Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Clinton had attack after attack on this country and did nothing asswipe....the Kobar Towers, the first World trade center bombing, the attack on the Cole....and couldn't be bothered with it because it would have distracted him and his wife from selling the lincoln bedroom....
Three on US soil in 8 years, one of which was Timothy McVey, so he doesn't really count. Khobar Tower was Hezbollah, so how that is at all related to the 9/11 Al Qaida attack, I have no idea. If you're referring to the Bojinka Plot, it never got anywhere. So, you got 6 attacks, total in 8 years, only three of which actually happened on US soil, of which 2 wsere Al Qaida. Furthermore, the most actionable intelligence that Clinton got from the intelligence comunity was the Al Qaida was going to do something not nice to America, sometime in the future, But Bin Laden should have been Clinton's highest priority. Meanwhile, Bush, who got multiple reports that an Al, Qaida attack was "imminent", and the the US should strengthen its security - which he ignored - should get a pass on the attack that was on his watch, and we should blamed Clinton for that.

But, I'm the asswipe. Feel free to piss up a rope with your partisan bullshit.

They knew about the islamic threat and the attacks on the Kobar Towers, the Cole, the First world Trade center........and they knew about bin laden........and he ignored it....having bribes to accept....
More partisan bullshit. The "Islamic threat" was reported by the intelligence professionals as vague, and non-actionable. That is the fact you simply cannot get around, when you try to lay Bush's Twin Tower bombings at the feet of Clinton. Hell, you're even lumping in organizations that had nothing to do with 9/11 into the mix to try and make it sound worse than it was. You're no better than Bush, and Cheney, trying to tie Hussein to Bin Laden in the minds of Americans to justify their War of Choice against Iraq.

By the way, why wasn't Bush more aggressive, and vigilant with terrorists? He had 13 different terrorist attacks under his 8 years compared to Clinton's 6. Anyway you look at it Cowboy Dubya was a clusterfuck of a President.

By the way, why wasn't Bush more aggressive, and vigilant with terrorists?

You mean besides invading two muslim countries and reshaping the entire American intelligence system....besides that?
And, yet, he allowed 13 different attacks against American targets. And who was it that accomplished what he couldn't - getting Bin Laden? Furthermore The enemy is Muslims?!?! As in all Muslims?!?!? Really you bigoted fuck?!?!?

Yeah.....nice of you to ignore the invasion of two terrorist supporting countries with the entire might of the American military and reworking the entire American intelligence system that had been handicapped by clinton to keep them from finding out he was selling secrets to the Chinese........

Nice of you to ignore all of that....

obama didn't want to kill osama.....Leon Penetta told him to do it....and the only reason they found him was everything Bush had put in place to do it.......drones by themeslves wouldn't have gotten the job done...and all obama does is drone people....
Clinton had attack after attack on this country and did nothing asswipe....the Kobar Towers, the first World trade center bombing, the attack on the Cole....and couldn't be bothered with it because it would have distracted him and his wife from selling the lincoln bedroom....
Three on US soil in 8 years, one of which was Timothy McVey, so he doesn't really count. Khobar Tower was Hezbollah, so how that is at all related to the 9/11 Al Qaida attack, I have no idea. If you're referring to the Bojinka Plot, it never got anywhere. So, you got 6 attacks, total in 8 years, only three of which actually happened on US soil, of which 2 wsere Al Qaida. Furthermore, the most actionable intelligence that Clinton got from the intelligence comunity was the Al Qaida was going to do something not nice to America, sometime in the future, But Bin Laden should have been Clinton's highest priority. Meanwhile, Bush, who got multiple reports that an Al, Qaida attack was "imminent", and the the US should strengthen its security - which he ignored - should get a pass on the attack that was on his watch, and we should blamed Clinton for that.

But, I'm the asswipe. Feel free to piss up a rope with your partisan bullshit.

They knew about the islamic threat and the attacks on the Kobar Towers, the Cole, the First world Trade center........and they knew about bin laden........and he ignored it....having bribes to accept....
More partisan bullshit. The "Islamic threat" was reported by the intelligence professionals as vague, and non-actionable. That is the fact you simply cannot get around, when you try to lay Bush's Twin Tower bombings at the feet of Clinton. Hell, you're even lumping in organizations that had nothing to do with 9/11 into the mix to try and make it sound worse than it was. You're no better than Bush, and Cheney, trying to tie Hussein to Bin Laden in the minds of Americans to justify their War of Choice against Iraq.

By the way, why wasn't Bush more aggressive, and vigilant with terrorists? He had 13 different terrorist attacks under his 8 years compared to Clinton's 6. Anyway you look at it Cowboy Dubya was a clusterfuck of a President.
All career politicians, you can not expect a career politician to protect the American people… not in their nature

What are you, a baby? You need protection?

There has never been a safer time to be an American. Ever.
Never said that, just the fact that it's not in their nature to protect US population. Just the facts baby
One of the fun things about being an old man is that one can still remember history that happened in their own lifetime. For example:

Carter decided that America would boycott the Olympics, because the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. He even sent Ali to African Countries to get them to do the same. They laughed at Ali over American hypocrisy, and Ali asked to come home.

Reagan armed the afghans to fight the Soviets.

Bush invaded Afghanistan, who fought back using weapons supplied by Reagan

We occupied Afghanistan for 13 years, and then were amazed to discover that Afghanistan resented that fact.

...and the beat goes on....
Your ignorance does not impress me at all.
Youre ignorance is very impressive. i dont think I've seen anyone on your level of ignorance.
Clinton had attack after attack on this country and did nothing asswipe....the Kobar Towers, the first World trade center bombing, the attack on the Cole....and couldn't be bothered with it because it would have distracted him and his wife from selling the lincoln bedroom....
Three on US soil in 8 years, one of which was Timothy McVey, so he doesn't really count. Khobar Tower was Hezbollah, so how that is at all related to the 9/11 Al Qaida attack, I have no idea. If you're referring to the Bojinka Plot, it never got anywhere. So, you got 6 attacks, total in 8 years, only three of which actually happened on US soil, of which 2 wsere Al Qaida. Furthermore, the most actionable intelligence that Clinton got from the intelligence comunity was the Al Qaida was going to do something not nice to America, sometime in the future, But Bin Laden should have been Clinton's highest priority. Meanwhile, Bush, who got multiple reports that an Al, Qaida attack was "imminent", and the the US should strengthen its security - which he ignored - should get a pass on the attack that was on his watch, and we should blamed Clinton for that.

But, I'm the asswipe. Feel free to piss up a rope with your partisan bullshit.

They knew about the islamic threat and the attacks on the Kobar Towers, the Cole, the First world Trade center........and they knew about bin laden........and he ignored it....having bribes to accept....
More partisan bullshit. The "Islamic threat" was reported by the intelligence professionals as vague, and non-actionable. That is the fact you simply cannot get around, when you try to lay Bush's Twin Tower bombings at the feet of Clinton. Hell, you're even lumping in organizations that had nothing to do with 9/11 into the mix to try and make it sound worse than it was. You're no better than Bush, and Cheney, trying to tie Hussein to Bin Laden in the minds of Americans to justify their War of Choice against Iraq.

By the way, why wasn't Bush more aggressive, and vigilant with terrorists? He had 13 different terrorist attacks under his 8 years compared to Clinton's 6. Anyway you look at it Cowboy Dubya was a clusterfuck of a President.
All career politicians, you can not expect a career politician to protect the American people… not in their nature

What are you, a baby? You need protection?

There has never been a safer time to be an American. Ever.

Yes....exactly...thanks for acknowledging that normal, law abiding people carrying guns does not make a society less safe....

Since the 1990s more Americans now own and actually carry guns...the quick look shows that 4.7 million Americans in 2007 carried guns...up from about 2 million in the 1990s......and right now 13 million Americans carry guns for self defense....

And our violent crime rate did not increase......our gun murder rate did not increase......in fact...both went down, not up....

So thank you for supporting the NRA and their position on Concealed carry...who knew you were a member?
Three on US soil in 8 years, one of which was Timothy McVey, so he doesn't really count. Khobar Tower was Hezbollah, so how that is at all related to the 9/11 Al Qaida attack, I have no idea. If you're referring to the Bojinka Plot, it never got anywhere. So, you got 6 attacks, total in 8 years, only three of which actually happened on US soil, of which 2 wsere Al Qaida. Furthermore, the most actionable intelligence that Clinton got from the intelligence comunity was the Al Qaida was going to do something not nice to America, sometime in the future, But Bin Laden should have been Clinton's highest priority. Meanwhile, Bush, who got multiple reports that an Al, Qaida attack was "imminent", and the the US should strengthen its security - which he ignored - should get a pass on the attack that was on his watch, and we should blamed Clinton for that.

But, I'm the asswipe. Feel free to piss up a rope with your partisan bullshit.

They knew about the islamic threat and the attacks on the Kobar Towers, the Cole, the First world Trade center........and they knew about bin laden........and he ignored it....having bribes to accept....
More partisan bullshit. The "Islamic threat" was reported by the intelligence professionals as vague, and non-actionable. That is the fact you simply cannot get around, when you try to lay Bush's Twin Tower bombings at the feet of Clinton. Hell, you're even lumping in organizations that had nothing to do with 9/11 into the mix to try and make it sound worse than it was. You're no better than Bush, and Cheney, trying to tie Hussein to Bin Laden in the minds of Americans to justify their War of Choice against Iraq.

By the way, why wasn't Bush more aggressive, and vigilant with terrorists? He had 13 different terrorist attacks under his 8 years compared to Clinton's 6. Anyway you look at it Cowboy Dubya was a clusterfuck of a President.
All career politicians, you can not expect a career politician to protect the American people… not in their nature

What are you, a baby? You need protection?

There has never been a safer time to be an American. Ever.
Never said that, just the fact that it's not in their nature to protect US population. Just the facts baby

Bullshit. They all have that as a primary concern. And I'm happy to not look to a single person for my safety. That's weird and smacks of authoritarianism. No thanks.
Link it.. Don't tell me, SHOW ME PROOF.

No...Christians are not doing these things...nothing in Christianity allows followers to commit murder...murder is part of Islamic doctrine....

You can't call yourself a vegan then go and eat a steak......if you eat the steak you are not a vegan....
Both those guys declared themselves christian. You may be uncomfortable with that fact but it doesnt change reality.

Declared or not, Muslims, self proclaimed or not are Killing more people then Christians are in the name of Gawd. For all the hate directed at Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, or any of the other big TV Christian guys you have yet to see any of them alive or dead directing Christians to go kill apostates during Christmas, Hannuka, or Easter. This Is the case with the religion of peace. These Muslems are directed to kill and they are. When they get sick of killing us in the name of their god they will go back to Killing and raping each other in the name of Allah. It's a fact.
OK guy. :itsok:

World wide name 5 killings done in the name of God as a directive of any mainstream Christian organization. I already have five for the last three for ya out of thousands done by Muslems. You can't, you won't, because you know I'm right.
Three on US soil in 8 years, one of which was Timothy McVey, so he doesn't really count. Khobar Tower was Hezbollah, so how that is at all related to the 9/11 Al Qaida attack, I have no idea. If you're referring to the Bojinka Plot, it never got anywhere. So, you got 6 attacks, total in 8 years, only three of which actually happened on US soil, of which 2 wsere Al Qaida. Furthermore, the most actionable intelligence that Clinton got from the intelligence comunity was the Al Qaida was going to do something not nice to America, sometime in the future, But Bin Laden should have been Clinton's highest priority. Meanwhile, Bush, who got multiple reports that an Al, Qaida attack was "imminent", and the the US should strengthen its security - which he ignored - should get a pass on the attack that was on his watch, and we should blamed Clinton for that.

But, I'm the asswipe. Feel free to piss up a rope with your partisan bullshit.

They knew about the islamic threat and the attacks on the Kobar Towers, the Cole, the First world Trade center........and they knew about bin laden........and he ignored it....having bribes to accept....
More partisan bullshit. The "Islamic threat" was reported by the intelligence professionals as vague, and non-actionable. That is the fact you simply cannot get around, when you try to lay Bush's Twin Tower bombings at the feet of Clinton. Hell, you're even lumping in organizations that had nothing to do with 9/11 into the mix to try and make it sound worse than it was. You're no better than Bush, and Cheney, trying to tie Hussein to Bin Laden in the minds of Americans to justify their War of Choice against Iraq.

By the way, why wasn't Bush more aggressive, and vigilant with terrorists? He had 13 different terrorist attacks under his 8 years compared to Clinton's 6. Anyway you look at it Cowboy Dubya was a clusterfuck of a President.

By the way, why wasn't Bush more aggressive, and vigilant with terrorists?

You mean besides invading two muslim countries and reshaping the entire American intelligence system....besides that?
And, yet, he allowed 13 different attacks against American targets. And who was it that accomplished what he couldn't - getting Bin Laden? Furthermore The enemy is Muslims?!?! As in all Muslims?!?!? Really you bigoted fuck?!?!?

Yeah.....nice of you to ignore the invasion of two terrorist supporting countries with the entire might of the American military and reworking the entire American intelligence system that had been handicapped by clinton to keep them from finding out he was selling secrets to the Chinese........

Nice of you to ignore all of that....

obama didn't want to kill osama.....Leon Penetta told him to do it....and the only reason they found him was everything Bush had put in place to do it.......drones by themeslves wouldn't have gotten the job done...and all obama does is drone people....[/QUOTE]
What a fucking moron. Get back to me when you figure out that not all terrorist organizations are related, so attacking Iraq did nothing to protect Americans, or to get justice for the victims of 9/11.
Three on US soil in 8 years, one of which was Timothy McVey, so he doesn't really count. Khobar Tower was Hezbollah, so how that is at all related to the 9/11 Al Qaida attack, I have no idea. If you're referring to the Bojinka Plot, it never got anywhere. So, you got 6 attacks, total in 8 years, only three of which actually happened on US soil, of which 2 wsere Al Qaida. Furthermore, the most actionable intelligence that Clinton got from the intelligence comunity was the Al Qaida was going to do something not nice to America, sometime in the future, But Bin Laden should have been Clinton's highest priority. Meanwhile, Bush, who got multiple reports that an Al, Qaida attack was "imminent", and the the US should strengthen its security - which he ignored - should get a pass on the attack that was on his watch, and we should blamed Clinton for that.

But, I'm the asswipe. Feel free to piss up a rope with your partisan bullshit.

They knew about the islamic threat and the attacks on the Kobar Towers, the Cole, the First world Trade center........and they knew about bin laden........and he ignored it....having bribes to accept....
More partisan bullshit. The "Islamic threat" was reported by the intelligence professionals as vague, and non-actionable. That is the fact you simply cannot get around, when you try to lay Bush's Twin Tower bombings at the feet of Clinton. Hell, you're even lumping in organizations that had nothing to do with 9/11 into the mix to try and make it sound worse than it was. You're no better than Bush, and Cheney, trying to tie Hussein to Bin Laden in the minds of Americans to justify their War of Choice against Iraq.

By the way, why wasn't Bush more aggressive, and vigilant with terrorists? He had 13 different terrorist attacks under his 8 years compared to Clinton's 6. Anyway you look at it Cowboy Dubya was a clusterfuck of a President.
All career politicians, you can not expect a career politician to protect the American people… not in their nature

What are you, a baby? You need protection?

There has never been a safer time to be an American. Ever.

Yes....exactly...thanks for acknowledging that normal, law abiding people carrying guns does not make a society less safe....

Since the 1990s more Americans now own and actually carry guns...the quick look shows that 4.7 million Americans in 2007 carried guns...up from about 2 million in the 1990s......and right now 13 million Americans carry guns for self defense....

And our violent crime rate did not increase......our gun murder rate did not increase......in fact...both went down, not up....

So thank you for supporting the NRA and their position on Concealed carry...who knew you were a member?

You are talking guns again today? How unusual!

No...Christians are not doing these things...nothing in Christianity allows followers to commit murder...murder is part of Islamic doctrine....

You can't call yourself a vegan then go and eat a steak......if you eat the steak you are not a vegan....
Both those guys declared themselves christian. You may be uncomfortable with that fact but it doesnt change reality.

Declared or not, Muslims, self proclaimed or not are Killing more people then Christians are in the name of Gawd. For all the hate directed at Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, or any of the other big TV Christian guys you have yet to see any of them alive or dead directing Christians to go kill apostates during Christmas, Hannuka, or Easter. This Is the case with the religion of peace. These Muslems are directed to kill and they are. When they get sick of killing us in the name of their god they will go back to Killing and raping each other in the name of Allah. It's a fact.
OK guy. :itsok:

World wide name 5 killings done in the name of God as a directive of any mainstream Christian organization. I already have five for the last three for ya out of thousands done by Muslems. You can't, you won't, because you know I'm right.

and you have an entire muslim country...Iran...actually supporting with money, men and training, muslim terrorists around the world......and entire country run by members of that religion....
They knew about the islamic threat and the attacks on the Kobar Towers, the Cole, the First world Trade center........and they knew about bin laden........and he ignored it....having bribes to accept....
More partisan bullshit. The "Islamic threat" was reported by the intelligence professionals as vague, and non-actionable. That is the fact you simply cannot get around, when you try to lay Bush's Twin Tower bombings at the feet of Clinton. Hell, you're even lumping in organizations that had nothing to do with 9/11 into the mix to try and make it sound worse than it was. You're no better than Bush, and Cheney, trying to tie Hussein to Bin Laden in the minds of Americans to justify their War of Choice against Iraq.

By the way, why wasn't Bush more aggressive, and vigilant with terrorists? He had 13 different terrorist attacks under his 8 years compared to Clinton's 6. Anyway you look at it Cowboy Dubya was a clusterfuck of a President.
All career politicians, you can not expect a career politician to protect the American people… not in their nature

What are you, a baby? You need protection?

There has never been a safer time to be an American. Ever.
Never said that, just the fact that it's not in their nature to protect US population. Just the facts baby

Bullshit. They all have that as a primary concern. And I'm happy to not look to a single person for my safety. That's weird and smacks of authoritarianism. No thanks.
If I have to look to a career politician for my safety, I'm already dead…

No...Christians are not doing these things...nothing in Christianity allows followers to commit murder...murder is part of Islamic doctrine....

You can't call yourself a vegan then go and eat a steak......if you eat the steak you are not a vegan....
Both those guys declared themselves christian. You may be uncomfortable with that fact but it doesnt change reality.

Declared or not, Muslims, self proclaimed or not are Killing more people then Christians are in the name of Gawd. For all the hate directed at Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, or any of the other big TV Christian guys you have yet to see any of them alive or dead directing Christians to go kill apostates during Christmas, Hannuka, or Easter. This Is the case with the religion of peace. These Muslems are directed to kill and they are. When they get sick of killing us in the name of their god they will go back to Killing and raping each other in the name of Allah. It's a fact.
OK guy. :itsok:

World wide name 5 killings done in the name of God as a directive of any mainstream Christian organization. I already have five for the last three for ya out of thousands done by Muslems. You can't, you won't, because you know I'm right.
I already did. Read the thread.
They knew about the islamic threat and the attacks on the Kobar Towers, the Cole, the First world Trade center........and they knew about bin laden........and he ignored it....having bribes to accept....
More partisan bullshit. The "Islamic threat" was reported by the intelligence professionals as vague, and non-actionable. That is the fact you simply cannot get around, when you try to lay Bush's Twin Tower bombings at the feet of Clinton. Hell, you're even lumping in organizations that had nothing to do with 9/11 into the mix to try and make it sound worse than it was. You're no better than Bush, and Cheney, trying to tie Hussein to Bin Laden in the minds of Americans to justify their War of Choice against Iraq.

By the way, why wasn't Bush more aggressive, and vigilant with terrorists? He had 13 different terrorist attacks under his 8 years compared to Clinton's 6. Anyway you look at it Cowboy Dubya was a clusterfuck of a President.
All career politicians, you can not expect a career politician to protect the American people… not in their nature

What are you, a baby? You need protection?

There has never been a safer time to be an American. Ever.

Yes....exactly...thanks for acknowledging that normal, law abiding people carrying guns does not make a society less safe....

Since the 1990s more Americans now own and actually carry guns...the quick look shows that 4.7 million Americans in 2007 carried guns...up from about 2 million in the 1990s......and right now 13 million Americans carry guns for self defense....

And our violent crime rate did not increase......our gun murder rate did not increase......in fact...both went down, not up....

So thank you for supporting the NRA and their position on Concealed carry...who knew you were a member?

You are talking guns again today? How unusual!

And of course...with that lame post you confirm i was right......normal, law abiding people carrying guns for self defense does not increase the gun murder rate, the violent crime rate or crime in general........and more Americans are now carrying guns for self defense than ever before.....2 million in the 90s, 4.7 million in 2007 and now 13 million in 2016....and the violent crime a rate and the gun murder rate actually went down.....

Thanks for your support of the NRA position on concealed carry........
More partisan bullshit. The "Islamic threat" was reported by the intelligence professionals as vague, and non-actionable. That is the fact you simply cannot get around, when you try to lay Bush's Twin Tower bombings at the feet of Clinton. Hell, you're even lumping in organizations that had nothing to do with 9/11 into the mix to try and make it sound worse than it was. You're no better than Bush, and Cheney, trying to tie Hussein to Bin Laden in the minds of Americans to justify their War of Choice against Iraq.

By the way, why wasn't Bush more aggressive, and vigilant with terrorists? He had 13 different terrorist attacks under his 8 years compared to Clinton's 6. Anyway you look at it Cowboy Dubya was a clusterfuck of a President.
All career politicians, you can not expect a career politician to protect the American people… not in their nature

What are you, a baby? You need protection?

There has never been a safer time to be an American. Ever.
Never said that, just the fact that it's not in their nature to protect US population. Just the facts baby

Bullshit. They all have that as a primary concern. And I'm happy to not look to a single person for my safety. That's weird and smacks of authoritarianism. No thanks.
If I have to look to a career politician for my safety, I'm already dead…

You don't. It is called the American military. Idiot.

And..I will put words in your mouth. You think Trump is the way to be safe. That's you begging for a despot. Plain and simple.
All career politicians, you can not expect a career politician to protect the American people… not in their nature

What are you, a baby? You need protection?

There has never been a safer time to be an American. Ever.
Never said that, just the fact that it's not in their nature to protect US population. Just the facts baby

Bullshit. They all have that as a primary concern. And I'm happy to not look to a single person for my safety. That's weird and smacks of authoritarianism. No thanks.
If I have to look to a career politician for my safety, I'm already dead…

You don't. It is called the American military. Idiot.

And..I will put words in your mouth. You think Trump is the way to be safe. That's you begging for a despot. Plain and simple.

You are voting for one simply because she is a democrat......
All career politicians, you can not expect a career politician to protect the American people… not in their nature

What are you, a baby? You need protection?

There has never been a safer time to be an American. Ever.
Never said that, just the fact that it's not in their nature to protect US population. Just the facts baby

Bullshit. They all have that as a primary concern. And I'm happy to not look to a single person for my safety. That's weird and smacks of authoritarianism. No thanks.
If I have to look to a career politician for my safety, I'm already dead…

You don't. It is called the American military. Idiot.

And..I will put words in your mouth. You think Trump is the way to be safe. That's you begging for a despot. Plain and simple.
The American military and career politicians have two different goals. dumb fuck
What are you, a baby? You need protection?

There has never been a safer time to be an American. Ever.
Never said that, just the fact that it's not in their nature to protect US population. Just the facts baby

Bullshit. They all have that as a primary concern. And I'm happy to not look to a single person for my safety. That's weird and smacks of authoritarianism. No thanks.
If I have to look to a career politician for my safety, I'm already dead…

You don't. It is called the American military. Idiot.

And..I will put words in your mouth. You think Trump is the way to be safe. That's you begging for a despot. Plain and simple.

You are voting for one simply because she is a democrat......

You are crazed.

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