Florida Pastor Arrested Before He Could Burn 2,998 Qurans On Anniversary Of 9-11

name one republican hoping for more americans to be killed overseas.

you won't, because deep down you know you're lying.

rdean has capitulated his constitutional rights to radical muslims. not surprised.

no surprise rdean could not name one republican

proof rdean is a liar

I'll name a few. O'reilly, Limbaugh, fox and friends etc etc. Watch the shows...I don't, I read what they said and it makes me sick.

I bet anyone who wants us to go to war DOES NOT HAVE ANY OF THEIR KIDS IN SERVICE.

they have not. either provide a link or stfu.
What law did he break? I don't know, so I have no opinion on the legality of the arrest.

But I do have an opinion on his burning books as a political statement. Does that remind anyone of anything?

Google Image Result for http://www.ushmm.org/lcmedia/photo/wlc/image/alpha/bb160.jpg

nope...one is government, the other is private citizens exercising their first amendment rights

huge difference

Oh, I see. If the NAZIES burned books written by Jews in 1933, after they came to power, that is different, but if they had burned those same books in 1932, before they came to power in the German government, THEN it would be have been comparable to what this miinster was going to do....

yep, assuming they had the first amendment and were private citizens.

do you support flag burning?
Under Bush, 9/11 happened and he attacked the wrong fucking country because he lied. Under Obama, he killed the man responsible for 9/11 and will keep us out of another potential war. At least if we go to war for this, it WILL be with the people responsible.

afghanistan was the wrong country? :cuckoo:
Well, they can't charge Jones with a hate crime, as the burning of bibles and flags has been judged by the Supreme Court to be part of free speech and thus not a crime. Perhaps it is transporting highly flammable substances in non-approved containers, however, I would imagine that to be a misdemeanor. This is most-likely being done to cater to the stinking muslims. They need to be driven out of the nation in large numbers.
Well, they can't charge Jones with a hate crime, as the burning of bibles and flags has been judged by the Supreme Court to be part of free speech and thus not a crime. Perhaps it is transporting highly flammable substances in non-approved containers, however, I would imagine that to be a misdemeanor. This is most-likely being done to cater to the stinking muslims. They need to be driven out of the nation in large numbers.

Yes, every time some one gets a traffic violation we should kick out the Muslims.
Interesting. Apparently it's ok to burn bibles and the American flag but not the Quran.

This, of course, is a lie.

The truth:

The truck towed a large, smoker-style grill that Jones was going to use as an incinerator. In the smoker were the condemned Qurans.

Some of the books were soaked in kerosene, said Fran Ingram, spokeswoman for the church. The Polk County Sheriff's Office arrested Jones on felony charges of unlawful conveyance of fuel and open display of a firearm.

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said deputies saw Jones at a McDonalds in Mulberry and watched as he doused the books with kerosene on his way to the park.

“He was told that if he was going to come to Polk County and violate the law, he would be going to jail,” the sheriff said at a news conference Wednesday night.

The sheriff said dumping kerosene onto the books presented a hazardous situation. “He was potentially driving a bomb around if he had gotten into a crash.”

Judd said Sapp was charged with several civil traffic violations, including towing a trailer with no lights, safety chain or tag.

Deputies seized the 1998 Chevrolet pickup, the smoker and the Qurans, Judd said. All will be held in evidence until the case is resolved. He said he was unsure what would happen to the holy books then.

To stage such an event, he needed a permit from the county, but he never applied for one.

“We have tried to file for permits,” Jones said in an interview last week, “but we feel that a permit is just an excuse to turn us down.”

County officials vowed that the public spectacle in their park would not take place, not because of the nature of the event, but because Jones lacked the required permit. Mianne Nelson, spokeswoman for the Polk County Commission, said last week that Jones never notified anyone in county government of his plans to use county property.

Rev. Jones arrested on way to burn Qurans in Polk County

Jones was arrested for being involved in driving an unsafe vehicle, and lacking a permit he never bothered to apply for, not because of the nature of his demonstration. Had he applied for a permit, or simply found private property for the burning, there’d be no arrest.

Thats hilarious!! :lol: He wanted to exercise his freedom of speech but couldnt be bothered with applying for a permit? I guessed right. He basically got arrested for being dumb.

Or perhaps not so dumb…

Had he gotten a permit and transported the Korans in a safe, lawful manner, or, again, simply found private property to do the burning, this likely wouldn’t have been news.

But by intentionally not applying for a permit, and soaking the Korans in kerosene in the back of an open pick up truck in a McDonald’s parking lot for all to see – including law enforcement – Jones knew he would be providing the raw material for rightist websites and blogs where conservatives such as the OP would contrive a lie about the incident to make sure it became ‘news.’

Now conservatives can make a false claim about a First Amendment ‘violation,’ and propagate the lie that it’s ‘ok’ burn a bible, but one is ‘arrested’ for burning a Koran.
nope...one is government, the other is private citizens exercising their first amendment rights

huge difference

Oh, I see. If the NAZIES burned books written by Jews in 1933, after they came to power, that is different, but if they had burned those same books in 1932, before they came to power in the German government, THEN it would be have been comparable to what this miinster was going to do....

yep, assuming they had the first amendment and were private citizens.

do you support flag burning?

Since you asked, I will tell you. I support the right to burn any flag. I have never done it, and never will, but when the government starts to turn into a facist regime, I will not allow them to protect themselves by wrapping themselves in our flag. Germans and Japanese should have taken the same position that I have. The flag is a piece of cloth. It is NOT what this country stands for. John Wayne is dead, and the statue of the flag raising on Iwo Jima is just a Marine Corp propaganda icon. Nothing more.

I do not take the position that burning books should be illegal. I take the position that this guy is a nut, crying "Fire!" in a crowded theater. I would not stop him from exercising free speech, but if he set himself on fire while doing it, I would not lose any sleep.
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Oh, I see. If the NAZIS burned books written by Jews in 1933, after they came to power, that is different, but if they had burned those same books in 1932, before they came to power in the German government, THEN it would be have been comparable to what this miinster was going to do....

yep, assuming they had the first amendment and were private citizens.

do you support flag burning?

Since you asked, I will tell you. I support the right to burn any flag. I have never done it, and never will, but when the government starts to turn into a facist regime, I will not allow them to protect themselves by wrapping themselves in our flag. Germans and Japanese should have taken the same position that I have. The flag is a piece of cloth. It is NOT what this country stands for. John Wayne is dead, and the statue of the flag raising on Iwo Jima is just a Marine Corp propaganda icon. Nothing more.

I disagree. You revere the "cloth" as you revere you country. You revere it for the country you love, not burn it for the people you hate. I had family members who fought at Iwo Jima, so the flag raising isn't a form of propaganda, it is a symbol of endurance. And the word fascist doesn't mean what you think it means.
I think it would of been more appropriate to piss on 3000 Korans on 9/11.
“As good almost kill a man as kill a good book: who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, God’s image; but he who destroys a good book kills reason itself.”~John Milton
Might have just arrested him until after 9/11, eh?

Would someone who was about to burn the same number of Holy Bibles have been arrested on felony charges?
Methinks not.

Hmmm, seems Christians need to "burn down half the world" next time they're insulted...to get the same respect that Muslims do.
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“As good almost kill a man as kill a good book: who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, God’s image; but he who destroys a good book kills reason itself.”~John Milton

Killing reason is a crime?

If Pastor Jones is tossed in prison there should be protests.
Might have just arrested him until after 9/11, eh?

Would someone who was about to burn the same number of Holy Bibles have been arrested on felony charges?
Methinks not.

Hmmm, seems Christians need to burn down half the world next time they're insulted...to get the same respect that Muslims do.

I can easily see your logic in coming to that conclusion. That is why we consider you and your Christian pals so dangerous. It would not be much of a stretch to visualize 1098 AD all over again.
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Might have just arrested him until after 9/11, eh?

Would someone who was about to burn the same number of Holy Bibles have been arrested on felony charges?
Methinks not.

Hmmm, seems Christians need to "burn down half the world" next time they're insulted...to get the same respect that Muslims do.

I can easily see your logic in coming to that conclusion. That is why we consider you and your Christian pals so dangerous. It would not be much of a stretch to visualize 1098 all over again.

Hmmm, there you are, I put "burn down half the world" in a qualification.
Christians need to do something though to get respect...legally of course ...because at the moment they're just being treated like shyte in the world today.
Mocked at 'every' turn, on 'every' forum, and 'every' social networking site.
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Might have just arrested him until after 9/11, eh?

Would someone who was about to burn the same number of Holy Bibles have been arrested on felony charges?
Methinks not.

Hmmm, seems Christians need to burn down half the world next time they're insulted...to get the same respect that Muslims do.

I can easily see your logic in coming to that conclusion. That is why we consider you and your Christian pals so dangerous. It would not be much of a stretch to visualize 1098 AD all over again.

It isn't much of a stretch to see how stupid and stereotypical you are.
Might have just arrested him until after 9/11, eh?

Would someone who was about to burn the same number of Holy Bibles have been arrested on felony charges?
Methinks not.

Hmmm, seems Christians need to "burn down half the world" next time they're insulted...to get the same respect that Muslims do.

Actually, you don’t ‘think’ at all.

Again, citizens are at liberty to burn any book they wish, provided the burning is done in accordance with the law, such as abiding by safety requirements and obtaining a permit. And of course this can be avoided by simply doing the burning on private property.

Otherwise, if one violates the law, he’ll be arrested, having nothing to do with government inference with free expression.
Might have just arrested him until after 9/11, eh?

Would someone who was about to burn the same number of Holy Bibles have been arrested on felony charges?
Methinks not.

Hmmm, seems Christians need to "burn down half the world" next time they're insulted...to get the same respect that Muslims do.

I can easily see your logic in coming to that conclusion. That is why we consider you and your Christian pals so dangerous. It would not be much of a stretch to visualize 1098 all over again.

Hmmm, there you are, I put "burn down half the world" in a qualification.
Christians need to do something though to get respect...legally of course ...because at the moment they're just being treated like shyte in the world today.
Mocked at 'every' turn, on 'every' forum, and 'every' social networking site.

And they have only themselves to blame.
In Britain, when 'Erection Jesus' was on display at a gallery...Christians did nothing...so the display continued.
At least they should've picketed the gallery bigtime, thereby closing it.

Controversial statue of Jesus with an erection offends gallery visitors | Mail Online

Controversial statue of Jesus with an erection offends gallery visitors

A gallery has offended the church by exhibiting a statue of Jesus with an erection.
The graphic figure is on display at Gateshead's Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art.
The exhibit is a traditional form of Jesus which has been doctored by controversial Chinese artist Terence Koh.

One Christian at least tried to do/did something about it;

Christian sues gallery for featuring statue of Jesus with an erection | World news | The Guardian

Christian sues gallery over 'blasphemous' erection

Representatives for a gallery in Gateshead appeared in court yesterday charged with outraging public decency, after featuring a statue of Jesus with an erection.

The artwork was part of the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art's September 2007-January 2008 exhibition Gone, Yet Still, by the controversial Chinese artist Terence Koh, which featured dozens of plaster figures including Mickey Mouse and ET - all in some state of arousal.

Lawyers for Emily Mapfuwa, a 40-year-old Christian who was offended by the artwork, launched a private prosecution against the gallery for outraging public decency and causing harassment, alarm and distress to the public. Mapfuwa, of Brentwood, Essex, argues the Baltic would not have dared depict the prophet Muhammad in such a way.

She complained in writing to Northumbria police earlier this year, asking for an investigation, and was informed in May that there was no case to answer.
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