Florida Ku Klux Klan leader boasts of ‘invisible empire’ of sympathetic public offici

This bears repeating for those who think these groups have died out. This level of thinking and organization does not just go away. They find ways to keep their ideology intact and functioning.


Yeah, because a story with an absurdly amateur picture of one of the writers in a Klan outfit, posted on a notorious leftist hate site, proves that we all better check under our beds for Klansman lurking, just waiting to ignite a cross on the bed, and lynch the cat...


You're such an assclown, Asslips...

I must be touching a nerve. You are laughing too hard but not nearly convincingly enough.
You have something that backs that up? I would love to research that.

There is no Klan, Asslips. No one is under your bed.

The REAL nasty racists in this nation are Aryan Nations and the SPLC - two vicious, race hate groups. The Klan is a myth from our past. The pathetic fucktards at the hate site "Raw Story" had to cut up a pillow case to fake the picture, but since they only had the kindergarten type scissors, they couldn't even get that rights.

What a bunch of fucking fools you leftists are.
Then there's the KKKK/IKA

Imperial Klans of America

Our aims include fighting for White Civil Rights, educating our people concerning the problems that face our race, culture, and civilization, and uniting and organizing those of our people who are still resistant towards the ever-increasing anti-White hysteria that is plaguing the entire white world.

Sounds like the white version of the NAACP.

What's your problem with that? Don't like the competition?


White people should be allowed to fight back with their own group.
Time White males took back America and all the other "White Christian Nations".
You have something that backs that up? I would love to research that.

There is no Klan, Asslips. No one is under your bed.

The REAL nasty racists in this nation are Aryan Nations and the SPLC - two vicious, race hate groups. The Klan is a myth from our past. The pathetic fucktards at the hate site "Raw Story" had to cut up a pillow case to fake the picture, but since they only had the kindergarten type scissors, they couldn't even get that rights.

What a bunch of fucking fools you leftists are.

Link? I see nothing that says the KKK does not exist but plenty that says it does.
I must be touching a nerve. You are laughing too hard but not nearly convincingly enough.

You touched my funny bone, as you always do.

You're just a clown, to be laughed at and mocked for your foolish antics.

Your nervous laughter is not mistaken for true mirth. You are trying too hard to discredit me. Everyone can see through it. Carry on.
Florida Ku Klux Klan leader boasts of ‘invisible empire’ of sympathetic public officials

They're not-so invisible. Throw a rock into a Tea Party rally and you've got a 50/50 chance of hitting someone with a sheet in his closet.

And the FBI and Southern Poverty Law Center keep pretty good tabs on them these days.


The site and the flyers invite prospective KKK members to “Change your life; Achieve your goals; Expand your opportunities; Experience success; Gain self-confidence; Meet new people; [and] Make a difference in the world.”

Sounds more like Scientology.

Not much of a grand dragon. At least Robert Byrd (D) had it sewn properly
Then there's the KKKK/IKA

Imperial Klans of America

Our aims include fighting for White Civil Rights, educating our people concerning the problems that face our race, culture, and civilization, and uniting and organizing those of our people who are still resistant towards the ever-increasing anti-White hysteria that is plaguing the entire white world.

Sounds like the white version of the NAACP.

What's your problem with that? Don't like the competition?


White people should be allowed to fight back with their own group.

Not much of a grand dragon. At least Robert Byrd (D) had it sewn properly

Hey, when you run a hate site, and you need to get something up that will distract from the latest round of Obama using the IRS on political opponents, and they won't let you have scissors with points, then you end up with a pillow case looking like that...

AND this shit is written for morons like Hazelnut and Asslips - not exactly discerning intellectuals....
Not much of a grand dragon. At least Robert Byrd (D) had it sewn properly

Hey, when you run a hate site, and you need to get something up that will distract from the latest round of Obama using the IRS on political opponents, and they won't let you have scissors with points, then you end up with a pillow case looking like that...

AND this shit is written for morons like Hazelnut and Asslips - not exactly discerning intellectuals....

Your link is still missing. Where is it at? Do you have anything at all that says the KKK is no more or as usual are you just ignorant.....again?
Your link is still missing. Where is it at? Do you have anything at all that says the KKK is no more or as usual are you just ignorant.....again?

No Asslips the Clown, I don't need to prove that pixie dust isn't real...

Actually you do if you are saying pixie dust is not real. Otherwise you have no credibility and just repeating what you were told to believe.
Whats this? Fox news reports the KKK is still alive.

Police: Woman Shot Dead Trying to Leave KKK Initiation | Fox News

{Authorities said the group's members called themselves the "Dixie Brotherhood." Mark Pitcavage, director of investigative research for the Anti-Defamation League, said the Dixie Brotherhood appears to be a small, loosely organized group of people.

"This is not what I would call an established Klan group," he said. }

Try again, Asslips the Clown....
Yes you claimed they did not exist. Please get busy supporting your claim.

A negative proof is a logical fallacy which takes the structure of:

X is true because there is no proof that X is false.

If the only evidence for something's existence is a lack of evidence for it not existing, then the default position is one of skepticism and not credulity. This type of negative proof is common in proofs of God's existence or in pseudosciences where it is used to attempt to shift the burden of proof onto the skeptic rather than the proponent of the idea. The burden of proof is on the individual proposing existence, not the one questioning existence.

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