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Florida Senators Totally Triggered The Gays By Telling Them The Truth

I find it hard to respect someone who suggests-for no rational reason that I might somehow bother his children. And I have little respect for someone who thinks that gay people are a threat to kids. (unless they are married? That does not excuse your bigotry)
"Gay" people are not a threat to my kids. And I never said they were. (I said the opposite, didn't I? I said I would trust them with my childrens' lives).

But the "posturing for political purposes" is something entirely different.

Our children grew up in San Francisco, which as you know is liberal heaven. They are mixed race, so before the age of 6 they had the whole spectrum of racism and sexuality.

My take as a parent is, I leave it up to them to drive the discussion. If they want to know something, they'll ask, they're not shy. And we trust each other, and I'm going to do my very best and utmost to tell them the truth, such as I understand it.

But I mean... the idea of prancing a flamboyant trans-whatever around the classroom and pretending it's normal is going to confuse my child very much. She's not ready for that kind of stuff.

And the idea that "you" would get to decide when she's ready, instead of me and my wife, is a non-starter. We won't allow that. "No matter what".
But I mean... the idea of prancing a flamboyant trans-whatever around the classroom and pretending it's normal is going to confuse my child very much. She's not ready for that kind of stuff.
If you are referring to the Drag Queen Story Hour program, you should read up on it. They are not trans and there is an important educational message

“What an amazing way to teach individuality, empathy, and acceptance! Drag Queen Story Hour gave my first graders a fun and interactive platform to talk and think about social and emotional issues like acceptance, being yourself, and loving who you are. Through books, songs, arts and crafts, and movement activities, they explored these issues and had an amazing time doing it! During our debrief after DQSH, they were preaching the incredible lessons they had learned, like “It’s ok to be different,” and “There’s no such thing as ‘boy’ things or ‘girl’ things.” I was proud to be able to have DQSH at my school and will definitely be planning another story hour for next year!”

Alexis Hernandez, first grade teacher at PS 118, the Maurice Sendak Community School (Brooklyn)
Get the fuck over it! You are a dinosaur! Most people think that you are a pathetic idiot!

In spite of the efforts of depraved freaks such as yourself, most people still do not, and never will, think that it is acceptable for adults to sexually groom or exploit children.

Your kind have pushed the pendulum, as far as it is going to go. You're old enough that you have a fair chance of being spared the consequences, when it swings back the right way.

Society will not very, much longer tolerate depraved sexual perverts going after children, and the time is coming when the pushback against your kind will be very, very harsh.
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And the idea that "you" would get to decide when she's ready, instead of me and my wife, is a non-starter. We won't allow that. "No matter what".
I do not want to decide when a child is ready to explore issues of gender or sexuality. My position is that the child should decide when he or she is ready. And what that time arrives, the adults-parents and educators should and must take it seriously and be there for that child. They must be supportive and help that child navigate the complex emotions and thoughts that they are experiencing so as they can get to a point where they can understand who they are. I have also taken the position that-when parents are unwilling or unable to do that-such as when parents are unsupportive and judgmental-educators and others must step in.
Are you done now?

I have a very simple message, for you and all the people you cite.


Her education is her parents' responsibility, NOT YOURS.

I don't care if you're transsexual or a GOP congressman or a little pink lesbian from Mars, STAY AWAY FROM MY CHILD.

She's not a plaything for your idiotic politics, nor is it up to you to decide what's appropriate for her.
Not politics.
Are you exposing a child to this hate? THAT is what should be investigated as child abuse.

All this is being done is that children are being shown that LGBTQ+ people are just people.
Like you but without the misogynistic hatred.

Do you seriously think, let's make that believe, think is too strong for your dithering, that kids are not ALREADY exposed?
Read a book, watch TV, see a movie, EDUCATE YOURSELF.

You have every right to have your kid grow up an ignorant hate filled misogynist like yourself and they'll have every right to hate you for it.
In spite of the efforts of depraved freaks such as yourself, most people still do not, and never will, think that it is acceptable for adults to sexually groom or exploit children.

Your kind have pushed the pendulum, as far as it is going to go. You're old enough that you have a fair chance of being spared the consequences, when it swings back the right way.

Society will not very, much longer tolerate depraved sexual perverts going after children, and the time is coming when the pushback against your kind will be very, very harsh.
Holy shit Boby Boy! What are you bloviating about now? No one is "sexually grooming children" You are like a zombie troll bot that has been programed to mindlessly belch out key words like "grooming" and "pushing it on us/them" at the slightest mention of homosexuality or transgender.

You are sick. You are the depraved one. You are obsessed with children and sex. The society that you refer to is a figment of your diseased mind. In reality, society -much to your regret has become tolerant and accepting of LGBT people and understands that they pose not threat to children
Conservatives aren't even bothering to hide their bigotry and hate.

I agree.

I seen Conservatives calling gay people slur for gay people that also means a cigarette in UK slang.

I think they are probably the same people that many years ago used to tell N word jokes about Black people, but can't use the N word anymore, so they say "faggot or fag" instead.

I remember some kid in one class when i was in school a long time ago that was calling a Black kid the N word, but after that, looks like the kid was told to never use the term, and the kid started using gay jokes cause the kid was told he couldn't call Black people that slur anymore.

I hope in the future the slur "faggot and fag" will be treated the same as calling a Black person the N word.
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What exactly does that mean -what does it look like?
Well... if I go any farther with that I'll probably get hoof in mouth disease, and I'm not here to diss anyone, that's not my purpose.

I can briefly share my experience, if you wish, like I sat in on a classroom one time and such, but even that has to be taken with a big grain of salt, because it was California and "political activism" takes some strange forms here.

Um ... I really would like to retain focus and speak "as a parent" in this discussion, because for example, someone mentioned religion and there is definitely the exact same thing going on there, just perhaps with a different message. People want to push their morality on my children in the name of education. They tell my 3rd grader that it's a sin to have an abortion, so that night I have to explain the bigger picture so my child doesn't feel ... well... like she's not in control, and somehow not responsible.

She's just too young for stuff like that. She barely knows what a boy is. She "seems" hetero so far, but as a parent I have to realize it's too early to tell, and however she turns out I'll love her and support her. I just want her childhood to be a childhood, and let her develop at her own pace. It's hard enough, trying to keep up with all of society's demands these days. We don't teach her bigotry, we teach her love and kindness and patience. Sometimes, the idea that something or someone can be loved, has to be nurtured and tended, like watering a plant. You just keep doing it and one day it grows and you get a flower. So, "I have to be patient too". I can't clobber her over the head with "my" morality either, she has to acquire her own.

And, I was mid-20's before I got my own value system. Till then I was living on other peoples' values. Which was a bit confusing.
Thankfully the image of Peter Puffer Buttplug's husband leading children in pledging allegiance to gayness will be used to destroy the Butt's political career. If imitating Marie Antoinette isn't enough.
Only in your hate filled misogynistic fantasies.
And you really do have a fixation on this.
I'm guessing you're a self hating closet queer.
Pattern fits.
You should get an adult to help you with your reading comprehension. No one is pushing anything on them. And what is it that you think that you know about me that causes you to call me a pervert? You had better watch that defamatory shit least you come to regret it
Fuck you asshole. After what you call other people you can keep your lying trap shut. My wife and I will decide what our kids learn and when. Not you, not anybody else. Period. And you’ll do nothing about it. :fu:

Not politics.
Are you exposing a child to this hate? THAT is what should be investigated as child abuse.

All this is being done is that children are being shown that LGBTQ+ people are just people.
Like you but without the misogynistic hatred.

Do you seriously think, let's make that believe, think is too strong for your dithering, that kids are not ALREADY exposed?
Read a book, watch TV, see a movie, EDUCATE YOURSELF.

You have every right to have your kid grow up an ignorant hate filled misogynist like yourself and they'll have every right to hate you for it.

This is just insane leftist rhetoric.

This kind of approach, is what gets you in trouble with the righties. They aren't going to listen to a word you say, if you approach them this way.

And the truth is, you need their help and support (beginning with simple understanding), if you really want to address and resolve this issue. Right? Because as long as 50% of the country is clueless as you say, the problem will persist, yes?

Me personally, I'm fully educated. I used to work in a gay bar, and I will admit that I was shocked the first time a guy tried to hit on me, but after a while it became more like, "gee, you like me? I'm honored. I'm busy, but I'm honored".

All I wish to say on this topic, is about the children. Me personally, I'm easy. Whatever floats your boat. If I don't want to do it I'll just say no. But the kids, they're shy and impressionable, sometimes they can't "just say no". (If you're a parent you know this).

No, the political activism is much more than what you say. If it were just saying howdy we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
Demons tell them to be gay and transgender.

Being LGBT is not a choice.

the same bible also says people can't eat fat Lev 3:17, can't eat pork Lev 11:7-8, can't eat shrimp or anything lacking fins or scales Deuteronomy 14:9-10, planting two different crops side by side Lev 19:19, wearing clothes made of mixed fabrics lev 19:19, cutting the hair on the sides of your head or clipping the edges of your beard Lev 19:27, tattoos Lev 19:28, can't work on the sabbath Exodus 35:2

There is also slavery in the bible.{an evil that no one approves of today}

Also says people can beat slaves

Exodus 21:20–21 says, “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.

Also says that you can make people slaves for life,which is pretty much the same thing as Black slavery.

Leviticus 25:46

You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life
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Matthew Shepard was killed in 98.

Lawrence King was killed in 08.

But this is 2022.
As much as I dislike lgbtqia+lmnop+, I never agree with murdering them.
King might have just deserved it though.
Only in your hate filled misogynistic fantasies.
And you really do have a fixation on this.
I'm guessing you're a self hating closet queer.
Pattern fits.
Well, I have been known to have sex with men. In my lifetime, more than one. You have this need to lump everyone you don't like as gay. Or maybe everyone you don't like as male.
I agree.

I seen Conservatives calling gay people slur for gay people that also means a cigarette in UK slang.

I think they are probably the same people that many years ago used to tell N word jokes about Black people, but can't use the N word anymore, so they say "faggot or fag" instead.

I remember some kid in one class when i was in school a long time ago that was calling a Black kid the N word, but after that, looks like the kid was told to never use the term, and the kid started using gay jokes cause the kid was told he couldn't call Black people that slur anymore.

I hope in the future the slur "faggot and fag" will be treated the same as calling a Black person the N word.
Absolutely. Haters have to hate; Like the cowards that they are, they will choose the most convenient target. The most vulnerable group who has the least support. That is actually the transexuals now. It is not so easy to get away with disparaging blacks or even gays anymore so they focus their pathological vitriol on the trans people

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