Florida Grand Jury Report Vindicates 5 Spot-On Covid Claims You Weren’t Allowed To Say, released report on its investigation into Pharma malfeasance

You searched for the one study that backed up your claim, and didn't realize there were others out there.

I'm looking for these other studies but I don't see them.

The 1-4 million estimate literally seems to come from Encyclopedia Brittanica. Not joking.

The relative unconcern about two of the largest influenza pandemics of the 20th century—the Encyclopaedia Britannica estimates that the 1968 pandemic, due to an H3N2 influenza virus, was responsible for between 1 million to 4 million deaths globally
I'm looking for these other studies but I don't see them.

The 1-4 million estimate literally seems to come from Encyclopedia Brittanica. Not joking.


I'm sure they sourced their information as well.
Wrong, I'm welcome to require anyone to wear a face mask if they wish to be present on my property.

You can either behave like a normal adult or you can behave like an entitled narcissistic asshole.

You must be very lonely. :laughing0301:

You are a complete whacko!
Another time you stated "I'm sure" instead of actually citing a source.

Show me the source and then we can talk.

Amazing how you get all Spectrum on things like this but sucked government dick right away when they told you masks would save you.
Amazing how you get all Spectrum on things like this but sucked government dick right away when they told you masks would save you.
All I'm doing is going by the best data we have available and not what I want to believe. If masks were minimally effective, they were also minimally invasive. Cost/benefit analyses are a thing that rational people do all the time. We don't need to get all emotional like you.

1 million vs 15 million seems like a pretty big difference.

No, I just surround myself with reasonable adults and not a bunch of assholes.

Rational adults don't get so worked up about having to wear a mask.

There's nothing 'rational' about you, you're a stupid, naive child that believes everything the 'media' tells you. Do you wrap your toddler in bubble wrap to keep it safe? I pity the child, it's going to have a miserable life having you for a parent.

Only insane people are still wearing masks, you might as well wear an idiot sign on your forehead.
All I'm doing is going by the best data we have available and not what I want to believe. If masks were minimally effective, they were also minimally invasive. Cost/benefit analyses are a thing that rational people do all the time. We don't need to get all emotional like you.

1 million vs 15 million seems like a pretty big difference.

All you are doing is post-justifying your fears and your lemming like belief in whatever was foisted onto you.

Video. Even better.

It's unfortunate that study she refers to isn't linked with the video.

I wonder if this it?

There's nothing 'rational' about you, you're a stupid, naive child that believes everything the 'media' tells you. Do you wrap your toddler in bubble wrap to keep it safe? I pity the child, it's going to have a miserable life having you for a parent.

Only insane people are still wearing masks, you might as well wear an idiot sign on your forehead.
Wearing a mask to prevent the spread of a respiratory infection is pretty rational.

I wear a seatbelt. My toddler rides in a car seat. Are we stupid for doing so?

By the way, you missed a lot of context, this was a discussion about wearing a mask early in the pandemic. I haven't routinely worn a mask for years, not since we have been vaccinated.
All you are doing is post-justifying your fears and your lemming like belief in whatever was foisted onto you.
I'm going based on the best data available. I don't go by the "I'm sure" approach where you assume whatever the fuck is convenient to you.
We were told by the Director of the CDC that masks reduced the chance of infection by "more than 80%"

Utter nonsense.
What material harm did you incur in wearing a mask? Pretend you were trying to convince a jury for a damage award.
Wearing a mask to prevent the spread of a respiratory infection is pretty rational.

Not when the masks don't work.

I wear a seatbelt. My toddler rides in a car seat. Are we stupid for doing so?

Seatbelts work. Marks don't.

By the way, you missed a lot of context, this was a discussion about wearing a mask early in the pandemic. I haven't routinely worn a mask for years, not since we have been vaccinated.

People like you are dangerous.
It is as I said.

Leftards have completely lost the ability to discern.
What is there to discern?
Ronda's big surprise has all the depth of a
Three Stooges short plot.

What is the purpose of Ronda calling a grand jury?
To charge a crime?
To prove a point.

Surely, even in MAGADUMIA you've hear the truism that
A prosecutor can get a grand jury indict a ham sandwich?

This is your classic "nothing burger" and in MAGADUMIA they're asking for seconds..
What material harm did you incur in wearing a mask? Pretend you were trying to convince a jury for a damage award.
This has nothing to do with masks.

It has to do with the deep state LYING to you to coerce your behavior.

Payback is a bitch.

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