Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

Not really as they both play high level sports and they like their teammates. We recently moved so they will be in school with kids they know. Plus my fam is here as is my wife’s so we aren’t in a position to leave the state.
I'm not sure you'd call what I did "home schooling", but I couldn't force my boys to go through it all. They both dropped out in junior high. There were tradeoffs, of course, but overall I don't regret pulling them out
I'm not sure you'd call what I did "home schooling", but I couldn't force my boys to go through it all. They both dropped out in junior high. There were tradeoffs, of course, but overall I don't regret pulling them out
I do not blame you remotely.
Disney opposed DeSantis' bill because their own employees who are gay themselves or have children & family members who are asked them to stand up for them. Which Disney did.

Disney, for standing up to DeSantis is being punished. The guy is a fucking thin skinned demagogue who can't stand the fact that some people don't share his views.

The door is now open for that fuck to punish anyone who disagrees with his policies.
Why do gays think they are so special their sexual lifestyle needs to be taught to kindergartners? You don’t see heterosexuals complaining that their sexual lifestyle can’t be taught to kindergartners.
Bullshit. I ll Name 10 dumber ones now


Gator is basically Trump compared to these idiots
I said “one of”. You are right, that list lowers my IQ just by looking at it.
I do not blame you remotely.
I totally get the anger and frustration. Was out to dinner with some people the other night, and they were taking about how their eleven year has come out as non-binary. They were so proud. It made me wanna puke. That poor kid, likely just looking for some way to feel special, falling into insanity.
I totally get the anger and frustration. Was out to dinner with some people the other night, and they were taking about how their eleven year has come out as non-binary. They were so proud. It made me wanna puke. That poor kid, likely just looking for some way to feel special, falling into insanity.
My niece when she was five insisted on being called a boy. 14 years later she is a full blown girl with a boyfriend. It was a phase. Nowadays we would have to call her a boy. Insanity 101. It would make me want to puke as well. Woke parents are asleep. The irony.
Who runs Tampa bay

Miami sounds very rough
Florida is no different than any other state. The Democrats runs the big city shitholes. The welfare Negroes vote them in. There is a queer dyke woman mayor of Tampa and a dumbass Negro the mayor of St Pete. Both obviously Democrats.
Florida is no different than any other state. The Democrats runs the big city shitholes. The welfare Negroes vote them in. There is a queer dyke woman mayor of Tampa and a dumbass Negro the mayor of St Pete. Both obviously Democrats.
your state has ton of blacks lol . Holy F
Apparently the law was written so that only the land owners in question may dissolve the special district. So it's hi-ho, hi-ho it's off to court we go.
Nope, you are wrong. The Legislature can (and did) dissolve the agreement.

I don't know why you Moon Bats are so anxious to give the Disney corporation so much privilege. Is it because they are groomers?
Florida is no different than any other state. The Democrats runs the big city shitholes. The welfare Negroes vote them in. There is a queer dyke woman mayor of Tampa and a dumbass Negro the mayor of St Pete. Both obviously Democrats.

You guys also have 500,000 YIDS in SE Florida who are part of the Demoncat machine
Latinos should be the natural ally to Whites as Blacks are to JEWS
They can bill Disney for that money
No they can't.
Disney is a company. You don't bill a company for the fire department or the police department. You take it out of the property (and other) taxes they pay.
Disney is under ZERO, legal obligation to pay these costs. And if Disney took Orlando to court - the latter would lose in a heartbeat.
No they can't.
Disney is a company. You don't bill a company for the fire department or the police department. You take it out of the property (and other) taxes they pay.
Disney is under ZERO, legal obligation to pay these costs. And if Disney took Orlando to court - the latter would lose in a heartbeat.
I think you are mistaken

the county can and will make Disney pay
What most of you morons don't realize is that this is BAD for Orlando and the areas surrounding Disney.
Up until now - Disney handled ALL their internal problems and costs. They even paid outside municipalities to handle some of them for them.
And look at Disney World?
Do you hear of major crimes, running rampant in Disney?
Because this is - yet again - proof that EVERYTHING governments do, they do badly.
The private sector runs almost everything FAR better than the public sector does.
And FAR more efficiently.

When will you morons realize this?

And even you right wing dufuses who love DeSantis?
You are actually calling for bigger government and more socialism as the present agreement with Disney is free enterprise at it's finest.
But you morons - who claim you hate big government - are actually championing EXACTLY THAT.

Fuck - too many of you are far too stupid to be allowed to vote.

Disney is not the only company that has lost business for thinking their politics was more important than their Product or Service.
They were just stupid enough to pick a fight with the Florida State Legislature about Legislation.

However ... I wouldn't suggest that is the only mistake they have made recently.
The brunt of what they are getting now is a combination of a plethora of bad decisions,
and their unreliable estimation as to their ability to weather the bullshit they are asking for.

This sometimes happens when you trust in Humanity to save your ass ...
Then find out what Humanity actually thinks about your sorry ass ... :auiqs.jpg:

I think that it should be the customers who determine how to express their displeasure, not thin skinned politicians using the power of the state to enact vengeance.

The real irony is this won’t have much effect on Disney (more symbolic than material). Florida is the entity that will end up hurting.

Removing the special privileges could leave the counties responsible for more than $1 billion in debt servicing for the site, in addition to the costs of covering services Disney currently manages, like fire fighting. “Orange County is going to be stuck with $164 million or more per year in expenses with no revenue,” Orange County tax collector Scott Randolph told the Washington Post of those additional costs. “So they’re going to have to raise property taxes. This is a huge tax increase on the citizens of Orange County that they’ll have to pay every single year.” (Disney could apply to reestablish the district if it is dissolved, according to the Times.)

I’m no big fan of Disney, but I am even less a fan of politicians using their power to censor criticism.

This seems like a really stupid political stunt imo.
Another example of DeSantis fucking up Florida just to further his aspirations for national office. There are other "special districts" here that have nothing to do with Disney including one of our local water companies that will be dissolved for no other reason than DeSantis wants to run for president.
Isn't that the Villages?

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