Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

Lol Now you play the money card. Lmao

Just because they are a giant doesnt give them the right of taxpayers who are digusted with their agenda taxbbreaks.

Teach the Woke bs at home and not in schools

What schools does Disney control what is being taught in?

Can you give us the list?
Disney will close Orlando and move to Upstate New York in what was the Catskills, but now called "Groomersville". Parents are encouraged to drop their kids off the for a day at the Groomer Theme Park
Lol Now you play the money card. Lmao

Just because they are a giant doesnt give them the right of taxpayers who are digusted with their agenda taxbbreaks.

Teach the Woke bs at home and not in schools
This has nothing to do with people being disgusted with tax breaks, I’m sure you know that.
ahh... going into dodge 'em mode already?

Will you support governors of liberal states pulling the same kinds of stunts with conservative companies? Does that seem like good government to you?
No dodge. What if cat meant dog. What IF kids game.

I asked where is this happening. Its not so your what if is bs.

Why should a large group of people who want this woke nonsense away from their kids Not Demand No Tax breaks to pay to sue to force this agenda.

Woke teaching young kids this crap is a religion. Of insanity
No dodge. What if cat meant dog. What IF kids game.

It's as simple yes/no question: Will you support governors of liberal states pulling the same kinds of stunts with conservative companies? Does that seem like good government to you?

But I get why you won't answer. It would require you to face your own hypocrisy, and that's just no fun AT ALL.
It's as simple yes no question: Will you support governors of liberal states pulling the same kinds of stunts with conservative companies? Does that seem like good government to you?

But I get why you won't answer. It would require you to face your own hypocrisy, and that's just no fun AT ALL.
A simple go fu answer was given. Show me the examples of this happpening I will not force my religion on youy kids and you will not force woke religion on mine.

Tax policy is the right of a majority to decide as reps of the people revenue of the stste.

2/3rds just told Disney tobgo to hell with the woke nonsense
What most of you morons don't realize is that this is BAD for Orlando and the areas surrounding Disney.
Up until now - Disney handled ALL their internal problems and costs. They even paid outside municipalities to handle some of them for them.
And look at Disney World?
Do you hear of major crimes, running rampant in Disney?
Because this is - yet again - proof that EVERYTHING governments do, they do badly.
The private sector runs almost everything FAR better than the public sector does.
And FAR more efficiently.

When will you morons realize this?

And even you right wing dufuses who love DeSantis?
You are actually calling for bigger government and more socialism as the present agreement with Disney is free enterprise at it's finest.
But you morons - who claim you hate big government - are actually championing EXACTLY THAT.

Fuck - too many of you are far too stupid to be allowed to vote.
You are a rude, crude and leftist ignoramus who supports a Corporation that advocates racial hate and the SEXUAL indoc of minors.
you are evil
Nope. Florida will take over the taxing authority on Disney properties that Disney was collecting. 90% of the 169 MILLION budget was funded by property taxes Disney was collecting from Disney properties. Now the state will get that money, and raise those taxes on Disney if they need to.
Nope, just plain stupid.
A simple go fu answer was given. Show me the examples of this happpening I will not force my religion on youy kids and you will not force woke religion on mine.

Tax policy is the right of a majority to decide as reps of the people revenue of the stste.

2/3rds just told Disney tobgo to hell with the woke nonsense
Desantis, Fla. legislature, et al.,

If Disney has done something wrong, kindly grow a collective pair of testicles -> charge them with the crime, convict them and be done with it. Otherwise, stop jerking off in public. It's unbecoming.
Stop pushing bs Religion on children then.

Disney can go to hell. Floridians dont agree with this woke religion
They cannot.
You cannot force one business to pay certain fees...and let all other businesses in your area off the hook.
That is actionable.

And even if they could - Disney will just threaten to bolt if the locals tried it?
The local population will panic as that would be a DISASTER for their community.
And they will force the government to NOT charge Disney as you want.

There is NO WAY that Disney will be levied with these costs.
These insane JEWS will not indoctrinate MY KIDS
I make sure my Kid's school has zero JEwish teachers or they are not allowed to join.
That simple.

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