Florida issues new guidance to doctors telling them to warn patients they could suffer HEART ATTACK after Covid shot

Wow. You must ingest a lot of right wing media.

Did you know normal people can't understand all your nicknames/rightwingisms?

What the hell are you babbling about?
You are living proof that there's nothing that can be done with stupidity. Where on this thread does one see you doing scientific discourse? Some of us don't think you can do that in front of the other readers.
You are living proof that there's nothing that can be done with stupidity. Where on this thread does one see you doing scientific discourse? Some of us don't think you can do that in front of the other readers.
Scientific research?

I just want you to use real names and places because your rage text is confusing.
Australian E.C. Holmes has co-authored papers with Yong-Zhen Zhang, the first human to sequence SARS2.
"It's your money, but don't ask"
When The Real Anthony Fauci becomes freely available at Amazon, thousands will take advantage, increasing the numbers on the anti-"vaxx" front.

In this new Society of Control, Pharma's theologian-pimps have silenced California doctors: Law AB-2098. Thus, information anarchy will continue.

In his book, RFK Jr. says that there are two things: leaky vaccines and pathogenic priming:

'During the spring of 2020, Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates carpet-bombed the airwaves, bearishly predicting that a 'miraculous vaccine' would stop COVID transmission, prevent illness, and release humanity from house arrest. Even vaccinology's most stalwart tub-thumpers - true believers like Dr. Peter Hotez and Dr. Paul Offit - regarded those forecasts as far-fetched and foolhardy. After all, for decades, two perilous and seemingly insurmountable impediments had thwarted every attempt to craft a coronavirus vaccine.'
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p.70)

In the case of David Crosby with liver transplant and hepatitis C history, the coming of the SARS2 mRNA jab meant increased risk of fatality, let alone risk by concert goers. This virus leaves its signature on the host's genome:

HCV Genome Scarring
'...."scarring"....epigenetic signature after virus eradication.'
The Chinese communist Yong-Zhen Zhang was first to sequence SARS2, and also one of those who know its origin. Zhang first gave the sequence to Holmes in Australia. The University is now protecting Holmes. Don't blame them.
The "overriding interest" statement, above, is theological: authoritarian (and[italics]) is not proven.
Florida is warning citizens the Covid Vax can cause heart attacks. Sweden discards Eight millions doses of Covid Vax. England has stopped offering the Covid Vax as of 2-12-23.

People are waking up! :clap:

18 February 2023
I was thinking just the other day on this subject. We have all of these commercials for meds on TV where they warn you about all of the unpleasant side effects including possible death but when it comes to the vaccines, democrats seem to think people need to be lied to.
Taking a broader, less cyclopian view (like a frog's from the bottom of a well), one can see the movements of the investigative machine linking Baric and The Elf in the U.S. and E.C. Holmes to the Beijing CDC's Yong-Zhen Zhang, first to sequence SARS2, in Australia.

This links to Baric's 1992 myocarditis/heart failure coronavirus experiments:

21 Feb 2023 Fauci Discussed Gain-of-Function Work with Wuhan Collaborator
The twitterist below is a member of the DRASTIC professional investigators who have worked on this for 3 years. The Zoonoti know that they are coming under a more intense spotlight. Note the synchrony: 2008 Baric(U.S.'s leading coronavirologist) myocardidits/heart failure; Sep 2008 Zheng-li Shi, Wuhan (China's leading coronavirologist) synthetic constructs:
Voices of Twitter

An example of ignorant fascist insanity:

Florida Nazis at Work

Public Health Has Crashed
To counter this ivermectin nazism, a newsletter disseminated in three real-time dimensions that explain ivermectin's physical attachment to the SARS2 virus in the lab (in vitro). Once having grasped this lab concept, readers are then free to choose whether this lab proposal is either fairy tale or fact.

The next step on this trajectory is to (take a poll [italics]) about ivermectin's physical attachment to the virus in vivo. This poll should also yield clues as to voter IQ applied to the 2020 election.
To counter this ivermectin nazism, a newsletter disseminated in three real-time dimensions that explain ivermectin's physical attachment to the SARS2 virus in the lab (in vitro). Once having grasped this lab concept, readers are then free to choose whether this lab proposal is either fairy tale or fact.

The next step on this trajectory is to (take a poll [italics]) about ivermectin's physical attachment to the virus in vivo. This poll should also yield clues as to voter IQ applied to the 2020 election.
It’s better for our own health safety and well being that we remain misinformed. -Lib101
It’s better for our own health safety and well being that we remain misinformed. -Lib101
It's shameful to see someone who has spent many years being trained humiliated in this way.

It's a shame to see a world-famous wonder medicine humiliated in such a way.

Note the nazi resonance to South Africa:

'When Dr. Kory's explosive December 8, 2020 Senate testimony describing the peer-reviewed science supporting ivermectin went viral, prescriptions for ivermectin from US doctors exploded. Americans were getting legitimate prescriptions filled at pharmacies, up to 88,000 scripts in a single week.

The truth of the drug's benefit was going viral, and the last thing Dr. Fauci et al. could tolerate was an effective treatment for COVID.

The government moved aggressively to block its use. On December 24, in what seemed like a trial balloon, the South African government quietly banned the importation of ivermectin. YouTube soon scrubbed Kory's video and Facebook blocked him....FDA issued a much firmer directive: "You should not use ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19.

....Ralph Lorigo: "The hospitals are so arrogant. They are letting people die. They get $37,000 to put them on the vent, and they just let them die." '
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p.54-6)

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