people need a state of their own responsibility to help them smarten up; and so do liberals.
How on earth do you suppose anyone can smarten up a lib.?

With facts. Liberals are responsive to facts. Lies and conspiracy... theories not so much.
DeSantis is becoming very autocratic and dictatorial. The DOJ needs to tune him up.
haha by signing a law passed by the Fl State House

Do you think the state should require that you survey and declare your political stance?
i have no problem with the state conducting a survey of any kind.

they conduct them all the time...in particular of their employees

i also have no problem with the state conducting a survey to see how diverse their institutions are, in particular education, to ensure different views are represented.

why does it bother you to have schools with diverse views?

Is the survey anonymous?
totally up to me if i put any identification

like this one if florida

so do tell, why are you so scared about what this study might find?
It is more concern with what they plan to do with that info don't you think? McCarthyism all over again.
the govt collects all sorts of data all the time. but let me know when the House starts calling people into hearings and collects testimony behind close doors and starts leaking bits and piece and throwing out accusations...wait we saw that djdnt we? adam shifty! snd when caught, said it was parody
DeSantis is becoming very autocratic and dictatorial. The DOJ needs to tune him up.
haha by signing a law passed by the Fl State House

Do you think the state should require that you survey and declare your political stance?
i have no problem with the state conducting a survey of any kind.

they conduct them all the time...in particular of their employees

i also have no problem with the state conducting a survey to see how diverse their institutions are, in particular education, to ensure different views are represented.

why does it bother you to have schools with diverse views?

Is the survey anonymous?
totally up to me if i put any identification

like this one if florida

so do tell, why are you so scared about what this study might find?
It is more concern with what they plan to do with that info don't you think? McCarthyism all over again.

The students should fill out their surveys, Independent, undecided.
DeSantis is becoming very autocratic and dictatorial. The DOJ needs to tune him up.
haha by signing a law passed by the Fl State House

Do you think the state should require that you survey and declare your political stance?
i have no problem with the state conducting a survey of any kind.

they conduct them all the time...in particular of their employees

i also have no problem with the state conducting a survey to see how diverse their institutions are, in particular education, to ensure different views are represented.

why does it bother you to have schools with diverse views?

Is the survey anonymous?
totally up to me if i put any identification

like this one if florida

so do tell, why are you so scared about what this study might find?
It is more concern with what they plan to do with that info don't you think? McCarthyism all over again.
the govt collects all sorts of data all the time. but let me know when the House starts calling people into hearings and collects testimony behind close doors and starts leaking bits and piece and throwing out accusations...wait we saw that djdnt we? adam shifty! snd when caught, said it was parody
I do not think they are allowed to collect ideological data on employees and use it against them.
DeSantis is becoming very autocratic and dictatorial. The DOJ needs to tune him up.
haha by signing a law passed by the Fl State House

Do you think the state should require that you survey and declare your political stance?
i have no problem with the state conducting a survey of any kind.

they conduct them all the time...in particular of their employees

i also have no problem with the state conducting a survey to see how diverse their institutions are, in particular education, to ensure different views are represented.

why does it bother you to have schools with diverse views?

Is the survey anonymous?
totally up to me if i put any identification

like this one if florida

so do tell, why are you so scared about what this study might find?
It is more concern with what they plan to do with that info don't you think? McCarthyism all over again.

The students should fill out their surveys, Independent, undecided.
Or conservative...that would mess with them :lol:
View attachment 505165

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suggested that the state’s public universities and colleges may face financial repercussions depending on the survey results.

Florida’s governor has signed legislation that will require public colleges and universities to annually survey their students and staff about their beliefs and viewpoints in order to support “intellectual diversity,” while hinting that the schools could face financial penalties depending on the survey results.

The goal of House Bill 233, which was signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Tuesday, is “to ensure” that students are presented “diverse idea and opinion, including those that they may disagree with or find uncomfortable,” according to its language.

DeSantis said the state’s institutes of higher learning have largely become “intellectually repressive environments” and that these surveys will help to change that.

This new law, which goes into effect on July 1, follows DeSantis earlier this month banning K-12 public schools from featuring specific lessons and discussions related to racism. These include educational lessons and discussions on the concept of critical race theory, which examines systemic racism in American institutions and policies, as well as on “The 1619 Project,” which is a New York Times initiative that reexamines the legacy of slavery in the United States.

also last month passed a bill that effectively bans public school teachers from talking about racism, white supremacy or current news events.

"Have political beliefs surveyed"? Sounds like a slippery slope to me! In fact - it sounds racist to me - and autocratic! We need smarter students - not dumber students! What do you think?
Very bad idea. Once again, we see Repubublicans using their legislative power to not powers to not only silence free speech but punish people for their beliefs. Wow.

This is not a private business. It is the government creating laws to promote ideological indoctrination.
Teachers who try to brainwash American children against the wishes of their parents deserve to be canned.

Our schools are already brainwashing students. The government universities are pumping out an endless supply of woke leftwing teachers. The left doesn't need any laws to ram their ideas down the throats of our children. This measure is just a weak attempt to staunch the onslaught of leftwing indoctrination. Parents need laws to protect their children from brainwashing.
View attachment 505165

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suggested that the state’s public universities and colleges may face financial repercussions depending on the survey results.

Florida’s governor has signed legislation that will require public colleges and universities to annually survey their students and staff about their beliefs and viewpoints in order to support “intellectual diversity,” while hinting that the schools could face financial penalties depending on the survey results.

The goal of House Bill 233, which was signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Tuesday, is “to ensure” that students are presented “diverse idea and opinion, including those that they may disagree with or find uncomfortable,” according to its language.

DeSantis said the state’s institutes of higher learning have largely become “intellectually repressive environments” and that these surveys will help to change that.

This new law, which goes into effect on July 1, follows DeSantis earlier this month banning K-12 public schools from featuring specific lessons and discussions related to racism. These include educational lessons and discussions on the concept of critical race theory, which examines systemic racism in American institutions and policies, as well as on “The 1619 Project,” which is a New York Times initiative that reexamines the legacy of slavery in the United States.

also last month passed a bill that effectively bans public school teachers from talking about racism, white supremacy or current news events.

"Have political beliefs surveyed"? Sounds like a slippery slope to me! In fact - it sounds racist to me - and autocratic! We need smarter students - not dumber students! What do you think?
Very bad idea. Once again, we see Repubublicans using their legislative power to not powers to not only silence free speech but punish people for their beliefs. Wow.

This is not a private business. It is the government creating laws to promote ideological indoctrination.
Teachers who try to brainwash American children against the wishes of their parents deserve to be canned.

Our schools are already brainwashing students. The government universities are pumping out an endless supply of woke leftwing teachers. The left doesn't need any laws to ram their ideas down the throats of our children. This measure is just a weak attempt to staunch the onslaught of leftwing indoctrination. Parents need laws to protect their children from brainwashing.
So you are ok with the government mandating ideological correctness?
View attachment 505165

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suggested that the state’s public universities and colleges may face financial repercussions depending on the survey results.

Florida’s governor has signed legislation that will require public colleges and universities to annually survey their students and staff about their beliefs and viewpoints in order to support “intellectual diversity,” while hinting that the schools could face financial penalties depending on the survey results.

The goal of House Bill 233, which was signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Tuesday, is “to ensure” that students are presented “diverse idea and opinion, including those that they may disagree with or find uncomfortable,” according to its language.

DeSantis said the state’s institutes of higher learning have largely become “intellectually repressive environments” and that these surveys will help to change that.

This new law, which goes into effect on July 1, follows DeSantis earlier this month banning K-12 public schools from featuring specific lessons and discussions related to racism. These include educational lessons and discussions on the concept of critical race theory, which examines systemic racism in American institutions and policies, as well as on “The 1619 Project,” which is a New York Times initiative that reexamines the legacy of slavery in the United States.

also last month passed a bill that effectively bans public school teachers from talking about racism, white supremacy or current news events.

"Have political beliefs surveyed"? Sounds like a slippery slope to me! In fact - it sounds racist to me - and autocratic! We need smarter students - not dumber students! What do you think?
Very bad idea. Once again, we see Repubublicans using their legislative power to not powers to not only silence free speech but punish people for their beliefs. Wow.

This is not a private business. It is the government creating laws to promote ideological indoctrination.
Teachers who try to brainwash American children against the wishes of their parents deserve to be canned.

Our schools are already brainwashing students. The government universities are pumping out an endless supply of woke leftwing teachers. The left doesn't need any laws to ram their ideas down the throats of our children. This measure is just a weak attempt to staunch the onslaught of leftwing indoctrination. Parents need laws to protect their children from brainwashing.

Students should be exposed to all sorts of ideas. What are you afraid of?
DeSantis is becoming very autocratic and dictatorial. The DOJ needs to tune him up.
haha by signing a law passed by the Fl State House

Do you think the state should require that you survey and declare your political stance?
i have no problem with the state conducting a survey of any kind.

they conduct them all the time...in particular of their employees

i also have no problem with the state conducting a survey to see how diverse their institutions are, in particular education, to ensure different views are represented.

why does it bother you to have schools with diverse views?

Is the survey anonymous?
totally up to me if i put any identification

like this one if florida

so do tell, why are you so scared about what this study might find?
It is more concern with what they plan to do with that info don't you think? McCarthyism all over again.

The students should fill out their surveys, Independent, undecided.
they should and hopefully are

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