Florida Passes “Anti-Science” Law

Conservatives in Florida got their wish last Monday when their governor, Rick Scott signed a bill into law guaranteeing scientific facts taught in public schools can be challenged if they offend an individual’s personal beliefs.

Climate change tops the list of such facts denied by conservatives. But will they be as happy about this law when they find their homes waste-deep in seawater? Or, when they are finally forced to tread water 24/7 if they wish to remain in Florida?

The oceans ARE rising, and Florida’s conservatives will eventually discover how burying their head’s in the sand will have them drowning much sooner. This is going to make being a devoted Republican much, much more difficult.

Two Sad Ironies In Florida Passing Its 'Anti-Science' Law


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Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won. And they prove this over and over and over.


Climate change is a "Fact"? Oh, that must be why there are absolutely zero repeatable lab experiments linking a 120PPM increase in CO2 with a change in temperature

CO2 is a proven greenhouse gas.
Maybe this repeatable experiment from a junior high science teacher can clear it up for you.

Then by that experiment we should have more temp. rising than just 1.53 in the lst 100 years.
We had a 30 yr. mini ice age and a 30 yr. warming period.
The warming started way before the industrial revolution but they want any of that type of discussions.

Not necessarily. The concentration of CO2 in that experiment wasn't measured. It was merely meant to show the greenhouse effect.

It's getting closer to maybe finding cheaper substitute alternatives for energy fuels in technology. Something that we could all agree on ,rather than a false ideology war on fossil fuels based on not enough data yet. Stated by most of the scientists.

That's just the thing, false or not, the goal is reasonable.
And you look foolish for doing so.

... says the person who had their ass handed to them by the dumbass conservatives!

By whom?

You idiots just talk in circles and get nowhere.

You, are an idiot without comparison. You forget so easily!

Give examples and we'll discuss.

Just go to the many threads in the environment room...and watch your ass handed to you.

So you can't do it?
Of course that's what's really important after all. :laugh2:
You don't accept actual science, you wouldn't accept it if the worldwide temperature went to 150 below zero for ten years you would say it was because of man made climate change. FACTS and real science are something you can't grasp because of your monoplanic intellect. THE fact IS that THE only scientific groups that promote the Man made climate change IDEA are those who have an economic interest in it. They are the 97% who believe in it. and they are the only group liberals in the governments of the world and the press ask or are speaking about. It is JUST a way to take trillions of dollars out of the worlds tax revenue for themselves. All it takes is a few REAL history lessons to prove it, but you don't even know the real history of the world. I do not understand why you waste everyone's time with your monoplanic drivel.

Is that the way it's presented in schools?
What is your personal experience if any?

Are you saying that children should be able to make up any answer they like on a test and not be held to account?

AGW is presented to children as sacred truth to never be questioned. The real crime is that in our universities, where science once flourished, any research that would call into question the faith and scriptures is outlawed. Thou shalt not study the climate, only the scriptures ABOUT the climate.

Real science is not religion, and real scientists, I have a Ph.D. and count myself as one, don't blindly follow dogma.

Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis
So, you think studying the Bible is the answer to MMGW? What is your "PhD" in - Dumbassity? Why hasn't any "scientist" proved MMGW to be false? Why has not any scientist proven the greenhouse theory wrong?
As we can't agree on climate why don't we just talk about pollution, we need clean water to live.
How do you know this to be true?

The obvious response is, how do you know it's not true?

I have dozens of friends and acquaintances that are educators. I have also been involved with parent organizations as well as my own children since my kids have been in school.
I see the books, the handouts and assist my children with their studies.

Is that a reasonable answer?

Yet, every time we say that some of our best friends are black or Jewish or gay, you liberals dismiss that immediately! Why should we not do the same?

Speak to the points rather than simply argue.
Do you have kids in school? What is your personal experience on the subject?
How does it differ?

I am a teacher, dumbass!

Not likely. You then should be able to break it all down for us and speak directly to the points I have made.

Feel free to go into education forum and start your own thread. I have enough posts there that you should be able to find the answers to your questions.
Conservatives in Florida got their wish last Monday when their governor, Rick Scott signed a bill into law guaranteeing scientific facts taught in public schools can be challenged if they offend an individual’s personal beliefs.

Climate change tops the list of such facts denied by conservatives. But will they be as happy about this law when they find their homes waste-deep in seawater? Or, when they are finally forced to tread water 24/7 if they wish to remain in Florida?

The oceans ARE rising, and Florida’s conservatives will eventually discover how burying their head’s in the sand will have them drowning much sooner. This is going to make being a devoted Republican much, much more difficult.

Two Sad Ironies In Florida Passing Its 'Anti-Science' Law


View attachment 136518

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won. And they prove this over and over and over.

The IQ's of the far-right just keep declining.

Is that the way it's presented in schools?
What is your personal experience if any?

Are you saying that children should be able to make up any answer they like on a test and not be held to account?

AGW is presented to children as sacred truth to never be questioned. The real crime is that in our universities, where science once flourished, any research that would call into question the faith and scriptures is outlawed. Thou shalt not study the climate, only the scriptures ABOUT the climate.

Real science is not religion, and real scientists, I have a Ph.D. and count myself as one, don't blindly follow dogma.

Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis
So, you think studying the Bible is the answer to MMGW? What is your "PhD" in - Dumbassity? Why hasn't any "scientist" proved MMGW to be false? Why has not any scientist proven the greenhouse theory wrong?

Why would the bible be the answer to an imaginary problem?
What happened to the conservatives of the old days who used to insist that you had no right not to be offended?

Is someone offended simply by virtue of offering a different point of view? If so why are you offended?
I have to say after much embarrassment, how much I appreciate people that prove me wrong or are contradictory and make me think out side myself...
I don't buy your F A K E S C I E N C E

SCIENCE. Quit denying its existence.


Manipulated data...fake and junk science

When there are varied data sources, all data is manipulated.

Unemployment rates are manipulated to account for seasonal workers

Temperatures over cities are manipulated to take into account for the pavement & roof tops.

Data from reading tree rings need manipulated to make more sense when comparing to modern measured temps.

You likely mentally manipulate your weight by thinking your sudden weight gain is due to a biological event or the prior evening's pig out.

Manipulated data to suit an agenda. They got caught

The agenda of science, not political like you deniers.

Your AGW cult.was the one who made it political.

What are the "Facts" YOU DON"T KNOW THE FACTS!!! It is sad that so many people have been indoctrinated by targeted propaganda that is designed to take trillions of dollars from the working class public, make it harder for them to get jobs, and slow the rate of business expansion JUST to feed the wealth of political regalist class of scum.
Yet another dumbass who is too ignorant to do research & learn about Global Warming.
It looks to me like he has done research and learned about Global Warming. He isn't a dumbass who was swallowed the con like you have.
I'm sorry but listening to Rush Limbaugh & his dumber twin Trump is not doing research. Well, at least not doing research like smart people do.

Anyone who denies MMGW is a fucking idiot. Like you., Dumber than shit.

So your proving it's a cult..


O-CO2 satellite showing rain forests, and not industry are actually the largest emitters of CO2

Wow. You are sooooooooooooo smart.

Our climate was based on the natural emissions of CO2. The Earth could remove as much CO2 as was being added.

Then along came the industrial revolution and the start of ever increasing man made CO2 emissions.

No one ever said man was the greatest emitter, jackass.

Man has increased the CO2 levels beyond where they would be without these emissions & this is changing our climate.

'Seriously, how the fuck did you get this stupid?

lol that's your science? Thinking if man didn't emit emissions that every thing would of been the same?

What a douche...

Didn't you ever learn about the last ice age?

[ So, you think studying the Bible is the answer to MMGW? What is your "PhD" in - Dumbassity? Why hasn't any "scientist" proved MMGW to be false? Why has not any scientist proven the greenhouse theory wrong?

What the fuck, you ridiculous troll? Who said anything about the Bible? My Doctorate is in Supply Chain Management, which you pissy pants leftists hate, something useful that produces actual results.

Because you are ignorant and uneducated, you propose the logical fallacy of "prove my religion false." I have no need to prove Gaia is a myth cult boi, you who worship that utter stupidity have the onus to prove your religion true.

The facts we know are that the earth has experienced warming since the end of the Little Ice Age. Our current temperatures remain lower than in the Medieval Warming Period based on free standing lake and river structures, despite open and outright lies by your church regarding prior temperatures.

AGW is designed for people such as you, those with little education who are abjectly ignorant and of low intellect. We who are educated grasp that the climate of the earth has been in a state of change for 4.7 billion years. "Climate Change" is akin to "wet water."
Facts cannot be challenged.

The sky is blue and water boils at 100c. Period.
Depends upon what elevation you are at when doing the boiling.

Hutch didn't make it through 2nd grade and was unaware of that fact. His AGW priest never explained it to him with cartoons, so he didn't learn it. Maybe Cosmos can come back and do a cartoon for him and the other leftist infants to teach them this? :dunno:
What happened to the conservatives of the old days who used to insist that you had no right not to be offended?

Is someone offended simply by virtue of offering a different point of view? If so why are you offended?

The whole premise of conservative ridicule of political correctness is based on contempt for people who are 'offended'.

Being offended by science does not trump science.

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