Florida is swamped by disease outbreaks as quackery replaces science

Prove it, twinkie.
No one is forcing you to get the jab.

That is your free will decision.
Not today, you're right. During the pandemic, tens of thousands were forced to get the experimental jab or lose their jobs. Even you know that to be true. Do you want another stick?
Not today, you're right. During the pandemic, tens of thousands were forced to get the experimental jab or lose their jobs. Even you know that to be true. Do you want another stick?
That was their free will choice. No one held them down.

You have NO constitutional right to a job if the employer wants you to meet the certified health conditions of the employment package. You have no legal right to refuse and take the jobs.
That was their free will choice. No one held them down.

You have NO constitutional right to a job if the employer wants you to meet the certified health conditions of the employment package. You have no legal right to refuse and take the jobs.
No, the government had no authority to force anyone to get an experimental vaccine.

COVID Lessons Learned
A Retrospective After Four Years
By Scott W. Atlas, Steve H. Hanke, Philip G. Kerpen, and Casey B. Mulligan

Executive Summary

This report reviews the major policy errors and lessons learned during the COVID pandemic from a balanced perspective that includes health, economic, educational, and civil liberty considerations.

We outline ten key lessons that must be learned to avoid mistaken policy responses to future pandemics and other crises.

Lesson #1: Leaders Should Calm Public Fears, Not Stoke Them

Lesson #2: Lockdowns Do Not Work to Substantially Reduce Deaths
or Stop Viral Circulation

Lesson #3: Lockdowns and Social Isolation Had Negative Consequences that Far Outweighed Benefits
Lesson #4: Government Should Not Pay People More Not to Work

Lesson #5: Shutting Down Schools Was a Major Policy Mistake With
Tragic Effects on Children, Especially the Poor

Lesson #6: Masks Were of Little or No Value and Possibly Harmful

Lesson #7: Government Should Not Suppress Dissent or Police the Boundaries of Science

Lesson #8: The Real Hospital Story Was Underutilization

Lesson #9: Protect the Most Vulnerable

Lesson #10: Warp Speed: Deregulate But Don’t Mandate

Project Warp Speed developed multiple highly effective monoclonal antibody treatments and vaccines in record time, but there were multiple failures.

NIH failed to conduct randomized trials of low-cost repurposed drugs, and government monopoly purchasing and distribution of monoclonal antibodies created chronic shortages and politicized distribution decisions, which led to the announcement that Regeneron would be rationed in the South, where it was needed, due to concerns for“equitable distribution, both geographically and temporally.”COVID Lessons Learned: A Retrospective After Four Years 7

The vaccines were a deregulatory triumph, because they were developed quickly and had a favorable risk/benefit profile for high-risk populations.

However, the safety of new drugs should have been prioritized and assessed in a far more detailed and thorough manner. This is especially critical in new technologies like the mRNA vaccines. Beyond a failure to assess safety,

The failures regarding vaccines included a lack of transparency on what endpoints were assessed, overstatement of benefits, and an all-out “vaccinate everyone” pressure campaign, including mandates, that undermined informed consent.

Conclusion: Limit Government Emergency Powers and Earn Back Public Trust

One result of the government’s error-ridden COVID response was that the Americans have justifiably lost faith in public health institutions. Lockdowns, school closures, and mandates were catastrophic errors, pushed with remarkable fervor by public health authorities at all levels.

We recommend that Congress and the states define by law“public health emergency” with strict limitations on powers conferred to the executives and time limits that require legislation to extend. Additionally, term limits should be established for all senior health agency positions.

Grantmaking should be independent of policy-making and public communication, and NIH funding itself should be decentralized or block-granted to the states.

Congress should require full transparency of all Food and Drug Administration (FDA), CDC, and NIH discussions with immediate posting to public forums. In addition, statements from all advisors in those meetings should be made widely visible to the public.

It should be definitively restated that CDC guidance is strictly advisory and the CDC does not have power to set laws or mandates.

The U.S. should halt all binding agreements with the World Health Organization until satisfactory transparency and accountability is achieved.

Unless and until key institutions openly acknowledge that lockdowns, school closures, and mask/vaccine mandates were catastrophic errors that will not be repeated in the future, the American people will – and should – withhold their trust.

COVID Lessons Learned

Has link to entire PDF file

Lessons Learned from the COVID Pandemic: ‘There Needs to Be an Honest Discussion’
The unvaxxed citizen of Florida is at fault as much as an unvaxxed legal or illegal immigrant.
Earth to Johnny, the subject is not COVID-19. It is the diseases being brought into our country by unvetted, illegal aliens. What do you hope to accomplish by distraction tactics? Everyone is as ignorant as the Democrats, wishing their ploy would be bought by someone other than other Democrats.
Earth to Johnny, the subject is not COVID-19. It is the diseases being brought into our country by unvetted, illegal aliens. What do you hope to accomplish by distraction tactics? Everyone is as ignorant as the Democrats, wishing their ploy would be bought by someone other than other Democrats.
Getting to the point is that citizens and immigrants have duties to the public health. If vax is not required, then there is no harm by law.
Geez, growing up we had 6 cases ain our house alone. Absolutely zero news coverage.

This world is full bore weenie
American children have to complete their immunization schedule before they can enroll in school.
If Lincoln had the ability to see the future, I think he would`ve cut all of these southern states loose. Now we`re stuck with them. :icon_cry:

All school children have to complete their immunizations before they can start school. Has Desantis waived that requirement?
All school children have to complete their immunizations before they can start school. Has Desantis waived that requirement?
Unfortunately, there are exemptions.
Unfortunately, there are exemptions.

Thanks I was looking for that.

Georgia and South Carolina also require children be immunized.

I thought it was mandatory all over the US.


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