Florida Grand Jury Report Vindicates 5 Spot-On Covid Claims You Weren’t Allowed To Say, released report on its investigation into Pharma malfeasance

Comorbidities would not have been excess deaths

If they resulted in death in one year that might have happened in another year they would.

Excess deaths isn't an exact number, it's an extrapolated number, and those as we know from the AGW debate can be manipulated to suit whoever wants a certain result.
The Spanish flu was worse.

If you look at Wikipedia the high estimate for the 1959 and the low estimate for covid are pretty close, 4M vs 7M.
That’s like saying syphillus is worse than gonorhea.
Who cares..
You keeping stating this but still haven't provided an example how this false security manifested?

What exactly was claimed about wearing masks from applicable agencies that gave people a false sense of security?
We were told by the Director of the CDC that masks reduced the chance of infection by "more than 80%"

Utter nonsense.
Estimate was 1-4 M, with 1 being the low#.

Hell the COVID number ranges from 7-21M and that just happened recently.
No. The estimate is 1.1 million with a 95% confidence interval of 0.7 to 1.5 million.
But since you’re a total fucking hack, you’re going to ignore data driven science and just whatever number you wanted to believe.

I made my toddler wear a hat to school today. I suppose that was also draconian to you.

Well that explains a lot, here we have either a late millennial or a gen z, who are afraid of their own shadow, and will cut their nose off to spite their face if means 'safety', or they think it means 'safety'.

You are welcome to wear a face diaper anywhere and everywhere if you want to, you are not welcome to force others to do so. So take your authoritarian, 'it's good for you', or 'if it saves just one life' bullshit and shove it up your ass.

Are you going to appeal to emotion to have all vehicles removed off of the roads as well, just imagine how many lives that would save!! Hop to it, get your campaign going, if you don't you're nothing but a worthless piece of shit that doesn't care about people.

This applies to the cat freak as well.
No. The estimate is 1.1 million with a 95% confidence interval of 0.7 to 1.5 million.
But since you’re a total fucking hack, you’re going to ignore data driven science and just whatever number you wanted to believe.

One source, Wikipedia lists several, and that's where they got the range.

Most estimates of excessive deaths due to the pandemic range from 1-4 million, some of which include years beyond 1958.[1][2][5][6][7][24][154] In particular, the attempt by the National Institutes of Health in 2016 attributed global mortality 1.1 million (0.7 to 1.5 million) excess deaths to the pandemic, including the year 1959.[5] This estimate of global burden has recently been adopted by the World Health Organization and US CDC.[6][154][155][156] The study also estimated the excess deaths in the first year of the pandemic, in 1957, to be 0.6 million (0.4 to 0.8 million).[5]

1957–1958 influenza pandemic - Wikipedia

Like a hack, you cherrypicked the one source that agreed with you.
Well that explains a lot, here we have either a late millennial or a gen z, who are afraid of their own shadow, and will cut their nose off to spite their face if means 'safety', or they think it means 'safety'.

You are welcome to wear a face diaper anywhere and everywhere if you want to, you are not welcome to force others to do so. So take your authoritarian, 'it's good for you', or 'if it saves just one life' bullshit and shove it up your ass.

Are you going to appeal to emotion to have all vehicles removed off of the roads as well, just imagine how many lives that would save!! Hop to it, get your campaign going, if you don't you're nothing but a worthless piece of shit that doesn't care about people.

This applies to the cat freak as well.
Wrong, I'm welcome to require anyone to wear a face mask if they wish to be present on my property.

You can either behave like a normal adult or you can behave like an entitled narcissistic asshole.
One source, Wikipedia lists several, and that's where they got the range.

1957–1958 influenza pandemic - Wikipedia

Like a hack, you cherrypicked the one source that agreed with you.
I picked a recent rigorous scientific study with a result that is widely accepted by scientific agencies.

Where did the 1-4 million estimate come from?

Encyclopedia Brittanica?

There's a thing called source discrimination. You can't do it because you're a fucking hack.
No. The estimate is 1.1 million with a 95% confidence interval of 0.7 to 1.5 million.
But since you’re a total fucking hack, you’re going to ignore data driven science and just whatever number you wanted to believe.


Not even a decent flu.
I picked a recent rigorous scientific study with a result that is widely accepted by scientific agencies.

Where did the 1-4 million estimate come from?

Encyclopedia Brittanica?

There's a thing called source discrimination. You can't do it because you're a fucking hack.

You searched for the one study that backed up your claim, and didn't realize there were others out there.


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