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Florida Republicans to gun hating doctors mind your own business

Wrong as usual Joe. The point being that it's unions that created the mess we have today because of job losses and inflation. What kind of idiot would go to college for that long of time, put themselves in debt for many years to come, and only to make about as much money as UPS driver, a UAW worker, A steel worker?

I'm not sure why anyone puts themselves into that kind of debt to get a job filling pill bottles. A lot of people put themselves into a shitload of debt for jobs that pay 30K. My profession you can't get an entry level jobs without a college degree anymore.

On the other hand, UPS Drivers and Steel Workers are physically very demanding jobs. My dad was a union sheet metal worker who brought in a pretty good salary. He also worked in daily contact with asbestos, which is why he died at 56.

The amazing thing is you don't begrudge the wealthy who are treating working people like this, you begrudge the working people who've managed to hold on to modest wages by organizing. Fucking amazing. Again, you're like a battered wife who is horrified someone called the cops on your husband.

You on the left always complain about those terrible CEO"s. Well....... if they are doing so well and you're not, why don't you become a CEO? The reason is you can't. There are plenty of CEO's that don't make the big-bucks. Only the best do.

No, guy, only really horrible people do. And then they publish magazines like Fortune and Forbes telling us how awesome they are.

You see, I could cite a dozen examples where doing the right thing was more important to me than advancing myself. For instance, the company I currently work for tried to recruit me a year and a half earlier for a lot more money. But I didn't quit my previous job then because we had a person out on bereavement leave and walking away then would have been disasterous for that department.

So, yes, I pride myself on not being a horrible person.

And you on the left never complain about what other professionals make such as entertainment or sports. If some actress makes 10 million to do one stupid film, you and your family pay to go to the movie theater and see it, or otherwise through Netfix or something. They don't have near the education that a CEO has, they don't have nearly as much pressure.

I think athletes and actors are overpaid. But at least the mendacity is pretty much up front. I should also point out that if the movie turns out to be a bomb, that's usually a career ender.

Now, to continue on, the thing is, yes, SOME Athletes are making eight figures. But other athletes are making good money because major league sports are UNIONIZED and the guy who isn't the top MVP but are just doing their part for the team. IN movies, yes, the Stars make good money... but the bit actors are unionized, the grips are unionized, the writers are unionized, and so on. And those grips and writers will keep on working even after the star goes on to the "Where are they now" segment on E!

So the best examples you could come up with for Not Horrible People making obscene amounts of money are industries where the money is actually fairly shared.
Who cares if they do? Well the American consumer for one. The US economy for another. After all, if an American shopper today can walk out of Walmart with seven items for $100.00, but after a tariff, walks out with only four items, that is a hit on our economy.

again, this is the lie the Free Traders tell, that if they had to pay an American a decent wage, we couldn't afford anything. Oddly, the economy can never do without their 8 figure CEO Salaries, but we simply just can't pay the people who DO the work a fair wage to do it.

It is, of course, bullshit.

Today, you can buy an 80" big screen for about $3,000 because it's foreign made. Up that price to $5,000 because it's American made or foreign made with a tariff, you will have many less people buying that television set.

I'm going to call shennanigans on this, because the favored right wing talking point is to replace the income tax with a national sales tax. So you guys aren't against raising consumer prices if it means giving yet another break to rich people at the expense of working people.

Again- Conservatism is like Battered wife Syndrome.

Doing a search, I learned that KFC's were closing down all over the country--not just where I lived. Customers were going to cheaper chicken places like Popeye's and Church's. While KFC maintained the quality of their chicken of years past, other places produced less expensive meals that didn't taste as good, but was cheaper.

Uh, guy, I still see more KFC's than Popeye (which tastes like shit) or Churches. So, uh, no.

She highlighted a section that stated a senior UPS driver made about 55K per year. A licensed pharmacist made about 60K a year. In anger, she asked me why anybody would be stupid enough to go what she had to go through to become a pharmacist when being a union UPS driver paid nearly the same?

She made a good point, and that's why pharmacists today make well into the six figures.

So Pharmicists today are making six figures because this girl was angry? Not following the specious logic here. Frankly, it strikes me a UPS Driver works a lot harder. He's lifting shit every day, he's having to meet a very tight schedule, he has to learn his route and know the people on his route, there's a shitload of record keeping.

I've worked in non-Union shops my whole life, been hiring and firing for decades and never, in any company I have worked for and seen the crap you claim. If you are going to lie, make it believable. You also talk about taking bids and going with the lowest, wtf? Seriously, the amount of the accepted bid isn't always the lowest as you seem to think, more BS.

IN my industry, the lowest bid usually wins, because service and quality are pretty much constants...

Somehow, If you really are a boss (which I doubt) I could probably talk to anyone unfortunate enough to work for you and get quite a different story.

And a visit to this thread would not be complete without a talk to the malignant narcissist...

Well you see I work less now and make more because I have a business I put most of my time in up front over the last 7 years.

So essentially, you are a self-employed and self-important guy who spends all day begging functionaries for purchase orders. Got it.

No I am not self employed

You are too dim to understand the difference

A self employed person has to get up and go to work everyday because they basically have a job and all their income depends on the work they can do themselves.

If I took today off hell if I took the whole month off I would still make money and in all likelihood I will make more than I did in the same time frame of the previous year.

A business is a system that makes money when the business owner isn't there.

I'm done for the day already. I did my work and now the day to day operation of the business is left to my asst mgr. She takes care of the staff who takes care of the clients who pay for their services

I'm going to go for a long walk with my dogs then I'm going to do some work around the house and I'll make more money doing that than you will all week

I don't beg vendors for business as I am a service provider above all else sales reps come to me to get me to buy my supplies from them.
It must be hard to be told what to do all day you being such an insecure control freak and all

I wouldn't know. If I had to be told what to do, I wouldn't be very good at my job. My job involves evaluating data and making good decisions.

Something Conservatives aren't capable of, mostly because they are Data-immune.

You know, like 33,000 gun deaths and denying we have a gun problem.
It must be hard to be told what to do all day you being such an insecure control freak and all

I wouldn't know. If I had to be told what to do, I wouldn't be very good at my job. My job involves evaluating data and making good decisions.

Something Conservatives aren't capable of, mostly because they are Data-immune.

You know, like 33,000 gun deaths and denying we have a gun problem.

Now that's funny you making good decisions

You play with someone else's money and they double check everything you do that is all you do yet you think you are important and actually have power

And If I couldn't analyze data and make decisions I wouldn't be in business and we wouldn't be adding a 2800 square foot addition this summer

But what would you now about that since you can barely keep a job never mind run a business
Now that's funny you making good decisions

You play with someone else's money and they double check everything you do that is all you do yet you think you are important and actually have power

And If I couldn't analyze data and make decisions I wouldn't be in business and we wouldn't be adding a 2800 square foot addition this summer

But what would you now about that since you can barely keep a job never mind run a business

Oh, look everyone, a person making a claim to success on the internet that no one can check.

Now that's funny you making good decisions

You play with someone else's money and they double check everything you do that is all you do yet you think you are important and actually have power

And If I couldn't analyze data and make decisions I wouldn't be in business and we wouldn't be adding a 2800 square foot addition this summer

But what would you now about that since you can barely keep a job never mind run a business

Oh, look everyone, a person making a claim to success on the internet that no one can check.


Tell you what you post your tax return first

But you better run off to work like a good little boy
Maybe today's the day you get your own stapler

You really have no clue, do you? I think I've figured out why you're so angry. You're stuck in the past and can't figure out how to catch up with the rest of the world.

NO, guy, I've got EXACTLY a clue. Hey, I mentioned how the company I just left if now going to fire about 100 people because the greedy douchebags who own it are moving their jobs to Mexico.

None of these people are in a union.

Most of them aren't white, and very few of them are male.

So the idea that working folks don't need protection from the 1% is just as silly now as it was 50 years ago.
So, in your opinion, it is better for a company to not lay off workers, go completely under and everyone lose their jobs? Like I said, you don't have a clue.
Seriously, you need to stop being afraid to leave the basement. There are no feral guns waiting to shoot you down.

Guy, there was a gun death not fifty feet from where I am sitting right now. No one is safe from your fetish.
Really? What gang did the gun belong to, the 6th Street Glocks or the 49th Street Colts? And, it is ironic for you of all people to talk about a fetish.
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So what protection do you speak of? Creating a law that no business is allowed to move from this country? And if so, how in the world can you enforce something like that?

Unions can't keep companies here in the US. In fact, they are responsible for many of them leaving.

I have a lot of great ideas.

FOr instance, 500% tarrifs on foreign made goods that could be made here.

I also have a really neat idea. We out the outsourcers.

Public Service Announcement.

"This is Bob...
This is the factory that Bob Closed down and moved all the jobs to China.
These are all the nice people Americans Bob put out of jobs.
This is where Bob Lives.
This is Bob's fat ugly wife.
This is where that bitch gets her hair done.
These are his douchebag kids
This is where the little douchebags go to school."

I'm sure since BOb is such a fine businessman, he can talk his way out of that one.
Hmmm, really high tariffs. Great idea. Let's condemn third world people to staying in abject poverty because we refuse to buy what they make. Liberal humanitarianism at its finest.

As for Bob, he won a huge judgement against the idiot who made the PSA. He then used that money to open a new factory in Guatemala, from which he made an extra million and for which Guatemala honored him as a great humanitarian. Messing with Bob never works.
This is the United States of America. If you're poor, it's because you want to be poor. It doesn't matter if we have two dozen rich people or 50 million. If you're too lazy to work or keep making bad decisions in life, you're going to be poor.

THe sad thing is, you probably think that's true, while you live in Cleveland, one of the truly miserable places in the country to live.

I remember when I was a kid how liberal I was until I grew up and learned some things. One of my first jobs was a medical company where we made deliveries to people's homes and apartments. The first ghetto dwelling my trainer took me to was a real shithole. Screaming kids running everywhere and getting in our way. Food and beverages splashed on the wall. Clothing laying everywhere and God only knows how soiled they were. Even though it was in the morning, the mother looked like she was drugged up or drunk.

When we finished our delivery and went back to the van, I looked at my supervisor and said how sorry I feel for people like that. He replied "A bar of soap is only 20 cents and keeping your legs closed is free."

You see, I have the opposite perspective. I grew up in a mostly white neighborhood believing "Those people" were like that not because of racism or 400 years of institutionalized stupidity, but because of their own choices. So of course, I was pretty right wing and conservative.

Then I found out just how fucked up your life can get by one injury and one recession. I could imagine what it's like to be black in this country and already at a disadvantage.

The thing is, the ONe Percenters have gotten pretty good at playing people like you to the point where you don't realize that you are all in the same boat. You cling to your gun and your bible and think you are free, but they can take it all away from you on a whim. any time they want.

Typical excuse maker.
Who cares if they do? Well the American consumer for one. The US economy for another. After all, if an American shopper today can walk out of Walmart with seven items for $100.00, but after a tariff, walks out with only four items, that is a hit on our economy.

again, this is the lie the Free Traders tell, that if they had to pay an American a decent wage, we couldn't afford anything. Oddly, the economy can never do without their 8 figure CEO Salaries, but we simply just can't pay the people who DO the work a fair wage to do it.

It is, of course, bullshit.

Today, you can buy an 80" big screen for about $3,000 because it's foreign made. Up that price to $5,000 because it's American made or foreign made with a tariff, you will have many less people buying that television set.

I'm going to call shennanigans on this, because the favored right wing talking point is to replace the income tax with a national sales tax. So you guys aren't against raising consumer prices if it means giving yet another break to rich people at the expense of working people.

Again- Conservatism is like Battered wife Syndrome.

Doing a search, I learned that KFC's were closing down all over the country--not just where I lived. Customers were going to cheaper chicken places like Popeye's and Church's. While KFC maintained the quality of their chicken of years past, other places produced less expensive meals that didn't taste as good, but was cheaper.

Uh, guy, I still see more KFC's than Popeye (which tastes like shit) or Churches. So, uh, no.

She highlighted a section that stated a senior UPS driver made about 55K per year. A licensed pharmacist made about 60K a year. In anger, she asked me why anybody would be stupid enough to go what she had to go through to become a pharmacist when being a union UPS driver paid nearly the same?

She made a good point, and that's why pharmacists today make well into the six figures.

So Pharmicists today are making six figures because this girl was angry? Not following the specious logic here. Frankly, it strikes me a UPS Driver works a lot harder. He's lifting shit every day, he's having to meet a very tight schedule, he has to learn his route and know the people on his route, there's a shitload of record keeping.

I've worked in non-Union shops my whole life, been hiring and firing for decades and never, in any company I have worked for and seen the crap you claim. If you are going to lie, make it believable. You also talk about taking bids and going with the lowest, wtf? Seriously, the amount of the accepted bid isn't always the lowest as you seem to think, more BS.

IN my industry, the lowest bid usually wins, because service and quality are pretty much constants...

Somehow, If you really are a boss (which I doubt) I could probably talk to anyone unfortunate enough to work for you and get quite a different story.

And a visit to this thread would not be complete without a talk to the malignant narcissist...

Well you see I work less now and make more because I have a business I put most of my time in up front over the last 7 years.

So essentially, you are a self-employed and self-important guy who spends all day begging functionaries for purchase orders. Got it.
A UPS driver who makes a mistake leaves a pair of shoes at the wrong house and no one asks him if they should wear the black shoes or the green ones to nail the big interview. A pharmacist who makes a mistake kills someone and people ask him every day how about medication that could kill them if taken wrongly. I'm going to pay the pharmacist more.
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Right, it's the Republicans fault and the evil greedy rich people.

It certainly has nothing to do with those liberal shoppers at Walmart. It has nothing to do with those who order on the internet to save money and time. It's the rich persons fault because they catered to the demands of their customers.

YOu are using WalMart as an example? Seriously?

again- conservatism... it's like Stockholm Syndrome. Naw, fuck that, it's like Battered Wife Syndrome.
Walmart wouldn't exist if there were no customers buying their products. Apparently, you can't deal with successful examples that counter your every argument.
Now that's funny you making good decisions

You play with someone else's money and they double check everything you do that is all you do yet you think you are important and actually have power

And If I couldn't analyze data and make decisions I wouldn't be in business and we wouldn't be adding a 2800 square foot addition this summer

But what would you now about that since you can barely keep a job never mind run a business

Oh, look everyone, a person making a claim to success on the internet that no one can check.


Oh, look everyone, the person that talks about others is the same one that refuses to do the same for claims he made.
It must be hard to be told what to do all day you being such an insecure control freak and all

I wouldn't know. If I had to be told what to do, I wouldn't be very good at my job. My job involves evaluating data and making good decisions.

Something Conservatives aren't capable of, mostly because they are Data-immune.

You know, like 33,000 gun deaths and denying we have a gun problem.

My job involves evaluating data and making good decisions.

Sure it does, that's why you blame guns and not the people.
Wrong as usual Joe. The point being that it's unions that created the mess we have today because of job losses and inflation. What kind of idiot would go to college for that long of time, put themselves in debt for many years to come, and only to make about as much money as UPS driver, a UAW worker, A steel worker?

I'm not sure why anyone puts themselves into that kind of debt to get a job filling pill bottles. A lot of people put themselves into a shitload of debt for jobs that pay 30K. My profession you can't get an entry level jobs without a college degree anymore.

On the other hand, UPS Drivers and Steel Workers are physically very demanding jobs. My dad was a union sheet metal worker who brought in a pretty good salary. He also worked in daily contact with asbestos, which is why he died at 56.

The amazing thing is you don't begrudge the wealthy who are treating working people like this, you begrudge the working people who've managed to hold on to modest wages by organizing. Fucking amazing. Again, you're like a battered wife who is horrified someone called the cops on your husband.

You on the left always complain about those terrible CEO"s. Well....... if they are doing so well and you're not, why don't you become a CEO? The reason is you can't. There are plenty of CEO's that don't make the big-bucks. Only the best do.

No, guy, only really horrible people do. And then they publish magazines like Fortune and Forbes telling us how awesome they are.

You see, I could cite a dozen examples where doing the right thing was more important to me than advancing myself. For instance, the company I currently work for tried to recruit me a year and a half earlier for a lot more money. But I didn't quit my previous job then because we had a person out on bereavement leave and walking away then would have been disasterous for that department.

So, yes, I pride myself on not being a horrible person.

And you on the left never complain about what other professionals make such as entertainment or sports. If some actress makes 10 million to do one stupid film, you and your family pay to go to the movie theater and see it, or otherwise through Netfix or something. They don't have near the education that a CEO has, they don't have nearly as much pressure.

I think athletes and actors are overpaid. But at least the mendacity is pretty much up front. I should also point out that if the movie turns out to be a bomb, that's usually a career ender.

Now, to continue on, the thing is, yes, SOME Athletes are making eight figures. But other athletes are making good money because major league sports are UNIONIZED and the guy who isn't the top MVP but are just doing their part for the team. IN movies, yes, the Stars make good money... but the bit actors are unionized, the grips are unionized, the writers are unionized, and so on. And those grips and writers will keep on working even after the star goes on to the "Where are they now" segment on E!

So the best examples you could come up with for Not Horrible People making obscene amounts of money are industries where the money is actually fairly shared.

It's not the union that negotiates for them. That's why stars and sports athletes have their own individual contracts. The union people don't make that much money. The money goes to the star actors or athletes. So why (like CEO's) do they make so much money? Because of their past performances.

Yes, a bad movie or two can end an actors career, but so can sinking a company when you're a CEO. Companies don't pay those large figures to people that fail at their job. They have a long record of success which is why they make the kind of cash they do.

If you want a job where you feel your pay should reflect the financial success of a company, make sure you get one with profit sharing. If you can't find one of those, then make personal investments in your company. But don't expect that CEO's or anybody else for that matter will cut their own pay to give some of it to you. That's ridiculous. Did you ever ask your employer to cut your pay so that the janitor or cleaning lady can make more money? If not, then you're a horrible person.

People don't get paid by how hard they work. People get paid by how much profit their work makes for a company, or how companies could find other people to do the exact same job. After all, it doesn't matter what a company owner or CEO makes when it comes to your wages. It's how much your work is worth. It doesn't matter what you do for a living, if an employer can find somebody to do your job just as good for two bucks less an hour, then you are being overpaid.
Tell you what you post your tax return first

But you better run off to work like a good little boy
Maybe today's the day you get your own stapler

Haven't done my taxes yet this year, but frankly, people who have to brag about their success on the internet usually can't in real life.
My job involves evaluating data and making good decisions.

Sure it does, that's why you blame guns and not the people.

Well, it's a pretty simple evaluation. People in this country can get guns. We have lots of murders.

Other countries they can't get guns, and they have few murders.

This isn't complicated...
It's not the union that negotiates for them. That's why stars and sports athletes have their own individual contracts. The union people don't make that much money. The money goes to the star actors or athletes. So why (like CEO's) do they make so much money? Because of their past performances.

You go to a game to see Shaq. You go to a movie to see Tom Cruise. You don't buy Cigna because Ed Hanaway is running the place, making decisions like letting Natline Sarkisyan die because treating her was too expensive.

If you want a job where you feel your pay should reflect the financial success of a company, make sure you get one with profit sharing. If you can't find one of those, then make personal investments in your company. But don't expect that CEO's or anybody else for that matter will cut their own pay to give some of it to you. That's ridiculous. Did you ever ask your employer to cut your pay so that the janitor or cleaning lady can make more money? If not, then you're a horrible person.

Actually, I do currently work for a company that is employee owned... but that's not the point. The point is not "Well, I can get away with it." I think the government SHOULD regulate CEO Pay of publically traded companies, at least. I also think that the rich should pay 70% income tax like they did before that senile fuck Reagan came along and made greed a game plan. It's no coincidence that CEO's Went from making 10 times employee pay to hundreds of times employee pay. It also isn't a conincidence that those Socialist countries like Japan or Europe, where the rich are paying their fair share, you don't see the kind of pay disparities.

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