Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

Do you have any principles at all? Or is the point of government just to fuck over people you don't like?
I again ask you. Why should the peoole pay with tax breaks to a company who is attempting to force woke grooming BS to there kids?

School is not the place to teach this twisted religion.

2/3rds said I dint think so Disney.. Good
I again ask you. Why should the peoole pay with tax breaks to a company who is attempting to force woke grooming BS to there kids?

School is not the place to teach this twisted religion.

2/3rds said I dint think so Disney.. Good
I again ask you. Why should the peoole pay with tax breaks to a company who is attempting to force woke grooming BS to there kids?

School is not the place to teach this twisted religion.

2/3rds said I dint think so Disney.. Good

What tax breaks? List them
Con artist Kids IF questuin.

Show me where this is happening. Where are we forcing the bible down your kids throat??
You fucking idiot. It's a hypothetical. If Florida's little stunt sets a precedent - if they get away with this - other governors will try the same thing. And they might not be on your side. This will be used against you. How can you not see that? You're so fucking blinded by the culture war horseshit, you've thrown away all other values. Jesus, wake the fuck up and think about what you're doing.
You fucking idiot. It's a hypothetical. If Florida's little stunt sets a precedent - if they get away with this - other governors will try the same thing. And they might not be on your side. This will be used against you. How can you not see that? You're so fucking blinded by the culture war horseshit, you've thrown away all other values. Jesus, wake the fuck up and think about what you're doing.

You are wasting your time. He is just parroting his talking points. Notice how every 4th post or so he starts the talking points over again.
You fucking idiot. It's a hypothetical. If Florida's little stunt sets a precedent - if they get away with this - other governors will try the same thing. And they might not be on your side. This will be used against you. How can you not see that? You're so fucking blinded by the culture war horseshit, you've thrown away all other values. Jesus, wake the fuck up and think about what you're doing.

Its a kids IF GAME. Psy ops BS. You cant give examples because we arent forcing anything down your kifs throats. The Moonbat leftist ate doing it.

This is a religious issue. Twisted Insane religuin to teach kids perverted leftist nonsense. Disney went woke. Now the people who say leave my kifs alone have spoken.

Its a kids IF GAME. Psy ops BS. You cant give examples because we arent forcing anything down your kifs throats. The Moonbat leftist ate doing it.

This is a religious issue. Twisted Insane religuin to teach kids perverted leftist nonsense. Disney went woke. Now the people who say leave my kifs alone have spoken.
You're forcing your batshit crazy on our kids.

Just because of your feelings of white failure.
I didn't include Osceola County because most people reading this thread wouldn't recognize it as being part of the Orlando metroplex.
Hope their right for #deathsantis' $2,200 tax increase.
You're forcing your batshit crazy on our kids.

Just because of your feelings of white failure.
Baloney. It is you pushing a Moonbat religion in schools A CULT would be a better word. That is you thinking you can Dictate what is taught to others kids. Well they are telling you to take youe Insane Religion and shove it.
Hope their right for #deathsantis' $2,200 tax increase.
It will all be billed backed to Disney.

Do you know they have six armored cars carrying cash out of that goddamn place EVERY day? That doesn't even include the electrionic transfers. Those Democrats running the Orange and Osceola Counties and the cities of Orlando and Kissimmee now have the keys to those armored cars.

You Moon Bats should be glad. No more free ride for the Disney pricks.
Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

What the Florida Senate did by voting to end Disney’s tax privilege sends a clear message that DeSantis will not be manipulated by corporations or their lobbyists. In Washington DC, that is a dangerous power to wield

Meh. This is just grandstanding by Rump Mini-Me. Will all be overturned by the courts.

Do you think the two-county taxpayers will be ok stuck with the operating expenses of Disney?

How about the bond market? If the state of Florida does pay for it, it will again be the taxpayers footing the bill.

So, Nah. Just red meat for the usual mouth-breathing nincompoops that have the attention of a fly.
Yes, I have said 100 times now I am against the Govt punishing dissent. The question is why are you not?

Yes they are. The sponsor of the bill even said so. He said the bill gives Disney a year to rethink their opposition to Florida laws
The government isn’t punishing dissent. Do you or do you not want 5 year olds to be subjected to gender queer theories that they then will have to live with for the next 80 years unless they become part of the half of these people that commit suicide? Which one are you for? And don’t give me this fucking big government stepping on your rights bullshit. These children have rights too and if it makes you sad well who the fuck cares. A teacher who can’t do their job without teaching this shit? Gone. Fuck off. Go see how your blue haired ass does in the real world.

Disney better rethink who the hell they have running this mouse show. Those videos of them saying what they did is fucking horrific. They all should be gone. Yesterday.

I don’t give a flying fuck how you feel about it. The law is designed and enforced by the government. You can’t be a pedophile no matter what job you have or company you work for. I’d rather see Disney shut down than allow the crap their leaders want to force on kids. Fuck them.

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