Florida Pulse gay club attacked

A horrible day for Orlando, gay pride and U.S. history

One year after celebrating the most joyous pride month in U.S. history with the Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage in this country, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and the nation as a whole are now in mourning. As of this writing, at least 50 people are dead and 53 were injured when a madman unleashed hell inside a gay nightclub in the wee hours of Sunday, June 12.

Is it really useful and appropriate to vilify Muslims when we really don't know what motivated this insanity.....and even if it was some bastardized interpretation of Islam, this does not represent Islam. Instead we should be thinking about the lives lost and the fact that he was able to acquire those weapons legally even though he was known to the FBI . Lets just cut the crap right now!

What happened in Orlando is a tragedy for Orlando, for Florida and for the nation. It will reignite the gun debate, for sure. Yet, it is a devastating blow to the LGBT community in America. Whether or not it turns out that the massacre at Pulse was solely motivated by anti-LGBT animus, gay people around the country will feel especially vulnerable during this Pride Month. One thing is clear, with the shocking toll killers with guns are racking up, we all must take care.

World wide name 5 killings done in the name of God as a directive of any mainstream Christian organization. I already have five for the last three for ya out of thousands done by Muslems. You can't, you won't, because you know I'm right.
I already did. Read the thread.

I did, but have yet to see the Pope or Billy Graham direct their flocks to kill gay people over Christmas, or for that matter, I have yet to find a mainstream Rabbi direct good, pious Jews to do that either. See, you posted up two weirdos saying they did what they did in God's name, fine, but they were nut jobs. This guy and every Muslim doing all the killing has done so as a directive of their imams and their Koran not because they were moonbats . You are still wrong.
Thats because you lack the knowledge. The Pope for example is the one that started european imperialism in the name of god.

I didn't know that Alexander the Great was a Pope.

Was Alexander even a Christian.
A horrible day for Orlando, gay pride and U.S. history

One year after celebrating the most joyous pride month in U.S. history with the Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage in this country, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and the nation as a whole are now in mourning. As of this writing, at least 50 people are dead and 53 were injured when a madman unleashed hell inside a gay nightclub in the wee hours of Sunday, June 12.

Is it really useful and appropriate to vilify Muslims when we really don't know what motivated this insanity.....and even if it was some bastardized interpretation of Islam, this does not represent Islam. Instead we should be thinking about the lives lost and the fact that he was able to acquire those weapons legally even though he was known to the FBI . Lets just cut the crap right now!

What happened in Orlando is a tragedy for Orlando, for Florida and for the nation. It will reignite the gun debate, for sure. Yet, it is a devastating blow to the LGBT community in America. Whether or not it turns out that the massacre at Pulse was solely motivated by anti-LGBT animus, gay people around the country will feel especially vulnerable during this Pride Month. One thing is clear, with the shocking toll killers with guns are racking up, we all must take care.

Oh, we know what motivates this insanity: Islamic Jihad to destroy the Infidel.

Islam isn't a religion. It's a totalitarian political ideology which is at war with everyone else.
A horrible day for Orlando, gay pride and U.S. history

One year after celebrating the most joyous pride month in U.S. history with the Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage in this country, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and the nation as a whole are now in mourning. As of this writing, at least 50 people are dead and 53 were injured when a madman unleashed hell inside a gay nightclub in the wee hours of Sunday, June 12.

Is it really useful and appropriate to vilify Muslims when we really don't know what motivated this insanity.....and even if it was some bastardized interpretation of Islam, this does not represent Islam. Instead we should be thinking about the lives lost and the fact that he was able to acquire those weapons legally even though he was known to the FBI . Lets just cut the crap right now!

What happened in Orlando is a tragedy for Orlando, for Florida and for the nation. It will reignite the gun debate, for sure. Yet, it is a devastating blow to the LGBT community in America. Whether or not it turns out that the massacre at Pulse was solely motivated by anti-LGBT animus, gay people around the country will feel especially vulnerable during this Pride Month. One thing is clear, with the shocking toll killers with guns are racking up, we all must take care.
No. This is about gun grabbing for the left. Pure and simple.
You're welcome, now GTFO.
Name one law that would stop these mass shootings? Be specific on how…
I'd outlaw bullets. There's no constitutional protection for bullets, only arms.

They are part of a firearm, just as radio waves, paper and so on are part of free speech… Dumbass
You don't have free speech, you can't yell FIRE! in a crowded room. You can't say on CNN that you want to kill Obama...
Just like the 2nd Amendment isn't absolute, and bullets are not mentioned. Tough luck Charlie, go back to your school of tuna.
We do have free speech. However, like all rights it's limited to not intruding on someone else's right. Causing a stampede in a movie theater certainly could trample their right to live.

This sort of event highlights the difference between the left and right. The right sees the bronze age ideology as a threat, badly in need of a reformation or grave site, their call.

The liberal blames access to guns, yet the problem exist in Europe with very tight gun controls and the problem is getting worse since they have been lax about Muslims pouring in. The good liberal ignores all that and thinks doing the same thing here will work.
The countries with the strictest gun laws have the lowest amount of gun deaths. Nothing will ever be at zero, but that won't stop you from using a bogus comparison.
A horrible day for Orlando, gay pride and U.S. history

One year after celebrating the most joyous pride month in U.S. history with the Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage in this country, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and the nation as a whole are now in mourning. As of this writing, at least 50 people are dead and 53 were injured when a madman unleashed hell inside a gay nightclub in the wee hours of Sunday, June 12.

Is it really useful and appropriate to vilify Muslims when we really don't know what motivated this insanity.....and even if it was some bastardized interpretation of Islam, this does not represent Islam. Instead we should be thinking about the lives lost and the fact that he was able to acquire those weapons legally even though he was known to the FBI . Lets just cut the crap right now!

What happened in Orlando is a tragedy for Orlando, for Florida and for the nation. It will reignite the gun debate, for sure. Yet, it is a devastating blow to the LGBT community in America. Whether or not it turns out that the massacre at Pulse was solely motivated by anti-LGBT animus, gay people around the country will feel especially vulnerable during this Pride Month. One thing is clear, with the shocking toll killers with guns are racking up, we all must take care.

We know what motivated the shooting. The shooter said as much while he was doing the shooting.
They are part of a firearm, just as radio waves, paper and so on are part of free speech… Dumbass
You don't have free speech, you can't yell FIRE! in a crowded room. You can't say on CNN that you want to kill Obama...
Just like the 2nd Amendment isn't absolute, and bullets are not mentioned. Tough luck Charlie, go back to your school of tuna.

Shall not be infringed covers bullets. Idjit.
And I have a right to make my own ammo...
Sure, make your own bullets. But seriously, how many people in the US who own guns or are gang bangers that can make their own bullets that won't blow up in their face? About 6?
This what I have in the back of my shop... Nice try dumb fuck
They are part of a firearm, just as radio waves, paper and so on are part of free speech… Dumbass
You don't have free speech, you can't yell FIRE! in a crowded room. You can't say on CNN that you want to kill Obama...
Just like the 2nd Amendment isn't absolute, and bullets are not mentioned. Tough luck Charlie, go back to your school of tuna.

Shall not be infringed covers bullets. Idjit.
And I have a right to make my own ammo...
Sure, make your own bullets. But seriously, how many people in the US who own guns or are gang bangers that can make their own bullets that won't blow up in their face? About 6?
This what I have in the back of my shop... Nice try dumb fuck

So that's one person. Only 5 left. :D
I'd outlaw bullets. There's no constitutional protection for bullets, only arms.

They are part of a firearm, just as radio waves, paper and so on are part of free speech… Dumbass
You don't have free speech, you can't yell FIRE! in a crowded room. You can't say on CNN that you want to kill Obama...
Just like the 2nd Amendment isn't absolute, and bullets are not mentioned. Tough luck Charlie, go back to your school of tuna.
We do have free speech. However, like all rights it's limited to not intruding on someone else's right. Causing a stampede in a movie theater certainly could trample their right to live.

This sort of event highlights the difference between the left and right. The right sees the bronze age ideology as a threat, badly in need of a reformation or grave site, their call.

The liberal blames access to guns, yet the problem exist in Europe with very tight gun controls and the problem is getting worse since they have been lax about Muslims pouring in. The good liberal ignores all that and thinks doing the same thing here will work.
The countries with the strictest gun laws have the lowest amount of gun deaths. Nothing will ever be at zero, but that won't stop you from using a bogus comparison.

Utter Nonsense. It's not guns or gun control laws that affect behavior, it's the culture. Venezuela, for example, has very extreme gun control laws. How's that working out for them?

Firearms Related Death Rates:


Here's What Happened When Venezuela Imposed Gun Control Laws | Zero Hedge

Do Stricter Gun Laws Reduce Gun Violence in Latin America?
Last edited:

World wide name 5 killings done in the name of God as a directive of any mainstream Christian organization. I already have five for the last three for ya out of thousands done by Muslems. You can't, you won't, because you know I'm right.
I already did. Read the thread.

I did, but have yet to see the Pope or Billy Graham direct their flocks to kill gay people over Christmas, or for that matter, I have yet to find a mainstream Rabbi direct good, pious Jews to do that either. See, you posted up two weirdos saying they did what they did in God's name, fine, but they were nut jobs. This guy and every Muslim doing all the killing has done so as a directive of their imams and their Koran not because they were moonbats . You are still wrong.
Thats because you lack the knowledge. The Pope for example is the one that started european imperialism in the name of god.

I didn't know that Alexander the Great was a Pope.
He wasnt. The pope was the pope.

A Letter to Pope Francis: Abolish the Papal Bull Behind Colonization!

“We weighing all and singular the premises with due meditation, and noting that since we had formerly by other letters of ours granted among other things free and ample faculty to the aforesaid King Alfonso -- to invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ wheresoever placed, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities, dominions, possessions, and all movable and immovable goods whatsoever held and possessed by them and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate to himself and his successors the kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, principalities, dominions, possessions, and goods, and to convert them to his and their use and profit -- by having secured the said faculty, the said King Alfonso, or, by his authority, the aforesaid infante, justly and lawfully has acquired and possessed, and doth possess, these islands, lands, harbors, and seas, and they do of right belong and pertain to the said King Alfonso and his successors”.
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You don't have free speech, you can't yell FIRE! in a crowded room. You can't say on CNN that you want to kill Obama...
Just like the 2nd Amendment isn't absolute, and bullets are not mentioned. Tough luck Charlie, go back to your school of tuna.

Shall not be infringed covers bullets. Idjit.
And I have a right to make my own ammo...
Sure, make your own bullets. But seriously, how many people in the US who own guns or are gang bangers that can make their own bullets that won't blow up in their face? About 6?
This what I have in the back of my shop... Nice try dumb fuck

So that's one person. Only 5 left. :D

Just look on YouTube, thousands just like me… LOL
I'd outlaw bullets. There's no constitutional protection for bullets, only arms.

They are part of a firearm, just as radio waves, paper and so on are part of free speech… Dumbass
You don't have free speech, you can't yell FIRE! in a crowded room. You can't say on CNN that you want to kill Obama...
Just like the 2nd Amendment isn't absolute, and bullets are not mentioned. Tough luck Charlie, go back to your school of tuna.
We do have free speech. However, like all rights it's limited to not intruding on someone else's right. Causing a stampede in a movie theater certainly could trample their right to live.

This sort of event highlights the difference between the left and right. The right sees the bronze age ideology as a threat, badly in need of a reformation or grave site, their call.

The liberal blames access to guns, yet the problem exist in Europe with very tight gun controls and the problem is getting worse since they have been lax about Muslims pouring in. The good liberal ignores all that and thinks doing the same thing here will work.
The countries with the strictest gun laws have the lowest amount of gun deaths. Nothing will ever be at zero, but that won't stop you from using a bogus comparison.

Naturally they do but they don't have the lowest violent crimes. If they had guns, their violent crime rate would drop. Just like our has.
World wide name 5 killings done in the name of God as a directive of any mainstream Christian organization. I already have five for the last three for ya out of thousands done by Muslems. You can't, you won't, because you know I'm right.
I already did. Read the thread.

I did, but have yet to see the Pope or Billy Graham direct their flocks to kill gay people over Christmas, or for that matter, I have yet to find a mainstream Rabbi direct good, pious Jews to do that either. See, you posted up two weirdos saying they did what they did in God's name, fine, but they were nut jobs. This guy and every Muslim doing all the killing has done so as a directive of their imams and their Koran not because they were moonbats . You are still wrong.
Thats because you lack the knowledge. The Pope for example is the one that started european imperialism in the name of god.

I didn't know that Alexander the Great was a Pope.
He wasnt. The pope was the pope.

Untitled Document

“We weighing all and singular the premises with due meditation, and noting that since we had formerly by other letters of ours granted among other things free and ample faculty to the aforesaid King Alfonso -- to invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ wheresoever placed, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities, dominions, possessions, and all movable and immovable goods whatsoever held and possessed by them and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate to himself and his successors the kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, principalities, dominions, possessions, and goods, and to convert them to his and their use and profit -- by having secured the said faculty, the said King Alfonso, or, by his authority, the aforesaid infante, justly and lawfully has acquired and possessed, and doth possess, these islands, lands, harbors, and seas, and they do of right belong and pertain to the said King Alfonso and his successors”.

Alexander the Great started European imperialism.
A lot of people end up on the watch list who are completely innocent.

then there should be a review of the watch list for accuracy.

Agree Joe but........ But the FBI cannot even stop this bastards from buying a guns at gun shows.

Yes they can, there are background checks at gun shows.

There has never been a terrorist attack or even a mass shooting done by anyone who purchased a gun at a gun show. I'd be willing to bet that this Islamic terrorist did not purchase his gun at a gun show.
I'd outlaw bullets. There's no constitutional protection for bullets, only arms.

They are part of a firearm, just as radio waves, paper and so on are part of free speech… Dumbass
You don't have free speech, you can't yell FIRE! in a crowded room. You can't say on CNN that you want to kill Obama...
Just like the 2nd Amendment isn't absolute, and bullets are not mentioned. Tough luck Charlie, go back to your school of tuna.
We do have free speech. However, like all rights it's limited to not intruding on someone else's right. Causing a stampede in a movie theater certainly could trample their right to live.

This sort of event highlights the difference between the left and right. The right sees the bronze age ideology as a threat, badly in need of a reformation or grave site, their call.

The liberal blames access to guns, yet the problem exist in Europe with very tight gun controls and the problem is getting worse since they have been lax about Muslims pouring in. The good liberal ignores all that and thinks doing the same thing here will work.
The countries with the strictest gun laws have the lowest amount of gun deaths. Nothing will ever be at zero, but that won't stop you from using a bogus comparison.
It isn't bogus to normal people. This is a relatively new threat for them and their guns laws don't stop it. Switzerland is armed to the teeth, I wonder why they aren't having the same trouble?
I already did. Read the thread.

I did, but have yet to see the Pope or Billy Graham direct their flocks to kill gay people over Christmas, or for that matter, I have yet to find a mainstream Rabbi direct good, pious Jews to do that either. See, you posted up two weirdos saying they did what they did in God's name, fine, but they were nut jobs. This guy and every Muslim doing all the killing has done so as a directive of their imams and their Koran not because they were moonbats . You are still wrong.
Thats because you lack the knowledge. The Pope for example is the one that started european imperialism in the name of god.

I didn't know that Alexander the Great was a Pope.
He wasnt. The pope was the pope.

Untitled Document

“We weighing all and singular the premises with due meditation, and noting that since we had formerly by other letters of ours granted among other things free and ample faculty to the aforesaid King Alfonso -- to invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ wheresoever placed, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities, dominions, possessions, and all movable and immovable goods whatsoever held and possessed by them and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate to himself and his successors the kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, principalities, dominions, possessions, and goods, and to convert them to his and their use and profit -- by having secured the said faculty, the said King Alfonso, or, by his authority, the aforesaid infante, justly and lawfully has acquired and possessed, and doth possess, these islands, lands, harbors, and seas, and they do of right belong and pertain to the said King Alfonso and his successors”.

Alexander the Great started European imperialism.

Nope. Alexander the great died long before the dark ages of europe and the subsequent order by the pope to go forth, steal land, and enslave in the name of god.
You don't have free speech, you can't yell FIRE! in a crowded room. You can't say on CNN that you want to kill Obama...
Just like the 2nd Amendment isn't absolute, and bullets are not mentioned. Tough luck Charlie, go back to your school of tuna.

Shall not be infringed covers bullets. Idjit.
And I have a right to make my own ammo...
Sure, make your own bullets. But seriously, how many people in the US who own guns or are gang bangers that can make their own bullets that won't blow up in their face? About 6?
This what I have in the back of my shop... Nice try dumb fuck

So that's one person. Only 5 left. :D

Amazon.com: dillon super 1050
No big deal here. How could one would feel if 50 prisoners were killed in their prison? Something like that happened in Orlando.
However, they are people too. Maybe God will forgive them if they wanted to be forgiven.

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