Florida Pastor Arrested Before He Could Burn 2,998 Qurans On Anniversary Of 9-11

You called me offensive?! What was that about? :lol:

Your attempt to claim kerosene soaked Qurans could be construed as a terroristic bomb threat was either incredibly stupid or an outright lie. I find either offensive.

The Sheriff said almost the same exact thing. You must be incredibly stupid to not realize it could be construed as a terrorist act.

I read that comment from the sheriff. A barbecue grill full of kerosene soaked Qurans would not and could not explode in an accident situation without an oxidizer like ammonium nitrate. There would have to be enough kerosene (after the books were saturated) to saturate the fertilizer AND a blasting cap or some secondary explosion to set it off.
The sheriff is a sheriff, not a chemist or explosives expert. He is wrong. Kerosene soaked books will burn real nice, but will not explode, no matter what the sheriff says.
Thats hilarious!! :lol: He wanted to exercise his freedom of speech but couldnt be bothered with applying for a permit? I guessed right. He basically got arrested for being dumb.

So in your world you need permission from the State to exercise your rights? I thought freedom of speech kind of gave one tacit approval to speak out.

Yes. Its called a permit. Everyone needs one in certain defined circumstances. In this case he was doing it where a permit was required. Did you not read the story?

I did read the article. I have read the Constitution a few times as well and I guess I continually miss the part about getting a permit to speak or assemble. Could you link the passage that seems to be missing from my copy?
So in your world you need permission from the State to exercise your rights? I thought freedom of speech kind of gave one tacit approval to speak out.

Yes. Its called a permit. Everyone needs one in certain defined circumstances. In this case he was doing it where a permit was required. Did you not read the story?

I did read the article. I have read the Constitution a few times as well and I guess I continually miss the part about getting a permit to speak or assemble. Could you link the passage that seems to be missing from my copy?

You might not need a permit to assemble, but I am sure you need one to burn items in a public park. My dad used to book groups for the parks department, even booked a few that used large BBQs. Always needed the proper paper work.
Only an idiot would try to show up at a public park and try to have a large burn without going through the proper steps or without gaining the proper permits.
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Your attempt to claim kerosene soaked Qurans could be construed as a terroristic bomb threat was either incredibly stupid or an outright lie. I find either offensive.

The Sheriff said almost the same exact thing. You must be incredibly stupid to not realize it could be construed as a terrorist act.

I read that comment from the sheriff. A barbecue grill full of kerosene soaked Qurans would not and could not explode in an accident situation without an oxidizer like ammonium nitrate. There would have to be enough kerosene (after the books were saturated) to saturate the fertilizer AND a blasting cap or some secondary explosion to set it off.
The sheriff is a sheriff, not a chemist or explosives expert. He is wrong. Kerosene soaked books will burn real nice, but will not explode, no matter what the sheriff says.

I know that you know what construed means. I already said you dont have to be bright to attempt to make a bomb. Just because you dont know what you are doing doesnt mean it could not be construed as a terrorist act by attempting to make a bomb.
So in your world you need permission from the State to exercise your rights? I thought freedom of speech kind of gave one tacit approval to speak out.

Yes. Its called a permit. Everyone needs one in certain defined circumstances. In this case he was doing it where a permit was required. Did you not read the story?

I did read the article. I have read the Constitution a few times as well and I guess I continually miss the part about getting a permit to speak or assemble. Could you link the passage that seems to be missing from my copy?

If you read the Constitution you would know it is a framework for laws. The Constitution does not say I cant stalk someone either but somehow there is a law against it. Are you saying stalking your ex should be a protected act since its not in the Constitution?
The Sheriff said almost the same exact thing. You must be incredibly stupid to not realize it could be construed as a terrorist act.

I read that comment from the sheriff. A barbecue grill full of kerosene soaked Qurans would not and could not explode in an accident situation without an oxidizer like ammonium nitrate. There would have to be enough kerosene (after the books were saturated) to saturate the fertilizer AND a blasting cap or some secondary explosion to set it off.
The sheriff is a sheriff, not a chemist or explosives expert. He is wrong. Kerosene soaked books will burn real nice, but will not explode, no matter what the sheriff says.

I know that you know what construed means. I already said you dont have to be bright to attempt to make a bomb. Just because you dont know what you are doing doesnt mean it could not be construed as a terrorist act by attempting to make a bomb.

I don't see it as a terrorist threat, but I am sure there is a law regarding soaking books in kerosine and driving around in a vehicle full of gas. If he had been hit and the car had started on fire, I am guessing it would have caused a very nice fire or explosion.

I don't get why he pre soaked them. It might not cause a huge explosion etc., but it seems pretty stupid.
I read that comment from the sheriff. A barbecue grill full of kerosene soaked Qurans would not and could not explode in an accident situation without an oxidizer like ammonium nitrate. There would have to be enough kerosene (after the books were saturated) to saturate the fertilizer AND a blasting cap or some secondary explosion to set it off.
The sheriff is a sheriff, not a chemist or explosives expert. He is wrong. Kerosene soaked books will burn real nice, but will not explode, no matter what the sheriff says.

I know that you know what construed means. I already said you dont have to be bright to attempt to make a bomb. Just because you dont know what you are doing doesnt mean it could not be construed as a terrorist act by attempting to make a bomb.

I don't see it as a terrorist threat, but I am sure there is a law regarding soaking books in kerosine and driving around in a vehicle full of gas. If he had been hit and the car had started on fire, I am guessing it would have caused a very nice fire or explosion.

I don't get why he pre soaked them. It might not cause a huge explosion etc., but it seems pretty stupid.

I'm trying to figure out where he got the money for the Koran's. 3000 @ $10 each? That's $30,000. Down the drain of course.

Money well spent from his congregation. He'd have better off using it for the poor, or abused children and women.

But that wouldn't make as big a bonfire. In a public park. Where children might have been playing.

Put it this way, all the donations to his "church" used to buy those Koran's were tax deductible.

God works in mysterious ways.
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So in your world you need permission from the State to exercise your rights? I thought freedom of speech kind of gave one tacit approval to speak out.

Yes. Its called a permit. Everyone needs one in certain defined circumstances. In this case he was doing it where a permit was required. Did you not read the story?

I did read the article. I have read the Constitution a few times as well and I guess I continually miss the part about getting a permit to speak or assemble. Could you link the passage that seems to be missing from my copy?

What makes you think the arrest had anything to do with a permit to speak or assemble? Maybe, just maybe it had something to do with having flammable material on a public roadway?
I know that you know what construed means. I already said you dont have to be bright to attempt to make a bomb. Just because you dont know what you are doing doesnt mean it could not be construed as a terrorist act by attempting to make a bomb.

I don't see it as a terrorist threat, but I am sure there is a law regarding soaking books in kerosine and driving around in a vehicle full of gas. If he had been hit and the car had started on fire, I am guessing it would have caused a very nice fire or explosion.

I don't get why he pre soaked them. It might not cause a huge explosion etc., but it seems pretty stupid.

I'm trying to figure out where he got the money for the Koran's. 3000 @ $10 each? That's $30,000.

Money well spent from his congregation. He'd have better off using it for the poor, or abused children and women.

God works in mysterious ways.

The god some people worship is a vindictive prick who attacks anyone who doesn't believe in him (nevermind that if he created everyone, he could have made them as believers from the start but that's another subject for another thread).

"Men tend to have the beliefs that suit their passions. Cruel men believe in a cruel god and use their belief to excuse cruelty. Only kindly men believe in a kindly god, and they would be kindly in any case." - Bertrand Russel
Yes. Its called a permit. Everyone needs one in certain defined circumstances. In this case he was doing it where a permit was required. Did you not read the story?

I did read the article. I have read the Constitution a few times as well and I guess I continually miss the part about getting a permit to speak or assemble. Could you link the passage that seems to be missing from my copy?

What makes you think the arrest had anything to do with a permit to speak or assemble? Maybe, just maybe it had something to do with having flammable material on a public roadway?

The article indicated he was headed to a public park. i doubt he would have lit that Koran bonfire without saying a few words. But since he never arrived that violation is off the table.
Might have just arrested him until after 9/11, eh?

Would someone who was about to burn the same number of Holy Bibles have been arrested on felony charges?
Methinks not.

Hmmm, seems Christians need to "burn down half the world" next time they're insulted...to get the same respect that Muslims do.

Actually, you don’t ‘think’ at all.

Again, citizens are at liberty to burn any book they wish, provided the burning is done in accordance with the law, such as abiding by safety requirements and obtaining a permit. And of course this can be avoided by simply doing the burning on private property.

Otherwise, if one violates the law, he’ll be arrested, having nothing to do with government inference with free expression.

The guy that thinks that thinking means doing whatever the government says is lecturing someone on thinking.

The point of the 1st Amendment is that you don't need the governments permission to prove you are an idiot by burning books. To show how stupid your argument is, he was not arrested for pouring kerosine on the books, nor was he arrested for not having a permit to start a fire, he was arrested for not putting the kerosine soaked books in a government approved container. You know the ones I mean, the containers that are impossible to use, and are hated by everyone that uses them because they were designed by the government. I would let him off if he argued that the law mandating the new containers is asinine and should be disobeyed as a display of common sense.
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“As good almost kill a man as kill a good book: who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, God’s image; but he who destroys a good book kills reason itself.”~John Milton

Killing reason is a crime?

If Pastor Jones is tossed in prison there should be protests.

If Jones is imprisoned it will be in accordance with due process, including his right to appeal his conviction.

Any ‘protest’ would be a demonstration of the ignorance of the protesters.

If they got out there and protested against the regulation that designed really stupid gas cans that would be a display of ignorance? Isn't your blanket statement that any protest would be ignorant actually a display of ignorance?
You’re likely unaware of this but Mulberry, FL is not in the UK.

It's not...but we live in a global village, Mulberry FL is just down the road.
And I believe the same sort of protests as in England would have the same result in FL if Pastor Jones were in prison for this non-crime.

Anyone justly convicted where the conviction us upheld upon appeal will remain in prison, regardless any ‘protests.’

But you’re entitled to your pathetic fantasy.

What makes a conviction just if the court admits that the prosecution cheated, or that the person in prison probably did not commit the crime?
First, the Quran and Islam are not responsible for 9/11. Nutcase religious extremists are. Second, this pastor, in wanting to burn the Quran in response to 9/11 is acting like just as much of a nut case religious extremist as the people who were responsible for 9/11. And third, such an action would incite more hatred, more violence, and more death. What's good about that? He would not be making a statement against Islam because all intelligent people know Islam is not responsible for 9/11: terrorists are. He would be doing nothing but cause more deaths. There would be backlash from Islamic extremists, then violent responses from Christians, and back and forth. The idiot wants a religious war, just like the terrorists do. They should all probably get lobotomies

That was a marvelous display of ignorance.
You called me offensive?! What was that about? :lol:

Your attempt to claim kerosene soaked Qurans could be construed as a terroristic bomb threat was either incredibly stupid or an outright lie. I find either offensive.

The Sheriff said almost the same exact thing. You must be incredibly stupid to not realize it could be construed as a terrorist act.

I bet you believe that YouTube video caused Behghazi.
Thats hilarious!! :lol: He wanted to exercise his freedom of speech but couldnt be bothered with applying for a permit? I guessed right. He basically got arrested for being dumb.

So in your world you need permission from the State to exercise your rights? I thought freedom of speech kind of gave one tacit approval to speak out.

Yes. Its called a permit. Everyone needs one in certain defined circumstances. In this case he was doing it where a permit was required. Did you not read the story?

Which explains why he wasn't arrested for not having a permit if you are an idiot.
Yes. Its called a permit. Everyone needs one in certain defined circumstances. In this case he was doing it where a permit was required. Did you not read the story?

I did read the article. I have read the Constitution a few times as well and I guess I continually miss the part about getting a permit to speak or assemble. Could you link the passage that seems to be missing from my copy?

You might not need a permit to assemble, but I am sure you need one to burn items in a public park. My dad used to book groups for the parks department, even booked a few that used large BBQs. Always needed the proper paper work.
Only an idiot would try to show up at a public park and try to have a large burn without going through the proper steps or without gaining the proper permits.

The government needs approval form the government?
Interesting. Apparently it's ok to burn bibles and the American flag but not the Quran. I am curious to what the unspecified charges would be. I think it would have been great to see him exercise his freedom of expression.

Florida pastor arrested before he could burn 2,998 Qurans on anniversary of 9/11 attacks | Fox News

MULBERRY, Fla. – A Florida pastor has been arrested before he could set fire to almost 3,000 Qurans.

Polk County sheriff's officials say the Rev. Terry Jones and his associate pastor were arrested on unspecified felony charges in the small central Florida town of Mulberry on Wednesday. A news conference is scheduled for later Wednesday to announce specific charges.

Media reports show he was stopped in a pickup truck that was towing a metal trailer filled with Qurans soaked in kerosene. He had said he planned to burn 2,998 Qurans — one for every victim who died in the 9/11 attacks 12 years ago.

Jones is the pastor of a small evangelical Christian church. His congregation burned a Quran in March 2011 and last year he promoted an anti-Muslim film. His actions have sparked violence in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

I'm thinking he forgot to get a permit from the Fire Dept.

I'm thinking you don't need a permit from the fire department for driving on a road.

With a couple thousand kerosene-soaked books?

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