Florida kicks 9,000 chronically ill, disabled kids out of healthcare system


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Florida kicks 9,000 chronically ill, disabled kids out of healthcare system

By Joan McCarter
Saturday Dec 12, 2015 · 1:00 PM PST

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R-of course) has once again demonstrated just how much he doesn't care if people—children, even—suffer and die in ways that are totally preventable on his watch. An investigation by the Miami Herald has uncovered how the state gutted its Children's Medical Services, a program designed to help chronically ill and disabled poor children. So kids are getting dropped.

The Miami Herald obtained thousands of pages of health department documents under the state's public records law, including nearly 800 emails and hundreds of memos and reports that detailed the state's plan to "restructure" CMS. They show that the elimination of children from CMS was the result of a plan to slash spending on sick kids at a time when Florida had a $635.4 million surplus. For the legislative session that begins next month, Gov. Rick Scott has proposed $1 billion in new tax cuts. The spending plan would eliminate an additional 718 health department positions. […]

The parents of one Palm Beach County infant learned on the eve of a critical craniofacial surgery that their 6-month-old son had been "screened out" of CMS. The little boy is profoundly disabled, records show, having been born deaf, without eyes, and with a disfiguring cleft palate. The child's mother called CMS in preparation for the surgery, only to be told "the screening is showing 'NO,' so they would not do anything."

"URGENT" read the subject line of a Feb. 2 internal email. "There is nothing that we can do?"

This man and the people that vote for him are nothing but evil scum. These kids deserve this help but there own country doesn't give a shit.


As far as I am concern this is more important then 90% of all the bitching the republicans do.
Gee, Matt, do you have much difficulty getting Motel 6 to take your credit card as you get them rooms?
Sorry but if your kid is that medically screwed up you don't answer the screening question that your kid is normal and can do everything that other kids can. It isn't a trap. It is stupid parents who did it to themselves.

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Florida kicks 9,000 chronically ill, disabled kids out of healthcare system

By Joan McCarter
Saturday Dec 12, 2015 · 1:00 PM PST

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R-of course) has once again demonstrated just how much he doesn't care if people—children, even—suffer and die in ways that are totally preventable on his watch. An investigation by the Miami Herald has uncovered how the state gutted its Children's Medical Services, a program designed to help chronically ill and disabled poor children. So kids are getting dropped.

The Miami Herald obtained thousands of pages of health department documents under the state's public records law, including nearly 800 emails and hundreds of memos and reports that detailed the state's plan to "restructure" CMS. They show that the elimination of children from CMS was the result of a plan to slash spending on sick kids at a time when Florida had a $635.4 million surplus. For the legislative session that begins next month, Gov. Rick Scott has proposed $1 billion in new tax cuts. The spending plan would eliminate an additional 718 health department positions. […]

The parents of one Palm Beach County infant learned on the eve of a critical craniofacial surgery that their 6-month-old son had been "screened out" of CMS. The little boy is profoundly disabled, records show, having been born deaf, without eyes, and with a disfiguring cleft palate. The child's mother called CMS in preparation for the surgery, only to be told "the screening is showing 'NO,' so they would not do anything."

"URGENT" read the subject line of a Feb. 2 internal email. "There is nothing that we can do?"

This man and the people that vote for him are nothing but evil scum. These kids deserve this help but there own country doesn't give a shit.


As far as I am concern this is more important then 90% of all the bitching the republicans do.

Florida...one of those "Gotcha!" states that refused to set up its own health exchange or accept the Medicaid expansion.

Also home of man-eating gators and George Zimmerman.
The KOS, can you get anymore deceptive than that left wing propaganda machine.

Find a real news source that isn't bias. All you have is a low lib spewing hate.
Florida kicks 9,000 chronically ill, disabled kids out of healthcare system

By Joan McCarter
Saturday Dec 12, 2015 · 1:00 PM PST

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R-of course) has once again demonstrated just how much he doesn't care if people—children, even—suffer and die in ways that are totally preventable on his watch. An investigation by the Miami Herald has uncovered how the state gutted its Children's Medical Services, a program designed to help chronically ill and disabled poor children. So kids are getting dropped.

The Miami Herald obtained thousands of pages of health department documents under the state's public records law, including nearly 800 emails and hundreds of memos and reports that detailed the state's plan to "restructure" CMS. They show that the elimination of children from CMS was the result of a plan to slash spending on sick kids at a time when Florida had a $635.4 million surplus. For the legislative session that begins next month, Gov. Rick Scott has proposed $1 billion in new tax cuts. The spending plan would eliminate an additional 718 health department positions. […]

The parents of one Palm Beach County infant learned on the eve of a critical craniofacial surgery that their 6-month-old son had been "screened out" of CMS. The little boy is profoundly disabled, records show, having been born deaf, without eyes, and with a disfiguring cleft palate. The child's mother called CMS in preparation for the surgery, only to be told "the screening is showing 'NO,' so they would not do anything."

"URGENT" read the subject line of a Feb. 2 internal email. "There is nothing that we can do?"

This man and the people that vote for him are nothing but evil scum. These kids deserve this help but there own country doesn't give a shit.


As far as I am concern this is more important then 90% of all the bitching the republicans do.

Oh my a dailykos article? Well it goes to show that the racist far left drones will believe the far left drone blog sites without question or hesitation..
Florida kicks 9,000 chronically ill, disabled kids out of healthcare system

By Joan McCarter
Saturday Dec 12, 2015 · 1:00 PM PST

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R-of course) has once again demonstrated just how much he doesn't care if people—children, even—suffer and die in ways that are totally preventable on his watch. An investigation by the Miami Herald has uncovered how the state gutted its Children's Medical Services, a program designed to help chronically ill and disabled poor children. So kids are getting dropped.

The Miami Herald obtained thousands of pages of health department documents under the state's public records law, including nearly 800 emails and hundreds of memos and reports that detailed the state's plan to "restructure" CMS. They show that the elimination of children from CMS was the result of a plan to slash spending on sick kids at a time when Florida had a $635.4 million surplus. For the legislative session that begins next month, Gov. Rick Scott has proposed $1 billion in new tax cuts. The spending plan would eliminate an additional 718 health department positions. […]

The parents of one Palm Beach County infant learned on the eve of a critical craniofacial surgery that their 6-month-old son had been "screened out" of CMS. The little boy is profoundly disabled, records show, having been born deaf, without eyes, and with a disfiguring cleft palate. The child's mother called CMS in preparation for the surgery, only to be told "the screening is showing 'NO,' so they would not do anything."

"URGENT" read the subject line of a Feb. 2 internal email. "There is nothing that we can do?"

This man and the people that vote for him are nothing but evil scum. These kids deserve this help but there own country doesn't give a shit.


As far as I am concern this is more important then 90% of all the bitching the republicans do.

Oh my a dailykos article? Well it goes to show that the racist far left drones will believe the far left drone blog sites without question or hesitation..

Article links to the Miami Herald. Try to pay attention.
Florida kicks 9,000 chronically ill, disabled kids out of healthcare system

By Joan McCarter
Saturday Dec 12, 2015 · 1:00 PM PST

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R-of course) has once again demonstrated just how much he doesn't care if people—children, even—suffer and die in ways that are totally preventable on his watch. An investigation by the Miami Herald has uncovered how the state gutted its Children's Medical Services, a program designed to help chronically ill and disabled poor children. So kids are getting dropped.

The Miami Herald obtained thousands of pages of health department documents under the state's public records law, including nearly 800 emails and hundreds of memos and reports that detailed the state's plan to "restructure" CMS. They show that the elimination of children from CMS was the result of a plan to slash spending on sick kids at a time when Florida had a $635.4 million surplus. For the legislative session that begins next month, Gov. Rick Scott has proposed $1 billion in new tax cuts. The spending plan would eliminate an additional 718 health department positions. […]

The parents of one Palm Beach County infant learned on the eve of a critical craniofacial surgery that their 6-month-old son had been "screened out" of CMS. The little boy is profoundly disabled, records show, having been born deaf, without eyes, and with a disfiguring cleft palate. The child's mother called CMS in preparation for the surgery, only to be told "the screening is showing 'NO,' so they would not do anything."

"URGENT" read the subject line of a Feb. 2 internal email. "There is nothing that we can do?"

This man and the people that vote for him are nothing but evil scum. These kids deserve this help but there own country doesn't give a shit.


As far as I am concern this is more important then 90% of all the bitching the republicans do.

Oh my a dailykos article? Well it goes to show that the racist far left drones will believe the far left drone blog sites without question or hesitation..

Article links to the Miami Herald. Try to pay attention.

Another far left drone blog site quoting another far left drone blog site, that is like saying MSNBC covered this story. So basically if this were true it would be all over the far left news.
Another far left drone blog site quoting another far left drone blog site...

You have no idea what the Miami Herald is, do you?

Obviously you do not..

The McClatchy Company is a publicly traded American publishing company based in Sacramento, California. It operates 30 daily newspapers in 15 states and has an average weekday circulation of 2.2 million and Sunday circulation of 2.8 million.[2] In 2006, it purchased Knight Ridder, which at the time was the second-largest newspaper company in the United States (Gannett was and remains the largest). In addition to its daily newspapers, McClatchy also operates several websites and community papers.

The McClatchy Company - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A far left blog site just like the NYtimes, Washington Post, Huffington Post etc..
Another far left drone blog site quoting another far left drone blog site...

You have no idea what the Miami Herald is, do you?

Obviously you do not..

The McClatchy Company is a publicly traded American publishing company based in Sacramento, California. It operates 30 daily newspapers in 15 states and has an average weekday circulation of 2.2 million and Sunday circulation of 2.8 million.[2] In 2006, it purchased Knight Ridder, which at the time was the second-largest newspaper company in the United States (Gannett was and remains the largest). In addition to its daily newspapers, McClatchy also operates several websites and community papers.

The McClatchy Company - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A far left blog site just like the NYtimes, Washington Post, Huffington Post etc..

So there's no such thing as news on your planet. No facts. Everything's opinion. So what you just posted about the McClatchy Company is also nothing but a blog, right?
Another far left drone blog site quoting another far left drone blog site...

You have no idea what the Miami Herald is, do you?

Obviously you do not..

The McClatchy Company is a publicly traded American publishing company based in Sacramento, California. It operates 30 daily newspapers in 15 states and has an average weekday circulation of 2.2 million and Sunday circulation of 2.8 million.[2] In 2006, it purchased Knight Ridder, which at the time was the second-largest newspaper company in the United States (Gannett was and remains the largest). In addition to its daily newspapers, McClatchy also operates several websites and community papers.

The McClatchy Company - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A far left blog site just like the NYtimes, Washington Post, Huffington Post etc..

So there's no such thing as news on your planet. No facts. Everything's opinion. So what you just posted about the McClatchy Company is also nothing but a blog, right?

Yes there are no real facts in far left blog land just narratives that you will follow without question or hesitation..

Now would you believed this if it was solely on FOX news?
Florida kicks 9,000 chronically ill, disabled kids out of healthcare system

By Joan McCarter
Saturday Dec 12, 2015 · 1:00 PM PST

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R-of course) has once again demonstrated just how much he doesn't care if people—children, even—suffer and die in ways that are totally preventable on his watch. An investigation by the Miami Herald has uncovered how the state gutted its Children's Medical Services, a program designed to help chronically ill and disabled poor children. So kids are getting dropped.

The Miami Herald obtained thousands of pages of health department documents under the state's public records law, including nearly 800 emails and hundreds of memos and reports that detailed the state's plan to "restructure" CMS. They show that the elimination of children from CMS was the result of a plan to slash spending on sick kids at a time when Florida had a $635.4 million surplus. For the legislative session that begins next month, Gov. Rick Scott has proposed $1 billion in new tax cuts. The spending plan would eliminate an additional 718 health department positions. […]

The parents of one Palm Beach County infant learned on the eve of a critical craniofacial surgery that their 6-month-old son had been "screened out" of CMS. The little boy is profoundly disabled, records show, having been born deaf, without eyes, and with a disfiguring cleft palate. The child's mother called CMS in preparation for the surgery, only to be told "the screening is showing 'NO,' so they would not do anything."

"URGENT" read the subject line of a Feb. 2 internal email. "There is nothing that we can do?"

This man and the people that vote for him are nothing but evil scum. These kids deserve this help but there own country doesn't give a shit.


As far as I am concern this is more important then 90% of all the bitching the republicans do.
We can't afford to pay for everything, the socialist state do-gooder mentality. The federal government is always taken more than they give, that's the essence of socialism
this is the same state that prescripts more pain killers...at cash only clinics than any other state...saving kids ....nope....supplying drugs...yeap...

i do not understand why this great country is unable to supply medical care like all other countries that claim to be first world do....
denying medical care while allowing pharms to charge what they do....and this is the system you want?
this is the same state that prescripts more pain killers...at cash only clinics than any other state...saving kids ....nope....supplying drugs...yeap...

i do not understand why this great country is unable to supply medical care like all other countries that claim to be first world do....
denying medical care while allowing pharms to charge what they do....and this is the system you want?

Because its not great anymore?

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