Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Dude! Are you new to message boards? You should know when you post news like this the speculations will run wild. Like when that congresswoman was shot all the leftwards jumped to the immediate conclusion that Sarah Palin and the tea party was responsible. All I know about this is that the guy killed twenty, injured forty, they are calling it an act of terrorism, the FBI guy says the dead terrorist has boasted that he had ties to Islamic terrorism. It will take a while but it will all shake out. Think ideology and think recent events.
And when it "all shakes out" the MSM will drop this story like a rock.
Maybe in your fictional movie as reality world, mooslim.
All is well with little Marco....
He twittered this....

Our prayers are with those injured and killed early this morning in horrifying act of terror in Orlando.
I have nearly a dozen gay friends and acquaintances. None of them go to this club. They say it's a dive bar.
Dive or not it still must have been popular. Sounds like it was pretty crowded. I have gay family members;this doesn't make me happy thinking this could happen to them.

I could be that my friends who are gay don't go to gay bars I suppose. I've never been in there but I drive by it every day and it looks bad from the outside.
A Islamist shot up a gay club?

Are you sure? Normally, gay clubs are the target of christian fundie.

Best not to jump the gun just yet.

Yeah....how about a list of those christian attacks on gay nightclubs.....
One spokesperson said domestic, another said they need to determine whether domestic or foreign.
It was a domestic gun. Ain't the 2nd Amendment grand? :clap2:

It was a gun free zone asshole.....

357,000,000 guns in private hands.....

1,500,000 times a year guns are used to stop violent criminal attack and when they are allowed in public spaces they can also stop these mass shootings...unless nuts like you make those places gun free zones......

Yeah. Over 4000 times per day. You know it!
You know what is not very funny anymore? We have had numerous acts of terror on us soil now. Thousands of Americans have lost their lives. The American left always go back to Tim McVeighs grave and digs him up in an effort to shield the Muslims. I just don't get it.

Nobody is shielding anyone, freak.
Yes you are. It's the only possible motivation for digging McVeigh up every time a Muslim commits an act of terror. MF
One spokesperson said domestic, another said they need to determine whether domestic or foreign.
It was a domestic gun. Ain't the 2nd Amendment grand? :clap2:

It was a gun free zone asshole.....

357,000,000 guns in private hands.....

1,500,000 times a year guns are used to stop violent criminal attack and when they are allowed in public spaces they can also stop these mass shootings...unless nuts like you make those places gun free zones......
A country where you need to be packing at all times is a country not worth living in.

Damn, you are one stupid fuck. I fully approve of our President's policy of going after the Islamic Terrorists, where ever they may be, no safe haven,
...snipped... Obama going after Islamic terrorists wherever they may be? What a fucking joke when he's releasing them from GITMO as fast as possible to do what? Return to killing Americans and throwing gays from roof tops and encouraging lone wolfs in Orlando to outright shoot gays where they stand.k
It took Peter Doocey from FoxNews to ask if this was Islamic terrorism. No other liberal reporter would dare ask and go against Obama's ban on that speculation. Note how the liberals in this thread trying to detract from that speculation.

"Detract from that speculation?"

What does that even mean?

Liberals....in general....don't tend to speculate in these cases. We wait for info to be made public....and then come to an accurate understanding of what took place.

You see....if the perp was a Muslim and did this act of terror....the matter will be fully investigated. If he wasn't a Muslm, the matter will be fully investigated. The only thing that your speculation does is announce to the world that you are ripe for the pickin' and ready to be eaten by fear. Just as the perp intended.

Ya dumb shit.

Wrong......you wade through the blood in order to drag the dead bodies in front of the nearest camera, in order to attack gun owners who have no connection to the shooting, and the 357,000,000 guns that were not used in the shooting in order to push for more gun control....which would not have stopped the shooting anyway...

You don't know me, loser. I'm a gun owner. Wrong guy, dipshit.
You know what is not very funny anymore? We have had numerous acts of terror on us soil now. Thousands of Americans have lost their lives. The American left always go back to Tim McVeighs grave and digs him up in an effort to shield the Muslims. I just don't get it.

Nobody is shielding anyone, freak.
Yes you are. It's the only possible motivation for digging McVeigh up every time a Muslim commits an act of terror. MF
Who's not winning today??:bye1::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

In an eyeblink, progressives become even more fringe............and yes, Im laughing my balls off.
True. The liberals are pulling out all the stops.. What a dilemma for them. They must support Islamic extremist but horrors of horrors, one of them may have attacked a room full of gays. What to do, what to do but pray it was a Christian nut bag.
Damn, you are one stupid fuck. I fully approve of our President's policy of going after the Islamic Terrorists, where ever they may be, no safe haven, not even in Moscow. As opposed to the previous President that let the man that masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil go for 7 years.

No, I do not support gays. I just am not going to persecute them for their private lives. Fucks like you want to tell everyone how to live their lives, and enforce your rules on others, then claim you are for individual liberty. You are liars, and no different than the Taliban. And would be pulling the same shit here were it not for the rule of law.

Moron.....Bush gave obama all the tools, and set up the policies that allowed us to find the guy...then obama waited, and waited and waited and then leon penetta told him he had to do something...then obama takes all the credit......
It took Peter Doocey from FoxNews to ask if this was Islamic terrorism. No other liberal reporter would dare ask and go against Obama's ban on that speculation. Note how the liberals in this thread trying to detract from that speculation.

"Detract from that speculation?"

What does that even mean?

Liberals....in general....don't tend to speculate in these cases. We wait for info to be made public....and then come to an accurate understanding of what took place.

You see....if the perp was a Muslim and did this act of terror....the matter will be fully investigated. If he wasn't a Muslm, the matter will be fully investigated. The only thing that your speculation does is announce to the world that you are ripe for the pickin' and ready to be eaten by fear. Just as the perp intended.

Ya dumb shit.

Wrong......you wade through the blood in order to drag the dead bodies in front of the nearest camera, in order to attack gun owners who have no connection to the shooting, and the 357,000,000 guns that were not used in the shooting in order to push for more gun control....which would not have stopped the shooting anyway...

You don't know me, loser. I'm a gun owner. Wrong guy, dipshit.

And every gun grabber I know who is rich is surrounded by men with guns.......they just don't want anyone else to have them moron....

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