Florida Pulse gay club attacked

can anyone explain to me how temporarily banning muslim importation is a bad idea?
It's not and the part the left keeps leaving out is it's only temporary. Our Vetting system needs to be upgraded and yet somehow made faster. It's not that we don't want muslim immigrants, we don't want to let radicalized nut jobs in with them. ISIS is crazy but not stupid. If it sees an opportunity to get it's people in with a bunch of refugee's they will do it.
We have had terrorist attacks in this nation both from Muslim terrorists, and from homegrown right wing terrorists. And from people that are just plain out of their heads. Best to wait until we see some definative proof of the perps beliefs before we go making accusations.
name two RW terrorists. Most are left wing. Like the killer in Aurora CO movie theatre and the kid who killed his mom and took her run to a local elementary school.
During the 1980s, more than 75 right-wing extremists were prosecuted in the United States for acts of terrorism, although they carried out only six attacks during the decade.[23]In 1983, Gordon Kahl, a Posse Comitatus activist, killed two federal marshals and was later killed by police. Also that year, the white nationalist revolutionary group The Order(also known as the Brüder Schweigen or Silent Brotherhood) robbed several banks and armored cars, as well as a sex shop;[24] bombed a theater and a synagogue; and murdered radio talk show host Alan Berg.[25][26]

The April 19, 1995 attack on the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma, by the right-wing extremists Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, which killed 168 people.[27] McVeigh stated it was retaliation for the government's actions in Ruby Ridge and Waco.[28] McVeigh attended Michigan militia group gun shows.[29][30]

Eric Rudolph executed a series of terrorist attacks between 1996 and 1998. He carried out 1996 Centennial Olympic Park bombing — which claimed two lives and injured 111 — with the aim of to cancelling the games, claiming they promoted global socialism.[31] Rudolph confessed to bombing an abortion clinic in Sandy Springs, an Atlanta suburb, on January 16, 1997; the Otherside Lounge, an Atlanta lesbian bar, on February 21, 1997, injuring five; and an abortion clinic in Birmingham, Alabama on January 29, 1998, killing Birmingham police officer and part-time clinic security guard Robert Sanderson, and critically injuring nurse Emily Lyons.

According to data compiled by the New America Foundation, since the 2001 September 11 attacks, right-wing extremists have committed at least 19 lethal terrorist attacks in the United States, resulting in the deaths of 48 people.[32]

Right-wing terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are a dumb shit for even putting that out there as a challenge. Extremists of whatever flavor seem to think they have the right to kill with impunity.
You know what is not very funny anymore? We have had numerous acts of terror on us soil now. Thousands of Americans have lost their lives. The American left always go back to Tim McVeighs grave and digs him up in an effort to shield the Muslims. I just don't get it.

Its easy to get. media doesnt want to report on muslims butchering people. now, they would be dancing in the street with glee if a white guy had done it.
One spokesperson said domestic, another said they need to determine whether domestic or foreign.
It was a domestic gun. Ain't the 2nd Amendment grand? :clap2:

It was a gun free zone asshole.....

357,000,000 guns in private hands.....

1,500,000 times a year guns are used to stop violent criminal attack and when they are allowed in public spaces they can also stop these mass shootings...unless nuts like you make those places gun free zones......
We have had terrorist attacks in this nation both from Muslim terrorists, and from homegrown right wing terrorists. And from people that are just plain out of their heads. Best to wait until we see some definative proof of the perps beliefs before we go making accusations.
name two RW terrorists. Most are left wing. Like the killer in Aurora CO movie theatre and the kid who killed his mom and took her run to a local elementary school.
During the 1980s, more than 75 right-wing extremists were prosecuted in the United States for acts of terrorism, although they carried out only six attacks during the decade.[23]In 1983, Gordon Kahl, a Posse Comitatus activist, killed two federal marshals and was later killed by police. Also that year, the white nationalist revolutionary group The Order(also known as the Brüder Schweigen or Silent Brotherhood) robbed several banks and armored cars, as well as a sex shop;[24] bombed a theater and a synagogue; and murdered radio talk show host Alan Berg.[25][26]

The April 19, 1995 attack on the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma, by the right-wing extremists Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, which killed 168 people.[27] McVeigh stated it was retaliation for the government's actions in Ruby Ridge and Waco.[28] McVeigh attended Michigan militia group gun shows.[29][30]

Eric Rudolph executed a series of terrorist attacks between 1996 and 1998. He carried out 1996 Centennial Olympic Park bombing — which claimed two lives and injured 111 — with the aim of to cancelling the games, claiming they promoted global socialism.[31] Rudolph confessed to bombing an abortion clinic in Sandy Springs, an Atlanta suburb, on January 16, 1997; the Otherside Lounge, an Atlanta lesbian bar, on February 21, 1997, injuring five; and an abortion clinic in Birmingham, Alabama on January 29, 1998, killing Birmingham police officer and part-time clinic security guard Robert Sanderson, and critically injuring nurse Emily Lyons.

According to data compiled by the New America Foundation, since the 2001 September 11 attacks, right-wing extremists have committed at least 19 lethal terrorist attacks in the United States, resulting in the deaths of 48 people.[32]

Right-wing terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are a dumb shit for even putting that out there as a challenge. Extremists of whatever flavor seem to think they have the right to kill with impunity.

So each side matches terrorist for terrorist, yet you won't see the obvious: that terrorism crosses political and racial boundaries. The difference is that the right condemns all forms and the left condones some forms.
It took Peter Doocey from FoxNews to ask if this was Islamic terrorism. No other liberal reporter would dare ask and go against Obama's ban on that speculation. Note how the liberals in this thread trying to detract from that speculation.

"Detract from that speculation?"

What does that even mean?

Liberals....in general....don't tend to speculate in these cases. We wait for info to be made public....and then come to an accurate understanding of what took place.

You see....if the perp was a Muslim and did this act of terror....the matter will be fully investigated. If he wasn't a Muslm, the matter will be fully investigated. The only thing that your speculation does is announce to the world that you are ripe for the pickin' and ready to be eaten by fear. Just as the perp intended.

Ya dumb shit.

Wrong......you wade through the blood in order to drag the dead bodies in front of the nearest camera, in order to attack gun owners who have no connection to the shooting, and the 357,000,000 guns that were not used in the shooting in order to push for more gun control....which would not have stopped the shooting anyway...
One spokesperson said domestic, another said they need to determine whether domestic or foreign.
It was a domestic gun. Ain't the 2nd Amendment grand? :clap2:

It was a gun free zone asshole.....

357,000,000 guns in private hands.....

1,500,000 times a year guns are used to stop violent criminal attack and when they are allowed in public spaces they can also stop these mass shootings...unless nuts like you make those places gun free zones......
A country where you need to be packing at all times is a country not worth living in.
Dude! Are you new to message boards? You should know when you post news like this the speculations will run wild. Like when that congresswoman was shot all the leftwards jumped to the immediate conclusion that Sarah Palin and the tea party was responsible. All I know about this is that the guy killed twenty, injured forty, they are calling it an act of terrorism, the FBI guy says the dead terrorist has boasted that he had ties to Islamic terrorism. It will take a while but it will all shake out. Think ideology and think recent events.
And when it "all shakes out" the MSM will drop this story like a rock.

"Detract from that speculation?"

What does that even mean?

Liberals....in general....don't tend to speculate in these cases. We wait for info to be made public....and then come to an accurate understanding of what took place.
Ya dumb shit.
Actually ya fuck face, this just shows you liberals have bought in to the idea that there is no such thing as Islamic terrorism I order to protect your Muslim president's feelings.

There is Radical Islamic Terrorism.

Our President is a Christian.

You are happy that this happened. Only...you won't admit it.

Our President is an atheist.
One spokesperson said domestic, another said they need to determine whether domestic or foreign.
It was a domestic gun. Ain't the 2nd Amendment grand? :clap2:

It was a gun free zone asshole.....

357,000,000 guns in private hands.....

1,500,000 times a year guns are used to stop violent criminal attack and when they are allowed in public spaces they can also stop these mass shootings...unless nuts like you make those places gun free zones......
A country where you need to be packing at all times is a country not worth living in.

Who needs to pack all the time.......? Most of the time in almost the entire country you are completely safe.....unless you go to a democrat inner city neighborhood.........so most people carry just in case...since crime can strike anytime anywhere......like at a gay nightclub at 2 a.m.
One spokesperson said domestic, another said they need to determine whether domestic or foreign.
It was a domestic gun. Ain't the 2nd Amendment grand? :clap2:

It was a gun free zone asshole.....

357,000,000 guns in private hands.....

1,500,000 times a year guns are used to stop violent criminal attack and when they are allowed in public spaces they can also stop these mass shootings...unless nuts like you make those places gun free zones......
A country where you need to be packing at all times is a country not worth living in.

Agreed. Good thing we don't live in that kind of country
Hey libs is this attack less bad now that jihadis targetted gays? I mean you can still use this politically right? Oh wait auto weapons and suicide vests are illegal in this country. How long till libs bury this story since they can't fucking use it for political gain? Will you ingnore that your jihadi pets target gays? Or will you blame this on Israel?

I doubt it was an automatic weapon.......they like to use those in Europe, over hear they don't tend to use them.
We have had terrorist attacks in this nation both from Muslim terrorists, and from homegrown right wing terrorists. And from people that are just plain out of their heads. Best to wait until we see some definative proof of the perps beliefs before we go making accusations.
name two RW terrorists. Most are left wing. Like the killer in Aurora CO movie theatre and the kid who killed his mom and took her run to a local elementary school.
During the 1980s, more than 75 right-wing extremists were prosecuted in the United States for acts of terrorism, although they carried out only six attacks during the decade.[23]In 1983, Gordon Kahl, a Posse Comitatus activist, killed two federal marshals and was later killed by police. Also that year, the white nationalist revolutionary group The Order(also known as the Brüder Schweigen or Silent Brotherhood) robbed several banks and armored cars, as well as a sex shop;[24] bombed a theater and a synagogue; and murdered radio talk show host Alan Berg.[25][26]

The April 19, 1995 attack on the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma, by the right-wing extremists Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, which killed 168 people.[27] McVeigh stated it was retaliation for the government's actions in Ruby Ridge and Waco.[28] McVeigh attended Michigan militia group gun shows.[29][30]

Eric Rudolph executed a series of terrorist attacks between 1996 and 1998. He carried out 1996 Centennial Olympic Park bombing — which claimed two lives and injured 111 — with the aim of to cancelling the games, claiming they promoted global socialism.[31] Rudolph confessed to bombing an abortion clinic in Sandy Springs, an Atlanta suburb, on January 16, 1997; the Otherside Lounge, an Atlanta lesbian bar, on February 21, 1997, injuring five; and an abortion clinic in Birmingham, Alabama on January 29, 1998, killing Birmingham police officer and part-time clinic security guard Robert Sanderson, and critically injuring nurse Emily Lyons.

According to data compiled by the New America Foundation, since the 2001 September 11 attacks, right-wing extremists have committed at least 19 lethal terrorist attacks in the United States, resulting in the deaths of 48 people.[32]

Right-wing terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are a dumb shit for even putting that out there as a challenge. Extremists of whatever flavor seem to think they have the right to kill with impunity.

Why did you leave out Bernadine Dorn and Bill Ayers from the left? You know them? Obama's friends from the weather underground.

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