Florida Just Became A More Dangerous Place For BLM

I thought each state already had such laws in place, as I have always been told rioting, blocking traffic for non-medical emergencies or non-sanctioned actions by city hall, and threatening violence on the general public is all felonies in themselves.

Maybe the laws are to generic, and too many "loopholes" found that need to be plugged up with further specifications of exactly WHO and WHAT is legal and who is liable. Good! Thats one of the things wrong with this country........the laws have never been updated to coincide with current provocations, criminal actions, and hate-mongering lunatics.
Yes exactly. I suspect Desantis is doing what scummy politicians like to do. Grandstand. It works well, sadly.

The last thing we need in this country are more laws. Americans break the law on average three times a day every day. We have the largest prison population in the world. Many imprisoned for non-violent crimes.

It isn’t likely we will see police reform. After all the shit that has happened, police departments nationwide continue to be fully funded and unreformed. They have become militarized by our corrupt federal government. The citizens will pay the price.
Thanks to BLM and the Defund the Police movement Police departments nationwide are now suffering a severe shortage of Police officers as officers leaving Policing reaches never before seen levels! The citizens WILL pay the price! Violent crime is spiking in city after city across the nation.
The definition of Liberal…Mentally Ill.

And morally diseased.
That has been the goal.
As Democrats in leadership positions keep pushing the boundaries....the more people reject everything they do. It soon becomes an all-out war.
Russia and China are just waiting for the dust to settle.
Ah but Putin's toadie Trumpolini isn't in office now, so things will not go his way.

Just watch Biden today acting like a real President rather that squeezing Putin's buttcheeks as Trumpolini did.

Pushing what boundaries, incel boy? Democrats try to have a prosperous middle class, clean environment, rights for all... how that OFFENDS you fascist traitors!!!

Get out of my country, traitor boy. Pig. Sub-human fascist rat.
Trump held Putin's feet to the fire far more than Joe Biden has! The fact that you don't realize that tells me that you worship at the altar of CNN and MSNBC! Stop listening to the propaganda and simply look at what each President DID!
The definition of Liberal…Mentally Ill.

And morally diseased.
That has been the goal.
As Democrats in leadership positions keep pushing the boundaries....the more people reject everything they do. It soon becomes an all-out war.
Russia and China are just waiting for the dust to settle.
Ah but Putin's toadie Trumpolini isn't in office now, so things will not go his way.

Just watch Biden today acting like a real President rather that squeezing Putin's buttcheeks as Trumpolini did.

Pushing what boundaries, incel boy? Democrats try to have a prosperous middle class, clean environment, rights for all... how that OFFENDS you fascist traitors!!!

Get out of my country, traitor boy. Pig. Sub-human fascist rat.
What a joke!!!!!LOL!!!!
Your retarded president has already weakened his hand by letting Putin finish his pipeline into Germany while shutting ours down.
Your butt is gone.
I thought each state already had such laws in place, as I have always been told rioting, blocking traffic for non-medical emergencies or non-sanctioned actions by city hall, and threatening violence on the general public is all felonies in themselves.

Maybe the laws are to generic, and too many "loopholes" found that need to be plugged up with further specifications of exactly WHO and WHAT is legal and who is liable. Good! Thats one of the things wrong with this country........the laws have never been updated to coincide with current provocations, criminal actions, and hate-mongering lunatics.
Yes exactly. I suspect Desantis is doing what scummy politicians like to do. Grandstand. It works well, sadly.

The last thing we need in this country are more laws. Americans break the law on average three times a day every day. We have the largest prison population in the world. Many imprisoned for non-violent crimes.

It isn’t likely we will see police reform. After all the shit that has happened, police departments nationwide continue to be fully funded and unreformed. They have become militarized by our corrupt federal government. The citizens will pay the price.
Thanks to BLM and the Defund the Police movement Police departments nationwide are now suffering a severe shortage of Police officers as officers leaving Policing reaches never before seen levels! The citizens WILL pay the price! Violent crime is spiking in city after city across the nation.
Vigilantism will flourish.
I thought each state already had such laws in place, as I have always been told rioting, blocking traffic for non-medical emergencies or non-sanctioned actions by city hall, and threatening violence on the general public is all felonies in themselves.

Maybe the laws are to generic, and too many "loopholes" found that need to be plugged up with further specifications of exactly WHO and WHAT is legal and who is liable. Good! Thats one of the things wrong with this country........the laws have never been updated to coincide with current provocations, criminal actions, and hate-mongering lunatics.
Yes exactly. I suspect Desantis is doing what scummy politicians like to do. Grandstand. It works well, sadly.

The last thing we need in this country are more laws. Americans break the law on average three times a day every day. We have the largest prison population in the world. Many imprisoned for non-violent crimes.

It isn’t likely we will see police reform. After all the shit that has happened, police departments nationwide continue to be fully funded and unreformed. They have become militarized by our corrupt federal government. The citizens will pay the price.
Thanks to BLM and the Defund the Police movement Police departments nationwide are now suffering a severe shortage of Police officers as officers leaving Policing reaches never before seen levels! The citizens WILL pay the price! Violent crime is spiking in city after city across the nation.
No doubt true, but doesn’t invalidate any of the points I made.
The definition of Liberal…Mentally Ill.

And morally diseased.
That has been the goal.
As Democrats in leadership positions keep pushing the boundaries....the more people reject everything they do. It soon becomes an all-out war.
Russia and China are just waiting for the dust to settle.
Ah but Putin's toadie Trumpolini isn't in office now, so things will not go his way.

Just watch Biden today acting like a real President rather that squeezing Putin's buttcheeks as Trumpolini did.

Pushing what boundaries, incel boy? Democrats try to have a prosperous middle class, clean environment, rights for all... how that OFFENDS you fascist traitors!!!

Get out of my country, traitor boy. Pig. Sub-human fascist rat.
What a joke!!!!!LOL!!!!
Your retarded president has already weakened his hand by letting Putin finish his pipeline into Germany while shutting ours down.
Your butt is gone.
Ours could connect to Colonial instead.
I thought each state already had such laws in place, as I have always been told rioting, blocking traffic for non-medical emergencies or non-sanctioned actions by city hall, and threatening violence on the general public is all felonies in themselves.

Maybe the laws are to generic, and too many "loopholes" found that need to be plugged up with further specifications of exactly WHO and WHAT is legal and who is liable. Good! Thats one of the things wrong with this country........the laws have never been updated to coincide with current provocations, criminal actions, and hate-mongering lunatics.
Yes exactly. I suspect Desantis is doing what scummy politicians like to do. Grandstand. It works well, sadly.

The last thing we need in this country are more laws. Americans break the law on average three times a day every day. We have the largest prison population in the world. Many imprisoned for non-violent crimes.

It isn’t likely we will see police reform. After all the shit that has happened, police departments nationwide continue to be fully funded and unreformed. They have become militarized by our corrupt federal government. The citizens will pay the price.
Funny thing is.....you criticize Desantis because you think he's like the average Democrat politician. You folks have such relaxed morals that you'll vote for any butt-reaming shitforbrians as long as he's not a Republican. So everyone around you has to pay a price for your voting habits. Then you leave the state you trashed by putting people in charge with no morals or willingness to enforce the laws needed for a decent society....you move to another state and repeat the same silly shit by voting for Democrats. You're like the Aliens on Independence Day. There should be a law against people moving into a Red state and voting like assholes.
I thought each state already had such laws in place, as I have always been told rioting, blocking traffic for non-medical emergencies or non-sanctioned actions by city hall, and threatening violence on the general public is all felonies in themselves.

Maybe the laws are to generic, and too many "loopholes" found that need to be plugged up with further specifications of exactly WHO and WHAT is legal and who is liable. Good! Thats one of the things wrong with this country........the laws have never been updated to coincide with current provocations, criminal actions, and hate-mongering lunatics.
Yes exactly. I suspect Desantis is doing what scummy politicians like to do. Grandstand. It works well, sadly.

The last thing we need in this country are more laws. Americans break the law on average three times a day every day. We have the largest prison population in the world. Many imprisoned for non-violent crimes.

It isn’t likely we will see police reform. After all the shit that has happened, police departments nationwide continue to be fully funded and unreformed. They have become militarized by our corrupt federal government. The citizens will pay the price.
Funny thing is.....you criticize Desantis because you think he's like the average Democrat politician. You folks have such relaxed morals that you'll vote for any butt-reaming shitforbrians as long as he's not a Republican. So everyone around you has to pay a price for your voting habits. Then you leave the state you trashed by putting people in charge with no morals or willingness to enforce the laws needed for a decent society....you move to another state and repeat the same silly shit by voting for Democrats. You're like the Aliens on Independence Day. There should be a law against people moving into a Red state and voting like assholes.
You are terribly mistaken. D pols are no different from R pols. THEY ARE EXACTLY THE SAME. Not knowing this at your advanced age, reflects poorly on you.
I thought each state already had such laws in place, as I have always been told rioting, blocking traffic for non-medical emergencies or non-sanctioned actions by city hall, and threatening violence on the general public is all felonies in themselves.

Maybe the laws are to generic, and too many "loopholes" found that need to be plugged up with further specifications of exactly WHO and WHAT is legal and who is liable. Good! Thats one of the things wrong with this country........the laws have never been updated to coincide with current provocations, criminal actions, and hate-mongering lunatics.
Yes exactly. I suspect Desantis is doing what scummy politicians like to do. Grandstand. It works well, sadly.

The last thing we need in this country are more laws. Americans break the law on average three times a day every day. We have the largest prison population in the world. Many imprisoned for non-violent crimes.

It isn’t likely we will see police reform. After all the shit that has happened, police departments nationwide continue to be fully funded and unreformed. They have become militarized by our corrupt federal government. The citizens will pay the price.
Funny thing is.....you criticize Desantis because you think he's like the average Democrat politician. You folks have such relaxed morals that you'll vote for any butt-reaming shitforbrians as long as he's not a Republican. So everyone around you has to pay a price for your voting habits. Then you leave the state you trashed by putting people in charge with no morals or willingness to enforce the laws needed for a decent society....you move to another state and repeat the same silly shit by voting for Democrats. You're like the Aliens on Independence Day. There should be a law against people moving into a Red state and voting like assholes.
You are terribly mistaken. D pols are no different from R pols. THEY ARE EXACTLY THE SAME. Not knowing this at your advanced age, reflects poorly on you.
No....each individual is different. The difference is the Democrat Party doesn't tolerate rational independent thought from their members. So you tend to have a more monolithic mindset in the Democrat Party than the GOP. Not every Republican is like Mitt Romney or Turtleneck. But every Democrat is like Nancy Pelosi....only more sober.
I thought each state already had such laws in place, as I have always been told rioting, blocking traffic for non-medical emergencies or non-sanctioned actions by city hall, and threatening violence on the general public is all felonies in themselves.

Maybe the laws are to generic, and too many "loopholes" found that need to be plugged up with further specifications of exactly WHO and WHAT is legal and who is liable. Good! Thats one of the things wrong with this country........the laws have never been updated to coincide with current provocations, criminal actions, and hate-mongering lunatics.
Yes exactly. I suspect Desantis is doing what scummy politicians like to do. Grandstand. It works well, sadly.

The last thing we need in this country are more laws. Americans break the law on average three times a day every day. We have the largest prison population in the world. Many imprisoned for non-violent crimes.

It isn’t likely we will see police reform. After all the shit that has happened, police departments nationwide continue to be fully funded and unreformed. They have become militarized by our corrupt federal government. The citizens will pay the price.
Funny thing is.....you criticize Desantis because you think he's like the average Democrat politician. You folks have such relaxed morals that you'll vote for any butt-reaming shitforbrians as long as he's not a Republican. So everyone around you has to pay a price for your voting habits. Then you leave the state you trashed by putting people in charge with no morals or willingness to enforce the laws needed for a decent society....you move to another state and repeat the same silly shit by voting for Democrats. You're like the Aliens on Independence Day. There should be a law against people moving into a Red state and voting like assholes.
You are terribly mistaken. D pols are no different from R pols. THEY ARE EXACTLY THE SAME. Not knowing this at your advanced age, reflects poorly on you.
No....each individual is different. The difference is the Democrat Party doesn't tolerate rational independent thought from their members. So you tend to have a more monolithic mindset in the Democrat Party than the GOP. Not every Republican is like Mitt Romney or Turtleneck. But every Democrat is like Nancy Pelosi....only more sober.
Lol. Wingers can’t see. Joe is governing almost exactly as Don did, but you’ll never understand this. Why?
I thought each state already had such laws in place, as I have always been told rioting, blocking traffic for non-medical emergencies or non-sanctioned actions by city hall, and threatening violence on the general public is all felonies in themselves.

Maybe the laws are to generic, and too many "loopholes" found that need to be plugged up with further specifications of exactly WHO and WHAT is legal and who is liable. Good! Thats one of the things wrong with this country........the laws have never been updated to coincide with current provocations, criminal actions, and hate-mongering lunatics.
Yes exactly. I suspect Desantis is doing what scummy politicians like to do. Grandstand. It works well, sadly.

The last thing we need in this country are more laws. Americans break the law on average three times a day every day. We have the largest prison population in the world. Many imprisoned for non-violent crimes.

It isn’t likely we will see police reform. After all the shit that has happened, police departments nationwide continue to be fully funded and unreformed. They have become militarized by our corrupt federal government. The citizens will pay the price.
Funny thing is.....you criticize Desantis because you think he's like the average Democrat politician. You folks have such relaxed morals that you'll vote for any butt-reaming shitforbrians as long as he's not a Republican. So everyone around you has to pay a price for your voting habits. Then you leave the state you trashed by putting people in charge with no morals or willingness to enforce the laws needed for a decent society....you move to another state and repeat the same silly shit by voting for Democrats. You're like the Aliens on Independence Day. There should be a law against people moving into a Red state and voting like assholes.
You are terribly mistaken. D pols are no different from R pols. THEY ARE EXACTLY THE SAME. Not knowing this at your advanced age, reflects poorly on you.
No....each individual is different. The difference is the Democrat Party doesn't tolerate rational independent thought from their members. So you tend to have a more monolithic mindset in the Democrat Party than the GOP. Not every Republican is like Mitt Romney or Turtleneck. But every Democrat is like Nancy Pelosi....only more sober.
Lol. Wingers can’t see. Joe is governing almost exactly as Don did, but you’ll never understand this. Why?
If you believe that...then you're as retarded as Biden is.
Clearly Biden's entire admin is based off of undoing everything Trump did.
Are you really this simple-minded...or is this just an act?

Most of the violence at BLM protests comes from white-right infiltrators, so if this means FL cops will now shoot down the Proud Incels... great! Shoot 'em all! They're traitors anyway!

You're delusional.

No, it's a pretty well known and documented fact.
I thought each state already had such laws in place, as I have always been told rioting, blocking traffic for non-medical emergencies or non-sanctioned actions by city hall, and threatening violence on the general public is all felonies in themselves.

Maybe the laws are to generic, and too many "loopholes" found that need to be plugged up with further specifications of exactly WHO and WHAT is legal and who is liable. Good! Thats one of the things wrong with this country........the laws have never been updated to coincide with current provocations, criminal actions, and hate-mongering lunatics.
Yes exactly. I suspect Desantis is doing what scummy politicians like to do. Grandstand. It works well, sadly.

The last thing we need in this country are more laws. Americans break the law on average three times a day every day. We have the largest prison population in the world. Many imprisoned for non-violent crimes.

It isn’t likely we will see police reform. After all the shit that has happened, police departments nationwide continue to be fully funded and unreformed. They have become militarized by our corrupt federal government. The citizens will pay the price.
Funny thing is.....you criticize Desantis because you think he's like the average Democrat politician. You folks have such relaxed morals that you'll vote for any butt-reaming shitforbrians as long as he's not a Republican. So everyone around you has to pay a price for your voting habits. Then you leave the state you trashed by putting people in charge with no morals or willingness to enforce the laws needed for a decent society....you move to another state and repeat the same silly shit by voting for Democrats. You're like the Aliens on Independence Day. There should be a law against people moving into a Red state and voting like assholes.
You are terribly mistaken. D pols are no different from R pols. THEY ARE EXACTLY THE SAME. Not knowing this at your advanced age, reflects poorly on you.
No....each individual is different. The difference is the Democrat Party doesn't tolerate rational independent thought from their members. So you tend to have a more monolithic mindset in the Democrat Party than the GOP. Not every Republican is like Mitt Romney or Turtleneck. But every Democrat is like Nancy Pelosi....only more sober.
Lol. Wingers can’t see. Joe is governing almost exactly as Don did, but you’ll never understand this. Why?
If you believe that...then you're as retarded as Biden is.
Clearly Biden's entire admin is based off of undoing everything Trump did.
Are you really this simple-minded...or is this just an act?
Wrong. Please get informed. Stop consuming Fox News.
Africans and white liberals will have to relearn what "peaceful protest" really means
From whom would we learn this? From you violent treasonous insurrectionist Trumpoid fascist traitors?

Know what I do to racists, boy? it isn't pretty...
I thought each state already had such laws in place, as I have always been told rioting, blocking traffic for non-medical emergencies or non-sanctioned actions by city hall, and threatening violence on the general public is all felonies in themselves.

Maybe the laws are to generic, and too many "loopholes" found that need to be plugged up with further specifications of exactly WHO and WHAT is legal and who is liable. Good! Thats one of the things wrong with this country........the laws have never been updated to coincide with current provocations, criminal actions, and hate-mongering lunatics.
Yes exactly. I suspect Desantis is doing what scummy politicians like to do. Grandstand. It works well, sadly.

The last thing we need in this country are more laws. Americans break the law on average three times a day every day. We have the largest prison population in the world. Many imprisoned for non-violent crimes.

It isn’t likely we will see police reform. After all the shit that has happened, police departments nationwide continue to be fully funded and unreformed. They have become militarized by our corrupt federal government. The citizens will pay the price.
Funny thing is.....you criticize Desantis because you think he's like the average Democrat politician. You folks have such relaxed morals that you'll vote for any butt-reaming shitforbrians as long as he's not a Republican. So everyone around you has to pay a price for your voting habits. Then you leave the state you trashed by putting people in charge with no morals or willingness to enforce the laws needed for a decent society....you move to another state and repeat the same silly shit by voting for Democrats. You're like the Aliens on Independence Day. There should be a law against people moving into a Red state and voting like assholes.
You are terribly mistaken. D pols are no different from R pols. THEY ARE EXACTLY THE SAME. Not knowing this at your advanced age, reflects poorly on you.
No....each individual is different. The difference is the Democrat Party doesn't tolerate rational independent thought from their members. So you tend to have a more monolithic mindset in the Democrat Party than the GOP. Not every Republican is like Mitt Romney or Turtleneck. But every Democrat is like Nancy Pelosi....only more sober.
Lol. Wingers can’t see. Joe is governing almost exactly as Don did, but you’ll never understand this. Why?
If you believe that...then you're as retarded as Biden is.
Clearly Biden's entire admin is based off of undoing everything Trump did.
Are you really this simple-minded...or is this just an act?
Wrong. Please get informed. Stop consuming Fox News.
They aren't talking about this all that much. What little time I spend watching them is always about how Demented Biden appears on this trip or just trying to form sentences. That shit is getting boring. We already knew he was a retard 20 years ago. I think they've made that point pretty clear.

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