Florida Passes “Anti-Science” Law

Conservatives in Florida got their wish last Monday when their governor, Rick Scott signed a bill into law guaranteeing scientific facts taught in public schools can be challenged if they offend an individual’s personal beliefs.

Climate change tops the list of such facts denied by conservatives. But will they be as happy about this law when they find their homes waste-deep in seawater? Or, when they are finally forced to tread water 24/7 if they wish to remain in Florida?

The oceans ARE rising, and Florida’s conservatives will eventually discover how burying their head’s in the sand will have them drowning much sooner. This is going to make being a devoted Republican much, much more difficult.

Two Sad Ironies In Florida Passing Its 'Anti-Science' Law


View attachment 136518

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won. And they prove this over and over and over.

Kids SHOULD be encouraged to challenge scientific facts. Encourage them to do research and find out for themselves, or give them experiments that demonstrate the facts. That's far better than teaching them to accept everything uncritically just because a "scientist" said so.
Kids should also be free to challenge "religious facts", so they know they are all a scam.

They can't because they don't allow religion to be taught in school............remember?

It's taught in our daughter's school. They are also taught evolution and creation theory.

Public school? I think that's what the OP was about.
Conservatives in Florida got their wish last Monday when their governor, Rick Scott signed a bill into law guaranteeing scientific facts taught in public schools can be challenged if they offend an individual’s personal beliefs.

Climate change tops the list of such facts denied by conservatives. But will they be as happy about this law when they find their homes waste-deep in seawater? Or, when they are finally forced to tread water 24/7 if they wish to remain in Florida?

The oceans ARE rising, and Florida’s conservatives will eventually discover how burying their head’s in the sand will have them drowning much sooner. This is going to make being a devoted Republican much, much more difficult.

Two Sad Ironies In Florida Passing Its 'Anti-Science' Law


View attachment 136518

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won. And they prove this over and over and over.

Kids SHOULD be encouraged to challenge scientific facts. Encourage them to do research and find out for themselves, or give them experiments that demonstrate the facts. That's far better than teaching them to accept everything uncritically just because a "scientist" said so.
Kids should also be free to challenge "religious facts", so they know they are all a scam.

They can't because they don't allow religion to be taught in school............remember?

It's taught in our daughter's school. They are also taught evolution and creation theory.

Public school? I think that's what the OP was about.

No it's private
Kids SHOULD be encouraged to challenge scientific facts. Encourage them to do research and find out for themselves, or give them experiments that demonstrate the facts. That's far better than teaching them to accept everything uncritically just because a "scientist" said so.
Kids should also be free to challenge "religious facts", so they know they are all a scam.

They can't because they don't allow religion to be taught in school............remember?

It's taught in our daughter's school. They are also taught evolution and creation theory.

Public school? I think that's what the OP was about.

No it's private

Okay, that's what I thought. They can't do that in public school. It's one reason why more and more people are opting for home school instead of public.
Kids should also be free to challenge "religious facts", so they know they are all a scam.

They can't because they don't allow religion to be taught in school............remember?

It's taught in our daughter's school. They are also taught evolution and creation theory.

Public school? I think that's what the OP was about.

No it's private

Okay, that's what I thought. They can't do that in public school. It's one reason why more and more people are opting for home school instead of public.

One of the main reasons they go to private schools, no indoctrination
Where are the facts that man DOESNT have the ability to change the climate, honey bunch

Well honey bunch, not having proof that man doesn't have such capabilities doesn't cost us trillions of dollars and help chase jobs overseas.
This is my whole contention with the way we approach global warming. We're seriously not going to have much impact on what the climate does if we force Americans to ride bicycles. Why are we not instead looking at ways to deal with and exploit a warmer world?
water boils at 100c. Period.
Depends on your altitude.

Water boiling point is a couple of degrees lower in Denver, Colorado. ... :cool:

Also depends on whether its fresh or salt water
So here is an interesting piece of useless knowledge about the difference between Fahrenheit and Celsius scales.

Farenheight uses the freezing point of salt water as 0

Celsius uses the freezing point of fresh water as 0

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"I believe a magic being flies through the air and created everything and any evidence that proves that wrong has to be wrong, obviously"

"I have proof that the sun is 93 million miles from Earth, the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second, the universe is 13.72 billion years old, the Earth is round, and men evolved from apes when one of our chromosomes fused and we went from having 48 chromosomes which apes have, to having 46 chromosomes which humans have."

"Well I don't believe any of that but let's debate it ok?"

"These things are proven already, the rigorous debate took place during the last 100 years between PH.D's in each field of study."

"Oh they don't know anything, I do because I say I do. And in America my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

"No, you are free to be ignorant, but you aren't free to force that ignorance to be taught to children. The Flat Earth Society is meeting this week near you, why don't you go and 'debate them' about their beliefs. Certainly you would say their beliefs are just as valid as yours yes? Good, have fun!"
Conservatives in Florida got their wish last Monday when their governor, Rick Scott signed a bill into law guaranteeing scientific facts taught in public schools can be challenged if they offend an individual’s personal beliefs.

Climate change tops the list of such facts denied by conservatives. But will they be as happy about this law when they find their homes waste-deep in seawater? Or, when they are finally forced to tread water 24/7 if they wish to remain in Florida?

The oceans ARE rising, and Florida’s conservatives will eventually discover how burying their head’s in the sand will have them drowning much sooner. This is going to make being a devoted Republican much, much more difficult.

Two Sad Ironies In Florida Passing Its 'Anti-Science' Law


View attachment 136518

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won. And they prove this over and over and over.

So you want to FORCE people to believe YOUR beliefs...thought you clowns were all about freedom?
Conservatives in Florida got their wish last Monday when their governor, Rick Scott signed a bill into law guaranteeing scientific facts taught in public schools can be challenged if they offend an individual’s personal beliefs.

Climate change tops the list of such facts denied by conservatives. But will they be as happy about this law when they find their homes waste-deep in seawater? Or, when they are finally forced to tread water 24/7 if they wish to remain in Florida?

The oceans ARE rising, and Florida’s conservatives will eventually discover how burying their head’s in the sand will have them drowning much sooner. This is going to make being a devoted Republican much, much more difficult.

Two Sad Ironies In Florida Passing Its 'Anti-Science' Law


View attachment 136518

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won. And they prove this over and over and over.


What you're really upset about is choice--so typical of the left.

You love science so much that you ignore the countless scientists that have said global warming is nonsense. They don't teach that part of science in public school now do they?

When the right dares to challenge the leftist scientists who get paid by the government, you say we are anti-science. But when we tell you a guy putting on a dress does not make he a she, you are outraged and don't want to look at the science behind that.
"countless scientists?" This whole idea that the Obama Administration paid scientists all over the world to come to the same conclusions so they could stiffen environmental regulations smells like a whatadoodle conspiracy theory to me.
Conservatives in Florida got their wish last Monday when their governor, Rick Scott signed a bill into law guaranteeing scientific facts taught in public schools can be challenged if they offend an individual’s personal beliefs.

Climate change tops the list of such facts denied by conservatives. But will they be as happy about this law when they find their homes waste-deep in seawater? Or, when they are finally forced to tread water 24/7 if they wish to remain in Florida?

The oceans ARE rising, and Florida’s conservatives will eventually discover how burying their head’s in the sand will have them drowning much sooner. This is going to make being a devoted Republican much, much more difficult.

Two Sad Ironies In Florida Passing Its 'Anti-Science' Law


View attachment 136518

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won. And they prove this over and over and over.


What you're really upset about is choice--so typical of the left.

You love science so much that you ignore the countless scientists that have said global warming is nonsense. They don't teach that part of science in public school now do they?

When the right dares to challenge the leftist scientists who get paid by the government, you say we are anti-science. But when we tell you a guy putting on a dress does not make he a she, you are outraged and don't want to look at the science behind that.
"countless scientists?" This whole idea that the Obama Administration paid scientists all over the world to come to the same conclusions so they could stiffen environmental regulations smells like a whatadoodle conspiracy theory to me.

Payment was in the form of grants
Conservatives in Florida got their wish last Monday when their governor, Rick Scott signed a bill into law guaranteeing scientific facts taught in public schools can be challenged if they offend an individual’s personal beliefs.

Climate change tops the list of such facts denied by conservatives. But will they be as happy about this law when they find their homes waste-deep in seawater? Or, when they are finally forced to tread water 24/7 if they wish to remain in Florida?

The oceans ARE rising, and Florida’s conservatives will eventually discover how burying their head’s in the sand will have them drowning much sooner. This is going to make being a devoted Republican much, much more difficult.

Two Sad Ironies In Florida Passing Its 'Anti-Science' Law


View attachment 136518

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won. And they prove this over and over and over.

So you want to FORCE people to believe YOUR beliefs...thought you clowns were all about freedom?
No one wants to FORCE you to believe the facts. However, I believe we have a right to want our decisions based on good solid facts rather than foolishness to support the Orange Menace.
Where are the facts that man DOESNT have the ability to change the climate, honey bunch

Well honey bunch, not having proof that man doesn't have such capabilities doesn't cost us trillions of dollars and help chase jobs overseas.
This is my whole contention with the way we approach global warming. We're seriously not going to have much impact on what the climate does if we force Americans to ride bicycles. Why are we not instead looking at ways to deal with and exploit a warmer world?

Because we are not dealing with a warmer world; maybe warmer than we had in the past.

Given the age of the earth, saying it's warmer (even if it was) today than it was 100 years ago is no pattern to speak of. Most of the predictions by climate models have been inaccurate anyway.

Is the climate changing? Yes it is, and it's been changing since God made the place. I'd sooner trust God than I would any government funded scientists.

I have a cousin who is a medical research doctor. She has great concern over the lack of bees we have today. I have to agree with her. There are not nearly as many bees around as there have been in the past. In fact, I think there is an insect reduction in general, but without empirical evidence, I'm not going to blame anything we are doing that's causing this. If we have less insects than in the past, it's God's will as far as Im concerned.
Conservatives in Florida got their wish last Monday when their governor, Rick Scott signed a bill into law guaranteeing scientific facts taught in public schools can be challenged if they offend an individual’s personal beliefs.

Climate change tops the list of such facts denied by conservatives. But will they be as happy about this law when they find their homes waste-deep in seawater? Or, when they are finally forced to tread water 24/7 if they wish to remain in Florida?

The oceans ARE rising, and Florida’s conservatives will eventually discover how burying their head’s in the sand will have them drowning much sooner. This is going to make being a devoted Republican much, much more difficult.

Two Sad Ironies In Florida Passing Its 'Anti-Science' Law


View attachment 136518

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won. And they prove this over and over and over.


What you're really upset about is choice--so typical of the left.

You love science so much that you ignore the countless scientists that have said global warming is nonsense. They don't teach that part of science in public school now do they?

When the right dares to challenge the leftist scientists who get paid by the government, you say we are anti-science. But when we tell you a guy putting on a dress does not make he a she, you are outraged and don't want to look at the science behind that.
"countless scientists?" This whole idea that the Obama Administration paid scientists all over the world to come to the same conclusions so they could stiffen environmental regulations smells like a whatadoodle conspiracy theory to me.

I never said that. You made it up.

Fuel is money and power; not just in this country, but across the globe. Fuel has an impact on economies.

Whenever skeptical, I always look for the man behind the curtain. Politicians (particularly on the left) have been wanting to have more and more control over the people. They've been quite successful, but don't have total control yet. The two vestiges that are stopping them are control over health and energy. Once they have control over those two things, they will have the ability to have total control over the people.

In our system of government, politicians can't just walk up and take control over these things. They need our permission. They need us to hand it over to them, or even beg them to take control. That's what they want in my opinion.
Conservatives in Florida got their wish last Monday when their governor, Rick Scott signed a bill into law guaranteeing scientific facts taught in public schools can be challenged if they offend an individual’s personal beliefs.

Climate change tops the list of such facts denied by conservatives. But will they be as happy about this law when they find their homes waste-deep in seawater? Or, when they are finally forced to tread water 24/7 if they wish to remain in Florida?

The oceans ARE rising, and Florida’s conservatives will eventually discover how burying their head’s in the sand will have them drowning much sooner. This is going to make being a devoted Republican much, much more difficult.

Two Sad Ironies In Florida Passing Its 'Anti-Science' Law


View attachment 136518

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won. And they prove this over and over and over.

So you want to FORCE people to believe YOUR beliefs...thought you clowns were all about freedom?
No one wants to FORCE you to believe the facts. However, I believe we have a right to want our decisions based on good solid facts rather than foolishness to support the Orange Menace.
You have a right to believe what you want,You DO NOT have the right to force them on anyone.
Conservatives in Florida got their wish last Monday when their governor, Rick Scott signed a bill into law guaranteeing scientific facts taught in public schools can be challenged if they offend an individual’s personal beliefs.

Climate change tops the list of such facts denied by conservatives. But will they be as happy about this law when they find their homes waste-deep in seawater? Or, when they are finally forced to tread water 24/7 if they wish to remain in Florida?

The oceans ARE rising, and Florida’s conservatives will eventually discover how burying their head’s in the sand will have them drowning much sooner. This is going to make being a devoted Republican much, much more difficult.

Two Sad Ironies In Florida Passing Its 'Anti-Science' Law


View attachment 136518

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won. And they prove this over and over and over.

So you want to FORCE people to believe YOUR beliefs...thought you clowns were all about freedom?
No one wants to FORCE you to believe the facts. However, I believe we have a right to want our decisions based on good solid facts rather than foolishness to support the Orange Menace.
You have a right to believe what you want,You DO NOT have the right to force them on anyone.
Decisions on environmental issues should be based on facts. One doesn't choose to "believe" facts; they are not supposed to be viewed as opinions. In this country, our decisions that will impact the future and how to prepare for a warming planet and the changes that is bringing and will bring more of need to be as fact based as possible or we will make a mistake.
Don't treat scientific facts as if they were an opinion on which is the best movie. Or the best religion. That is a really frightening stance.
Conservatives in Florida got their wish last Monday when their governor, Rick Scott signed a bill into law guaranteeing scientific facts taught in public schools can be challenged if they offend an individual’s personal beliefs.

Climate change tops the list of such facts denied by conservatives. But will they be as happy about this law when they find their homes waste-deep in seawater? Or, when they are finally forced to tread water 24/7 if they wish to remain in Florida?

The oceans ARE rising, and Florida’s conservatives will eventually discover how burying their head’s in the sand will have them drowning much sooner. This is going to make being a devoted Republican much, much more difficult.

Two Sad Ironies In Florida Passing Its 'Anti-Science' Law


View attachment 136518

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won. And they prove this over and over and over.


What you're really upset about is choice--so typical of the left.

You love science so much that you ignore the countless scientists that have said global warming is nonsense. They don't teach that part of science in public school now do they?

When the right dares to challenge the leftist scientists who get paid by the government, you say we are anti-science. But when we tell you a guy putting on a dress does not make he a she, you are outraged and don't want to look at the science behind that.
"countless scientists?" This whole idea that the Obama Administration paid scientists all over the world to come to the same conclusions so they could stiffen environmental regulations smells like a whatadoodle conspiracy theory to me.

Yes you have to love the 'countless scientists' fallacy he offers up.

Countless? Stars are countless, grains of sand, the ability of a conservative to believe lies, but scientists are easy to count. And almost all of them debated every fact they came upon with great vigor to make sure it was correct, and they continue to do so.

There are 'scientists' who still say smoking doesn't harm people and lead in the blood stream is no worry. And that the Earth is flat.

We ignore them and listen to the ones that live in reality.
Conservatives in Florida got their wish last Monday when their governor, Rick Scott signed a bill into law guaranteeing scientific facts taught in public schools can be challenged if they offend an individual’s personal beliefs.

Climate change tops the list of such facts denied by conservatives. But will they be as happy about this law when they find their homes waste-deep in seawater? Or, when they are finally forced to tread water 24/7 if they wish to remain in Florida?

The oceans ARE rising, and Florida’s conservatives will eventually discover how burying their head’s in the sand will have them drowning much sooner. This is going to make being a devoted Republican much, much more difficult.

Two Sad Ironies In Florida Passing Its 'Anti-Science' Law


View attachment 136518

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won. And they prove this over and over and over.

So you want to FORCE people to believe YOUR beliefs...thought you clowns were all about freedom?
No one wants to FORCE you to believe the facts. However, I believe we have a right to want our decisions based on good solid facts rather than foolishness to support the Orange Menace.
You have a right to believe what you want,You DO NOT have the right to force them on anyone.
Decisions on environmental issues should be based on facts. One doesn't choose to "believe" facts; they are not supposed to be viewed as opinions. In this country, our decisions that will impact the future and how to prepare for a warming planet and the changes that is bringing and will bring more of need to be as fact based as possible or we will make a mistake.
Don't treat scientific facts as if they were an opinion on which is the best movie. Or the best religion. That is a really frightening stance.
Climate Change isn't fact. Its SOME "scientists" opinions and its no where near universally approved as fact.

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