Florida lawmakers pursue death penalty in child rapes

Not to make your word gospel, but I have been working with the Crown to minimize her situation, been coy about evjdence and refused to sign something tha would have hurt her. If you were me, would you have taken the same approach? I'm curious
I did not want to call her a liar in open court. I had my attorney convey to her attorney that there was some really damning evidence that existed. The assault charges were dropped at second pretrial. As far as the divorce went she was an extreme control freak. I gave her what she wanted and let her choke on it. She had control of all the rental properties and the primary residence for four years. She could not keep up with maintenance and payments. I was secretly making deals with the lenders to make everything whole. When she got foreclosure notices I offered to give her all the money that was frozen and I would take the property. Of course she thought I was taking on debt and properties that were no longer in my control. So she hopped on the deal. My divorce was over in about 90 days after that. It would not have worked had I not had a hard money lender to do the rehabs with because my credit got burned right along with hers due to all the late pays. I also had to stop charter fishing for a year so I could rehab and sell the properties in the time frame I had to agree to with the lenders.

PS. If it had came down to her or me taking it on the chin. I would have chose her. In the long run I am in the better position to help my children and grandchildren than she is and those wiling to lie to get what they want really only care about themselves. You have a duty and obligation to be there for your kids and grandchildren over your obligation to her.
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I did not want to call her a liar in open court. I had my attorney convey to her attorney that there was some really damning evidence that existed. The assault charges were dropped at second pretrial. As far as the divorce went she was an extreme control freak. I gave her what she wanted and let her choke on it. She had control of all the rental properties and the primary residence for four years. She could not keep up with maintenance and payments. I was secretly making deals with the lenders to make everything whole. When she got foreclosure notices I offered to give her all the money that was frozen and I would take the property. Of course she thought I was taking on debt and properties that were no longer in my control. So she hopped on the deal. My divorce was over in about 90 days after that. It would not have worked had I not had a hard money lender to do the rehabs with because my credit got burned right along with hers due to all the late pays. I also had to stop charter fishing for a year so I could rehab and sell the properties in the time frame I had to agree to with the lenders.

PS. If it had came down to her or me taking it on the chin. I would have chose her. In the long run I am in the better position to help my children and grandchildren than she is and those wiling to lie to get what they want really only care about themselves. You have a duty and obligation to be there for your kids and grandchildren over your obligation to her.
For me, I need the house money to be free and complete my MBA, preferably in the U.S. Making the lawyer aware of the evidence is wise but in my case, in a perfect scenario, she and others wlll never know that it exists, these are SERIOUS actions on her part and I only collected it due to her coinstant threats that worried me me. It was truly for my own protection (and look where we are now). I would hope we would separate amiably, but, wth her fanilies influence....I just don't want to hurt her even as people have told me "what in the"....she is still my wife and we have many good memories too.
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For me, I need the house money to be free and complete my MBA, preferably in the U.S. Making the lawyer aware of the evidence is wise but in my case, in a perfect scenario, she and others wlll never know that it exists, these.are SERIOUS actions on her part and I only collected it due tok her coinstant threats to me. It was.truly for my own protectikn (andnlook.where we are now). I wuld hope we woukd separate amiably, but, wth her fanilies.influence....I just don't want t hurt her even as people have told me "what in the"....she is stiol my wife and we have many good memories too.
An amicable split does not seem possible in your case. Anyone willing to take your freedom is seeing nothing but red. That is what I call a scorched earth policy. They are beyond reason at that point. I only got the deal I got because she thought she had completely ruined me. She was just wrong and she would have completely ruined herself to ruin me. If I had not had major connections in the lending industry my outcome would not have been possible.
An amicable split does not seem possible in your case. Anyone willing to take your freedom is seeing nothing but red. That is what I call a scorched earth policy. They are beyond reason at that point. I only got the deal I got because she thought she had completely ruined me. She was just wrong and she would have completely ruined herself to ruin me. If I had not had major connections in the lending industry my outcome would not have been possible.
Well she will have to decide. She has not yet tried to accuse me of any harm, at least not officialy conveyed to me. I await this as she played up her shoulder, which is where my Spidey Senses were tingling immediately. If I am in front of a judge, it will do damage not just to her, but to multiplle police agencies and approx. 15 plain clothed operatives, including some of her family members. I've reached out to numerous media over the years, so I can't be dishonest at this point. As I've said on here, if people only knew the truth...some of these agencies do, they contributed greatly to my (and our) suffering...
Well she will have to decide. She has not yet tried to accuse me of any harm, at leset not officialy conveyed to me. I await this. If I am in front of a judge, it will do damage not just to her, but to multiplle police agencies and approx. 15 plain clothed operatives, including some of her family members. I've reached out to numerous media over the years, so I can't be dishonest at this point. As I've said on here, if.people only knew.the truth...sokme of these agencies do, they contributed greatly to my (and our) suffering...
Good luck! Took over five years for me to get things cleared up. It maybe a long road. The best way to get through that long road is to circle yourself with people you trust.
Good luck! Took over five years for me to get things cleared up. It maybe a long road. The best way to get through that long road is to circle yourself with people you trust.
Well it is impossible to trust many people in Canada it is a major reason why we are not well respected around the globe anymore, the police state in Ont. exposed and bankrupting us economically and morally. I do not suspect that it will take five years. TPS and Peel Region Police dragged down the reputation of other police forces in the process. Damaging the entire country really.
This should be interesting.

TALLAHASSEE - In a move that likely would spur a constitutional fight, Florida lawmakers appear ready to pass a proposal that would allow the death penalty for people who commit sexual battery on children under age 12.

The House is scheduled Thursday to take up its version of the bill (HB 1297), while the Senate version (SB 1342) was approved Tuesday by the Rules Committee, positioning it to go to the full Senate.

The proposal comes after decades of U.S. Supreme Court and Florida Supreme Court rulings that have said it is unconstitutional to execute defendants in rape cases. A Senate staff analysis said nobody has been executed for a non-murder crime in the United States since 1964.

In a rebuke of the court precedents, the House and Senate bills say that a 1981 Florida Supreme Court case and a 2008 U.S. Supreme Court case were "wrongly decided," with the Senate version saying "such cases are an egregious infringement of the state's power to punish the most heinous of crimes."

Senate bill sponsor Jonathan Martin, a Fort Myers Republican who is a former prosecutor, said the bill would create needed "constitutional boundaries by providing a sentencing procedure for those heinous crimes" that would be similar to death-penalty laws for murder.

"If an individual rapes an 11-year-old, a 10-year-old, a 2-year-old or a 5-year-old, they should be subject to the death penalty," Martin said Tuesday after the Rules Committee approved his bill.

Aaron Wayt, who represented the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers at Tuesday's meeting, said people want "vengeance" when children are victims of sexual battery, but he pointed to U.S. Supreme Court precedent on the issue.

"This bill invites a longer, costlier (legal) process for the victim and their family that they will endure," Wayt said. "While this crime, anyone convicted of it is vile, heinous, the Constitution itself, the case law, the Supreme Court demands a maximum of life in prison. And so while it's not the vengeance we all want, it's the justice that the Constitution demands."

But Senate Minority Leader Lauren Book, a Plantation Democrat who was sexually abused as a child, said "there is no statute of limitations" on the suffering of victims.

"This is a life sentence that is handed down to young children," Book said. "We're talking about the youngest of the young in this bill. I was one of those kids. I still to this day at ... 38 years old deal with the very, very real lasting effects of this crime. It never goes away. Sometimes you close your eyes and you see it. I don't get a chance to make it stop."

Under the bills, defendants could receive death sentences based on the recommendations of at least eight of 12 jurors. Judges would have discretion to impose the death penalty or sentence defendants to life in prison. If fewer than eight jurors recommend death, defendants would receive life sentences.

Currently, unanimous jury recommendations are required before judges can impose the death penalty in murder cases. But lawmakers also are poised to change that requirement to allow death sentences after recommendations from eight of 12 jurors. The Senate has already passed such a change, and the House will take it up Thursday.

At least in part, the Republican-controlled Legislature has been emboldened by conservative shifts in recent years on the Florida Supreme Court and the U.S. Supreme Court.

In 2020, for example, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that unanimous jury recommendations were not needed to sentence defendants to death in murder cases. That reversed a 2016 ruling that required unanimity.
Man. I'm loving Florida more and more. I'd probably move there in a heartbeat if so many Californians weren't moving there. Californians have a tendency to vote for crap politicians then move when their idiotic policies are implemented. I suspect they'll try to "F" up Florida in similar fashion.
Well it is impossible to trust many people in Canada it is a major reason why we are not well respected around the globe anymore, the police state in Ont. exposed and bankrupting us economically and morally. I do not suspect that it will take five years. TPS and Peel Region Police dragged down the reputation of other police forces in the process. Damaging the entire country really.
It's not much different around here. Cops will screw ya over, people will screw ta over but there are still good cops and good people around. I just look for work aholics to hand out with. Seem to have better luck trusting them even more than the religious. Lots of people claiming to be religious around here when they are actually wolves in sheep's clothing. Hard to fake a work ethic. In my new town here I mainly hang with one family. They have several family owned businesses worked from kids upto grandpa. Hang with them and subcontract for them. They joke about adopting me all the time.
It's not much different around here. Cops will screw ya over, people will screw ta over but there are still good cops and good people around. I just look for work aholics to hand out with. Seem to have better luck trusting them even more than the religious. Lots of people claiming to be religious around here when they are actually wolves in sheep's clothing. Hard to fake a work ethic. In my new town here I mainly hang with one family. They have several family owned businesses worked from kids upto grandpa. Hang with them and subcontract for them. They joke about adopting me all the time.
Yes,.I was once such a person. I love working and the dishonest apparatus stole that from me and continue to impede. I still say the worst decision was NOT accepting a job with a former Business Partner of IBM in California, or, not leaving for China or Japan when doing my MBA. People who really knew me appreciated who I was. Just walking around aimlessly is akin to losing ones life a long time ago.
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It was in her diary, two people got arrested for stealing it. Not a lie, just think the leader of your party is a pedophile. Who also committed incest.

How do you know it was in her diary? Was her handwriting verified. Has she confirmed she wrote it?

Do you believe 0bama was born in Kenya?

Do you believe Michelle 0bama is a man?

Do you believe the election was stolen?

What do all of these have in common?
How do you know it was in her diary? Was her handwriting verified. Has she confirmed she wrote it?

Do you believe 0bama was born in Kenya?

Do you believe Michelle 0bama is a man?

Do you believe the election was stolen?

What do all of these have in common?

SHE confirmed it, you lying hag.

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