Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

Sure - there's real fuckery going on. But the primary point is to get all the idiot Trumpster engaged in a circle jerk.

It's most definitely a stunt. But if it stands, liberal governors will start doing the same thing to punish conservative companies. Won't that be fun?
It sets (yet another) bad precedent in a never ending series.
Sure - there's real fuckery going on. But the primary point is to get all the idiot Trumpster engaged in a circle jerk.

It's most definitely a stunt. But if it stands, liberal governors will start doing the same thing to punish conservative companies. Won't that be fun?
Tax carve-ouits for all companies should be done away with......Minnesnowta pulls the same fuckery for 3M every few years, when they threaten to move their HQ to South Dakota or Iowa.
You are confused Moon Bat.

We Floridians love what he is doing. He is Making Florida Great Again and you idiot Libtards can't stand it.

Only the stupid confused uneducated low information Moon Bats like you don't like him.
So...you speak for Florida Man.....do you speak for all Floridians? The state is being laughed at.
Libs will give less or not at all if they cant write ot off on their taxes

and the lib political action group will have to pay taxes on their income

plus I havent mentioned it yet but no more government slush finds to private community service scams

Because cons use none of these, ROTFLMFAO. You just can't make this shit up!!!!!
If you vote for Democrats then you DO support it and its as simple as that. You cook it, you eat it.
You are the one siding with the party of homos, trannies, pedos and groomers, so STFU with your faux outrage.

I do not vote for Dems, do try and keep up.
Tax carve-ouits for all companies should be done away with....

Of course. But that's not EVEN what this is about. If it were, Fla would be yanking these kinds of perks for all corporations. But they're NOT. And they WON'T. Because it's not about principle. It's about power and revenge.
Minnesnowta pulls the same fuckery for 3M every few years, when they threaten to move their HQ to South Dakota or Iowa.
Yep. They should stop doing that.
So much for woke BS. Your party owns the big social media sites. They sensor the hell out of it.

Explain how you have the right to teachb perverted BS to other people's kids?
You don’t understand the difference between private and public do you?
It sounds like you are. Free speech = political retribution.
How does dildo class teaching to kids violate free speach. You want to push that. Do it outside school.

Or how about we compare it to forcing religion to your kids?? Teach the dang basics and get this crap out of schools.
And I am enjoying your true colors as a Big Government authoritarian come out in vivid color
It is kind of shocking isn’t it, how in case after case, the right is now supporting big government and government overreach.

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