Florida revokes liquor license of hotel that put on a sexually explicit show with kids present

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Boy Scouts were forced to admit gay scouts and gay scout masters. Gays took over the priesthood and fashioned an entire child abuse industry. Now the target is schools. Legalize child molestation.

Gays might be degenerate but they aren't stupid. They will be overjoyed to join with heterosexual abusers in one large Minor Attracted Persons orgy.

Kinda sounds like grooming.
Gays took over the priesthood and fashioned an entire child abuse industry. Now the target is schools. Legalize child molestation.
Gee, would that be because it’s an organization that represses woman’s rights and forces the male dominated emplyees to say things they really don’t believe in, just for profit.
Sounds like Fix News too.
You’ve never known a groopie. Just say that. Saved key strokes.
So you’re saying beauty contestants sign on knowing they’ll be sexually abused. You must have inside knowledge on sexual abuse. That’s way beyond my pay grade.
So you’re saying beauty contestants sign on knowing they’ll be sexually abused. You must have inside knowledge on sexual abuse. That’s way beyond my pay grade.

Your deflecting way away from your obsession with little kids and explicit sex shows.

I would too if I were you.

Not a good look.
Your deflecting way away from your obsession with little kids and explicit sex shows.

I would too if I were you.

Not a good look.
Like Rudy and Trump. Trump wanted to date his daughter when she was younger. Seems a little excessive to me, but you being the expert in deviant sexual behavior would know better.
He do love lil children watching this 💩
It's not love. It's zealotry. Child abuse is everywhere so gays can not be denied their piece of the child pie. It's this kind of zealotry that reduces children to commodities to be bought and sold, particularly at the border, on the hoof.
Like Rudy and Trump. Trump wanted to date his daughter when she was younger. Seems a little excessive to me, but you being the expert in deviant sexual behavior would know better.

Still deflecting, huh Queenie?
Your deflecting way away from your obsession with little kids and explicit sex shows.

I would too if I were you.

Not a good look.
These were shows where the parents took their little kids, right. Or, you are claiming these little children drove themselves across town, or parents don’t have the right to decide . It’s hard to keep up with what you’re getting at you’re so ignorant and convoluted, for a sexual abuse expert.
You noticed that too, did you? They always drag their sexual fantasies into threads.......any thread....any topic. It's disturbing.

Who would expect a thread that discusses why society should not allow minors to be allowed into sexually explicit shows to have discussion of that issue?

But then, who would expect that there be so many defending allowing minors into sexually explicit shows?

Go figure, aye?
These were shows where the parents took their little kids, right. Or, you are claiming these little children drove themselves across town, or parents don’t have the right to decide . It’s hard to keep up with what you’re getting at you’re so ignorant and convoluted, for a sexual abuse expert.

Did I say anywhere that the parents weren’t negligent?
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