Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

Apparently the law was written so that only the land owners in question may dissolve the special district. So it's hi-ho, hi-ho it's off to court we go.
Issues aside. In this modern age, Disney has a good deal. Orange County is turning bluer and bluer and the sucking sound of paying people off will enlarge. Orlando and the county have blown a lot of free money over the years. They are pushing for a sales tax increase now. And at some point, you wonder if a wage tax will be instituted.
Disney opposed DeSantis' bill because their own employees who are gay themselves or have children & family members who are asked them to stand up for them. Which Disney did.

Disney, for standing up to DeSantis is being punished. The guy is a fucking thin skinned demagogue who can't stand the fact that some people don't share his views.

The door is now open for that fuck to punish anyone who disagrees with his policies.
Whats new? Your side already will destroy anyone who disagrees. You HAVE NO RiGHT yo push your views on kids whoes parents SAY NO.

You want to treach Lunacy. Do it in your own homes.

By tax breaks. Suing the state just cost them 10 million a year.
I think that it should be the customers who determine how to express their displeasure, not thin skinned politicians using the power of the state to enact vengeance.
This seems like a really stupid political stunt imo.

I think the Florida State Legislature should represent the residents of Florida ... And Disney should run Disney.
The fact Disney wanted to play politics was a stupid stunt ... And resulted in far more than an opinion ... :thup:

What most of you morons don't realize is that this is BAD for Orlando and the areas surrounding Disney.
Up until now - Disney handled ALL their internal problems and costs. They even paid outside municipalities to handle some of them for them.
And look at Disney World?
Do you hear of major crimes, running rampant in Disney?
Because this is - yet again - proof that EVERYTHING governments do, they do badly.
The private sector runs almost everything FAR better than the public sector does.
And FAR more efficiently.

When will you morons realize this?

And even you right wing dufuses who love DeSantis?
You are actually calling for bigger government and more socialism as the present agreement with Disney is free enterprise at it's finest.
But you morons - who claim you hate big government - are actually championing EXACTLY THAT.

Fuck - too many of you are far too stupid to be allowed to vote.
Many people on the right realize what you typed. Progs have no issue taxing corporations. But seem to be aghast at this issue. The woke stuff has to abate. Just sell the product.
I think you are mistaken

the county can and will make Disney pay
They cannot.
You cannot force one business to pay certain fees...and let all other businesses in your area off the hook.
That is actionable.

And even if they could - Disney will just threaten to bolt if the locals tried it?
The local population will panic as that would be a DISASTER for their community.
And they will force the government to NOT charge Disney as you want.

There is NO WAY that Disney will be levied with these costs.
Looks like Disney's taxes are going to go WAY up! LOL
LOL. Sure. Like that'll be an imposition. :)

You know what will be an imposition? The approximately 1 billion or so those counties in Florida will have to shoulder to make up the revenue shortfall.
Wonder who's gonna get the bill for that? Oh yeah..the taxpayers of those counties.

I'm puzzled I tell ya. As much as dems have railed rich people and corporations for not paying their fair share, you'd think they would be ecstatic that Disney is now going to have to pay more, instead, they are now speaking out against it, regardless of how it happened. I mean, if a state decided to do this to "mega gop corp" in a similar fashion, for a right wing reason, they'd all be like "yeah! They get what they deserve and now they'll finally have to pay up!"
I think that it should be the customers who determine how to express their displeasure, not thin skinned politicians using the power of the state to enact vengeance.

The real irony is this won’t have much effect on Disney (more symbolic than material). Florida is the entity that will end up hurting.

Removing the special privileges could leave the counties responsible for more than $1 billion in debt servicing for the site, in addition to the costs of covering services Disney currently manages, like fire fighting. “Orange County is going to be stuck with $164 million or more per year in expenses with no revenue,” Orange County tax collector Scott Randolph told the Washington Post of those additional costs. “So they’re going to have to raise property taxes. This is a huge tax increase on the citizens of Orange County that they’ll have to pay every single year.” (Disney could apply to reestablish the district if it is dissolved, according to the Times.)

I’m no big fan of Disney, but I am even less a fan of politicians using their power to censor criticism.

This seems like a really stupid political stunt imo.
They will raise taxes on Disney.
Of course not. It's always "different when we do it".

We're taking about punishing people or businesses who speak out against a law, not the merits of the law itself. Are you in favor of that kf governance.

The culture warriors are destroying out nation.
Sometimes you fight fire with fire. They do not play by any rules but we are supposed to fight with a nerf ball against a baseball bat.
Will taxpayers be on the hook?

"But according to the Orange County Tax Collector, Orange County would be on the hook for "all debt and obligations with no extra funds," meaning "Orange County would take on $163 million [in debt obligations] per year."

Article written by economic illiterates
LOL. Sure. Like that'll be an imposition. :)

You know what will be an imposition? The approximately 1 billion or so those counties in Florida will have to shoulder to make up the revenue shortfall.
Wonder who's gonna get the bill for that? Oh yeah..the taxpayers of those counties.

One billion dollars is a lot of money but is not a lot of money. The payments spread out with Disney taxed or prices increased for visiting the parks will make up for it.
The part that's left out is that Disney is going to be on the hook for a shit-ton of taxes, like every other business pays.
Sure - there's real fuckery going on. But the primary point is to get all the idiot Trumpsters engaged in a circle jerk.

It's most definitely a stunt. But if it stands, liberal governors will start doing the same thing to punish conservative companies. Won't that be fun?

I think the Florida State Legislature should represent the residents of Florida ... And Disney should run Disney.
The fact Disney wanted to play politics was a stupid stunt ... And resulted in far more than an opinion ... :thup:

What you are saying is that they do not have the right of free speech.
I thought I saw something relating to that today.
This thing is perilously close to being a bill of attainder. Bills targeting a single individual or company for punishment for things that are not illegal are unconstitutional.

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