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Florida Republicans to gun hating doctors mind your own business

FYI The UK has more violent crimes than we do not less

But hey why don't you move the Europe
You would love the extreme nanny states

the UK has 600 murders a year, or 1 per 100,000.

We have 16,000 murders a year, or 6 per 100,000.

Uh, no, we have more violent crime.

Now what you nutters do is say, "But yeah, they have more rape", which they don't, either. They just have a lower standard of what counts as a rape, which is pretty much any kind of inappropriate touching.

As for moving there. Nope. I want to fix THIS country. I don't want to leave you bible thumping, inbreds alone. I want to make this a nanny state and have you malignant narcissists crying that you have to live with equality and compassion.
The point is you didn't post anything that showed their standard of living is higher, you lying douche bag. You're just a propaganda spewing piece of shit, Joe. Who do you think you're fooling?

Well, not you. You were a FOOL long before I ever encountered you
That must be your admission that you failed to prove what you claimed.

No, it's an understanding you can't reason with fanatics. The problem isn't that the figures don't prove the point, it's that you guys ignore the figures.

I'll point to our 11,000 gun homicides vs. 48 in the UK, and you will still claim we don't have a gun problem. You've made up your mind, you don't want to be confused with facts.
Just browsing through my local news site and found this story about Florida Doctors wanting to nosey around their patients homes for guns. Of course they don't physically go to the house, but they want to interrogate children about guns that adults in their home may possess.

Florida passed a law that prohibits doctors from practicing this kind of interrogation, and anti-gun doctors wish to fight it, even to the Supreme Court if they have to.

I won't paste the entire piece, but just a few paragraphs that are at the heart of the story:

"Supporters in the Republican-controlled Florida Legislature and the NRA say the law became necessary when, in their view, doctors began overstepping their bounds in the examination room by pushing an anti-Second Amendment, anti-gun political agenda. The NRA cites several examples of doctors telling patients they'd have to find a new physician if they refused to answer questions about gun ownership or telling parents they should get rid of any guns in the home.

The law, supporters point out, permits doctors under a "good faith" provision to ask about firearms if the questions are deemed "relevant to the patient's medical care or safety" or the safety of other people.

"These provisions target discrimination and harassment, not speech, and they do nothing to impair doctor-patient discussions of firearm safety," NRA attorney Charles Cooper said in court papers. "Even if viewed as a speech regulation, the (law) is a reasonable regulation of speech incidental to the practice of medicine."

The law also has some teeth: doctors who violate the law could face professional discipline, such as a fine, or even lose their medical licenses. The state Department of Health would investigate any complaints, although the law has never been enforced because it was blocked in 2012 by a Miami judge's decision that found it an unconstitutional violation of free speech rights."

Battle rages over Florida law limiting doctors' gun speech

With that deeply stupid women only just recently having been shot in the back, by her 4 year old child after carelessly leaving a loaded gun, cocked and ready to fire within his reach, the people of Florida need this. Now more than ever.
Prosecutors ultimately will decide if Gilt faces a charge of "unsafe storage of firearm" -- a second degree misdemeanor.

She is recovering at a Florida hospital in stable condition, and her son is with relatives.
FYI The UK has more violent crimes than we do not less

But hey why don't you move the Europe
You would love the extreme nanny states

the UK has 600 murders a year, or 1 per 100,000.

We have 16,000 murders a year, or 6 per 100,000.

Uh, no, we have more violent crime.

Now what you nutters do is say, "But yeah, they have more rape", which they don't, either. They just have a lower standard of what counts as a rape, which is pretty much any kind of inappropriate touching.

As for moving there. Nope. I want to fix THIS country. I don't want to leave you bible thumping, inbreds alone. I want to make this a nanny state and have you malignant narcissists crying that you have to live with equality and compassion.
Murder is not the only violent crime you twit
and the UK doesn't define a death as a homicide unless there is a murder conviction
That must be your admission that you failed to prove what you claimed.

No, it's an understanding you can't reason with fanatics. The problem isn't that the figures don't prove the point, it's that you guys ignore the figures.

I'll point to our 11,000 gun homicides vs. 48 in the UK, and you will still claim we don't have a gun problem. You've made up your mind, you don't want to be confused with facts.

Where is the evidence supporting this 47,000 GDU figure supposedly from the FBI?
Hmmm, really high tariffs. Great idea. Let's condemn third world people to staying in abject poverty because we refuse to buy what they make. Liberal humanitarianism at its finest.

Why should I give a fuck about third world people? Hey, I'm an American, I care about AMERICA. And it's not like the big corporations are doing those third world countries any favors opening factories there.

Right, you're an Ugly American, we get it. The more compassionate people, OTOH, disagree with you. And if the factories are not helping, why do so many clamor to work there and make a lot more money than they can any where else? You said yourself you don't care about what happens to them, apparently you don't know when something good does.

As for Bob, he won a huge judgement against the idiot who made the PSA. He then used that money to open a new factory in Guatemala, from which he made an extra million and for which Guatemala honored him as a great humanitarian. Messing with Bob never works.

Actually, messing with Bob works just fine, if you are willing to do it. Bob sues. Judge says "Oops, sorry, what in that commerical wasn't true, exactly, Bob? Oh, and there are some nice guys from the Local who want to have a word with you when you step outside of court."

Bob is probably toast. And no one will want to be the next Bob.

And here's the lesson for Bob and the other rich bullies. There are more of us than there are of you.

That's stupid. Bob contributes to the judge's re-election campaign and wins a massive judgement for the invasion of his privacy and threats to his family. The judge also doesn't like knuckle-dragging Neanderthals loitering outside his courtroom, so he has security persuade them non too gently to leave. Don't mess with Bob.
A UPS driver who makes a mistake leaves a pair of shoes at the wrong house and no one asks him if they should wear the black shoes or the green ones to nail the big interview. A pharmacist who makes a mistake kills someone and people ask him every day how about medication that could kill them if taken wrongly. I'm going to pay the pharmacist more.

A UPS driver has as much potential to kill someone if he does his job wrong. What if he gets that piece of equipment to the wrong place or if he blows through a redlight?

I really want both of these people to be well-trained, well-compensated professionals.

Here's the thing. If the Pharmacist is getting paid less, it's because of all his fancy education, a big corporation will still try to find a way to screw him.
A UPS driver needs maybe a month of training. A pharmacist, 8 years. I'm paying the Pharmacist more.
Walmart wouldn't exist if there were no customers buying their products. Apparently, you can't deal with successful examples that counter your every argument.

Walmart is very good at what it does. So was John Wayne Gacy until he got caught.
So, people making voluntary decisions to purchase cheap goods at low prices is, in your bizarre world, a bad thing?
Who cares if they do? Well the American consumer for one. The US economy for another. After all, if an American shopper today can walk out of Walmart with seven items for $100.00, but after a tariff, walks out with only four items, that is a hit on our economy.

again, this is the lie the Free Traders tell, that if they had to pay an American a decent wage, we couldn't afford anything. Oddly, the economy can never do without their 8 figure CEO Salaries, but we simply just can't pay the people who DO the work a fair wage to do it.

It is, of course, bullshit.

Today, you can buy an 80" big screen for about $3,000 because it's foreign made. Up that price to $5,000 because it's American made or foreign made with a tariff, you will have many less people buying that television set.

I'm going to call shennanigans on this, because the favored right wing talking point is to replace the income tax with a national sales tax. So you guys aren't against raising consumer prices if it means giving yet another break to rich people at the expense of working people.

Again- Conservatism is like Battered wife Syndrome.

Doing a search, I learned that KFC's were closing down all over the country--not just where I lived. Customers were going to cheaper chicken places like Popeye's and Church's. While KFC maintained the quality of their chicken of years past, other places produced less expensive meals that didn't taste as good, but was cheaper.

Uh, guy, I still see more KFC's than Popeye (which tastes like shit) or Churches. So, uh, no.

She highlighted a section that stated a senior UPS driver made about 55K per year. A licensed pharmacist made about 60K a year. In anger, she asked me why anybody would be stupid enough to go what she had to go through to become a pharmacist when being a union UPS driver paid nearly the same?

She made a good point, and that's why pharmacists today make well into the six figures.

So Pharmicists today are making six figures because this girl was angry? Not following the specious logic here. Frankly, it strikes me a UPS Driver works a lot harder. He's lifting shit every day, he's having to meet a very tight schedule, he has to learn his route and know the people on his route, there's a shitload of record keeping.

I've worked in non-Union shops my whole life, been hiring and firing for decades and never, in any company I have worked for and seen the crap you claim. If you are going to lie, make it believable. You also talk about taking bids and going with the lowest, wtf? Seriously, the amount of the accepted bid isn't always the lowest as you seem to think, more BS.

IN my industry, the lowest bid usually wins, because service and quality are pretty much constants...

Somehow, If you really are a boss (which I doubt) I could probably talk to anyone unfortunate enough to work for you and get quite a different story.

And a visit to this thread would not be complete without a talk to the malignant narcissist...

Well you see I work less now and make more because I have a business I put most of my time in up front over the last 7 years.

So essentially, you are a self-employed and self-important guy who spends all day begging functionaries for purchase orders. Got it.

No I am not self employed

You are too dim to understand the difference

A self employed person has to get up and go to work everyday because they basically have a job and all their income depends on the work they can do themselves.

If I took today off hell if I took the whole month off I would still make money and in all likelihood I will make more than I did in the same time frame of the previous year.

A business is a system that makes money when the business owner isn't there.

I'm done for the day already. I did my work and now the day to day operation of the business is left to my asst mgr. She takes care of the staff who takes care of the clients who pay for their services

I'm going to go for a long walk with my dogs then I'm going to do some work around the house and I'll make more money doing that than you will all week

I don't beg vendors for business as I am a service provider above all else sales reps come to me to get me to buy my supplies from them.

That is a big difference Skull, do you own a job or do you own a business. Congrats on getting to that point, few do.
FYI The UK has more violent crimes than we do not less

But hey why don't you move the Europe
You would love the extreme nanny states

Now what you nutters do is say, "But yeah, they have more rape", which they don't, either. They just have a lower standard of what counts as a rape, which is pretty much any kind of inappropriate touching.

Another lie by Joey Boy! Joey Boy can't help but lie and lie and lie.

Another Joey Boy FAIL!!!!!

Try telling the truth sometime Joey Boy!

Sexual Offence Legislation: Rape and Sexual Offences: Legal Guidance: Crown Prosecution Service

Rape (section 1)

The elements of rape are:

(A) intentionally penetrates the vagina, anus or mouth of another person (B) with his penis;
(B) does not consent to the penetration, and
(A) does not reasonably believe that (B) consents
Penetration of the mouth is included.

Rape is still a crime of basic intent, and drunkenness is no defence.
Just browsing through my local news site and found this story about Florida Doctors wanting to nosey around their patients homes for guns. Of course they don't physically go to the house, but they want to interrogate children about guns that adults in their home may possess.

Florida passed a law that prohibits doctors from practicing this kind of interrogation, and anti-gun doctors wish to fight it, even to the Supreme Court if they have to.

I won't paste the entire piece, but just a few paragraphs that are at the heart of the story:

"Supporters in the Republican-controlled Florida Legislature and the NRA say the law became necessary when, in their view, doctors began overstepping their bounds in the examination room by pushing an anti-Second Amendment, anti-gun political agenda. The NRA cites several examples of doctors telling patients they'd have to find a new physician if they refused to answer questions about gun ownership or telling parents they should get rid of any guns in the home.

The law, supporters point out, permits doctors under a "good faith" provision to ask about firearms if the questions are deemed "relevant to the patient's medical care or safety" or the safety of other people.

"These provisions target discrimination and harassment, not speech, and they do nothing to impair doctor-patient discussions of firearm safety," NRA attorney Charles Cooper said in court papers. "Even if viewed as a speech regulation, the (law) is a reasonable regulation of speech incidental to the practice of medicine."

The law also has some teeth: doctors who violate the law could face professional discipline, such as a fine, or even lose their medical licenses. The state Department of Health would investigate any complaints, although the law has never been enforced because it was blocked in 2012 by a Miami judge's decision that found it an unconstitutional violation of free speech rights."

Battle rages over Florida law limiting doctors' gun speech

With that deeply stupid women only just recently having been shot in the back, by her 4 year old child after carelessly leaving a loaded gun, cocked and ready to fire within his reach, the people of Florida need this. Now more than ever.

Right, because in the world of nosey liberals, they must provide a solution to every little problem in the world whether it's their business or not.
FYI The UK has more violent crimes than we do not less

But hey why don't you move the Europe
You would love the extreme nanny states

the UK has 600 murders a year, or 1 per 100,000.

We have 16,000 murders a year, or 6 per 100,000.

Uh, no, we have more violent crime.

Now what you nutters do is say, "But yeah, they have more rape", which they don't, either. They just have a lower standard of what counts as a rape, which is pretty much any kind of inappropriate touching.

As for moving there. Nope. I want to fix THIS country. I don't want to leave you bible thumping, inbreds alone. I want to make this a nanny state and have you malignant narcissists crying that you have to live with equality and compassion.

Well don't you think there would be some consistent evidence of a gun ban having an effect?


Seems to me that England didn't experience any real success until five years after the ban was passed. Even then, as of 2011, they are right back to where they started before the ban.

Can you explain this Joe?
None of those measure your material standard of living. Ask a liberal to draw a triangle and he always draws a square of a circle.

Dude, you are babbling. Point is, American have a lower quality of life than Western Europeans. I know this kills you and all, because you think you are God's own special snowflake.

Now, we used to be on top. You know, that period between FDR and LBJ when we did it right. But the Republicans have spent the last 40 years fucking it up.

So how do they have a higher quality of life.....in what regards?

I have a three day weekend, I'll be happy to do the research.
It is crazy because government doesn't create jobs--the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is impede or promote policies that help the private sector create jobs.

No, guy, you see, this is where you have it wrong. The Private sector doesn't create jobs.

Consumer Demand creates jobs. The Capitalist is a parasite whose convinced you he's a vital organ.

Sometimes the private sector does a better job of meeting consumer demands. Sometimes the government does, when it's something like a road. Sometimes, the private sector does things the government SHOULD be doing, like health care. Which is why America spends twice as much on GDP % than those nasty old commie Europeans and we have the worst results.

Now, the one thing that the Private Sector does is create the myth that they are paragons of efficiency while the government is inefficient. Mostly because the government doesn't spend billions of dollars creating this myth. But the most effective place I ever worked was still the US Army. Most of the private sector companies I've worked for have been the great combination of stupid and arrogant that has left me despising the capitalist system.

I'll have to remember that when my mailman (once again) puts envelopes in the wrong mailbox even though all of my mailboxes are clearly marked with the name of the tenant and the addresses.

And I'll have to remember that when I complain to the post office and they tell me there's nothing they can do about it......shit happens.

And I wish I would have known how efficient government is before I called Commie Care and spent an hour trying to talk to complete morons.

I'm renewing my drivers license this summer, so I'll try to remember how efficient government can be when I have to stand there for an hour.

The American consumer doesn't create jobs, they create demand. It's the capitalists who create jobs by manufacturing goods and services to meet the demands of their customers. The customer does not invest money into a company, the customer does not provide a workplace environment for the workers, the customer does not interview people for jobs or buy equipment like computers, fax machines, tow motors, cranes or pallet jacks. The capitalist does all that.
Right, you're an Ugly American, we get it. The more compassionate people, OTOH, disagree with you. And if the factories are not helping, why do so many clamor to work there and make a lot more money than they can any where else? You said yourself you don't care about what happens to them, apparently you don't know when something good does.

do you do special excercises to remain this fucking stupid? Big corporations don't go to third world shitholes because they care about the shit-kickers who live there. They do it so they can do the things they can't do here- Child Labor, underpaying people, polluting the air and the water.. Jesus fucking Christ are you stupid...
So how do they have a higher quality of life.....in what regards?

I have a three day weekend, I'll be happy to do the research.

Please don't. YOu'll just post some shit from some Jingoistic website with titties and guns, and frankly, I'm already going to unsubscribe from this thread if someone doesn't say something interesting in the next post.
I'll have to remember that when my mailman (once again) puts envelopes in the wrong mailbox even though all of my mailboxes are clearly marked with the name of the tenant and the addresses.

And I'll have to remember that when I complain to the post office and they tell me there's nothing they can do about it......shit happens.

Guy, the UPS is just is likely to fuck these things up and they'll charge a lot more to do it.

My guess- if you letter carrier is putting stuff in the wrong mailbox, it's probably because he knows your an asshole.

And... Unwatch thread. I'm done.

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