Florida issues new guidance to doctors telling them to warn patients they could suffer HEART ATTACK after Covid shot

This will blow your tiny little mind...but it is actually possible for it to be wrong for both the Fed and State Govt to do something .
This may blow your puny little intellect, but what you contend about right and wrong is nothing more than a subjective opinion.
In Florida again....

He is on the right track!:thup:

Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis called on state lawmakers to make permanent existing penalties for companies that require all employees get the Covid-19 vaccination, his latest move to curtail pandemic mitigation efforts.

DeSantis and his surgeon Dr. Ladapo are doing the right thing. Idaho is trying to make it a crime to inject somebody with these shots. Thailand is moving to sue Pfizer in international court for crimes against humanity and of course FRAUD
The framers of the Constitution envisioned a strong federal government not a collection of weak states.
Citizens had suffered through the Articles of Confederation with a weak Federal Government but they didn’t want to go to the polar opposite of an all powerful federal government.

In order to get the constitution ratified the 10th amendment had to be added to the Bill of Rights.

The 10th Amendment is one of the best tools the founders provided for protecting states' rights and individual liberty from federal encroachment.

What is the main purpose of the 10th Amendment?​

The Tenth Amendment simply makes clear that institutions of the federal government exercise only limited and enumerated powers – and that principle infused the entire idea and structure of the Constitution from 1788 onwards.

What is the importance of the 10th Amendment to the Constitution quizlet?​

The purpose of the 10th Amendment is to define the establishment and division of power between the Federal government and state governments.
Citizens had suffered through the Articles of Confederation with a weak Federal Government but they didn’t want to go to the polar opposite of an all powerful federal government.

In order to get the constitution ratified the 10th amendment had to be added to the Bill of Rights.

The 10th Amendment is one of the best tools the founders provided for protecting states' rights and individual liberty from federal encroachment.

What is the main purpose of the 10th Amendment?

The Tenth Amendment simply makes clear that institutions of the federal government exercise only limited and enumerated powers – and that principle infused the entire idea and structure of the Constitution from 1788 onwards.

What is the importance of the 10th Amendment to the Constitution quizlet?

The purpose of the 10th Amendment is to define the establishment and division of power between the Federal government and state governments.
Dude, people wanted states to provide the local services of roads, sewers, education and to bring economic needs to them. The founders found that a strong federal government could bring national goals of interstate issues, national goals and foreign policy.

All our issues were not served under the Articles of Confederation which failed with a farmer uprising in MA.
The media is attempting to teach about COVID and heart problems, but the calcium it's talking about is linked to the furin cleavage site on the spike of the mRNA "vaccine" therapy:


8 Feb 2023 Post #37 Calcium-Dependent Furin
Another escaped Wuhan virus, and curiously, it links to a bat study from Belarus:

Dude, people wanted states to provide the local services of roads, sewers, education and to bring economic needs to them. The founders found that a strong federal government could bring national goals of interstate issues, national goals and foreign policy.

All our issues were not served under the Articles of Confederation which failed with a farmer uprising in MA.
The citizens who ratified our Constitution wanted the states to have significant power. Hence the 10th Amendment.

The Civil War changed things considerably.

In the North where I went to high school we were taught the Civil War was over slavery. In the South many students are taught it was about states’ rights.



Disputes arose at times. During the War of 1812 New England states met to discuss seceding from the Union because the war was interfering with their trade with Britain. In 1832 national tariffs that benefited Northern manufacturers while hurting the economy of Southern states led to the Nullification Crisis, in which South Carolina declared the tariffs null and void. The state threatened to leave the Union, but a compromise was reached that temporarily defused the crisis.

What brought the question of states’ rights to the fore was changing attitudes toward slavery. Northern abolitionists began vehemently assailing the institution and the states that continued to practice it, nearly all of them below the Mason-Dixon Line. Some Northerners aided the escape of runaway slaves (a violation of the Constitution’s provisiions that made a fugitive from one state a fugitive in every state) and mobs sometimes assaulted slave owners and slave hunters seeking runaways. (Slavery originally existed in all states, and the writers of the Constitution avoided addressing the matter of perpetuating or ending slavery in order to obtain ratification from all states.) When victory in the Mexican War (1846-48) resulted in the US expanding its territory all the way to the Pacific Ocean, the question of whether or not to permit slavery in the new territories. The debate over slavery intensified, creating a widening gap between slaveholding and nonslaveholding states. When a “purely regional party,” the new Republican Party swept the 1859 elections in the North and the party’s candidate Abraham Lincoln, an avowed foe of the expansion of slavery, Southern states seceded from the Union. See Causes of the Civil War on HistoryNet.


It has been said that before the Civil War the country was referred to as “The United States are … ” but after the war the description became “The United States is … ” Yet questions of federal vs. state power continued to crop up. Virginia sued to reclaim certain of its western counties that had become part of the breakaway state of West Virginia during the war but was rebuffed by the Supreme Court, and Reconstruction raised many federal vs. states questions.
We watched the evolution of the propaganda by the medical industrial complex at the University of Wisconsin, though the first gestures are from the nazi theologians who first stigmatize those students who don't live on campus.

They will use "results" of studies showing that getting good grades is partly the result of living on campus. This propaganda comes from the theologians of the Neolithic who were interested in graves (and other housing) then as they are now.

We have seen the theologian-pedophiles of religion's protection rackets in operation on, for example, the campus of Indiana University. The preacher will be speaking to a group composed of (all males [italics]) while women calmly walk by, unconcerned. This is the pathology that makes for future scapegoats and victims.

This is the continuance of such pathologies:
UMich Mandates
Pharma on Meth: Haste Makes Waste

Homo sapiens is being shot up with mRNA virus parts that were found in ticks What effect do these parts have if they are contained in an incomplete RNA molecule, one that is different than that initially planned?

What the Leaked Ema Emails Docs Reveal
'....A significant difference in % RNA integrity/truncated species has been observed....The efficacy of the drug product is dependent on the expression of the delivered RNA, which requires a sufficiently intact RNA molecule. The root cause for the lower % RNA integrity at commercial batches has not yet been identified.'
Yahoo search: "What the Leaked EMA Emails & Docs Reveal: Major Concerns with Pfizer C-19 Vaccine Batch Integrity and the Race to Authorize."
So when we search for more on truncated RNA, we recall Mind Wars being sent to the USMB Rubber Room, who was first to point to the communist Chinese at Huazhong. Linking the thyroid is Gallaher-Garry for Grave's disease (USMB search), and the breast cancer link we have already mentioned, BRCA1, for DNA repair mechanisms (USMB search):

Wuhan University; Huazhong Agricultural University; Hubei Key Laboratory, Dept. of Breast Cancer and Thyroid Surgery /Truncated RNA / Cancer
Schaffner pounces on DeSantis's Ladapo. First of all, Schaffner is a zoonoti:

2 Jun 2021 Post #11
' "lab leak theory is not plausible." '
Florida is warning citizens the Covid Vax can cause heart attacks. Sweden discards Eight millions doses of Covid Vax. England has stopped offering the Covid Vax as of 2-12-23.

People are waking up! :clap:

18 February 2023
The Trump vaccine strikes again.

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