Florida Teacher On MSNBC Worries He Can’t Talk About His Love Life With Kindergarteners Anymore

Mentioned? Maybe but no discussions about it. No pictures. Twice in 12 years I knew something about my teachers home life and it was very limited. In the fourth grade when we came back from spring break Miss Hall wrote on the board her new name was Mrs Tillman, one student said you got married? She said yes and that was the end of it we then started on our lessons. In junior high I knew one teacher had a kid because that kid was in our school.

Teachers were professionals then. Not woke activists with large amounts of narcissism and a gaping hole in their life needing filled with a bunch of kids approval.
Exactly. I knew a couple of my teachers had kids…only because I went to school with them. That’s it.
Mentioned? Maybe but no discussions about it. No pictures. Twice in 12 years I knew something about my teachers home life and it was very limited. In the fourth grade when we came back from spring break Miss Hall wrote on the board her new name was Mrs Tillman, one student said you got married? She said yes and that was the end of it we then started on our lessons. In junior high I knew one teacher had a kid because that kid was in our school.

Teachers were professionals then. Not woke activists with large amounts of narcissism and a gaping hole in their life needing filled with a bunch of kids approval.
Come to think of it, those were the only things from outside the classroom I knew about any of my teachers.....One was pregnant, and two got married during the school year and changed their names.

While I'll retract the "not a single thing" aspect of my previous statement, that's the extent anyone knew about the private lives of any of the teachers I ever had, from elementary thru high school.
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You characters are incredibly limited. The gay lifestyle is just as relevant as a hetero lifestyle. When teachers rock up called Mrs Smith they are making statements about their sexuality and nobody has a problem with that.
Your hate consumes and defines you. Get some help you sick fucks.

Fuck you, there's no reason for kids to know about the personal lives of their teachers.

Well, there is a reason. But, not a legitimate one.
Kids are curious, the teacher is right about that. But at K-3 isn't it enough for kids to know that some people who are not married live together and sometimes there are children. Adults do live with people to whom they aren't married, and children are successfully raised.

Kids don't need to know about partners. Or sex.

The problem with the law is simply that it gives some parent who doesn't like a gay person being a teacher an avenue to sue and harass. State Depts of Education can set standards.
You characters are incredibly limited. The gay lifestyle is just as relevant as a hetero lifestyle. When teachers rock up called Mrs Smith they are making statements about their sexuality and nobody has a problem with that.
Your hate consumes and defines you. Get some help you sick fucks.

You are incredibly stupid.

Now shut up.
Here is a video for the lefties that insist children are not being groomed in public schools. Which they clearly are..both sexually and in CRT.

If a male teacher spoke of his Husband then it would indicate the type of relationship they're in. Same as if a female teacher spoke of her wife
That’s why good real core Americans believe that faggots and rug munchers should be forbidden from becoming teachers. Nobody decent and sane wants their blank canvas children being taught that faggotry is cool.
Well, we all know (unless we're lying) that there will be parents just opposed to gay people being teachers, esp if the teacher is raising a kid with a partner or same sex spouse.

My recollections were that kids in the early elementary grades were more interested their teachers' pets or where their kids went to school or what their adult children did for jobs than their teacher's orientation. In middle school at least one of my kids had gay parents, and in one case a gay teacher was a roommate of their family after his apartment was flooded. I'm sure some kids were mean to the child, but ... kids are mean.
You characters are incredibly limited. The gay lifestyle is just as relevant as a hetero lifestyle. When teachers rock up called Mrs Smith they are making statements about their sexuality and nobody has a problem with that.
Your hate consumes and defines you. Get some help you sick fucks.

Where in the grooming of Kindergarten teachers to become Kindergarten teaches is there a subject about "how to assist your student when it comes to gender identity"?

No where. That is fact.

So what makes them feel they are qualified to do so more than the parent?

The parent has 2.5 children on average. The kindergarten teacher has 30 children.

But the kindergarten teacher is better qualified?


Back in the day, any kindergarten teacher that wanted to talk about sexuality with a student would lose his/her job and likely be prosecuted.

Justt saying'
Poor guy! Now he can't tell 5 year olds how he sucks cock each night. Perhaps Tommy could give him his number?
You characters are incredibly limited. The gay lifestyle is just as relevant as a hetero lifestyle. When teachers rock up called Mrs Smith they are making statements about their sexuality and nobody has a problem with that.
Your hate consumes and defines you. Get some help you sick fucks.
We did get help. Now you sick fucks can't teach children about sucking dick.

Where in the grooming of Kindergarten teachers to become Kindergarten teaches is there a subject about "how to assist your student when it comes to gender identity"?

No where. That is fact.

So what makes them feel they are qualified to do so more than the parent?

The parent has 2.5 children on average. The kindergarten teacher has 30 children.

But the kindergarten teacher is better qualified?


Back in the day, any kindergarten teacher that wanted to talk about sexuality with a student would lose his/her job and likely be prosecuted.

Justt saying'
Are k-3 teachers changing kids' pronouns? LINK?
Nobody but you hate filled bigots think that. And there just are not that many of you left and soon you will die off
Ha ha ha ha ha ha… Hold on a minute, so you lefties honestly believe that real Americans prefer that faggots and rug munchers mentor and teach their children rather than traditionalists?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha… Hold on a minute, so you lefties honestly believe that real Americans prefer that faggots and rug munchers mentor and teach their children rather than traditionalists?

You have no earthly clue what a real American is. I bet even most of your rightwing nuts on here would not support banning gay people from being teachers. That is all you my little hate filled buddy

Where in the grooming of Kindergarten teachers to become Kindergarten teaches is there a subject about "how to assist your student when it comes to gender identity"?

No where. That is fact.

So what makes them feel they are qualified to do so more than the parent?

The parent has 2.5 children on average. The kindergarten teacher has 30 children.

But the kindergarten teacher is better qualified?


Back in the day, any kindergarten teacher that wanted to talk about sexuality with a student would lose his/her job and likely be prosecuted.

Justt saying'
They have created a gender identity teaching tool called “ the gender unicorn” that guides children to choose their gender and pronouns.

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