Florida Lawmaker: Common Core Will Turn ‘Every One Of Your Children’ Gay

How do people like that get elected?

What does it say about our country that we allow people who spew hate a platform and influence on policy?

Freedom of speech, freedom of expression aside -- when do we draw the line and say, no to the bigots and homophobes.

Not in this state.

The southeast part of Florida is Havana del Norte and Little Tel Aviv.

The rest of the state except Tampa and Orlando are as hick and redneck as it gets.

When a main portion of the Babtiss Sunday sermon is "Which way Gawd wants you to vote" -- what do you expect?

Regards from Rosie

Do you drive?

Care to support any of that bullshit?

Sure! To the bolded:


You're welcome.

Regards from Rosie
So you think a true conservative is in favor of the Federal government controlling our national educational standards? LOL, sure they are. Suurreeee they are...

The STATES enacted Common Core standards. And those standards were mostly created in the business community, not by the federal government. Have you ever even bothered to read them and follow them back to their sources, or do you form your opinions on assumptions and what the piss pourers tell you?

Many of them are clearly labeled as originating from companies like Verizon and Microsoft and such.

Do you have a problem with the business community informing the educational system what skills are going to be necessary to succeed in that community?

Created in the business community? Can you provide some support for that?

See my subsequent posts.
We believe that the Common Core State Standards Initiative, led by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers, has produced K-12 standards in the foundational subject s of math and English that meet the business community’s expectations: they are college- and career-ready, grounded in evidence and internationally-benchmarked. We, the undersigned companies and organizations, support the adoption of the Common Core State Standards by the states.

ACT, Inc.
Advance Illinois
Association of American Publishers
BAE Systems
Berkshire County Regional Employment Board, Inc.
The Boeing Company
Business Coalition for Student Achievement
The Business Coalition for Educational Excellence at the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce
The Business Council of New York State, Inc.
Business-Higher Education Forum
Business Roundtable
Dell Inc.
Eastman Chemical Company
Eastman Kodak Company
Evans Newton Incorporated
Georgia Chamber of Commerce
Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education
Greater Oklahoma City Chamber
Greater Phoenix Leadership
Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce
Greenville Chamber of Commerce, Greenville, SC
Harper Industries, Inc.
Hawaii Business Roundtable
IBM Corporation
Illinois Business Roundtable
Illinois Quad City Chamber of Commerce
Indiana Chamber of Commerce
Intel Corporation
Jacksonville Regional Chamber of Commerce
Knoxville Chamber
Laurinburg/Scotland County Area Chamber, Laurinburg, NC
Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce
National Association of Manufacturers
Nebraska Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Nevada Manufacturers Association, Carson City, Nevada
New Mexico Business Roundtable
Ohio Business Roundtable
Partnership for 21st Century Skills
Partnership for New York City
Pennsylvania Business Council
Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce, Rochester, Minnesota
Rockwell Automation
Rockwell Collins
Rodel Charitable Foundation of Arizona
SAS Institute, Inc.
Software & Information Industry Association
State Farm Insurance
Tennessee Business Roundtable
Tennessee Chamber of Commerce & Industry
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Verizon Communications, Inc.
Wireless Generation
Worldwide Interactive Network (WIN)
Youngstown/Warren Regional Chamber

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As in so many other instances, the Right has changed from liking to hating when Obama approves anything.
Also, do all those folks really think one's sexuality can be changed so easily?
Not in this state.

The southeast part of Florida is Havana del Norte and Little Tel Aviv.

The rest of the state except Tampa and Orlando are as hick and redneck as it gets.

When a main portion of the Babtiss Sunday sermon is "Which way Gawd wants you to vote" -- what do you expect?

Regards from Rosie

Do you drive?

Care to support any of that bullshit?

Sure! To the bolded:

Pastor: If You Don?t Vote ?Biblically,? You?re Going to Bring on Another Holocaust

You're welcome.

Regards from Rosie

Two links to the same story doesn't count as two instances. You know that, right?
And, besides, he's simply telling people to vote their conscience. No different than what anyone ever expects.

Were you this upset over Reverend Wright's tirades from the pulpit?
The STATES enacted Common Core standards. And those standards were mostly created in the business community, not by the federal government. Have you ever even bothered to read them and follow them back to their sources, or do you form your opinions on assumptions and what the piss pourers tell you?

Many of them are clearly labeled as originating from companies like Verizon and Microsoft and such.

Do you have a problem with the business community informing the educational system what skills are going to be necessary to succeed in that community?

Created in the business community? Can you provide some support for that?

See my subsequent posts.

That post says that the companies support the standard. It does not support your claim that they created it.
As in so many other instances, the Right has changed from liking to hating when Obama approves anything.
Also, do all those folks really think one's sexuality can be changed so easily?

The right is opposing a national standard. Wow, who would have seen that coming? I always like the thing where you say that conservatives aren't conservative unless they are being liberal...
Do you drive?

Care to support any of that bullshit?

Sure! To the bolded:

Pastor: If You Don?t Vote ?Biblically,? You?re Going to Bring on Another Holocaust

You're welcome.

Regards from Rosie

Two links to the same story doesn't count as two instances. You know that, right?
And, besides, he's simply telling people to vote their conscience. No different than what anyone ever expects.

Were you this upset over Reverend Wright's tirades from the pulpit?

Ah, bullshit. The pastors are telling the congregants what vote to cast in the voting booth. Telling them clearly.

If they do not vote in the Biblical direction, they are not welcome in the church.

More like preying on the conscience of their sheeple.

Regards from Rosie

Two links to the same story doesn't count as two instances. You know that, right?
And, besides, he's simply telling people to vote their conscience. No different than what anyone ever expects.

Were you this upset over Reverend Wright's tirades from the pulpit?

Ah, bullshit. The pastors are telling the congregants what vote to cast in the voting booth. Telling them clearly.

If they do not vote in the Biblical direction, they are not welcome in the church.

More like preying on the conscience of their sheeple.

Regards from Rosie

Quote them then.

And I take that as a 'No' on the Wright question
Created in the business community? Can you provide some support for that?

See my subsequent posts.

That post says that the companies support the standard. It does not support your claim that they created it.

The standards were initiated by teachers and experts in the fields of study, with the strong support of the business community. The business community has actually written a lot of the educational material, as you can see in the links I provided.

It is also a fact that some conservative heroes have supported Common Core. Jan Brewer, Jeb Bush, Bobby Jindal, and Mike Huckabee, among others.

Returning to the start of our conversation:

So you think a true conservative is in favor of the Federal government controlling our national educational standards? LOL, sure they are. Suurreeee they are...

Speaking of Jindal, here is Lousiana debunking your belief the federal government established the standards:

Myth 1: The Common Core State Standards are national/federal standards.
The Common Core State Standards were not developed by the federal government. The development of the standards was initiated by governors and chief state school officers (e.g., state superintendents) in 48 states. They insisted, successfully, that there be no federal funds or other federal involvement in the development of the standards. The process was managed by the National Governors Association, Council of Chief State Officers, and Achieve. This occurred before the federal Race to the Top initiative.

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44 states. Big conservative icons supported. Business community supported. No federal involvement in the standards. The GOP is totally on board.

Then one day, Obama also throws his support behind Common Core.

Suddenly Common Core makes you gay!

Come on, guys. Even the densest of you can surely see what is really going on here. These flip flopping psychopaths do NOT have the country's best interests at heart. Don't be so easily taken in by them.
How do people like that get elected?

What does it say about our country that we allow people who spew hate a platform and influence on policy?

Freedom of speech, freedom of expression aside -- when do we draw the line and say, no to the bigots and homophobes.

Fuck you faggot. You'll never take our freedom of speech.
“Rebrand it, refocus it, but don’t retreat,” said Huckabee, now the host of a Fox News talk show and a supporter of the standards.

The changes are largely superficial, giving new labels to national standards that are taking hold in classrooms across the country. But the desire to market them differently shows how precarious the push for the Common Core has grown, even though the standards were established by state officials with bipartisan support and quickly earned widespread approval, including the endorsement of the Obama administration.

Hard proof, right there. If Obama is for it, they HAVE to be against it. It is their SOLE reason for being against something.

This is what I mean when I say the faux right has utterly destroyed the conservative brand and are in no way interested in truth or doing what is right for the country.

This is all about acquiring and keeping secular power, kids. Never ever forget that. They do NOT have the country's best interests at heart.

Yes, everyone knows this, including those on the partisan right who refuse to concede this fact.

The question, then, is when will conservatives indeed end this inane practice and seek to participate in responsible governance.

And no, opposing everything Obama supports in knee-jerk fashion is not ‘responsible governance.’

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