Florida Pulse gay club attacked

What are you, a baby? You need protection?

There has never been a safer time to be an American. Ever.
Never said that, just the fact that it's not in their nature to protect US population. Just the facts baby

Bullshit. They all have that as a primary concern. And I'm happy to not look to a single person for my safety. That's weird and smacks of authoritarianism. No thanks.
If I have to look to a career politician for my safety, I'm already dead…

You don't. It is called the American military. Idiot.

And..I will put words in your mouth. You think Trump is the way to be safe. That's you begging for a despot. Plain and simple.
The American military and career politicians have two different goals. dumb fuck

Not when it comes to national security, idiot.
Never said that, just the fact that it's not in their nature to protect US population. Just the facts baby

Bullshit. They all have that as a primary concern. And I'm happy to not look to a single person for my safety. That's weird and smacks of authoritarianism. No thanks.
If I have to look to a career politician for my safety, I'm already dead…

You don't. It is called the American military. Idiot.

And..I will put words in your mouth. You think Trump is the way to be safe. That's you begging for a despot. Plain and simple.

You are voting for one simply because she is a democrat......

You are crazed.

And with that non response...thank you for acknowledging...

.normal, law abiding people carrying guns for self defense does not increase the gun murder rate, the violent crime rate or crime in general........and more Americans are now carrying guns for self defense than ever before.....2 million in the 90s, 4.7 million in 2007 and now 13 million in 2016....and the violent crime a rate and the gun murder rate actually went down.....

Thanks for your support of the NRA position on concealed carry........
No...Christians are not doing these things...nothing in Christianity allows followers to commit murder...murder is part of Islamic doctrine....

You can't call yourself a vegan then go and eat a steak......if you eat the steak you are not a vegan....
Both those guys declared themselves christian. You may be uncomfortable with that fact but it doesnt change reality.

Declared or not, Muslims, self proclaimed or not are Killing more people then Christians are in the name of Gawd. For all the hate directed at Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, or any of the other big TV Christian guys you have yet to see any of them alive or dead directing Christians to go kill apostates during Christmas, Hannuka, or Easter. This Is the case with the religion of peace. These Muslems are directed to kill and they are. When they get sick of killing us in the name of their god they will go back to Killing and raping each other in the name of Allah. It's a fact.
OK guy. :itsok:

World wide name 5 killings done in the name of God as a directive of any mainstream Christian organization. I already have five for the last three for ya out of thousands done by Muslems. You can't, you won't, because you know I'm right.
I already did. Read the thread.

I did, but have yet to see the Pope or Billy Graham direct their flocks to kill gay people over Christmas, or for that matter, I have yet to find a mainstream Rabbi direct good, pious Jews to do that either. See, you posted up two weirdos saying they did what they did in God's name, fine, but they were nut jobs. This guy and every Muslim doing all the killing has done so as a directive of their imams and their Koran not because they were moonbats . You are still wrong.
Never said that, just the fact that it's not in their nature to protect US population. Just the facts baby

Bullshit. They all have that as a primary concern. And I'm happy to not look to a single person for my safety. That's weird and smacks of authoritarianism. No thanks.
If I have to look to a career politician for my safety, I'm already dead…

You don't. It is called the American military. Idiot.

And..I will put words in your mouth. You think Trump is the way to be safe. That's you begging for a despot. Plain and simple.
The American military and career politicians have two different goals. dumb fuck

Not when it comes to national security, idiot.
I don't think anyone's going buy that...
Both those guys declared themselves christian. You may be uncomfortable with that fact but it doesnt change reality.

Declared or not, Muslims, self proclaimed or not are Killing more people then Christians are in the name of Gawd. For all the hate directed at Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, or any of the other big TV Christian guys you have yet to see any of them alive or dead directing Christians to go kill apostates during Christmas, Hannuka, or Easter. This Is the case with the religion of peace. These Muslems are directed to kill and they are. When they get sick of killing us in the name of their god they will go back to Killing and raping each other in the name of Allah. It's a fact.
OK guy. :itsok:

World wide name 5 killings done in the name of God as a directive of any mainstream Christian organization. I already have five for the last three for ya out of thousands done by Muslems. You can't, you won't, because you know I'm right.
I already did. Read the thread.

I did, but have yet to see the Pope or Billy Graham direct their flocks to kill gay people over Christmas, or for that matter, I have yet to find a mainstream Rabbi direct good, pious Jews to do that either. See, you posted up two weirdos saying they did what they did in God's name, fine, but they were nut jobs. This guy and every Muslim doing all the killing has done so as a directive of their imams and their Koran not because they were moonbats . You are still wrong.
Thats because you lack the knowledge. The Pope for example is the one that started european imperialism in the name of god.
Never said that, just the fact that it's not in their nature to protect US population. Just the facts baby

Bullshit. They all have that as a primary concern. And I'm happy to not look to a single person for my safety. That's weird and smacks of authoritarianism. No thanks.
If I have to look to a career politician for my safety, I'm already dead…

You don't. It is called the American military. Idiot.

And..I will put words in your mouth. You think Trump is the way to be safe. That's you begging for a despot. Plain and simple.

You are voting for one simply because she is a democrat......

You are crazed.

Lone...may I call you Lone.....can I use your posts when I start threads discussing concealed carry......your accurate and fact filled view that concealed carry does not increase gun murder or violent crime would be helpful in convincing other anti-gun nut jobs that they are wrong....
Declared or not, Muslims, self proclaimed or not are Killing more people then Christians are in the name of Gawd. For all the hate directed at Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, or any of the other big TV Christian guys you have yet to see any of them alive or dead directing Christians to go kill apostates during Christmas, Hannuka, or Easter. This Is the case with the religion of peace. These Muslems are directed to kill and they are. When they get sick of killing us in the name of their god they will go back to Killing and raping each other in the name of Allah. It's a fact.
OK guy. :itsok:

World wide name 5 killings done in the name of God as a directive of any mainstream Christian organization. I already have five for the last three for ya out of thousands done by Muslems. You can't, you won't, because you know I'm right.
I already did. Read the thread.

I did, but have yet to see the Pope or Billy Graham direct their flocks to kill gay people over Christmas, or for that matter, I have yet to find a mainstream Rabbi direct good, pious Jews to do that either. See, you posted up two weirdos saying they did what they did in God's name, fine, but they were nut jobs. This guy and every Muslim doing all the killing has done so as a directive of their imams and their Koran not because they were moonbats . You are still wrong.
Thats because you lack the knowledge. The Pope for example is the one that started european imperialism in the name of god.

I didn't know that Alexander the Great was a Pope.
Just heard on TV that the gunman's father said Mateen saw two gay people kissing and carrying on in front of his family and was angry which is why he may have targeted the gay community, so at least that might be a motive along with possible terrorist ties.
His father is a lying muslim pig. He targeted fags because muslims hate fags. Not because Americans hate them.
BBC just reported there was a controlled explosion and the gunman is dead.
The MO of an Islamic terrorist. For the gays and liberals in this thread, just replace "Islamic" with Christian or conservative.
Bullshit. They all have that as a primary concern. And I'm happy to not look to a single person for my safety. That's weird and smacks of authoritarianism. No thanks.
If I have to look to a career politician for my safety, I'm already dead…

You don't. It is called the American military. Idiot.

And..I will put words in your mouth. You think Trump is the way to be safe. That's you begging for a despot. Plain and simple.

You are voting for one simply because she is a democrat......

You are crazed.

Lone...may I call you Lone.....can I use your posts when I start threads discussing concealed carry......your accurate and fact filled view that concealed carry does not increase gun murder or violent crime would be helpful in convincing other anti-gun nut jobs that they are wrong....

I think you should ask yourself why....after years of full time effort.....you have yet to convince a single person to buy what you are selling. Maybe you need a new hobby.
Watching Obozo's press conference - "we still don't know the exact motive of the shooter."

The man is inept and totally unfit for his position.

This just show what kind of racist asshole like you.........
The investigation is on going. why would he reveal or have any information at this point?

How is that racist?

You see a black man...we see a left wing, anti American asshole...and we will see another left wing, anti American if Hilary is elected...

Guy you know better than that..... The name of the president is Obama......... NOT Obozo. Start with that.
Watching Obozo's press conference - "we still don't know the exact motive of the shooter."

The man is inept and totally unfit for his position.

This just show what kind of racist asshole like you.........
The investigation is on going. why would he reveal or have any information at this point?

How is that racist?

You see a black man...we see a left wing, anti American asshole...and we will see another left wing, anti American if Hilary is elected...

Guy you know better than that..... The name of the president is Obama......... NOT Obozo. Start with that.
Declared or not, Muslims, self proclaimed or not are Killing more people then Christians are in the name of Gawd. For all the hate directed at Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, or any of the other big TV Christian guys you have yet to see any of them alive or dead directing Christians to go kill apostates during Christmas, Hannuka, or Easter. This Is the case with the religion of peace. These Muslems are directed to kill and they are. When they get sick of killing us in the name of their god they will go back to Killing and raping each other in the name of Allah. It's a fact.
OK guy. :itsok:

World wide name 5 killings done in the name of God as a directive of any mainstream Christian organization. I already have five for the last three for ya out of thousands done by Muslems. You can't, you won't, because you know I'm right.
I already did. Read the thread.

I did, but have yet to see the Pope or Billy Graham direct their flocks to kill gay people over Christmas, or for that matter, I have yet to find a mainstream Rabbi direct good, pious Jews to do that either. See, you posted up two weirdos saying they did what they did in God's name, fine, but they were nut jobs. This guy and every Muslim doing all the killing has done so as a directive of their imams and their Koran not because they were moonbats . You are still wrong.
Thats because you lack the knowledge. The Pope for example is the one that started european imperialism in the name of god.

The deal was in the last two months, not 1,000 years but if that's the best you can do then I'm still right.
Omar was born in New York. Parents are from Afghanistan.

He was a practicing muslim and a registered democrat. Did obozo mention either of those facts in his anti-gun rant?

The 2nd amendment is not the problem in this country.

The problems:
1. Radical muslim terrorists
2. liberalism
3. corrupt federal government
4. lying politicians
5. Stupid trade policies
6. stupid welfare policies
7. open borders'
8. drug traffic
9. an ignorant populace, thank the teachers union
10. did I mention liberalism?

Name of the president is Obama...... NOT Obozo.
Your hatred and racism tells a lot about your credibility. Try again.
The killer carried an assault rifle and a pistol, making it as easy as shooting fish in a barrel and accumulate huge numbers of murdered victims.

Maybe one should ask - WHY does a person need an assault rifle? WHY should he have been able to get it? Same thing with the San Diego shooters - they had an arsonal and bullet proof armor. We need to look at extremist ideology yes, but we also need to look at the factors that help to create such a huge death toll.
Muslims targets are alway unarmed innocents. They target nightclubs, schools, hospitals, and bus stops. Your friends do this. Ask yourself why you defend them.
Watching Obozo's press conference - "we still don't know the exact motive of the shooter."

The man is inept and totally unfit for his position.

This just show what kind of racist asshole like you.........
The investigation is on going. why would he reveal or have any information at this point?

How is that racist?

You see a black man...we see a left wing, anti American asshole...and we will see another left wing, anti American if Hilary is elected...

Guy you know better than that..... The name of the president is Obama......... NOT Obozo. Start with that.

Ahem. The proper was to say it is Obabble.
Omar was born in New York. Parents are from Afghanistan.

He was a practicing muslim and a registered democrat. Did obozo mention either of those facts in his anti-gun rant?

The 2nd amendment is not the problem in this country.

The problems:
1. Radical muslim terrorists
2. liberalism
3. corrupt federal government
4. lying politicians
5. Stupid trade policies
6. stupid welfare policies
7. open borders'
8. drug traffic
9. an ignorant populace, thank the teachers union
10. did I mention liberalism?

Name of the president is Obama...... NOT Obozo.
Your hatred and racism tells a lot about your credibility. Try again.

he is an incompetent clown, so obozo fits. Sorry
I'd outlaw bullets. There's no constitutional protection for bullets, only arms.

They are part of a firearm, just as radio waves, paper and so on are part of free speech… Dumbass
You don't have free speech, you can't yell FIRE! in a crowded room. You can't say on CNN that you want to kill Obama...
Just like the 2nd Amendment isn't absolute, and bullets are not mentioned. Tough luck Charlie, go back to your school of tuna.

Shall not be infringed covers bullets. Idjit.
And I have a right to make my own ammo...
Sure, make your own bullets. But seriously, how many people in the US who own guns or are gang bangers that can make their own bullets that won't blow up in their face? About 6?
Omar was born in New York. Parents are from Afghanistan.

He was a practicing muslim and a registered democrat. Did obozo mention either of those facts in his anti-gun rant?

The 2nd amendment is not the problem in this country.

The problems:
1. Radical muslim terrorists
2. liberalism
3. corrupt federal government
4. lying politicians
5. Stupid trade policies
6. stupid welfare policies
7. open borders'
8. drug traffic
9. an ignorant populace, thank the teachers union
10. did I mention liberalism?

Name of the president is Obama...... NOT Obozo.
Your hatred and racism tells a lot about your credibility. Try again.

the real bozo the clown was a white guy, so how is that racist?

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