Florida House prices dropping as people desperate to sell.

Red states suck evidently.
The problem isn't red states.....but all of the blue states in the US.

If you encourage crime, chaos, and destruction.......of course insurance rates are going to go up. They have to jack up their prices or the insurance companies can't stay in business.

This is why you folks want to raise the costs of everything. You claim you're helping the poor when in fact you're fucking the poor and making everyone equally poor.
He is one of your heeeeeroes who is directly contradicting your point---rising sea levels--do you have a problem focusing on your own topic? SMH, run along troll, you're a moron.
I think you need to take a cognitive test, For some reason you think that because Obama bought a place in Martha’s Vineyard it disproves climate change. That has to be the dumbest argument I have ever heard. Now go take that test!
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The reason I love rooting against Ron and Florida is they love to root against California. They say liberals are making California too expensive for the middle class but damn if that isn't happening in Florida too.

My uncle bought his home in Florida for $150,000 it's worth $1 million now. Now he can't afford to insure it. Go figure. Time to get out of Florida. Go to Texas. Isn't that what Republicans tell Californians who can't afford to live in CA?

Insurance companies are LEAVING California. Along with anybody who has the ability to do so.
Two things are affecting the cost of housing here in Florida.

Insurance rates are sky high do to all the goddamn stupid Yankees that move here and build homes in hurricane prone flood areas. When a hurricane hits it is a big loss for the insurance companies.

The second thing is Potatohead ran up the cost of interest with his massive inflation, making the cost of owning anew home much more expensive than it should be. Of course that is nation wide.

Nobody told the people of Central Florida that they should sell. The housing market in Tampa and Orlando is booming. A friend of ours in Tampa sold their home in two days and got more than they asked for it.

Polk County with Lakeland and Winter Haven is the fast growing area in the country right now.
Red states suck evidently.
Here's another good example of how Democrats try to act like they give a shit about the poor, but instead end up screwing them with their regulations.

There has been a massive increase of food delivery to people, so of course Democrats use the government to fuck it up, by raising the wage requirements for deliveries.

Anything the government starts sticking their noses in quickly becomes more expensive.
Now everyone is cancelling their accounts because, thanks to government, the price of food has gone thru the roof. $32 sandwiches.

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I think you need to take a cognitive test, For some reason you think that because Obama bought a place in Martha’s Vineyard it disproves climate change. That has to be the dumbest argument I have ever heard. Now go take that test!
He's your heeeero, not mine.
Like trying to pass bills that decrease insurance premiums?

Like that? And doing so without being stopped by obstructionist republicans?

Like that sort of thing? I think you know where this is going.
Dems sure have you fooled....
I think you need to take a cognitive test, For some reason you think that because Obama bought a place in Martha’s Vineyard it disproves climate change. That has to be the dumbest argument I have ever heard. Now go take that test!

The Climate has always been “Changing”. Nothing these phony Political hacks (certainly never you) could do about it with $10000Tx$10000 USD you ignorant OX.
I think you need to take a cognitive test, For some reason you think that because Obama bought a place in Martha’s Vineyard it disproves climate change. That has to be the dumbest argument I have ever heard. Now go take that test!
Gay Barry bought a mansion on the ocean (probably with kickback money from that Iran deal) because he knows, just like all of us, that this silly AGW shit is nothing but a scam.

Gay Barry has always been a moron but he got two things right in his life. First, is telling all you Moon Bats that Potatohead was a fuck up and the second was buying that mansion near the ocean knowing he had nothing to worry about with climate change because it was bullshit.
Gay Barry bought a mansion on the ocean (probably with kickback money from that Iran deal) because he knows, just like all of us, that this silly AGW shit is nothing but a scam.

Gay Barry has always been a moron but he got two things right in his life. First, is telling all you Moon Bats that Potatohead was a fuck up and the second was buying that mansion near the ocean knowing he had nothing to worry about with climate change because it was bullshit.
I once asked a banker what he thought about climate change. He said that the first signs that climate change is real is when insurance companies start raising rates. He said insurance companies don’t play politics and it is all about the bottom line. But that is only the beginning IMO. Once insurance rates start rising, you may soon see the end of 20 and 30 year mortgages which is being discussed in some circles. Once banks stop giving out mortgages, your property will lose nearly all its value. As it stands now high insurance rates will start affecting home values. If you live in Florida you can deny anthropogenic climate change all you want, but you can pay to combat it now or have your descendants pay a much higher price later. It’s your choice.

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