Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

Let's expand this to other issues! How's about if liberal states use this to clamp down on pro-life agitators? Anyone who won't shut up about abortion loses tax deductions for children, let's say. Good for the goose, right?
Hardly a good comparison. Woke BS is teaching kids BS that parents say they have no business teaching. It is the schools job to teach fundamentals to get a job and make a living. That does not include gender studies and this is DILDO class.

Go woke go broke
10 million in tax cuts gone Disney. Oh well
LOL - you're way, way off the mark. I don't a single shit about Disney. They suck as much as you do. I'm just not gonna roll over for you motherfucking fascists.
DNC and the woke Moonbats been using bats while the right is using nerf balls.

Getting hit back upsets you. Oh well.

They have no business teaching BS to other peoples kids.
Hardly a good comparison.

Of course not. It's always "different when we do it".
Woke BS is teaching kids BS that ...
We're taking about punishing people or businesses who speak out against a law, not the merits of the law itself. Are you in favor of that kind of governance.

The culture warriors are destroying out nation.
When Republicans catch on to Ronny's vendetta attacking Disney just because they won't pay ball with him he'll change his tune because he's nothing but a political hack, dupe.
It is not "Ronny"

He doesn't have 23 votes. The Republican party seems to be firmly behind Ronny.
Depends who is doing the condemning and how much power they wield. How about in your world?

In my world condemning does not ever mean interfering, they are not one in the same.

But in my word I do not cheer for the Govt to punish dissent either.
Of course not. It's always "different when we do it".

We're taking about punishing people or businesses who speak out against a law, not the merits of the law itself. Are you in favor of that kind of governance.

The culture warriors are destroying out nation.
Careful you're lashing out. Oh oh...
In my world condemning does not ever mean interfering, they are not one in the same.

But in my word I do not cheer for the Govt to punish dissent either.
I am not cheering for anyone. Disney spending shareholder money on political gains. Pretty interesting. And investing in LGTBQ indoctrination. Guess it doesn't sit well with many Floridians given Disney's special tax privilege. I just shrug.
Dude, this is Big Government at its finest. Say something bad about the Government and be punished.

You are cheering now, but wait till Big Government comes after something you support and punish them.
The government was the teachers thinking they could teach this perverted garbage to kids.

The fact you now are on record supporting that is not a good look for you. You like Disney are not going to be allowed to push this crap,
Hardly a good comparison. Woke BS is teaching kids BS that parents say they have no business teaching. It is the schools job to teach fundamentals to get a job and make a living. That does not include gender studies and this is DILDO class.

Go woke go broke
10 million in tax cuts gone Disney. Oh well
Disney opposed DeSantis' bill because their own employees who are gay themselves or have children & family members who are asked them to stand up for them. Which Disney did.

Disney, for standing up to DeSantis is being punished. The guy is a fucking thin skinned demagogue who can't stand the fact that some people don't share his views.

The door is now open for that fuck to punish anyone who disagrees with his policies.
You told me it was counterproductive and primitive, did you not?
No, I said that giving up your principles and indulging bad government, for whatever reason, is counter-productive. Don't recall anything about "primitive". Nor lashing out.
The government was the teachers thinking they could teach this perverted garbage to kids.

The fact you now are on record supporting that is not a good look for you. You like Disney are not going to be allowed to push this crap,

Oh fuck off, if you going to lie about me why even post. I do not support teaching perverted garbage to kids.

I also do not support Big Government punishing dissent.

You support it now, but soon the tables will be turned and I will still be against it I will enjoy laughing my ass off at your stupid ass
Oh fuck off, if you going to lie about me why even post. I do not support teaching perverted garbage to kids.

I also do not support Big Government punishing dissent.

You support it now, but soon the tables will be turned and I will still be against it I will enjoy laughing my ass off at your stupid ass
You said what you said. Live with it.

Disney isn’t being punished for opposing, they are a garbage company hell bent on indoctrinating children into the queer ideology. They are being held accountable for that. Just as all pedophiles should be.
Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

What the Florida Senate did by voting to end Disney’s tax privilege sends a clear message that DeSantis will not be manipulated by corporations or their lobbyists. In Washington DC, that is a dangerous power to wield

Now THAT is a real American!

Desantis 2024
You said what you said. Live with it.

Yes, I have said 100 times now I am against the Govt punishing dissent. The question is why are you not?

Disney isn’t being punished for opposing,

Yes they are. The sponsor of the bill even said so. He said the bill gives Disney a year to rethink their opposition to Florida laws

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