Florida Pulse gay club attacked

There is no doubt this was terrorism the question is was it domestic or foreign. Do you know?
I'd think it's one of three things, possibly: Domestic terrorism, international terrorism, or a guy who had a vendetta with someone who they knew would be at the bar.

I'd think it's a little early to say "terrorism" for sure, although I'd think it's likely.

The authorities are saying it's terrorism. guy wearing a suicide vest shoots up a gay bar during Ramadan?
There are always conflicting reports. But if it is a suicide vest, I wonder (a) if that means a bomb and (b) why he didn't use it.

I don't know, wait and see what comes out is the best bet. But when someone goes into a bar and starts killing it's some sort of terrorism
Well, I guess that depends on the definition. On the (small) chance it was a guy with a vendetta over one person, so bad that he knew he was committing suicide (jilted lover, whatever), I wouldn't think of that as terrorism.

I don't play word salad.
Just to get a handle on 'terrorism', who thinks Dylann Roof is a 'terrorist'?

Me for one, who else?
There is no doubt this was terrorism the question is was it domestic or foreign. Do you know?
I'd think it's one of three things, possibly: Domestic terrorism, international terrorism, or a guy who had a vendetta with someone who they knew would be at the bar.

I'd think it's a little early to say "terrorism" for sure, although I'd think it's likely.
My definition of terrorism is heavily armed, mass killings, mass injuries, hostage taking, vest with a bomb and supposedly bragging about having links to terrorism. What's yours?
I'd think it's one of three things, possibly: Domestic terrorism, international terrorism, or a guy who had a vendetta with someone who they knew would be at the bar.

I'd think it's a little early to say "terrorism" for sure, although I'd think it's likely.

The authorities are saying it's terrorism. guy wearing a suicide vest shoots up a gay bar during Ramadan?
There are always conflicting reports. But if it is a suicide vest, I wonder (a) if that means a bomb and (b) why he didn't use it.

I don't know, wait and see what comes out is the best bet. But when someone goes into a bar and starts killing it's some sort of terrorism
Well, I guess that depends on the definition. On the (small) chance it was a guy with a vendetta over one person, so bad that he knew he was committing suicide (jilted lover, whatever), I wouldn't think of that as terrorism.

I don't play word salad.
No law says you have to be precise. But I do think there's a pretty clear difference.
this is a conundrum for hillary. she claims to love gays, but she also wants to import people that see gays as vermin that should be exterminated.
We have had terrorist attacks in this nation both from Muslim terrorists, and from homegrown right wing terrorists. And from people that are just plain out of their heads. Best to wait until we see some definative proof of the perps beliefs before we go making accusations.
name two RW terrorists. Most are left wing. Like the killer in Aurora CO movie theatre and the kid who killed his mom and took her run to a local elementary school.

The two 'sovereign citizen' rightwingers who killed two policemen in Nevada back around the time of the Clive Bundy standoff.
The facts are barely out and dumb fucks are salivating over political advantages. What the fuck is wrong with of some you? Countless lives have been shattered. Stupid assholes.
This is heartbreaking. One woman on TV was hysterical looking for her only child. I hope the kid made it.
CNN said that victims' cell phones are ringing unanswered, their loved ones trying to reach them.
This is just like the Paris night club shooting. I feel awful for the families and the investigators. That has to be rough being inside doing the investigation and hearing those phones knowing that person is laying dead in front of you and some poor family is about to have the worst day of their life.
Just to get a handle on 'terrorism', who thinks Dylann Roof is a 'terrorist'?

Me for one, who else?
There is no doubt this was terrorism the question is was it domestic or foreign. Do you know?
I'd think it's one of three things, possibly: Domestic terrorism, international terrorism, or a guy who had a vendetta with someone who they knew would be at the bar.

I'd think it's a little early to say "terrorism" for sure, although I'd think it's likely.
My definition of terrorism is heavily armed, mass killings, mass injuries, hostage taking, vest with a bomb and supposedly bragging about having links to terrorism. What's yours?
I agree. What I'm saying, again, is if this were some kind of jilted lover thing, I wouldn't consider that terrorism.

I doubt that's what this is, I'm just looking at the possibilities early on. Early reports are often inaccurate, so we'll see.
The hospital I work at is a block from Pulse. The police detoured me trying to get to work this morning. I hadn't listened to the news yet so I figured another train derailed as the tracks are also right there. Found out when I got to work.

One local news channel quoted someone as saying the shooter had "Islamic leanings", whatever the fuck that means.
The facts are barely out and dumb fucks are salivating over political advantages. What the fuck is wrong with of some you? Countless lives have been shattered. Stupid assholes.
This is heartbreaking. One woman on TV was hysterical looking for her only child. I hope the kid made it.
CNN said that victims' cell phones are ringing unanswered, their loved ones trying to reach them.
This is just like the Paris night club shooting. I feel awful for the families and the investigators. That has to be rough being inside doing the investigation and hearing those phones knowing that person is laying dead in front of you and some poor family is about to have the worst day of their life.

but nothing will change. obama and hillary will still argue we need to show our love for islam by importing terrorists, and gays will vote dem no matter how many of them are exterminated.
I read of one mother stating she said her son texted "he is coming" when they had fled to a bathroom and hasn't heard from him since. How horrific that must be.
The facts are barely out and dumb fucks are salivating over political advantages. What the fuck is wrong with of some you? Countless lives have been shattered. Stupid assholes.
This is heartbreaking. One woman on TV was hysterical looking for her only child. I hope the kid made it.
You know what is not very funny anymore? We have had numerous acts of terror on us soil now. Thousands of Americans have lost their lives. The American left always go back to Tim McVeighs grave and digs him up in an effort to shield the Muslims. I just don't get it.
The hospital I work at is a block from Pulse. The police detoured me trying to get to work this morning. I hadn't listened to the news yet so I figured another train derailed as the tracks are also right there. Found out when I got to work.

One local news channel quoted someone as saying the shooter had "Islamic leanings", whatever the fuck that means.

It means the media is pissed off as hell they have to somehow report islamists are now exterminating gays in america. You can bet the media would be positively gleeful if a white guy was responsible.

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